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// Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/stats_log.pb.h"
#include "frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/statsd_config.pb.h"
#include "src/StatsLogProcessor.h"
#include "src/logd/LogEvent.h"
#include "src/hash.h"
#include "src/stats_log_util.h"
#include "statslog.h"

namespace android {
namespace os {
namespace statsd {

using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;

// Create AtomMatcher proto to simply match a specific atom type.
AtomMatcher CreateSimpleAtomMatcher(const string& name, int atomId);

// Create AtomMatcher proto for temperature atom.
AtomMatcher CreateTemperatureAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for scheduled job state changed.
AtomMatcher CreateScheduledJobStateChangedAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for starting a scheduled job.
AtomMatcher CreateStartScheduledJobAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for a scheduled job is done.
AtomMatcher CreateFinishScheduledJobAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for screen brightness state changed.
AtomMatcher CreateScreenBrightnessChangedAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for starting battery save mode.
AtomMatcher CreateBatterySaverModeStartAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for stopping battery save mode.
AtomMatcher CreateBatterySaverModeStopAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for process state changed.
AtomMatcher CreateUidProcessStateChangedAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for acquiring wakelock.
AtomMatcher CreateAcquireWakelockAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for releasing wakelock.
AtomMatcher CreateReleaseWakelockAtomMatcher() ;

// Create AtomMatcher proto for screen turned on.
AtomMatcher CreateScreenTurnedOnAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for screen turned off.
AtomMatcher CreateScreenTurnedOffAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for app sync turned on.
AtomMatcher CreateSyncStartAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for app sync turned off.
AtomMatcher CreateSyncEndAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for app sync moves to background.
AtomMatcher CreateMoveToBackgroundAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for app sync moves to foreground.
AtomMatcher CreateMoveToForegroundAtomMatcher();

// Create AtomMatcher proto for process crashes
AtomMatcher CreateProcessCrashAtomMatcher() ;

// Create Predicate proto for screen is on.
Predicate CreateScreenIsOnPredicate();

// Create Predicate proto for screen is off.
Predicate CreateScreenIsOffPredicate();

// Create Predicate proto for a running scheduled job.
Predicate CreateScheduledJobPredicate();

// Create Predicate proto for battery saver mode.
Predicate CreateBatterySaverModePredicate();

// Create Predicate proto for holding wakelock.
Predicate CreateHoldingWakelockPredicate();

// Create a Predicate proto for app syncing.
Predicate CreateIsSyncingPredicate();

// Create a Predicate proto for app is in background.
Predicate CreateIsInBackgroundPredicate();

// Add a predicate to the predicate combination.
void addPredicateToPredicateCombination(const Predicate& predicate, Predicate* combination);

// Create dimensions from primitive fields.
FieldMatcher CreateDimensions(const int atomId, const std::vector<int>& fields);

// Create dimensions by attribution uid and tag.
FieldMatcher CreateAttributionUidAndTagDimensions(const int atomId,
                                                  const std::vector<Position>& positions);

// Create dimensions by attribution uid only.
FieldMatcher CreateAttributionUidDimensions(const int atomId,
                                            const std::vector<Position>& positions);

// Create log event for screen state changed.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateScreenStateChangedEvent(
    const android::view::DisplayStateEnum state, uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event for screen brightness state changed.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateScreenBrightnessChangedEvent(
   int level, uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event when scheduled job starts.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateStartScheduledJobEvent(
    const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions,
    const string& name, uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event when scheduled job finishes.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateFinishScheduledJobEvent(
    const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions,
    const string& name, uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event when battery saver starts.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateBatterySaverOnEvent(uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event when battery saver stops.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateBatterySaverOffEvent(uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event for app moving to background.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateMoveToBackgroundEvent(const int uid, uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event for app moving to foreground.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateMoveToForegroundEvent(const int uid, uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event when the app sync starts.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateSyncStartEvent(
        const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions, const string& name,
        uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event when the app sync ends.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateSyncEndEvent(
        const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions, const string& name,
        uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event when the app sync ends.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateAppCrashEvent(
    const int uid, uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event for acquiring wakelock.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateAcquireWakelockEvent(
        const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions, const string& wakelockName,
        uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event for releasing wakelock.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateReleaseWakelockEvent(
        const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions, const string& wakelockName,
        uint64_t timestampNs);

// Create log event for releasing wakelock.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateIsolatedUidChangedEvent(
    int isolatedUid, int hostUid, bool is_create, uint64_t timestampNs);

// Helper function to create an AttributionNodeInternal proto.
AttributionNodeInternal CreateAttribution(const int& uid, const string& tag);

// Create a statsd log event processor upon the start time in seconds, config and key.
sp<StatsLogProcessor> CreateStatsLogProcessor(const int64_t timeBaseNs,
                                              const int64_t currentTimeNs,
                                              const StatsdConfig& config, const ConfigKey& key);

