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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
    <!-- The configurable attributes for a ColumnCardView. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ColumnCardView">
        <!-- The number of columns that this ColumnCardView should span across. This value will
             determine the width of the card. -->
        <attr name="columnSpan" format="integer" />

    <!-- The configurable attributes in PagedListView. -->
    <declare-styleable name="PagedListView">
        <!-- Whether or not to offset the list view by the width of scroll bar. Setting this to
             true will ensure that any views within the list will not overlap the scroll bar.
             Deprecated: use gutter instead. If gutter is specified, this value is ignored.-->
        <attr name="offsetScrollBar" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Whether to include a gutter to the start, end or both sides of the list view items.
             The gutter width will be the width of the scrollbar, and by default will be set to
             both. -->
        <attr name="gutter" format="enum">
            <!-- No gutter on either side, the list view items will extend the full width of the
                 PagedListView. -->
            <enum name="none" value="0" />
            <!-- Include a gutter on the start side only (i.e. the side with the scrollbar). -->
            <enum name="start" value="1" />
            <!-- Include a gutter on the end side only (i.e. the opposite side to the
                 scrollbar). -->
            <enum name="end" value="2" />
            <!-- Include a gutter on both sides of the list view items. -->
            <enum name="both" value="3" />
        <!-- The size of the gutter that is either at the start, end or both sides of the
             items in the PagedListView. There is a default value that changes per screen size if
             a gutter size is not explicitly set.-->
        <attr name="gutterSize" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Whether to display the scrollbar or not. Defaults to true. -->
        <attr name="scrollBarEnabled" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Sets the color of the scroll bar. This color only affects the thumb of the scroll bar;
             the up/down buttons are unaffected. To set these, use upButtonIcon and downButtonIcon
             respectively. -->
        <attr name="scrollBarColor" format="color" />
        <!-- The top margin before the scroll bar is drawn. -->
        <attr name="scrollBarTopMargin" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The width of the container that will hold the scrollbar. The scrollbar is centered
             within this value. If this value is not explicitly set, the scrollbar centers itself
             within the car_margin value. -->
        <attr name="scrollBarContainerWidth" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Whether or not to show a vertical diving line between each item of the list. Divider
             after the last item (LinearLayoutManager) or row (GridLayoutManager) will not be shown
             but there will be an offset for divider space. -->
        <attr name="showPagedListViewDivider" format="boolean" />
        <!-- An optional id that specifies a child View whose starting edge will be used to
             determine the start position of the dividing line. -->
        <attr name="alignDividerStartTo" format="reference" />
        <!-- An optional id that specifies a child View whose ending edge will be used to
             determine the end position of the dividing line. -->
        <attr name="alignDividerEndTo" format="reference" />
        <!-- A starting margin before the drawing of the dividing line. This margin will be an
             offset from the view specified by "alignDividerStartTo" if given. -->
        <attr name="dividerStartMargin" format="dimension" />
        <!-- An ending margin before the drawing of the dividing line. This margin will be an
             offset from the view specified by "alignDividerEndTo" if given. -->
        <attr name="dividerEndMargin" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The color of the list divider. -->
        <attr name="listDividerColor" format="color" />
        <!-- The width of the margin on the right side of the list.
             Deprecated: use gutter instead. If gutter is specified, this value is ignored.-->
        <attr name="listEndMargin" format="dimension" />
        <!-- An optional vertical spacing between items in the list. In GridLayoutManager items in
             the last row would still have spacing at bottom. -->
        <attr name="itemSpacing" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The icon to be used for the up button of the scroll bar. -->
        <attr name="upButtonIcon" format="reference" />
        <!-- The icon to be used for the down button of the scroll bar.  -->
        <attr name="downButtonIcon" format="reference" />
        <!-- The amount of space before the first item in the list view. This space is
             scrollable with the contents of the list. -->
        <attr name="listContentTopOffset" format="reference" />
        <!-- Vertically center the list contents when the number of items in the list does not take
             up the full height of the PagedListView. This value is "false" by default. -->
        <attr name="verticallyCenterListContent" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Specifies how the PagedListView should respond to day/night mode events. The values
             here should match the DayNightStyle @interface. See that class for more
             information. -->
        <attr name="dayNightStyle" format="enum">
            <!-- Automatically changes colors for day/night, assuming the content is light during
                 the day and dark during the night. This is the default behavior. -->
            <enum name="auto" value="0" />
            <!-- Automatically changes colors for day/night, with the colors being inverted from
                 "auto". -->
            <enum name="auto_inverse" value="1" />
            <!-- Fixes the colors to be light colored.  -->
            <enum name="always_light" value="2" />
            <!-- Fixes the colors to be dark colored.  -->
            <enum name="always_dark" value="3" />
            <!-- Fixes the colors to be light colored.
                 Deprecated: use "always_light" instead. -->
            <enum name="force_night" value="4" />
            <!-- Fixes the colors to be dark colored.
                 Deprecated: use "always_dark" instead. -->
            <enum name="force_day" value="5" />

