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 * Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#pragma once

#include "config/ConfigKey.h"
#include "statslog.h"

#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include <log/log_time.h>
#include <list>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace android {
namespace os {
namespace statsd {

struct ConfigStats {
    int32_t uid;
    int64_t id;
    int32_t creation_time_sec;
    int32_t deletion_time_sec = 0;
    int32_t reset_time_sec = 0;
    int32_t metric_count;
    int32_t condition_count;
    int32_t matcher_count;
    int32_t alert_count;
    bool is_valid;

    std::list<int32_t> broadcast_sent_time_sec;
    std::list<int32_t> data_drop_time_sec;
    std::list<std::pair<int32_t, int64_t>> dump_report_stats;

    // Stores how many times a matcher have been matched. The map size is capped by kMaxConfigCount.
    std::map<const int64_t, int> matcher_stats;

    // Stores the number of output tuple of condition trackers when it's bigger than
    // kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit. When you see the number is kDimensionKeySizeHardLimit +1,
    // it means some data has been dropped. The map size is capped by kMaxConfigCount.
    std::map<const int64_t, int> condition_stats;

    // Stores the number of output tuple of metric producers when it's bigger than
    // kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit. When you see the number is kDimensionKeySizeHardLimit +1,
    // it means some data has been dropped. The map size is capped by kMaxConfigCount.
    std::map<const int64_t, int> metric_stats;

    // Stores the max number of output tuple of dimensions in condition across dimensions in what
    // when it's bigger than kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit. When you see the number is
    // kDimensionKeySizeHardLimit +1, it means some data has been dropped. The map size is capped by
    // kMaxConfigCount.
    std::map<const int64_t, int> metric_dimension_in_condition_stats;

    // Stores the number of times an anomaly detection alert has been declared.
    // The map size is capped by kMaxConfigCount.
    std::map<const int64_t, int> alert_stats;

    // Stores the config ID for each sub-config used.
    std::list<std::pair<const int64_t, const int32_t>> annotations;

struct UidMapStats {
    int32_t changes;
    int32_t bytes_used;
    int32_t dropped_changes;
    int32_t deleted_apps = 0;

// Keeps track of stats of statsd.
// Single instance shared across the process. All public methods are thread safe.
class StatsdStats {
    static StatsdStats& getInstance();

    // TODO: set different limit if the device is low ram.
    const static int kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit = 500;
    const static int kDimensionKeySizeHardLimit = 800;

    // Per atom dimension key size limit
    static const std::map<int, std::pair<size_t, size_t>> kAtomDimensionKeySizeLimitMap;

    const static int kMaxConfigCountPerUid = 10;
    const static int kMaxAlertCountPerConfig = 100;
    const static int kMaxConditionCountPerConfig = 300;
    const static int kMaxMetricCountPerConfig = 1000;
    const static int kMaxMatcherCountPerConfig = 800;

    // The max number of old config stats we keep.
    const static int kMaxIceBoxSize = 20;

    const static int kMaxLoggerErrors = 20;

    const static int kMaxSystemServerRestarts = 20;

    const static int kMaxTimestampCount = 20;

    const static int kMaxLogSourceCount = 50;

    // Max memory allowed for storing metrics per configuration. If this limit is exceeded, statsd
    // drops the metrics data in memory.
    static const size_t kMaxMetricsBytesPerConfig = 256 * 1024;

    // Soft memory limit per configuration. Once this limit is exceeded, we begin notifying the
    // data subscriber that it's time to call getData.
    static const size_t kBytesPerConfigTriggerGetData = 192 * 1024;

    // Cap the UID map's memory usage to this. This should be fairly high since the UID information
    // is critical for understanding the metrics.
    const static size_t kMaxBytesUsedUidMap = 50 * 1024;

    // The number of deleted apps that are stored in the uid map.
    const static int kMaxDeletedAppsInUidMap = 100;

    /* Minimum period between two broadcasts in nanoseconds. */
    static const int64_t kMinBroadcastPeriodNs = 60 * NS_PER_SEC;

    /* Min period between two checks of byte size per config key in nanoseconds. */
    static const int64_t kMinByteSizeCheckPeriodNs = 10 * NS_PER_SEC;

    // Maximum age (30 days) that files on disk can exist in seconds.
    static const int kMaxAgeSecond = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;

    // Maximum number of files (1000) that can be in stats directory on disk.
    static const int kMaxFileNumber = 1000;

    // Maximum size of all files that can be written to stats directory on disk.
    static const int kMaxFileSize = 50 * 1024 * 1024;

    // How long to try to clear puller cache from last time
    static const long kPullerCacheClearIntervalSec = 1;

     * Report a new config has been received and report the static stats about the config.
     * The static stats include: the count of metrics, conditions, matchers, and alerts.
     * If the config is not valid, this config stats will be put into icebox immediately.
    void noteConfigReceived(const ConfigKey& key, int metricsCount, int conditionsCount,
                            int matchersCount, int alertCount,
                            const std::list<std::pair<const int64_t, const int32_t>>& annotations,
                            bool isValid);
     * Report a config has been removed.
    void noteConfigRemoved(const ConfigKey& key);
     * Report a config has been reset when ttl expires.
    void noteConfigReset(const ConfigKey& key);

     * Report a broadcast has been sent to a config owner to collect the data.
    void noteBroadcastSent(const ConfigKey& key);

     * Report a config's metrics data has been dropped.
    void noteDataDropped(const ConfigKey& key);

     * Report metrics data report has been sent.
     * The report may be requested via StatsManager API, or through adb cmd.
    void noteMetricsReportSent(const ConfigKey& key, const size_t num_bytes);

