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#include "wifi_hal.h"


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#endif /* __cplusplus */


 * WiFi logger life cycle is as follow:
 * - At initialization time, framework will call wifi_get_ring_buffers_status
 *   so as to obtain the names and list of supported buffers.
 * - When WiFi operation start framework will call wifi_start_logging
 *   so as to trigger log collection.
 * - Developper UI will provide an option to the user, so as it can set the verbose level
 *   of individual buffer as reported by wifi_get_ring_buffers_status.
 * - During wifi operations, driver will periodically report per ring data to framework
 *   by invoking the on_ring_buffer_data call back.
 * - when capturing a bug report, framework will indicate to driver that all the data
 *   has to be uploaded, urgently, by calling wifi_get_ring_data.
 * The data uploaded by driver will be stored by framework in separate files, with one stream
 *   of file per ring.
 * Framework will store the files in pcapng format, allowing for easy merging and parsing
 *   with network analyzer tools.

typedef int wifi_radio;
typedef int wifi_ring_buffer_id;

#define PER_PACKET_ENTRY_FLAGS_TX_SUCCESS    2    // whether packet was transmitted or
                                                  // received/decrypted successfully
#define PER_PACKET_ENTRY_FLAGS_80211_HEADER  4    // has full 802.11 header, else has 802.3 header
#define PER_PACKET_ENTRY_FLAGS_PROTECTED     8    // whether packet was encrypted

typedef struct {
    u8 flags;
    u8 tid;     // transmit or received tid
    u16 MCS;    // modulation and bandwidth
    u8 rssi;    // TX: RSSI of ACK for that packet
                // RX: RSSI of packet
    u8 num_retries;                   // number of attempted retries
    u16 last_transmit_rate;           // last transmit rate in .5 mbps
    u16 link_layer_transmit_sequence; // transmit/reeive sequence for that MPDU packet
    u64 firmware_entry_timestamp;     // TX: firmware timestamp (us) when packet is queued within
                                      // firmware buffer for SDIO/HSIC or into PCIe buffer
                                      // RX: firmware receive timestamp
    u64 start_contention_timestamp; // firmware timestamp (us) when packet start contending for the
                                    // medium for the first time, at head of its AC queue,
                                    // or as part of an MPDU or A-MPDU. This timestamp is
                                    // not updated for each retry, only the first transmit attempt.
    u64 transmit_success_timestamp; // fimrware timestamp (us) when packet is successfully
                                    // transmitted or aborted because it has exhausted
                                    // its maximum number of retries.
    u8 data[0]; // packet data. The length of packet data is determined by the entry_size field of
                // the wifi_ring_buffer_entry structure. It is expected that first bytes of the
                // packet, or packet headers only (up to TCP or RTP/UDP headers)
                // will be copied into the ring
} __attribute__((packed)) wifi_ring_per_packet_status_entry;

