// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/errors.h"
#include "puffin/src/puff_reader.h"
#include "puffin/src/puff_writer.h"
#include "puffin/src/unittest_common.h"
namespace puffin {
namespace {
void TestLiteralLength(size_t length) {
Buffer buf(length + 10);
PuffData pd;
Error error;
BufferPuffWriter pw(buf.data(), buf.size());
// We need to insert a metadata otherwise it will fail.
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata;
pd.length = 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
BufferPuffReader pr(buf.data(), buf.size());
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, 1);
// We insert |length| bytes.
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kLiterals;
pd.length = length;
pd.read_fn = [](uint8_t* buffer, size_t count) {
std::fill(buffer, buffer + count, 10);
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kLenDist;
pd.distance = 1;
pd.length = 3;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
if (length == 0) {
// If length is zero, then nothing should've been inserted.
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLenDist);
} else {
// We have to see |length| bytes.
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLiterals);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, length);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) {
uint8_t byte;
pd.read_fn(&byte, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(byte, 10);
} // namespace
// Testing read/write from/into a puff buffer using |PuffReader|/|PuffWriter|.
TEST(PuffIOTest, InputOutputTest) {
Buffer buf(100);
BufferPuffReader pr(buf.data(), buf.size());
BufferPuffWriter pw(buf.data(), buf.size());
BufferPuffWriter epw(nullptr, 0);
Error error;
uint8_t block = 123;
PuffData pd;
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata;
pd.block_metadata[0] = 0xCC; // header
memcpy(&pd.block_metadata[1], &block, sizeof(block));
pd.length = sizeof(block) + 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_TRUE(epw.Insert(pd, &error));
PuffData pd;
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, sizeof(block) + 1);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.block_metadata[0], 0xCC);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.block_metadata[1], block);
PuffData pd;
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kLenDist;
pd.distance = 321;
pd.length = 3;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_TRUE(epw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.length = 127;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_TRUE(epw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.length = 258;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_TRUE(epw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.length = 259;
ASSERT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_FALSE(epw.Insert(pd, &error));
PuffData pd;
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLenDist);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.distance, 321);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, 3);
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLenDist);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, 127);
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLenDist);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, 258);
PuffData pd;
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kEndOfBlock;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_TRUE(epw.Insert(pd, &error));
PuffData pd;
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kEndOfBlock);
PuffData pd;
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata;
block = 123;
pd.block_metadata[0] = 0xCC; // header
memcpy(&pd.block_metadata[1], &block, sizeof(block));
pd.length = sizeof(block) + 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_TRUE(epw.Insert(pd, &error));
PuffData pd;
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, sizeof(block) + 1);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.block_metadata[0], 0xCC);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.block_metadata[1], block);
uint8_t tmp[] = {1, 2, 100};
PuffData pd;
size_t index = 0;
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kLiterals;
pd.length = 3;
pd.read_fn = [&tmp, &index](uint8_t* buffer, size_t count) {
if (count > 3 - index)
return false;
if (buffer != nullptr) {
memcpy(buffer, &tmp[index], count);
index += count;
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
// We have to refresh the read_fn function for the second insert.
index = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(epw.Insert(pd, &error));
PuffData pd;
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kLiteral;
pd.byte = 10;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_TRUE(epw.Insert(pd, &error));
uint8_t tmp3[3];
PuffData pd;
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLiterals);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, 3);
ASSERT_TRUE(pd.read_fn(tmp3, 3));
ASSERT_FALSE(pd.read_fn(tmp3, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(tmp3, tmp, 3));
PuffData pd;
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLiterals);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(pd.read_fn(tmp3, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(tmp3[0], 10);
ASSERT_FALSE(pd.read_fn(tmp3, 2));
PuffData pd;
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kEndOfBlock;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_TRUE(epw.Insert(pd, &error));
PuffData pd;
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kEndOfBlock);
ASSERT_EQ(buf.size() - pr.BytesLeft(), pw.Size());
ASSERT_EQ(buf.size() - pr.BytesLeft(), epw.Size());
// Testing metadata boundary.
