# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2015, ARM Limited and contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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""" CPUs Analysis Module """
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab as pl
import pandas as pd
from analysis_module import AnalysisModule
class CpusAnalysis(AnalysisModule):
Support for CPUs Signals Analysis
:param trace: input Trace object
:type trace: :mod:`libs.utils.Trace`
def __init__(self, trace):
super(CpusAnalysis, self).__init__(trace)
# DataFrame Getter Methods
def _dfg_context_switches(self):
Compute number of context switches on each CPU.
:returns: :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`
if not self._trace.hasEvents('sched_switch'):
self._log.warning('Events [sched_switch] not found, context switch '
'computation not possible!')
return None
sched_df = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_switch')
cpus = range(self._platform['cpus_count'])
ctx_sw_df = pd.DataFrame(
[len(sched_df[sched_df['__cpu'] == cpu]) for cpu in cpus],
ctx_sw_df.index.name = 'cpu'
return ctx_sw_df
def _dfg_cpu_wakeups(self, cpus=None):
Get a DataFrame showing when a CPU was woken from idle
:param cpus: List of CPUs to find wakeups for. If None, all CPUs.
:type cpus: list(int) or None
:returns: :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` with one column ``cpu``, where each
row shows a time when the given ``cpu`` was woken up from
if not self._trace.hasEvents('cpu_idle'):
self._log.warning('Events [cpu_idle] not found, cannot '
'get CPU wakeup events.')
return None
cpus = cpus or range(self._trace.platform['cpus_count'])
sr = pd.Series()
for cpu in cpus:
cpu_sr = self._trace.getCPUActiveSignal(cpu)
cpu_sr = cpu_sr[cpu_sr == 1]
cpu_sr = cpu_sr.replace(1, cpu)
sr = sr.append(cpu_sr)
return pd.DataFrame({'cpu': sr}).sort_index()
# Plotting Methods
def plotCPU(self, cpus=None):
Plot CPU-related signals for both big and LITTLE clusters.
:param cpus: list of CPUs to be plotted
:type cpus: list(int)
if not self._trace.hasEvents('sched_load_avg_cpu'):
self._log.warning('Events [sched_load_avg_cpu] not found, '
'plot DISABLED!')
# Filter on specified cpus
if cpus is None:
cpus = sorted(self._big_cpus + self._little_cpus)
# Plot: big CPUs
bcpus = set(cpus).intersection(self._big_cpus)
if bcpus:
self._plotCPU(bcpus, "big")
lcpus = set(cpus).intersection(self._little_cpus)
if lcpus:
self._plotCPU(lcpus, "LITTLE")
# Utility Methods
def _plotCPU(self, cpus, label=''):
Internal method that generates plots for all input CPUs.
:param cpus: list of CPUs to be plotted
:type cpus: list(int)
if label != '':
label1 = '{} '.format(label)
label2 = '_{}s'.format(label.lower())
# Plot required CPUs
_, pltaxes = plt.subplots(len(cpus), 1, figsize=(16, 3*(len(cpus))))
idx = 0
for cpu in cpus:
# Reference axes to be used
axes = pltaxes
if len(cpus) > 1:
axes = pltaxes[idx]
# Add CPU utilization
axes.set_title('{0:s}CPU [{1:d}]'.format(label1, cpu))
df = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_load_avg_cpu')
df = df[df.cpu == cpu]
if len(df):
df[['util_avg']].plot(ax=axes, drawstyle='steps-post',
# if self._trace.hasEvents('sched_boost_cpu'):
# df = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_boost_cpu')
# df = df[df.cpu == cpu]
# if len(df):
# df[['usage', 'boosted_usage']].plot(
# ax=axes,
# style=['m-', 'r-'],
# drawstyle='steps-post');
# Add Capacities data if avilable
if self._trace.hasEvents('cpu_capacity'):
df = self._dfg_trace_event('cpu_capacity')
df = df[df.cpu == cpu]
if len(df):
# data = df[['capacity', 'tip_capacity', 'max_capacity']]
# data.plot(ax=axes, style=['m', 'y', 'r'],
data = df[['capacity', 'tip_capacity']]
data.plot(ax=axes, style=['m', '--y'],
# Add overutilized signal to the plot
axes.set_ylim(0, 1100)
axes.set_xlim(self._trace.x_min, self._trace.x_max)
if idx == 0:
axes.annotate("{}CPUs Signals".format(label1),
xy=(0, axes.get_ylim()[1]),
xytext=(-50, 25),
textcoords='offset points', fontsize=16)
# Disable x-axis timestamp for top-most cpus
if len(cpus) > 1 and idx < len(cpus)-1:
idx += 1
# Save generated plots into datadir
figname = '{}/{}cpus{}.png'.format(self._trace.plots_dir,
self._trace.plots_prefix, label2)
pl.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight')
def plotContextSwitch(self):
Plot histogram of context switches on each CPU.
if not self._trace.hasEvents('sched_switch'):
self._log.warning('Events [sched_switch] not found, plot DISABLED!')
ctx_sw_df = self._dfg_context_switches()
ax = ctx_sw_df.plot.bar(title="Per-CPU Task Context Switches",
figsize=(16, 8))
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