/* * Copyright 2007 Robert Schwebel <r.schwebel@pengutronix.de>, Pengutronix * Copyright (C) 2008 Juergen Beisert (kernel@pengutronix.de) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <linux/i2c.h> #include <linux/platform_data/at24.h> #include <linux/io.h> #include <linux/mtd/plat-ram.h> #include <linux/mtd/physmap.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/regulator/machine.h> #include <linux/mfd/mc13783.h> #include <linux/spi/spi.h> #include <linux/irq.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <asm/mach-types.h> #include <asm/mach/arch.h> #include <asm/mach/time.h> #include "board-pcm038.h" #include "common.h" #include "devices-imx27.h" #include "hardware.h" #include "iomux-mx27.h" #include "ulpi.h" static const int pcm038_pins[] __initconst = { /* UART1 */ PE12_PF_UART1_TXD, PE13_PF_UART1_RXD, PE14_PF_UART1_CTS, PE15_PF_UART1_RTS, /* UART2 */ PE3_PF_UART2_CTS, PE4_PF_UART2_RTS, PE6_PF_UART2_TXD, PE7_PF_UART2_RXD, /* UART3 */ PE8_PF_UART3_TXD, PE9_PF_UART3_RXD, PE10_PF_UART3_CTS, PE11_PF_UART3_RTS, /* FEC */ PD0_AIN_FEC_TXD0, PD1_AIN_FEC_TXD1, PD2_AIN_FEC_TXD2, PD3_AIN_FEC_TXD3, PD4_AOUT_FEC_RX_ER, PD5_AOUT_FEC_RXD1, PD6_AOUT_FEC_RXD2, PD7_AOUT_FEC_RXD3, PD8_AF_FEC_MDIO, PD9_AIN_FEC_MDC, PD10_AOUT_FEC_CRS, PD11_AOUT_FEC_TX_CLK, PD12_AOUT_FEC_RXD0, PD13_AOUT_FEC_RX_DV, PD14_AOUT_FEC_RX_CLK, PD15_AOUT_FEC_COL, PD16_AIN_FEC_TX_ER, PF23_AIN_FEC_TX_EN, /* I2C2 */ PC5_PF_I2C2_SDA, PC6_PF_I2C2_SCL, /* SPI1 */ PD25_PF_CSPI1_RDY, PD29_PF_CSPI1_SCLK, PD30_PF_CSPI1_MISO, PD31_PF_CSPI1_MOSI, /* SSI1 */ PC20_PF_SSI1_FS, PC21_PF_SSI1_RXD, PC22_PF_SSI1_TXD, PC23_PF_SSI1_CLK, /* SSI4 */ PC16_PF_SSI4_FS, PC17_PF_SSI4_RXD, PC18_PF_SSI4_TXD, PC19_PF_SSI4_CLK, /* USB host */ PA0_PF_USBH2_CLK, PA1_PF_USBH2_DIR, PA2_PF_USBH2_DATA7, PA3_PF_USBH2_NXT, PA4_PF_USBH2_STP, PD19_AF_USBH2_DATA4, PD20_AF_USBH2_DATA3, PD21_AF_USBH2_DATA6, PD22_AF_USBH2_DATA0, PD23_AF_USBH2_DATA2, PD24_AF_USBH2_DATA1, PD26_AF_USBH2_DATA5, }; /* * Phytec's PCM038 comes with 2MiB battery buffered SRAM, * 16 bit width */ static struct platdata_mtd_ram pcm038_sram_data = { .bankwidth = 2, }; static struct resource pcm038_sram_resource = { .start = MX27_CS1_BASE_ADDR, .end = MX27_CS1_BASE_ADDR + 512 * 1024 - 1, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }; static struct platform_device pcm038_sram_mtd_device = { .name = "mtd-ram", .id = 0, .dev = { .platform_data = &pcm038_sram_data, }, .num_resources = 1, .resource = &pcm038_sram_resource, }; /* * Phytec's phyCORE-i.MX27 comes with 32MiB flash, * 16 bit width */ static struct physmap_flash_data pcm038_flash_data = { .width = 2, }; static struct resource pcm038_flash_resource = { .start = 0xc0000000, .end = 0xc1ffffff, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }; static struct platform_device pcm038_nor_mtd_device = { .name = "physmap-flash", .id = 0, .dev = { .platform_data = &pcm038_flash_data, }, .num_resources = 1, .resource = &pcm038_flash_resource, }; static const struct imxuart_platform_data uart_pdata __initconst = { .flags = IMXUART_HAVE_RTSCTS, }; static const struct mxc_nand_platform_data pcm038_nand_board_info __initconst = { .width = 1, .hw_ecc = 1, }; static struct platform_device *platform_devices[] __initdata = { &pcm038_nor_mtd_device, &pcm038_sram_mtd_device, }; /* On pcm038 there's a sram attached to CS1, we enable the chipselect here and * setup other stuffs to access the sram. */ static void __init pcm038_init_sram(void) { __raw_writel(0x0000d843, MX27_IO_ADDRESS(MX27_WEIM_CSCRxU(1))); __raw_writel(0x22252521, MX27_IO_ADDRESS(MX27_WEIM_CSCRxL(1))); __raw_writel(0x22220a00, MX27_IO_ADDRESS(MX27_WEIM_CSCRxA(1))); } static const struct imxi2c_platform_data pcm038_i2c1_data __initconst = { .bitrate = 100000, }; static struct at24_platform_data board_eeprom = { .byte_len = 4096, .page_size = 32, .flags = AT24_FLAG_ADDR16, }; static struct i2c_board_info pcm038_i2c_devices[] = { { I2C_BOARD_INFO("at24", 