#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Analyze block trace"""
import collections
import os
import re
import string
import sys
# ex) <...>-52 [001] ...1 1.362574: block_bio_queue: 8,16 R 0 + 8 [kworker/u8:1]
RE_BLOCK = r'.+-([0-9]+).*\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+):\s+block_bio_queue:\s+([0-9]+)\,([0-9]+)\s(\S+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+\+\s+([0-9]+)\s+\[([^\]]+)'
# ex) <...>-453 [001] d..4 3.181854: sched_blocked_reason: pid=471 iowait=1 caller=__wait_on_buffer+0x24/0x2c
RE_SCHED_BLOCKED_READSON = r'.+-([0-9]+)\s+\[([0-9]+)\]\s.*\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+):\s+sched_blocked_reason:\spid=([0-9]+)\siowait=([01])\scaller=(\S+)'
# ex) <idle>-0 [000] d..3 3.181864: sched_switch: prev_comm=swapper/0 prev_pid=0 prev_prio=120 prev_state=R ==> next_comm=ueventd next_pid=471 next_prio=120
RE_SCHED_SWITCH = r'.+-([0-9]+)\s+\[([0-9]+)\]\s.*\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+):\s+sched_switch:\sprev_comm=(.+)\sprev_pid=([0-9]+)\sprev_prio=([0-9]+)\sprev_state=(\S+).*next_comm=(.+)\snext_pid=([0-9]+)\snext_prio=([0-9]+)'
# dev_num = major * MULTIPLIER + minor
# dm access is remapped to disk access. So account differently
DM_MAJOR = 253
class RwEvent:
def __init__(self, block_num, start_time, size):
self.block_num = block_num
self.start_time = start_time
self.size = size
def get_string_pos(strings, string_to_find):
for i, s in enumerate(strings):
if s == string_to_find:
return i
return -1
class ProcessData:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.reads = {} # k : dev_num, v : [] of reads
self.per_device_total_reads = {}
self.writes = {}
self.per_device_total_writes = {}
self.total_reads = 0
self.total_writes = 0
self.total_dm_reads = 0
self.total_dm_writes = 0
def add_read_event(self, major, minor, event):
devNum = major * DEV_MAJOR_MULTIPLIER + minor;
events = self.reads.get(devNum)
if not events:
events = []
self.reads[devNum] = events
self.per_device_total_reads[devNum] = 0
self.total_reads += event.size
self.per_device_total_reads[devNum] += event.size
def add_write_event(self, major, minor, event):
devNum = major * DEV_MAJOR_MULTIPLIER + minor;
events = self.writes.get(devNum)
if not events:
events = []
self.writes[devNum] = events
self.per_device_total_writes[devNum] = 0
self.total_writes += event.size
self.per_device_total_writes[devNum] += event.size
def add_dm_read(self, size):
self.total_dm_reads += size
def add_dm_write(self, size):
self.total_dm_writes += size
def dump(self):
print "Process,", self.name
print " total reads,", self.total_reads
print " total writes,", self.total_writes
print " total dm reads,", self.total_dm_reads
print " total dm writes,", self.total_dm_writes
print " R per device"
sorted_r = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.per_device_total_reads.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[1], reverse = True))
for i in range(len(sorted_r)):
dev = sorted_r.popitem(last=False)
print " ", dev[0],dev[1]
print " W per device"
sorted_w = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.per_device_total_writes.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[1], reverse = True))
for i in range(len(sorted_w)):
dev = sorted_w.popitem(last=False)
print " ", dev[0],dev[1]
class IoTrace:
def __init__(self):
self.ios = {} #K: process name, v:ProcessData
self.total_reads = 0
self.total_writes = 0
self.total_reads_per_device = {} #K: block num, V: total blocks
self.total_writes_per_device = {}
self.total_dm_reads = {} #K: devnum, V: blocks
self.total_dm_writes = {}
self.re_block = re.compile(RE_BLOCK)
def parse(self, l):
match = self.re_block.match(l)
if not match:
return False
self.do_parse_bio_queue(l, match)
except ValueError:
print "cannot parse:", l
return True
def do_parse_bio_queue(self, l, match):
pid = match.group(1)
start_time = float(match.group(2))*1000 #ms
major = int(match.group(3))
minor = int(match.group(4))
devNum = major * DEV_MAJOR_MULTIPLIER + minor;
operation = match.group(5)
