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// Copyright 2006-2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "src/snapshot/partial-serializer.h"
#include "src/snapshot/startup-serializer.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

// Forward declarations.
class Isolate;
class PartialSerializer;
class StartupSerializer;

// Wrapper around reservation sizes and the serialization payload.
class SnapshotData : public SerializedData {
  // Used when producing.
  explicit SnapshotData(const Serializer* serializer);

  // Used when consuming.
  explicit SnapshotData(const Vector<const byte> snapshot)
      : SerializedData(const_cast<byte*>(snapshot.begin()), snapshot.length()) {

  Vector<const Reservation> Reservations() const;
  Vector<const byte> Payload() const;

  Vector<const byte> RawData() const {
    return Vector<const byte>(data_, size_);

  bool IsSane();

  // The data header consists of uint32_t-sized entries:
  // [0] magic number and external reference count
  // [1] version hash
  // [2] number of reservation size entries
  // [3] payload length
  // ... reservations
  // ... serialized payload
  static const int kCheckSumOffset = kMagicNumberOffset + kInt32Size;
  static const int kNumReservationsOffset = kCheckSumOffset + kInt32Size;
  static const int kPayloadLengthOffset = kNumReservationsOffset + kInt32Size;
  static const int kHeaderSize = kPayloadLengthOffset + kInt32Size;

class Snapshot : public AllStatic {
  // Initialize the Isolate from the internal snapshot. Returns false if no
  // snapshot could be found.
  static bool Initialize(Isolate* isolate);
  // Create a new context using the internal partial snapshot.
  static MaybeHandle<Context> NewContextFromSnapshot(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSGlobalProxy> global_proxy,
      size_t context_index,
      v8::DeserializeInternalFieldsCallback internal_fields_deserializer);

  static bool HaveASnapshotToStartFrom(Isolate* isolate);

  static bool HasContextSnapshot(Isolate* isolate, size_t index);

  static bool EmbedsScript(Isolate* isolate);

  // To be implemented by the snapshot source.
  static const v8::StartupData* DefaultSnapshotBlob();

  static v8::StartupData CreateSnapshotBlob(
      const SnapshotData* startup_snapshot,
      const List<SnapshotData*>* context_snapshots);

#ifdef DEBUG
  static bool SnapshotIsValid(v8::StartupData* snapshot_blob);
#endif  // DEBUG

  static int ExtractNumContexts(const v8::StartupData* data);
  static Vector<const byte> ExtractStartupData(const v8::StartupData* data);
  static Vector<const byte> ExtractContextData(const v8::StartupData* data,
                                               int index);

  // Snapshot blob layout:
  // [0] number of contexts N
  // [1] offset to context 0
  // [2] offset to context 1
  // ...
  // ... offset to context N - 1
  // ... startup snapshot data
  // ... context 0 snapshot data
  // ... context 1 snapshot data

  static const int kNumberOfContextsOffset = 0;
  static const int kFirstContextOffsetOffset =
      kNumberOfContextsOffset + kInt32Size;

  static int StartupSnapshotOffset(int num_contexts) {
    return kFirstContextOffsetOffset + num_contexts * kInt32Size;

  static int ContextSnapshotOffsetOffset(int index) {
    return kFirstContextOffsetOffset + index * kInt32Size;


void SetSnapshotFromFile(StartupData* snapshot_blob);

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8