* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef ENUM_TYPE_H_
#define ENUM_TYPE_H_
#include "ConstantExpression.h"
#include "Reference.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include <vector>
namespace android {
struct EnumValue;
struct BitFieldType;
struct EnumType : public Scope {
EnumType(const char* localName, const FQName& fullName, const Location& location,
const Reference<Type>& storageType, Scope* parent);
const Type *storageType() const;
const std::vector<EnumValue *> &values() const;
void addValue(EnumValue *value);
void forEachValueFromRoot(const std::function<void(EnumValue*)> f) const;
LocalIdentifier *lookupIdentifier(const std::string &name) const override;
bool isElidableType() const override;
const ScalarType *resolveToScalarType() const override;
std::string typeName() const override;
bool isEnum() const override;
bool deepCanCheckEquality(std::unordered_set<const Type*>* visited) const override;
std::string getCppType(StorageMode mode,
bool specifyNamespaces) const override;
std::string getJavaType(bool forInitializer) const override;
std::string getJavaSuffix() const override;
std::string getJavaWrapperType() const override;
std::string getVtsType() const override;
std::string getBitfieldCppType(StorageMode mode, bool specifyNamespaces = true) const;
std::string getBitfieldJavaType(bool forInitializer = false) const;
std::string getBitfieldJavaWrapperType() const;
// Return the type that corresponds to bitfield<T>.
const BitFieldType* getBitfieldType() const;
std::vector<const Reference<Type>*> getReferences() const override;
std::vector<const ConstantExpression*> getConstantExpressions() const override;
status_t resolveInheritance() override;
status_t validate() const override;
status_t validateUniqueNames() const;
void emitReaderWriter(
Formatter &out,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &parcelObj,
bool parcelObjIsPointer,
bool isReader,
ErrorMode mode) const override;
void emitJavaFieldReaderWriter(
Formatter &out,
size_t depth,
const std::string &parcelName,
const std::string &blobName,
const std::string &fieldName,
const std::string &offset,
bool isReader) const override;
void emitTypeDeclarations(Formatter& out) const override;
void emitTypeForwardDeclaration(Formatter& out) const override;
void emitGlobalTypeDeclarations(Formatter& out) const override;
void emitPackageTypeDeclarations(Formatter& out) const override;
void emitJavaTypeDeclarations(Formatter& out, bool atTopLevel) const override;
void emitVtsTypeDeclarations(Formatter& out) const override;
void emitVtsAttributeType(Formatter& out) const override;
void emitJavaDump(
Formatter &out,
const std::string &streamName,
const std::string &name) const override;
void getAlignmentAndSize(size_t *align, size_t *size) const override;
void appendToExportedTypesVector(
std::vector<const Type *> *exportedTypes) const override;
void emitExportedHeader(Formatter& out, bool forJava) const override;
std::vector<const EnumType*> typeChain() const;
std::vector<const EnumType*> superTypeChain() const;
const Annotation *findExportAnnotation() const;
void emitIteratorDeclaration(Formatter& out) const;
void emitIteratorDefinitions(Formatter& out) const;
void emitEnumBitwiseOperator(
Formatter &out,
bool lhsIsEnum,
bool rhsIsEnum,
const std::string &op) const;
void emitBitFieldBitwiseAssignmentOperator(
Formatter &out,
const std::string &op) const;
std::vector<EnumValue *> mValues;
Reference<Type> mStorageType;
struct EnumValue : public LocalIdentifier, DocCommentable {
EnumValue(const char* name, ConstantExpression* value, const Location& location);
std::string name() const;
std::string value(ScalarType::Kind castKind) const;
std::string cppValue(ScalarType::Kind castKind) const;
std::string javaValue(ScalarType::Kind castKind) const;
std::string comment() const;
void autofill(const EnumType* prevType, EnumValue* prevValue, const ScalarType* type);
ConstantExpression* constExpr() const override;
bool isAutoFill() const;
bool isEnumValue() const override;
const Location& location() const;
std::string mName;
ConstantExpression* mValue;
const Location mLocation;
bool mIsAutoFill;
struct BitFieldType : public TemplatedType {
BitFieldType(Scope* parent);
std::string templatedTypeName() const override;
const EnumType* getElementEnumType() const;
bool isBitField() const override;
bool isCompatibleElementType(const Type* elementType) const override;
bool isElidableType() const override;
bool deepCanCheckEquality(std::unordered_set<const Type*>* visited) const override;
const ScalarType *resolveToScalarType() const override;
std::string getCppType(StorageMode mode,
bool specifyNamespaces) const override;
std::string getJavaType(bool forInitializer) const override;
std::string getJavaSuffix() const override;
std::string getJavaWrapperType() const override;
std::string getVtsType() const override;
const EnumType* getEnumType() const;
void emitVtsAttributeType(Formatter& out) const override;
void getAlignmentAndSize(size_t *align, size_t *size) const override;
void emitReaderWriter(
Formatter &out,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &parcelObj,
bool parcelObjIsPointer,
bool isReader,
ErrorMode mode) const override;
void emitDump(
Formatter &out,
const std::string &streamName,
const std::string &name) const override;
void emitJavaDump(
Formatter &out,
const std::string &streamName,
const std::string &name) const override;
void emitJavaFieldReaderWriter(
Formatter &out,
size_t depth,
const std::string &parcelName,
const std::string &blobName,
const std::string &fieldName,
const std::string &offset,
bool isReader) const override;
} // namespace android
#endif // ENUM_TYPE_H_