/* * Copyright (c) 1996, 2003 VIA Networking Technologies, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * File: card.h * * Purpose: Provide functions to setup NIC operation mode * * Author: Tevin Chen * * Date: May 21, 1996 * */ #ifndef __CARD_H__ #define __CARD_H__ #include "ttype.h" #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/nl80211.h> // // Loopback mode // // LOBYTE is MAC LB mode, HIBYTE is MII LB mode #define CARD_LB_NONE MAKEWORD(MAC_LB_NONE, 0) #define CARD_LB_MAC MAKEWORD(MAC_LB_INTERNAL, 0) // PHY must ISO, avoid MAC loopback packet go out #define CARD_LB_PHY MAKEWORD(MAC_LB_EXT, 0) #define DEFAULT_MSDU_LIFETIME 512 // ms #define DEFAULT_MSDU_LIFETIME_RES_64us 8000 // 64us #define DEFAULT_MGN_LIFETIME 8 // ms #define DEFAULT_MGN_LIFETIME_RES_64us 125 // 64us #define CB_MAX_CHANNEL_24G 14 #define CB_MAX_CHANNEL_5G 42 #define CB_MAX_CHANNEL (CB_MAX_CHANNEL_24G+CB_MAX_CHANNEL_5G) typedef enum _CARD_PHY_TYPE { PHY_TYPE_AUTO, PHY_TYPE_11B, PHY_TYPE_11G, PHY_TYPE_11A } CARD_PHY_TYPE, *PCARD_PHY_TYPE; typedef enum _CARD_PKT_TYPE { PKT_TYPE_802_11_BCN, PKT_TYPE_802_11_MNG, PKT_TYPE_802_11_DATA, PKT_TYPE_802_11_ALL } CARD_PKT_TYPE, *PCARD_PKT_TYPE; typedef enum _CARD_STATUS_TYPE { CARD_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT, CARD_STATUS_MEDIA_DISCONNECT, CARD_STATUS_PMKID } CARD_STATUS_TYPE, *PCARD_STATUS_TYPE; struct vnt_private; void CARDvSetRSPINF(struct vnt_private *, CARD_PHY_TYPE ePHYType); void vUpdateIFS(struct vnt_private *); void CARDvUpdateBasicTopRate(struct vnt_private *); bool CARDbAddBasicRate(struct vnt_private *, unsigned short wRateIdx); bool CARDbIsOFDMinBasicRate(struct vnt_private *); void CARDvSetLoopbackMode(void __iomem *dwIoBase, unsigned short wLoopbackMode); bool CARDbSoftwareReset(struct vnt_private *); void CARDvSetFirstNextTBTT(void __iomem *dwIoBase, unsigned short wBeaconInterval); void CARDvUpdateNextTBTT(void __iomem *dwIoBase, u64 qwTSF, unsigned short wBeaconInterval); bool CARDbGetCurrentTSF(void __iomem *dwIoBase, u64 *pqwCurrTSF); u64 CARDqGetNextTBTT(u64 qwTSF, unsigned short wBeaconInterval); u64 CARDqGetTSFOffset(unsigned char byRxRate, u64 qwTSF1, u64 qwTSF2); bool CARDbSetTxPower(struct vnt_private *, unsigned long ulTxPower); unsigned char CARDbyGetPktType(struct vnt_private *); void CARDvSafeResetTx(struct vnt_private *); void CARDvSafeResetRx(struct vnt_private *); bool CARDbRadioPowerOff(struct vnt_private *); bool CARDbRadioPowerOn(struct vnt_private *); bool CARDbIsShortPreamble(struct vnt_private *); bool CARDbIsShorSlotTime(struct vnt_private *); bool CARDbSetPhyParameter(struct vnt_private *, CARD_PHY_TYPE ePHYType, unsigned short wCapInfo, unsigned char byERPField, void *pvSupportRateIEs, void *pvExtSupportRateIEs); bool CARDbUpdateTSF(struct vnt_private *, unsigned char byRxRate, u64 qwBSSTimestamp, u64 qwLocalTSF); bool CARDbStopTxPacket(struct vnt_private *, CARD_PKT_TYPE ePktType); bool CARDbStartTxPacket(struct vnt_private *, CARD_PKT_TYPE ePktType); bool CARDbSetBeaconPeriod(struct vnt_private *, unsigned short wBeaconInterval); bool CARDbSetBSSID(struct vnt_private *, unsigned char *pbyBSSID, enum nl80211_iftype); bool CARDbPowerDown(struct vnt_private *); bool CARDbSetTxDataRate(struct vnt_private *, unsigned short wDataRate); bool CARDbRemoveKey(struct vnt_private *, unsigned char *pbyBSSID); bool CARDbAdd_PMKID_Candidate( struct vnt_private *, unsigned char *pbyBSSID, bool bRSNCapExist, unsigned short wRSNCap ); void * CARDpGetCurrentAddress( struct vnt_private * ); bool CARDbStartMeasure( struct vnt_private *, void *pvMeasureEIDs, unsigned int uNumOfMeasureEIDs ); bool CARDbChannelSwitch( struct vnt_private *, unsigned char byMode, unsigned char byNewChannel, unsigned char byCount ); bool CARDbSetQuiet( struct vnt_private *, bool bResetQuiet, unsigned char byQuietCount, unsigned char byQuietPeriod, unsigned short wQuietDuration, unsigned short wQuietOffset ); bool CARDbStartQuiet( struct vnt_private * ); void CARDvSetPowerConstraint( struct vnt_private *, unsigned char byChannel, char byPower ); void CARDvGetPowerCapability( struct vnt_private *, unsigned char *pbyMinPower, unsigned char *pbyMaxPower ); char CARDbyGetTransmitPower( struct vnt_private * ); #endif // __CARD_H__