/* Below events refer to the wifi_connectivity_event ring and shall be supported */
#define WIFI_EVENT_ASSOCIATION_REQUESTED    0  // driver receives association command from kernel
#define WIFI_EVENT_AUTH_COMPLETE            1
#define WIFI_EVENT_ASSOC_COMPLETE           2
#define WIFI_EVENT_FW_AUTH_STARTED          3  // fw event indicating auth frames are sent
#define WIFI_EVENT_FW_ASSOC_STARTED         4  // fw event indicating assoc frames are sent
#define WIFI_EVENT_FW_RE_ASSOC_STARTED      5  // fw event indicating reassoc frames are sent
#define WIFI_EVENT_G_SCAN_STARTED           9
#define WIFI_EVENT_G_SCAN_COMPLETE          10
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_REQUESTED           13
#define WIFI_EVENT_BEACON_RECEIVED          14  // received beacon from AP (event enabled
                                                // only in verbose mode)
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_SCAN_STARTED        15  // firmware has triggered a roam scan (not g-scan)
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_SCAN_COMPLETE       16  // firmware has completed a roam scan (not g-scan)
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_SEARCH_STARTED      17  // firmware has started searching for roam
                                                // candidates (with reason =xx)
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_SEARCH_STOPPED      18  // firmware has stopped searching for roam
                                                // candidates (with reason =xx)
#define WIFI_EVENT_CHANNEL_SWITCH_ANOUNCEMENT     20 // received channel switch anouncement from AP
#define WIFI_EVENT_FW_EAPOL_FRAME_TRANSMIT_START  21 // fw start transmit eapol frame, with
                                                     // EAPOL index 1-4
#define WIFI_EVENT_FW_EAPOL_FRAME_TRANSMIT_STOP   22 // fw gives up eapol frame, with rate,
                                                     // success/failure and number retries
#define WIFI_EVENT_DRIVER_EAPOL_FRAME_TRANSMIT_REQUESTED 23 // kernel queue EAPOL for transmission
                                                            // in driver with EAPOL index 1-4
#define WIFI_EVENT_FW_EAPOL_FRAME_RECEIVED        24 // with rate, regardless of the fact that
                                                     // EAPOL frame is accepted or rejected by fw
#define WIFI_EVENT_DRIVER_EAPOL_FRAME_RECEIVED    26 // with rate, and eapol index, driver has
                                                     // received EAPOL frame and will queue it up
                                                     // to wpa_supplicant
#define WIFI_EVENT_BLOCK_ACK_NEGOTIATION_COMPLETE 27 // with success/failure, parameters
#define WIFI_EVENT_BT_COEX_BT_SCAN_START    30  // for paging/scan etc., when BT starts transmiting
                                                // twice per BT slot
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_AUTH_STARTED        34  // fw sends auth frame in roaming to next candidate
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_AUTH_COMPLETE       35  // fw receive auth confirm from ap
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_ASSOC_STARTED       36  // firmware sends assoc/reassoc frame in
                                                // roaming to next candidate
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_ASSOC_COMPLETE      37  // firmware receive assoc/reassoc confirm from ap
#define WIFI_EVENT_G_SCAN_STOP              38  // firmware sends stop G_SCAN
#define WIFI_EVENT_G_SCAN_CYCLE_STARTED     39  // firmware indicates G_SCAN scan cycle started
#define WIFI_EVENT_G_SCAN_CYCLE_COMPLETED   40  // firmware indicates G_SCAN scan cycle completed
#define WIFI_EVENT_G_SCAN_BUCKET_STARTED    41  // firmware indicates G_SCAN scan start
                                                // for a particular bucket
#define WIFI_EVENT_G_SCAN_BUCKET_COMPLETED  42  // firmware indicates G_SCAN scan completed for
                                                // for a particular bucket
#define WIFI_EVENT_G_SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE 43  // Event received from firmware about G_SCAN scan
                                                // results being available
#define WIFI_EVENT_G_SCAN_CAPABILITIES      44  // Event received from firmware with G_SCAN
                                                // capabilities
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_CANDIDATE_FOUND     45  // Event received from firmware when eligible
                                                // candidate is found
#define WIFI_EVENT_ROAM_SCAN_CONFIG         46  // Event received from firmware when roam scan
                                                // configuration gets enabled or disabled
#define WIFI_EVENT_AUTH_TIMEOUT             47  // firmware/driver timed out authentication
#define WIFI_EVENT_ASSOC_TIMEOUT            48  // firmware/driver timed out association
#define WIFI_EVENT_MEM_ALLOC_FAILURE        49  // firmware/driver encountered allocation failure
#define WIFI_EVENT_DRIVER_PNO_ADD           50  // driver added a PNO network in firmware
#define WIFI_EVENT_DRIVER_PNO_REMOVE        51  // driver removed a PNO network in firmware
#define WIFI_EVENT_DRIVER_PNO_NETWORK_FOUND 52  // driver received PNO networks
                                                // found indication from firmware
#define WIFI_EVENT_DRIVER_PNO_SCAN_REQUESTED 53  // driver triggered a scan for PNO networks
#define WIFI_EVENT_DRIVER_PNO_SCAN_RESULT_FOUND 54  // driver received scan results
                                                    // of PNO networks
#define WIFI_EVENT_DRIVER_PNO_SCAN_COMPLETE 55  // driver updated scan results from
                                                // PNO networks to cfg80211