TEST(PuffIOTest, MetadataBoundaryTest) {
PuffData pd;
Error error;
Buffer buf(3);
BufferPuffWriter pw(buf.data(), buf.size());
// Block metadata takes two + varied bytes, so on a thre byte buffer, only one
// bytes is left for the varied part of metadata.
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata;
pd.length = 2;
ASSERT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(error, Error::kInsufficientOutput);
pd.length = 0; // length should be at least 1.
ASSERT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.length = 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
Buffer puff_buffer = {0x00, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00};
BufferPuffReader pr(puff_buffer.data(), puff_buffer.size());
ASSERT_FALSE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
TEST(PuffIOTest, InvalidCopyLengthsDistanceTest) {
PuffData pd;
Error error;
Buffer puff_buffer(20);
BufferPuffWriter pw(puff_buffer.data(), puff_buffer.size());
// Invalid Lenght values.
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kLenDist;
pd.distance = 1;
pd.length = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.length = 1;
EXPECT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.length = 2;
EXPECT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.length = 3;
EXPECT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.length = 259;
EXPECT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.length = 258;
EXPECT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
// Invalid distance values.
pd.length = 3;
pd.distance = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.distance = 1;
EXPECT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.distance = 32769;
EXPECT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.distance = 32768;
EXPECT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
// First three bytes header, four bytes value lit/len, and four bytes
// invalid lit/len.
puff_buffer = {0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00,
0x00, 0xFF, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00};
BufferPuffReader pr(puff_buffer.data(), puff_buffer.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
EXPECT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata);
EXPECT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
EXPECT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLenDist);
EXPECT_FALSE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
TEST(PuffIOTest, InvalidCopyLenghtDistanceBoundaryTest) {
PuffData pd;
Error error;
Buffer puff_buffer(5);
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kLenDist;
pd.distance = 1;
pd.length = 129;
for (size_t i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
BufferPuffWriter pw(puff_buffer.data(), i);
EXPECT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.length = 130;
for (size_t i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
BufferPuffWriter pw(puff_buffer.data(), i);
EXPECT_FALSE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
// First three bytes header, three bytes value lit/len.
puff_buffer = {0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00};
BufferPuffReader pr(puff_buffer.data(), puff_buffer.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
EXPECT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata);
EXPECT_FALSE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
TEST(PuffIOTest, LiteralsTest) {
// Testing maximum literals length.
TEST(PuffIOTest, MaxLiteralsTest) {
Buffer buf((1 << 16) + 127 + 20);
PuffData pd;
Error error;
BufferPuffWriter pw(buf.data(), buf.size());
// We need to insert a metadata otherwise it will fail.
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata;
pd.length = 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kLiterals;
pd.length = (1 << 16);
pd.read_fn = [](uint8_t* buffer, size_t count) {
std::fill(buffer, buffer + count, 10);
return true;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw.Insert(pd, &error));
BufferPuffReader pr(buf.data(), buf.size());
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(pr.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLiterals);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, 1 << 16);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) {
uint8_t byte;
pd.read_fn(&byte, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(byte, 10);
BufferPuffWriter pw2(buf.data(), buf.size());
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata;
pd.length = 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw2.Insert(pd, &error));
pd.type = PuffData::Type::kLiteral;
pd.length = 1;
pd.byte = 12;
// We have to be able to fill 65663 bytes.
for (size_t i = 0; i < ((1 << 16) + 127); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(pw2.Insert(pd, &error));
// If we add one more, then it should have been flushed.
pd.byte = 13;
ASSERT_TRUE(pw2.Insert(pd, &error));
// Now read it back.
BufferPuffReader pr2(buf.data(), buf.size());
ASSERT_TRUE(pr2.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kBlockMetadata);
// Now we should read on kLiterals with lenght 1 << 16 and just one literal
// after that.
ASSERT_TRUE(pr2.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLiterals);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, (1 << 16) + 127);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) {
uint8_t byte;
pd.read_fn(&byte, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(byte, 12);
ASSERT_TRUE(pr2.GetNext(&pd, &error));
ASSERT_EQ(pd.type, PuffData::Type::kLiterals);
ASSERT_EQ(pd.length, 1);
uint8_t byte;
pd.read_fn(&byte, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(byte, 13);
} // namespace puffin