0x52), /* E0=0, E1=1, E2=0 */ .platform_data = &board_eeprom, }, { I2C_BOARD_INFO("pcf8563", 0x51), }, { I2C_BOARD_INFO("lm75", 0x4a), } }; static int pcm038_spi_cs[] = {GPIO_PORTD + 28}; static const struct spi_imx_master pcm038_spi0_data __initconst = { .chipselect = pcm038_spi_cs, .num_chipselect = ARRAY_SIZE(pcm038_spi_cs), }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply sdhc1_consumers[] = { { .dev_name = "imx21-mmc.1", .supply = "sdhc_vcc", }, }; static struct regulator_init_data sdhc1_data = { .constraints = { .min_uV = 3000000, .max_uV = 3400000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE | REGULATOR_CHANGE_MODE | REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .valid_modes_mask = REGULATOR_MODE_NORMAL | REGULATOR_MODE_FAST, .always_on = 0, .boot_on = 0, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(sdhc1_consumers), .consumer_supplies = sdhc1_consumers, }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply cam_consumers[] = { { .dev_name = NULL, .supply = "imx_cam_vcc", }, }; static struct regulator_init_data cam_data = { .constraints = { .min_uV = 3000000, .max_uV = 3400000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE | REGULATOR_CHANGE_MODE | REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .valid_modes_mask = REGULATOR_MODE_NORMAL | REGULATOR_MODE_FAST, .always_on = 0, .boot_on = 0, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(cam_consumers), .consumer_supplies = cam_consumers, }; static struct mc13xxx_regulator_init_data pcm038_regulators[] = { { .id = MC13783_REG_VCAM, .init_data = &cam_data, }, { .id = MC13783_REG_VMMC1, .init_data = &sdhc1_data, }, }; static struct mc13xxx_platform_data pcm038_pmic = { .regulators = { .regulators = pcm038_regulators, .num_regulators = ARRAY_SIZE(pcm038_regulators), }, .flags = MC13XXX_USE_ADC | MC13XXX_USE_TOUCHSCREEN, }; static struct spi_board_info pcm038_spi_board_info[] __initdata = { { .modalias = "mc13783", /* irq number is run-time assigned */ .max_speed_hz = 300000, .bus_num = 0, .chip_select = 0, .platform_data = &pcm038_pmic, .mode = SPI_CS_HIGH, } }; static int pcm038_usbh2_init(struct platform_device *pdev) { return mx27_initialize_usb_hw(pdev->id, MXC_EHCI_POWER_PINS_ENABLED | MXC_EHCI_INTERFACE_DIFF_UNI); } static const struct mxc_usbh_platform_data usbh2_pdata __initconst = { .init = pcm038_usbh2_init, .portsc = MXC_EHCI_MODE_ULPI, }; static void __init pcm038_init(void) { imx27_soc_init(); mxc_gpio_setup_multiple_pins(pcm038_pins, ARRAY_SIZE(pcm038_pins), "PCM038"); pcm038_init_sram(); imx27_add_imx_uart0(&uart_pdata); imx27_add_imx_uart1(&uart_pdata); imx27_add_imx_uart2(&uart_pdata); mxc_gpio_mode(PE16_AF_OWIRE); imx27_add_mxc_nand(&pcm038_nand_board_info); /* only the i2c master 1 is used on this CPU card */ i2c_register_board_info(1, pcm038_i2c_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(pcm038_i2c_devices)); imx27_add_imx_i2c(1, &pcm038_i2c1_data); /* PE18 for user-LED D40 */ mxc_gpio_mode(GPIO_PORTE | 18 | GPIO_GPIO | GPIO_OUT); mxc_gpio_mode(GPIO_PORTD | 28 | GPIO_GPIO | GPIO_OUT); /* MC13783 IRQ */ mxc_gpio_mode(GPIO_PORTB | 23 | GPIO_GPIO | GPIO_IN); imx27_add_spi_imx0(&pcm038_spi0_data); pcm038_spi_board_info[0].irq = gpio_to_irq(IMX_GPIO_NR(2, 23)); spi_register_board_info(pcm038_spi_board_info, ARRAY_SIZE(pcm038_spi_board_info)); imx27_add_mxc_ehci_hs(2, &usbh2_pdata); imx27_add_fec(NULL); platform_add_devices(platform_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(platform_devices)); imx27_add_imx2_wdt(); imx27_add_mxc_w1(); #ifdef CONFIG_MACH_PCM970_BASEBOARD pcm970_baseboard_init(); #endif } static void __init pcm038_timer_init(void) { mx27_clocks_init(26000000); } MACHINE_START(PCM038, "phyCORE-i.MX27") .atag_offset = 0x100, .map_io = mx27_map_io, .init_early = imx27_init_early, .init_irq = mx27_init_irq, .handle_irq = imx27_handle_irq, .init_time = pcm038_timer_init, .init_machine = pcm038_init, .restart = mxc_restart, MACHINE_END