 * Parameters of wifi logger events are TLVs
 * Event parameters tags are defined as:
#define WIFI_TAG_VENDOR_SPECIFIC    0   // take a byte stream as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_BSSID              1   // takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_ADDR               2   // takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_SSID               3   // takes a 32 bytes SSID address as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_STATUS             4   // takes an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_CHANNEL_SPEC       5   // takes one or more wifi_channel_spec as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_WAKE_LOCK_EVENT    6   // takes a wake_lock_event struct as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_ADDR1              7   // takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_ADDR2              8   // takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_ADDR3              9   // takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_ADDR4              10  // takes a 6 bytes MAC address as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_TSF                11  // take a 64 bits TSF value as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_IE                 12  // take one or more specific 802.11 IEs parameter,
                                        // IEs are in turn indicated in TLV format as per 
                                        // 802.11 spec
#define WIFI_TAG_INTERFACE          13  // take interface name as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_REASON_CODE        14  // take a reason code as per 802.11 as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_RATE_MBPS          15  // take a wifi rate in 0.5 mbps
#define WIFI_TAG_REQUEST_ID         16  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_BUCKET_ID          17  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_GSCAN_PARAMS       18  // takes a wifi_scan_cmd_params struct as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_GSCAN_CAPABILITIES 19  // takes a wifi_gscan_capabilities struct as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_SCAN_ID            20  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_RSSI               21  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_CHANNEL            22  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_LINK_ID            23  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_LINK_ROLE          24  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_LINK_STATE         25  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_LINK_TYPE          26  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_TSCO               27  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_RSCO               28  // take an integer as parameter
#define WIFI_TAG_EAPOL_MESSAGE_TYPE 29  // take an integer as parameter
                                        // M1-1, M2-2, M3-3, M4-4

typedef struct {
    u16 tag;
    u16 length; // length of value
    u8 value[0];
} __attribute__((packed)) tlv_log;

typedef struct {
    u16 event;
    tlv_log tlvs[0];   // separate parameter structure per event to be provided and optional data
                       // the event_data is expected to include an official android part, with some
                       // parameter as transmit rate, num retries, num scan result found etc...
                       // as well, event_data can include a vendor proprietary part which is
                       // understood by the developer only.
} __attribute__((packed)) wifi_ring_buffer_driver_connectivity_event;

 * Ring buffer name for power events ring. note that power event are extremely frequents
 * and thus should be stored in their own ring/file so as not to clobber connectivity events.
typedef struct {
    int status;      // 0 taken, 1 released
    int reason;      // reason why this wake lock is taken
    char name[0];    // null terminated
} __attribute__((packed)) wake_lock_event;

typedef struct {
    u16 event;
    tlv_log tlvs[0];
} __attribute__((packed)) wifi_power_event;

 * This structure represent a logger entry within a ring buffer.
 * Wifi driver are responsible to manage the ring buffer and write the debug
 * information into those rings.
 * In general, the debug entries can be used to store meaningful 802.11 information (SME, MLME,
 * connection and packet statistics) as well as vendor proprietary data that is specific to a
 * specific driver or chipset.
 * Binary entries can be used so as to store packet data or vendor specific information and
 * will be treated as blobs of data by android.
 * A user land process will be started by framework so as to periodically retrieve the
 * data logged by drivers into their ring buffer, store the data into log files and include
 * the logs into android bugreports.
enum {
    RING_BUFFER_ENTRY_FLAGS_HAS_BINARY = (1 << (0)),    // set for binary entries
    RING_BUFFER_ENTRY_FLAGS_HAS_TIMESTAMP = (1 << (1))  // set if 64 bits timestamp is present

enum {

typedef struct {
    u16 entry_size; // the size of payload excluding the header.
    u8 flags;
    u8 type;        // entry type
    u64 timestamp;  // present if has_timestamp bit is set.
} __attribute__((packed)) wifi_ring_buffer_entry;

#define WIFI_RING_BUFFER_FLAG_HAS_BINARY_ENTRIES 0x00000001   // set if binary entries are present
#define WIFI_RING_BUFFER_FLAG_HAS_ASCII_ENTRIES  0x00000002   // set if ascii entries are present

/* ring buffer params */
 * written_bytes and read_bytes implement a producer consumer API
 *     hence written_bytes >= read_bytes
 * a modulo arithmetic of the buffer size has to be applied to those counters:
 * actual offset into ring buffer = written_bytes % ring_buffer_byte_size
typedef struct {
    u8 name[32];
    u32 flags;
    wifi_ring_buffer_id ring_id; // unique integer representing the ring
    u32 ring_buffer_byte_size;   // total memory size allocated for the buffer
    u32 verbose_level;           // verbose level for ring buffer
    u32 written_bytes;           // number of bytes that was written to the buffer by driver,
                                 // monotonously increasing integer
    u32 read_bytes;              // number of bytes that was read from the buffer by user land,
                                 // monotonously increasing integer
    u32 written_records;         // number of records that was written to the buffer by driver,
                                 // monotonously increasing integer
} wifi_ring_buffer_status;