// Util function to sort the log events by timestamp.
void sortLogEventsByTimestamp(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LogEvent>> *events);

int64_t StringToId(const string& str);

void ValidateUidDimension(const DimensionsValue& value, int node_idx, int atomId, int uid);
void ValidateAttributionUidDimension(const DimensionsValue& value, int atomId, int uid);
void ValidateAttributionUidAndTagDimension(
    const DimensionsValue& value, int atomId, int uid, const std::string& tag);
void ValidateAttributionUidAndTagDimension(
    const DimensionsValue& value, int node_idx, int atomId, int uid, const std::string& tag);

struct DimensionsPair {
    DimensionsPair(DimensionsValue m1, DimensionsValue m2) : dimInWhat(m1), dimInCondition(m2){};

    DimensionsValue dimInWhat;
    DimensionsValue dimInCondition;

bool LessThan(const DimensionsValue& s1, const DimensionsValue& s2);
bool LessThan(const DimensionsPair& s1, const DimensionsPair& s2);

void backfillStartEndTimestamp(ConfigMetricsReport *config_report);
void backfillStartEndTimestamp(ConfigMetricsReportList *config_report_list);

void backfillStringInReport(ConfigMetricsReportList *config_report_list);
void backfillStringInDimension(const std::map<uint64_t, string>& str_map,
                               DimensionsValue* dimension);

template <typename T>
void backfillStringInDimension(const std::map<uint64_t, string>& str_map,
                               T* metrics) {
    for (int i = 0; i < metrics->data_size(); ++i) {
        auto data = metrics->mutable_data(i);
        if (data->has_dimensions_in_what()) {
            backfillStringInDimension(str_map, data->mutable_dimensions_in_what());
        if (data->has_dimensions_in_condition()) {
            backfillStringInDimension(str_map, data->mutable_dimensions_in_condition());

void backfillDimensionPath(ConfigMetricsReportList* config_report_list);

bool backfillDimensionPath(const DimensionsValue& path,
                           const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<DimensionsValue>& leafValues,
                           DimensionsValue* dimension);

template <typename T>
void backfillDimensionPath(const DimensionsValue& whatPath,
                           const DimensionsValue& conditionPath,
                           T* metricData) {
    for (int i = 0; i < metricData->data_size(); ++i) {
        auto data = metricData->mutable_data(i);
        if (data->dimension_leaf_values_in_what_size() > 0) {
            backfillDimensionPath(whatPath, data->dimension_leaf_values_in_what(),
        if (data->dimension_leaf_values_in_condition_size() > 0) {
            backfillDimensionPath(conditionPath, data->dimension_leaf_values_in_condition(),

struct DimensionCompare {
    bool operator()(const DimensionsPair& s1, const DimensionsPair& s2) const {
        return LessThan(s1, s2);

template <typename T>
void sortMetricDataByDimensionsValue(const T& metricData, T* sortedMetricData) {
    std::map<DimensionsPair, int, DimensionCompare> dimensionIndexMap;
    for (int i = 0; i < metricData.data_size(); ++i) {
    for (const auto& itr : dimensionIndexMap) {
        *sortedMetricData->add_data() = metricData.data(itr.second);

template <typename T>
void backfillStartEndTimestampForFullBucket(
    const int64_t timeBaseNs, const int64_t bucketSizeNs, T* bucket) {
    bucket->set_start_bucket_elapsed_nanos(timeBaseNs + bucketSizeNs * bucket->bucket_num());
        timeBaseNs + bucketSizeNs * bucket->bucket_num() + bucketSizeNs);

template <typename T>
void backfillStartEndTimestampForPartialBucket(const int64_t timeBaseNs, T* bucket) {
    if (bucket->has_start_bucket_elapsed_millis()) {
    if (bucket->has_end_bucket_elapsed_millis()) {

template <typename T>
void backfillStartEndTimestampForMetrics(const int64_t timeBaseNs, const int64_t bucketSizeNs,
                                         T* metrics) {
    for (int i = 0; i < metrics->data_size(); ++i) {
        auto data = metrics->mutable_data(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < data->bucket_info_size(); ++j) {
            auto bucket = data->mutable_bucket_info(j);
            if (bucket->has_bucket_num()) {
                backfillStartEndTimestampForFullBucket(timeBaseNs, bucketSizeNs, bucket);
            } else {
                backfillStartEndTimestampForPartialBucket(timeBaseNs, bucket);

template <typename T>
void backfillStartEndTimestampForSkippedBuckets(const int64_t timeBaseNs, T* metrics) {
    for (int i = 0; i < metrics->skipped_size(); ++i) {
        backfillStartEndTimestampForPartialBucket(timeBaseNs, metrics->mutable_skipped(i));
}  // namespace statsd
}  // namespace os
}  // namespace android