     * Report the size of output tuple of a condition.
     * Note: only report when the condition has an output dimension, and the tuple
     * count > kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit.
     * [key]: The config key that this condition belongs to.
     * [id]: The id of the condition.
     * [size]: The output tuple size.
    void noteConditionDimensionSize(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t& id, int size);

     * Report the size of output tuple of a metric.
     * Note: only report when the metric has an output dimension, and the tuple
     * count > kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit.
     * [key]: The config key that this metric belongs to.
     * [id]: The id of the metric.
     * [size]: The output tuple size.
    void noteMetricDimensionSize(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t& id, int size);

     * Report the max size of output tuple of dimension in condition across dimensions in what.
     * Note: only report when the metric has an output dimension in condition, and the max tuple
     * count > kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit.
     * [key]: The config key that this metric belongs to.
     * [id]: The id of the metric.
     * [size]: The output tuple size.
    void noteMetricDimensionInConditionSize(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t& id, int size);

     * Report a matcher has been matched.
     * [key]: The config key that this matcher belongs to.
     * [id]: The id of the matcher.
    void noteMatcherMatched(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t& id);

     * Report that an anomaly detection alert has been declared.
     * [key]: The config key that this alert belongs to.
     * [id]: The id of the alert.
    void noteAnomalyDeclared(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t& id);

     * Report an atom event has been logged.
    void noteAtomLogged(int atomId, int32_t timeSec);

     * Report that statsd modified the anomaly alarm registered with StatsCompanionService.
    void noteRegisteredAnomalyAlarmChanged();

     * Report that statsd modified the periodic alarm registered with StatsCompanionService.
    void noteRegisteredPeriodicAlarmChanged();

     * Records the number of delta entries that are being dropped from the uid map.
    void noteUidMapDropped(int deltas);

     * Records that an app was deleted (from statsd's map).
    void noteUidMapAppDeletionDropped();

     * Updates the number of changes currently stored in the uid map.
    void setUidMapChanges(int changes);
    void setCurrentUidMapMemory(int bytes);

    // Update minimum interval between pulls for an pulled atom
    void updateMinPullIntervalSec(int pullAtomId, long intervalSec);

    // Notify pull request for an atom
    void notePull(int pullAtomId);

    // Notify pull request for an atom served from cached data
    void notePullFromCache(int pullAtomId);

     * Records statsd met an error while reading from logd.
    void noteLoggerError(int error);

    * Records when system server restarts.
    void noteSystemServerRestart(int32_t timeSec);

     * Records statsd skipped an event.
    void noteLogLost(int64_t timestamp);

     * Reset the historical stats. Including all stats in icebox, and the tracked stats about
     * metrics, matchers, and atoms. The active configs will be kept and StatsdStats will continue
     * to collect stats after reset() has been called.
    void reset();

     * Output the stats in protobuf binary format to [buffer].
     * [reset]: whether to clear the historical stats after the call.
    void dumpStats(std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer, bool reset);

     * Output statsd stats in human readable format to [out] file.
    void dumpStats(FILE* out) const;

    typedef struct {
        long totalPull;
        long totalPullFromCache;
        long minPullIntervalSec;
    } PulledAtomStats;


    mutable std::mutex mLock;

    int32_t mStartTimeSec;

    // Track the number of dropped entries used by the uid map.
    UidMapStats mUidMapStats;

    // The stats about the configs that are still in use.
    // The map size is capped by kMaxConfigCount.
    std::map<const ConfigKey, std::shared_ptr<ConfigStats>> mConfigStats;

    // Stores the stats for the configs that are no longer in use.
    // The size of the vector is capped by kMaxIceBoxSize.
    std::list<const std::shared_ptr<ConfigStats>> mIceBox;

    // Stores the number of times a pushed atom is logged.
    // The size of the vector is the largest pushed atom id in atoms.proto + 1. Atoms
    // out of that range will be dropped (it's either pulled atoms or test atoms).
    // This is a vector, not a map because it will be accessed A LOT -- for each stats log.
    std::vector<int> mPushedAtomStats;

    // Maps PullAtomId to its stats. The size is capped by the puller atom counts.
    std::map<int, PulledAtomStats> mPulledAtomStats;

    // Logd errors. Size capped by kMaxLoggerErrors.
    std::list<const std::pair<int, int>> mLoggerErrors;

    // Timestamps when we detect log loss after logd reconnect.
    std::list<int64_t> mLogLossTimestampNs;

    std::list<int32_t> mSystemServerRestartSec;

    // Stores the number of times statsd modified the anomaly alarm registered with
    // StatsCompanionService.
    int mAnomalyAlarmRegisteredStats = 0;

    // Stores the number of times statsd registers the periodic alarm changes
    int mPeriodicAlarmRegisteredStats = 0;

    void noteConfigResetInternalLocked(const ConfigKey& key);

    void noteConfigRemovedInternalLocked(const ConfigKey& key);

    void resetInternalLocked();

    void noteDataDropped(const ConfigKey& key, int32_t timeSec);

    void noteMetricsReportSent(const ConfigKey& key, const size_t num_bytes, int32_t timeSec);

    void noteBroadcastSent(const ConfigKey& key, int32_t timeSec);

    void addToIceBoxLocked(std::shared_ptr<ConfigStats>& stats);

    FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestValidConfigAdd);
    FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestInvalidConfigAdd);
    FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestConfigRemove);
    FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSubStats);
    FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestAtomLog);
    FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestTimestampThreshold);
    FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestAnomalyMonitor);
    FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSystemServerCrash);

}  // namespace statsd
}  // namespace os
}  // namespace android