 * Callback for reporting ring data
 * The ring buffer data collection is event based:
 *   - Driver calls on_ring_buffer_data when new records are available, the wifi_ring_buffer_status
 *     passed up to framework in the call back indicates to framework if more data is available in
 *     the ring buffer. It is not expected that driver will necessarily always empty the ring
 *     immediately as data is available, instead driver will report data every X seconds or if
 *     N bytes are available.
 *   - In the case where a bug report has to be captured, framework will require driver to upload
 *     all data immediately. This is indicated to driver when framework calls wifi_get_ringdata.
 *     When framework calls wifi_get_ring_data, driver will start sending all available data in the
 *     indicated ring by repeatedly invoking the on_ring_buffer_data callback.
 * The callback is called by log handler whenever ring data comes in driver.
typedef struct {
  void (*on_ring_buffer_data) (char *ring_name, char *buffer, int buffer_size,
        wifi_ring_buffer_status *status);
} wifi_ring_buffer_data_handler;

 * API to set the log handler for getting ring data
 *  - Only a single instance of log handler can be instantiated for each ring buffer.
wifi_error wifi_set_log_handler(wifi_request_id id, wifi_interface_handle iface,
    wifi_ring_buffer_data_handler handler);

/* API to reset the log handler */
wifi_error wifi_reset_log_handler(wifi_request_id id, wifi_interface_handle iface);

 * Callback for reporting FW dump
 * The buffer data collection is event based such as FW health check or FW dump.
 * The callback is called by alert handler.
typedef struct {
   void (*on_alert) (wifi_request_id id, char *buffer, int buffer_size, int err_code);
} wifi_alert_handler;

 * API to set the alert handler for the alert case in Wi-Fi Chip
 *  - Only a single instance of alert handler can be instantiated.
wifi_error wifi_set_alert_handler(wifi_request_id id, wifi_interface_handle iface,
    wifi_alert_handler handler);

/* API to reset the alert handler */
wifi_error wifi_reset_alert_handler(wifi_request_id id, wifi_interface_handle iface);

/* API for framework to indicate driver has to upload and drain all data of a given ring */
wifi_error wifi_get_ring_data(wifi_interface_handle iface, char *ring_name);

 * API to trigger the debug collection.
 *  Unless his API is invoked - logging is not triggered.
 *  - Verbose_level 0 corresponds to no collection,
 *    and it makes log handler stop by no more events from driver.
 *  - Verbose_level 1 correspond to normal log level, with minimal user impact.
 *    This is the default value.
 *  - Verbose_level 2 are enabled when user is lazily trying to reproduce a problem,
 *    wifi performances and power can be impacted but device should not otherwise be
 *    significantly impacted.
 *  - Verbose_level 3+ are used when trying to actively debug a problem.
 * ring_name represent the name of the ring for which data collection shall start.
 * flags: TBD parameter used to enable/disable specific events on a ring
 * max_interval: maximum interval in seconds for driver to invoke on_ring_buffer_data,
 *               ignore if zero
 * min_data_size: minimum data size in buffer for driver to invoke on_ring_buffer_data,
 *                ignore if zero
wifi_error wifi_start_logging(wifi_interface_handle iface, u32 verbose_level, u32 flags,
    u32 max_interval_sec, u32 min_data_size, char *ring_name);

 * API to get the status of all ring buffers supported by driver.
 *  - Caller is responsible to allocate / free ring buffer status.
 *  - Maximum no of ring buffer would be 10.
wifi_error wifi_get_ring_buffers_status(wifi_interface_handle iface, u32 *num_rings,
    wifi_ring_buffer_status *status);

 * Synchronous memory dump by user request.
 *  - Caller is responsible to store memory dump data into a local,
 *      e.g., /data/misc/wifi/memdump.bin
typedef struct {
    void (*on_firmware_memory_dump) (char *buffer, int buffer_size);
} wifi_firmware_memory_dump_handler;

 * API to collect a firmware memory dump for a given iface by async memdump event.
 *  - Triggered by Alerthandler, esp. when FW problem or FW health check happens
 *  - Caller is responsible to store fw dump data into a local,
 *      e.g., /data/misc/wifi/alertdump-1.bin
wifi_error wifi_get_firmware_memory_dump(wifi_interface_handle iface,
    wifi_firmware_memory_dump_handler handler);

 * API to collect a firmware version string.
 *  - Caller is responsible to allocate / free a buffer to retrieve firmware verion info.
 *  - Max string will be at most 256 bytes.
wifi_error wifi_get_firmware_version(wifi_interface_handle iface, char *buffer, int buffer_size);