    <!-- The configuration for modifying the ListItem. These ListItems are only intended to be used
         within a PagedListView. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ListItem">
        <!-- The background color of each ListItem. -->
        <attr name="listItemBackgroundColor" format="color"/>
        <!-- The TextAppearance of the title text in the ListItem. -->
        <attr name="listItemTitleTextAppearance" format="reference"/>
        <!-- The TextAppearance of the body text in the ListItem. -->
        <attr name="listItemBodyTextAppearance" format="reference"/>
        <!-- The TextAppearance of the text in the Subheader ListItem. -->
        <attr name="listItemSubheaderTextAppearance" format="reference"/>

    <!-- The attributes for customizing the appearance of the hamburger and back arrow in the
       drawer. -->
    <declare-styleable name="DrawerArrowDrawable">
        <!-- The color of the arrow. -->
        <attr name="carArrowColor" format="color"/>
        <!-- Whether the arrow will animate when switches directions. -->
        <attr name="carArrowAnimate" format="boolean"/>
        <!-- The size of the arrow's bounding box. -->
        <attr name="carArrowSize" format="dimension"/>
        <!-- The length of the top and bottom bars that merge to form the point of the arrow. -->
        <attr name="carArrowHeadLength" format="dimension"/>
        <!-- The length of arrow shaft. -->
        <attr name="carArrowShaftLength" format="dimension"/>
        <!-- The thickness of each of the bars that form the arrow. -->
        <attr name="carArrowThickness" format="dimension"/>
        <!-- The spacing between the menu bars (i.e. the "hamburger" icon). -->
        <attr name="carMenuBarSpacing" format="dimension"/>
        <!-- The size of the menu bars (i.e. the "hamburger" icon). -->
        <attr name="carMenuBarThickness" format="dimension"/>

    <!-- Attributes for the ClickThroughToolbar. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ClickThroughToolbar">
        <!-- Whether or not clicks on this toolbar will pass through to an underlying view. This
             value is false by default. -->
        <attr name="clickThrough" format="boolean"/>

    <!-- Attributes for the ActionBar. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ActionBar">
        <!-- The number of horizontal slots. The minimum number is 3. -->
        <attr name="columns" format="integer" />

    <!-- Attributes specifically related to modifying car themes. -->
    <declare-styleable name="CarTheme">
        <!-- ================== -->
        <!-- Theming Attributes -->
        <!-- ================== -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- Attribute for specifying the styling of dialogs within a car theme. Note: this is
             different from the style that is applied to framework/AppCompat dialogs. This will
             only affect the styling of dialogs provided by the car support library. -->
        <attr name="carDialogTheme" format="reference"/>

        <!-- An attribute for specifying a style that modifies the look of a PagedListView. -->
        <attr name="pagedListViewStyle" format="reference"/>

        <!-- ================= -->
        <!-- Dialog Attributes -->
        <!-- ================= -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- The background color of a dialog. -->
        <attr name="dialogBackgroundColor" format="color"/>

        <!-- The style of the title text in a CarAlertDialog. -->
        <attr name="dialogTitleStyle" format="reference"/>
        <!-- The style of the body text in a CarAlertDialog or the list items in a CarListDialog. -->
        <attr name="dialogBodyStyle" format="reference"/>
        <!-- The style of the action buttons in a CarAlertDialog. -->
        <attr name="dialogButtonStyle" format="reference"/>
        <!-- A theme for the styling of the list in a CarListDialog. -->
        <attr name="dialogListTheme" format="reference"/>

        <!-- ================= -->
        <!-- Drawer Attributes -->
        <!-- ================= -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- The background color of the drawer. -->
        <attr name="drawerBackgroundColor" format="color"/>
        <!-- The color of the header text and arrow in the drawer. -->
        <attr name="drawerHeaderColor" format="color"/>
        <!-- The ripple color for items in the drawer. -->
        <attr name="drawerRippleColor" format="color"/>
        <!-- The TextAppearance of each item's title text in the drawer list. -->
        <attr name="drawerItemTitleTextAppearance" format="reference"/>
        <!-- The TextAppearance of each item's body text in the drawer list. -->
        <attr name="drawerItemBodyTextAppearance" format="reference"/>
        <!-- The styling of the list in the drawer. -->
        <attr name="drawerListStyle" format="reference"/>