block_num = int(match.group(6))
size = int(match.group(7))
process = match.group(8) + "-" + pid
event = RwEvent(block_num, start_time, size)
io = self.ios.get(process)
if not io:
io = ProcessData(process)
self.ios[process] = io
if major == DM_MAJOR:
devNum = major * DEV_MAJOR_MULTIPLIER + minor;
if 'R' in operation[0]:
if devNum not in self.total_dm_reads:
self.total_dm_reads[devNum] = 0
self.total_dm_reads[devNum] += size
elif 'W' in operation[0]:
if devNum not in self.total_dm_writes:
self.total_dm_writes[devNum] = 0
self.total_dm_writes[devNum] += size
if 'R' in operation[0]:
io.add_read_event(major, minor, event)
self.total_reads += size
per_device = self.total_reads_per_device.get(devNum)
if not per_device:
self.total_reads_per_device[devNum] = 0
self.total_reads_per_device[devNum] += size
elif 'W' in operation[0]:
io.add_write_event(major, minor, event)
self.total_writes += size
per_device = self.total_writes_per_device.get(devNum)
if not per_device:
self.total_writes_per_device[devNum] = 0
self.total_writes_per_device[devNum] += size
def dump(self):
print "total read blocks,", self.total_reads
print "total write blocks,", self.total_writes
print "Total DM R"
for dev,size in self.total_dm_reads.items():
print dev, size
print "Total DM W"
for dev,size in self.total_dm_writes.items():
print dev, size
print "**Process total R/W"
sorted_by_total_rw = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.ios.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[1].total_reads + item[1].total_writes, reverse = True))
for i in range(MAX_PROCESS_DUMP):
process = sorted_by_total_rw.popitem(last=False)
if not process:
print "**Process total W"
sorted_by_total_w = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.ios.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[1].total_writes, reverse = True))
for i in range(5):
process = sorted_by_total_w.popitem(last=False)
if not process:
print "**Device total R"
sorted_by_total_r = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.total_reads_per_device.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[1], reverse = True))
for i in range(len(sorted_by_total_r)):
dev = sorted_by_total_r.popitem(last=False)
print dev[0],dev[1]
print "**Device total W"
sorted_by_total_w = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.total_writes_per_device.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[1], reverse = True))
for i in range(len(sorted_by_total_w)):
dev = sorted_by_total_w.popitem(last=False)
print dev[0],dev[1]
class SchedProcess:
def __init__(self, pid):
self.pid = pid
self.name = "unknown"
self.total_execution_time = 0.0
self.total_io_wait_time = 0.0
self.total_other_wait_time = 0.0
self.waiting_calls = {} # k: waiting_call, v : waiting counter
self.io_waiting_call_times = {} # k: waiting_call, v: total wait time
self.in_iowait = False
self.last_waiting_call = None
self.last_switch_out_time = 0.0
self.last_switch_in_time = 0.0
self.last_core = -1
self.execution_time_per_core = {} # k: core, v : time
self.io_latency_histograms = {} # k : delay in ms, v : count
def handle_reason(self, current_time, iowait, waiting_call):
#if self.pid == 1232:
# print current_time, iowait, waiting_call
if iowait == 1:
self.in_iowait = True
self.last_waiting_call = waiting_call
call_counter = self.waiting_calls.get(waiting_call, 0)
call_counter += 1
self.waiting_calls[waiting_call] = call_counter
def handle_switch_out(self, current_time, out_state, priority, name, core):
#if self.pid == 1232:
# print "out", current_time, out_state
if self.name != name:
self.name = name
self.last_switch_out_time = current_time
if self.last_switch_in_time == 0.0: # switch in not recorded. ignore this one
execution_time = current_time - self.last_switch_in_time
self.total_execution_time += execution_time
core_execution_time = self.execution_time_per_core.get(core, 0.0)
core_execution_time += execution_time
self.execution_time_per_core[core] = core_execution_time
def handle_switch_in(self, current_time, priority, name, core):