 * API to collect a driver version string.
 *  - Caller is responsible to allocate / free a buffer to retrieve driver verion info.
 *  - Max string will be at most 256 bytes.
wifi_error wifi_get_driver_version(wifi_interface_handle iface, char *buffer, int buffer_size);

/* Feature set */
enum {
    WIFI_LOGGER_MEMORY_DUMP_SUPPORTED = (1 << (0)),             // Memory dump of FW
    WIFI_LOGGER_CONNECT_EVENT_SUPPORTED = (1 << (2)),           // Connectivity event
    WIFI_LOGGER_POWER_EVENT_SUPPORTED = (1 << (3)),             // POWER of Driver
    WIFI_LOGGER_WAKE_LOCK_SUPPORTED = (1 << (4)),               // WAKE LOCK of Driver
    WIFI_LOGGER_VERBOSE_SUPPORTED = (1 << (5)),                 // verbose log of FW
    WIFI_LOGGER_WATCHDOG_TIMER_SUPPORTED = (1 << (6)),          // monitor the health of FW
    WIFI_LOGGER_DRIVER_DUMP_SUPPORTED = (1 << (7)),             // dumps driver state
    WIFI_LOGGER_PACKET_FATE_SUPPORTED = (1 << (8)),             // tracks connection packets' fate

 * API to retrieve the current supportive features.
 *  - An integer variable is enough to have bit mapping info by caller.
wifi_error wifi_get_logger_supported_feature_set(wifi_interface_handle iface,
    unsigned int *support);

typedef struct {
    /* Buffer is to be allocated and freed by HAL implementation. */
    void (*on_driver_memory_dump) (char *buffer, int buffer_size);
} wifi_driver_memory_dump_callbacks;

    API to collect driver state.

    Framework will call this API soon before or after (but not
    concurrently with) wifi_get_firmware_memory_dump(). Capturing
    firmware and driver dumps is intended to help identify
    inconsistent state between these components.

    - In response to this call, HAL implementation should make one or
      more calls to callbacks.on_driver_memory_dump(). Framework will
      copy data out of the received |buffer|s, and concatenate the
      contents thereof.
    - HAL implemention will indicate completion of the driver memory
      dump by returning from this call.
wifi_error wifi_get_driver_memory_dump(
    wifi_interface_handle iface,
    wifi_driver_memory_dump_callbacks callbacks);

/* packet fate logs */

#define MD5_PREFIX_LEN             4
#define MAX_FATE_LOG_LEN           32
#define MAX_FRAME_LEN_ETHERNET     1518
#define MAX_FRAME_LEN_80211_MGMT   2352  // 802.11-2012 Fig. 8-34

typedef enum {
    // Sent over air and ACKed.

    // Sent over air but not ACKed. (Normal for broadcast/multicast.)

    // Queued within firmware, but not yet sent over air.

    // Dropped by firmware as invalid. E.g. bad source address, bad checksum,
    // or invalid for current state.

    // Dropped by firmware due to lack of buffer space.

    // Dropped by firmware for any other reason. Includes frames that
    // were sent by driver to firmware, but unaccounted for by
    // firmware.

    // Queued within driver, not yet sent to firmware.

    // Dropped by driver as invalid. E.g. bad source address, or
    // invalid for current state.

    // Dropped by driver due to lack of buffer space.

    // Dropped by driver for any other reason.
} wifi_tx_packet_fate;

typedef enum {
    // Valid and delivered to network stack (e.g., netif_rx()).

    // Queued within firmware, but not yet sent to driver.

    // Dropped by firmware due to host-programmable filters.

    // Dropped by firmware as invalid. E.g. bad checksum, decrypt failed,
    // or invalid for current state.

    // Dropped by firmware due to lack of buffer space.

    // Dropped by firmware for any other reason.

    // Queued within driver, not yet delivered to network stack.

    // Dropped by driver due to filter rules.

    // Dropped by driver as invalid. E.g. not permitted in current state.

    // Dropped by driver due to lack of buffer space.

