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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <brillo/message_loops/base_message_loop.h>

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#ifndef __APPLE__
#include <sys/sysmacros.h>

#ifndef __ANDROID_HOST__
// Used for MISC_MAJOR. Only required for the target and not always available
// for the host.
#include <linux/major.h>

#include <vector>

#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/run_loop.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>

#include <brillo/location_logging.h>
#include <brillo/strings/string_utils.h>

using base::Closure;

namespace {

const char kMiscMinorPath[] = "/proc/misc";
const char kBinderDriverName[] = "binder";

}  // namespace

namespace brillo {

const int BaseMessageLoop::kInvalidMinor = -1;
const int BaseMessageLoop::kUninitializedMinor = -2;

BaseMessageLoop::BaseMessageLoop() {
      << "You can't create a base::MessageLoopForIO when another "
         "base::MessageLoop is already created for this thread.";
  owned_base_loop_.reset(new base::MessageLoopForIO);
  base_loop_ = owned_base_loop_.get();

BaseMessageLoop::BaseMessageLoop(base::MessageLoopForIO* base_loop)
    : base_loop_(base_loop) {}

BaseMessageLoop::~BaseMessageLoop() {
  for (auto& io_task : io_tasks_) {
    DVLOG_LOC(io_task.second.location(), 1)
        << "Removing file descriptor watcher task_id " << io_task.first
        << " leaked on BaseMessageLoop, scheduled from this location.";

  // Note all pending canceled delayed tasks when destroying the message loop.
  size_t lazily_deleted_tasks = 0;
  for (const auto& delayed_task : delayed_tasks_) {
    if (delayed_task.second.closure.is_null()) {
    } else {
      DVLOG_LOC(delayed_task.second.location, 1)
          << "Removing delayed task_id " << delayed_task.first
          << " leaked on BaseMessageLoop, scheduled from this location.";
  if (lazily_deleted_tasks) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Leaking " << lazily_deleted_tasks << " canceled tasks.";

MessageLoop::TaskId BaseMessageLoop::PostDelayedTask(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure &task,
    base::TimeDelta delay) {
  TaskId task_id =  NextTaskId();
  bool base_scheduled = base_loop_->task_runner()->PostDelayedTask(
  DVLOG_LOC(from_here, 1) << "Scheduling delayed task_id " << task_id
                          << " to run in " << delay << ".";
  if (!base_scheduled)
    return MessageLoop::kTaskIdNull;

                         DelayedTask{from_here, task_id, std::move(task)});
  return task_id;

MessageLoop::TaskId BaseMessageLoop::WatchFileDescriptor(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    int fd,
    WatchMode mode,
    bool persistent,
    const Closure &task) {
  // base::MessageLoopForIO CHECKS that "fd >= 0", so we handle that case here.
  if (fd < 0)
    return MessageLoop::kTaskIdNull;

  base::MessageLoopForIO::Mode base_mode = base::MessageLoopForIO::WATCH_READ;
  switch (mode) {
    case MessageLoop::kWatchRead:
      base_mode = base::MessageLoopForIO::WATCH_READ;
    case MessageLoop::kWatchWrite:
      base_mode = base::MessageLoopForIO::WATCH_WRITE;
      return MessageLoop::kTaskIdNull;

  TaskId task_id =  NextTaskId();
  auto it_bool = io_tasks_.emplace(
          from_here, this, task_id, fd, base_mode, persistent, task));
  // This should always insert a new element.
  bool scheduled = it_bool.first->second.StartWatching();
  DVLOG_LOC(from_here, 1)
      << "Watching fd " << fd << " for "
      << (mode == MessageLoop::kWatchRead ? "reading" : "writing")
      << (persistent ? " persistently" : " just once")
      << " as task_id " << task_id
      << (scheduled ? " successfully" : " failed.");

  if (!scheduled) {
    return MessageLoop::kTaskIdNull;

#ifndef __ANDROID_HOST__
  // Determine if the passed fd is the binder file descriptor. For that, we need
  // to check that is a special char device and that the major and minor device
  // numbers match. The binder file descriptor can't be removed and added back
  // to an epoll group when there's work available to be done by the file
  // descriptor due to bugs in the binder driver (b/26524111) when used with
  // epoll. Therefore, we flag the binder fd and never attempt to remove it.
  // This may cause the binder file descriptor to be attended with higher
  // priority and cause starvation of other events.
  struct stat buf;
  if (fstat(fd, &buf) == 0 &&
      S_ISCHR(buf.st_mode) &&
      major(buf.st_rdev) == MISC_MAJOR &&
      minor(buf.st_rdev) == GetBinderMinor()) {

  return task_id;

bool BaseMessageLoop::CancelTask(TaskId task_id) {
  if (task_id == kTaskIdNull)
    return false;
  auto delayed_task_it = delayed_tasks_.find(task_id);
  if (delayed_task_it == delayed_tasks_.end()) {
    // This might be an IOTask then.
    auto io_task_it = io_tasks_.find(task_id);
    if (io_task_it == io_tasks_.end())
      return false;
    return io_task_it->second.CancelTask();
  // A DelayedTask was found for this task_id at this point.

