C++程序  |  24行  |  491 B

 * cblas_izamax.c
 * The program is a C interface to izamax.
 * It calls the fortran wrapper before calling izamax.
 * Written by Keita Teranishi.  2/11/1998
#include "cblas.h"
#include "cblas_f77.h"
CBLAS_INDEX cblas_izamax( const int N, const void *X, const int incX)
   int iamax;
#ifdef F77_INT
   F77_INT F77_N=N, F77_incX=incX;
   #define F77_N N
   #define F77_incX incX
   iamax = F77_izamax( &F77_N, X, &F77_incX);
   return (iamax ? iamax-1 : 0);