    // Dropped by driver for any other reason.
} wifi_rx_packet_fate;

typedef enum {
} frame_type;

typedef struct {
    // The type of MAC-layer frame that this frame_info holds.
    // - For data frames, use FRAME_TYPE_ETHERNET_II.
    // - For management frames, use FRAME_TYPE_80211_MGMT.
    // - If the type of the frame is unknown, use FRAME_TYPE_UNKNOWN.
    frame_type payload_type;

    // The number of bytes included in |frame_content|. If the frame
    // contents are missing (e.g. RX frame dropped in firmware),
    // |frame_len| should be set to 0.
    size_t frame_len;

    // Host clock when this frame was received by the driver (either
    // outbound from the host network stack, or inbound from the
    // firmware).
    // - The timestamp should be taken from a clock which includes time
    //   the host spent suspended (e.g. ktime_get_boottime()).
    // - If no host timestamp is available (e.g. RX frame was dropped in
    //   firmware), this field should be set to 0.
    u32 driver_timestamp_usec;

    // Firmware clock when this frame was received by the firmware
    // (either outbound from the host, or inbound from a remote
    // station).
    // - The timestamp should be taken from a clock which includes time
    //   firmware spent suspended (if applicable).
    // - If no firmware timestamp is available (e.g. TX frame was
    //   dropped by driver), this field should be set to 0.
    // - Consumers of |frame_info| should _not_ assume any
    //   synchronization between driver and firmware clocks.
    u32 firmware_timestamp_usec;

    // Actual frame content.
    // - Should be provided for TX frames originated by the host.
    // - Should be provided for RX frames received by the driver.
    // - Optionally provided for TX frames originated by firmware. (At
    //   discretion of HAL implementation.)
    // - Optionally provided for RX frames dropped in firmware. (At
    //   discretion of HAL implementation.)
    // - If frame content is not provided, |frame_len| should be set
    //   to 0.
    union {
      char ethernet_ii_bytes[MAX_FRAME_LEN_ETHERNET];
      char ieee_80211_mgmt_bytes[MAX_FRAME_LEN_80211_MGMT];
    } frame_content;
} frame_info;

typedef struct {
    // Prefix of MD5 hash of |frame_inf.frame_content|. If frame
    // content is not provided, prefix of MD5 hash over the same data
    // that would be in frame_content, if frame content were provided.
    char md5_prefix[MD5_PREFIX_LEN];
    wifi_tx_packet_fate fate;
    frame_info frame_inf;
} wifi_tx_report;

typedef struct {
    // Prefix of MD5 hash of |frame_inf.frame_content|. If frame
    // content is not provided, prefix of MD5 hash over the same data
    // that would be in frame_content, if frame content were provided.
    char md5_prefix[MD5_PREFIX_LEN];
    wifi_rx_packet_fate fate;
    frame_info frame_inf;
} wifi_rx_report;

    API to start packet fate monitoring.
    - Once stared, monitoring should remain active until HAL is unloaded.
    - When HAL is unloaded, all packet fate buffers should be cleared.
wifi_error wifi_start_pkt_fate_monitoring(wifi_interface_handle handle);

    API to retrieve fates of outbound packets.
    - HAL implementation should fill |tx_report_bufs| with fates of
      _first_ min(n_requested_fates, actual packets) frames
      transmitted for the most recent association. The fate reports
      should follow the same order as their respective packets.
    - HAL implementation may choose (but is not required) to include
      reports for management frames.
    - Packets reported by firmware, but not recognized by driver,
      should be included.  However, the ordering of the corresponding
      reports is at the discretion of HAL implementation.
    - Framework may call this API multiple times for the same association.
    - Framework will ensure |n_requested_fates <= MAX_FATE_LOG_LEN|.
    - Framework will allocate and free the referenced storage.
wifi_error wifi_get_tx_pkt_fates(wifi_interface_handle handle,
        wifi_tx_report *tx_report_bufs,
        size_t n_requested_fates,
        size_t *n_provided_fates);

    API to retrieve fates of inbound packets.
    - HAL implementation should fill |rx_report_bufs| with fates of
      _first_ min(n_requested_fates, actual packets) frames
      received for the most recent association. The fate reports
      should follow the same order as their respective packets.
    - HAL implementation may choose (but is not required) to include
      reports for management frames.
    - Packets reported by firmware, but not recognized by driver,
      should be included.  However, the ordering of the corresponding
      reports is at the discretion of HAL implementation.
    - Framework may call this API multiple times for the same association.
    - Framework will ensure |n_requested_fates <= MAX_FATE_LOG_LEN|.
    - Framework will allocate and free the referenced storage.
wifi_error wifi_get_rx_pkt_fates(wifi_interface_handle handle,
        wifi_rx_report *rx_report_bufs,
        size_t n_requested_fates,
        size_t *n_provided_fates);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /*__WIFI_HAL_STATS_ */