  // Check if the callback was already canceled but we have the entry in
  // delayed_tasks_ since it didn't fire yet in the message loop.
  if (delayed_task_it->second.closure.is_null())
    return false;

  DVLOG_LOC(delayed_task_it->second.location, 1)
      << "Removing task_id " << task_id << " scheduled from this location.";
  // We reset to closure to a null Closure to release all the resources
  // used by this closure at this point, but we don't remove the task_id from
  // delayed_tasks_ since we can't tell base::MessageLoopForIO to not run it.
  delayed_task_it->second.closure = Closure();

  return true;

bool BaseMessageLoop::RunOnce(bool may_block) {
  run_once_ = true;
  base::RunLoop run_loop;  // Uses the base::MessageLoopForIO implicitly.
  base_run_loop_ = &run_loop;
  if (!may_block)
  base_run_loop_ = nullptr;
  // If the flag was reset to false, it means a closure was run.
  if (!run_once_)
    return true;

  run_once_ = false;
  return false;

void BaseMessageLoop::Run() {
  base::RunLoop run_loop;  // Uses the base::MessageLoopForIO implicitly.
  base_run_loop_ = &run_loop;
  base_run_loop_ = nullptr;

void BaseMessageLoop::BreakLoop() {
  if (base_run_loop_ == nullptr) {
    DVLOG(1) << "Message loop not running, ignoring BreakLoop().";
    return;  // Message loop not running, nothing to do.

Closure BaseMessageLoop::QuitClosure() const {
  if (base_run_loop_ == nullptr)
    return base::Bind(&base::DoNothing);
  return base_run_loop_->QuitClosure();

MessageLoop::TaskId BaseMessageLoop::NextTaskId() {
  TaskId res;
  do {
    res = ++last_id_;
    // We would run out of memory before we run out of task ids.
  } while (!res ||
           delayed_tasks_.find(res) != delayed_tasks_.end() ||
           io_tasks_.find(res) != io_tasks_.end());
  return res;

void BaseMessageLoop::OnRanPostedTask(MessageLoop::TaskId task_id) {
  auto task_it = delayed_tasks_.find(task_id);
  DCHECK(task_it != delayed_tasks_.end());
  if (!task_it->second.closure.is_null()) {
    DVLOG_LOC(task_it->second.location, 1)
        << "Running delayed task_id " << task_id
        << " scheduled from this location.";
    // Mark the task as canceled while we are running it so CancelTask returns
    // false.
    Closure closure = std::move(task_it->second.closure);
    task_it->second.closure = Closure();

    // If the |run_once_| flag is set, it is because we are instructed to run
    // only once callback.
    if (run_once_) {
      run_once_ = false;

void BaseMessageLoop::OnFileReadyPostedTask(MessageLoop::TaskId task_id) {
  auto task_it = io_tasks_.find(task_id);
  // Even if this task was canceled while we were waiting in the message loop
  // for this method to run, the entry in io_tasks_ should still be present, but
  // won't do anything.
  DCHECK(task_it != io_tasks_.end());

int BaseMessageLoop::ParseBinderMinor(
    const std::string& file_contents) {
  int result = kInvalidMinor;
  // Split along '\n', then along the ' '. Note that base::SplitString trims all
  // white spaces at the beginning and end after splitting.
  std::vector<std::string> lines =
      base::SplitString(file_contents, "\n", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE,
  for (const std::string& line : lines) {
    if (line.empty())
    std::string number;
    std::string name;
    if (!string_utils::SplitAtFirst(line, " ", &number, &name, false))

    if (name == kBinderDriverName && base::StringToInt(number, &result))
  return result;

unsigned int BaseMessageLoop::GetBinderMinor() {
  if (binder_minor_ != kUninitializedMinor)
    return binder_minor_;

  std::string proc_misc;
  if (!base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(kMiscMinorPath), &proc_misc))
    return binder_minor_;
  binder_minor_ = ParseBinderMinor(proc_misc);
  return binder_minor_;