#if self.pid == 1232:
# print "in", current_time, self.in_iowait
if self.name != name:
self.name = name
self.last_switch_in_time = current_time
if self.last_switch_out_time == 0.0: # in without out, probably 1st
self.in_iowait = False
wait_time = current_time - self.last_switch_out_time
if self.in_iowait:
self.total_io_wait_time += wait_time
total_waiting_call_time = self.io_waiting_call_times.get(self.last_waiting_call, 0.0)
total_waiting_call_time += wait_time
self.io_waiting_call_times[self.last_waiting_call] = total_waiting_call_time
wait_time_ms = int(wait_time*10) / 10.0 # resolution up to 0.1 ms
histogram_count = self.io_latency_histograms.get(wait_time_ms, 0)
histogram_count += 1
self.io_latency_histograms[wait_time_ms] = histogram_count
self.total_other_wait_time += wait_time
self.in_iowait = False
def dump(self):
print "PID:", self.pid, " name:", self.name
print " total execution time:", self.total_execution_time,\
" io wait:", self.total_io_wait_time, " other wait:", self.total_other_wait_time
sorted_data = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.execution_time_per_core.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[0], reverse = False))
print " Core execution:", sorted_data
sorted_data = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.waiting_calls.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[1], reverse = True))
print " Wait calls:", sorted_data
sorted_data = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.io_waiting_call_times.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[1], reverse = True))
print " IO Wait time per wait calls:", sorted_data
sorted_data = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.io_latency_histograms.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[0], reverse = False))
print " Wait time histogram:", sorted_data
class SchedTrace:
def __init__(self):
self.re_switch = re.compile(RE_SCHED_SWITCH)
self.re_reason = re.compile(RE_SCHED_BLOCKED_READSON)
self.processes = {} # key: pid, v : SchedProcess
def parse(self, l):
checked_reason = False
match = self.re_switch.match(l)
if not match:
match = self.re_reason.match(l)
checked_reason = True
if not match:
return False
if checked_reason:
self.do_handle_reason(l, match)
self.do_handle_switch(l, match)
except ValueError:
print "cannot parse:", l
return True
def do_handle_switch(self, l, match):
current_pid = int(match.group(1))
cpu_core = int(match.group(2))
current_time = float(match.group(3))*1000 #ms
out_name = match.group(4)
out_pid = int(match.group(5))
out_prio = int(match.group(6))
out_state = match.group(7)
in_name = match.group(8)
in_pid = int(match.group(9))
in_prio = int(match.group(10))
out_process = self.processes.get(out_pid)
if not out_process:
out_process = SchedProcess(out_pid)
self.processes[out_pid] = out_process
in_process = self.processes.get(in_pid)
if not in_process:
in_process = SchedProcess(in_pid)
self.processes[in_pid] = in_process
out_process.handle_switch_out(current_time, out_state, out_prio, out_name, cpu_core)
in_process.handle_switch_in(current_time, in_prio, in_name, cpu_core)
def do_handle_reason(self, l, match):
current_pid = int(match.group(1))
cpu_core = int(match.group(2))
current_time = float(match.group(3))*1000 #ms
pid = int(match.group(4))
iowait = int(match.group(5))
waiting_call = match.group(6)
process = self.processes.get(pid)
if not process:
process = SchedProcess(pid)
self.processes[pid] = process
process.handle_reason(current_time, iowait, waiting_call)
def dump(self):
sorted_by_total_execution = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.processes.items(), \
key = lambda item: item[1].total_io_wait_time, reverse = True))
for k, v in sorted_by_total_execution.iteritems():
if v.total_execution_time > 10.0 or v.total_io_wait_time != 0.0:
def main(argv):
if (len(argv) < 2):
print "check_io_trace_all.py filename"
filename = argv[1]
io_trace = IoTrace()
sched_trace = SchedTrace()
with open(filename) as f:
for l in f:
if io_trace.parse(l):
print "\n\n\n"
if __name__ == '__main__':