BaseMessageLoop::IOTask::IOTask(const tracked_objects::Location& location,
                                BaseMessageLoop* loop,
                                MessageLoop::TaskId task_id,
                                int fd,
                                base::MessageLoopForIO::Mode base_mode,
                                bool persistent,
                                const Closure& task)
    : location_(location), loop_(loop), task_id_(task_id),
      fd_(fd), base_mode_(base_mode), persistent_(persistent), closure_(task),
      fd_watcher_(FROM_HERE) {}

bool BaseMessageLoop::IOTask::StartWatching() {
  return loop_->base_loop_->WatchFileDescriptor(
      fd_, persistent_, base_mode_, &fd_watcher_, this);

void BaseMessageLoop::IOTask::StopWatching() {
  // This is safe to call even if we are not watching for it.

void BaseMessageLoop::IOTask::OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking(int /* fd */) {

void BaseMessageLoop::IOTask::OnFileCanWriteWithoutBlocking(int /* fd */) {

void BaseMessageLoop::IOTask::OnFileReady() {
  // For file descriptors marked with the immediate_run flag, we don't call
  // StopWatching() and wait, instead we dispatch the callback immediately.
  if (immediate_run_) {
    posted_task_pending_ = true;

  // When the file descriptor becomes available we stop watching for it and
  // schedule a task to run the callback from the main loop. The callback will
  // run using the same scheduler used to run other delayed tasks, avoiding
  // starvation of the available posted tasks if there are file descriptors
  // always available. The new posted task will use the same TaskId as the
  // current file descriptor watching task an could be canceled in either state,
  // when waiting for the file descriptor or waiting in the main loop.
  bool base_scheduled = loop_->base_loop_->task_runner()->PostTask(
  posted_task_pending_ = true;
  if (base_scheduled) {
    DVLOG_LOC(location_, 1)
        << "Dispatching task_id " << task_id_ << " for "
        << (base_mode_ == base::MessageLoopForIO::WATCH_READ ?
            "reading" : "writing")
        << " file descriptor " << fd_ << ", scheduled from this location.";
  } else {
    // In the rare case that PostTask() fails, we fall back to run it directly.
    // This would indicate a bigger problem with the message loop setup.
    LOG(ERROR) << "Error on base::MessageLoopForIO::PostTask().";

void BaseMessageLoop::IOTask::OnFileReadyPostedTask() {
  // We can't access |this| after running the |closure_| since it could call
  // CancelTask on its own task_id, so we copy the members we need now.
  BaseMessageLoop* loop_ptr = loop_;
  DCHECK(posted_task_pending_ = true);
  posted_task_pending_ = false;

  // If this task was already canceled, the closure will be null and there is
  // nothing else to do here. This execution doesn't count a step for RunOnce()
  // unless we have a callback to run.
  if (closure_.is_null()) {

  DVLOG_LOC(location_, 1)
      << "Running task_id " << task_id_ << " for "
      << (base_mode_ == base::MessageLoopForIO::WATCH_READ ?
          "reading" : "writing")
      << " file descriptor " << fd_ << ", scheduled from this location.";

  if (persistent_) {
    // In the persistent case we just run the callback. If this callback cancels
    // the task id, we can't access |this| anymore, so we re-start watching the
    // file descriptor before running the callback, unless this is a fd where
    // we didn't stop watching the file descriptor when it became available.
    if (!immediate_run_)
  } else {
    // This will destroy |this|, the fd_watcher and therefore stop watching this
    // file descriptor.
    Closure closure_copy = std::move(closure_);
    // Run the closure from the local copy we just made.

  if (loop_ptr->run_once_) {
    loop_ptr->run_once_ = false;

bool BaseMessageLoop::IOTask::CancelTask() {
  if (closure_.is_null())
    return false;

  DVLOG_LOC(location_, 1)
      << "Removing task_id " << task_id_ << " scheduled from this location.";

  if (!posted_task_pending_) {
    // Destroying the FileDescriptorWatcher implicitly stops watching the file
    // descriptor. This will delete our instance.
    return true;
  // The IOTask is waiting for the message loop to run its delayed task, so
  // it is not watching for the file descriptor. We release the closure
  // resources now but keep the IOTask instance alive while we wait for the
  // callback to run and delete the IOTask.
  closure_ = Closure();
  return true;

}  // namespace brillo