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# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import logging
import os
import re

from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import autoupdater
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import tools
from autotest_lib.server.cros.update_engine import update_engine_test
from chromite.lib import retry_util

class autoupdate_P2P(update_engine_test.UpdateEngineTest):
    """Tests a peer to peer (P2P) autoupdate."""

    version = 1

    _P2P_ATTEMPTS_FILE = '/var/lib/update_engine/prefs/p2p-num-attempts'
    _P2P_FIRST_ATTEMPT_FILE = '/var/lib/update_engine/prefs/p2p-first-attempt' \

    def setup(self):
        self._omaha_devserver = None

    def cleanup(self):
        logging.info('Disabling p2p_update on hosts.')
        for host in self._hosts:
                cmd = 'update_engine_client --p2p_update=no'
                retry_util.RetryException(error.AutoservRunError, 2, host.run,
            except Exception:
                logging.info('Failed to disable P2P in cleanup.')
        super(autoupdate_P2P, self).cleanup()

    def _enable_p2p_update_on_hosts(self):
        """Turn on the option to enable p2p updating on both DUTs."""
        logging.info('Enabling p2p_update on hosts.')
        for host in self._hosts:
                cmd = 'update_engine_client --p2p_update=yes'
                retry_util.RetryException(error.AutoservRunError, 2, host.run,
            except Exception:
                raise error.TestFail('Failed to enable p2p on %s' % host)

            if self._too_many_attempts:
                host.run('echo 11 > %s' % self._P2P_ATTEMPTS_FILE)
                host.run('rm %s' % self._P2P_ATTEMPTS_FILE, ignore_status=True)

            if self._deadline_expired:
                host.run('echo 1 > %s' % self._P2P_FIRST_ATTEMPT_FILE)
                host.run('rm %s' % self._P2P_FIRST_ATTEMPT_FILE,


    def _update_dut(self, host, update_url):
        Update the first DUT normally and save the update engine logs.

        @param host: the host object for the first DUT.
        @param update_url: the url to call for updating the DUT.

        logging.info('Updating first DUT with a regular update.')
            updater = autoupdater.ChromiumOSUpdater(update_url, host)
        except autoupdater.RootFSUpdateError:
            logging.exception('Failed to update the first DUT.')
            raise error.TestFail('Updating the first DUT failed. Please check '
                                 'the update_engine logs in the results dir.')
            logging.info('Saving update engine logs to results dir.')

    def _check_p2p_still_enabled(self, host):
        Check that updating has not affected P2P status.

        @param host: The host that we just updated.

        logging.info('Checking that p2p is still enabled after update.')
        def _is_p2p_enabled():
            p2p = host.run('update_engine_client --show_p2p_update',
            if p2p.stderr is not None and 'ENABLED' in p2p.stderr:
                return True
                return False

        err = 'P2P was disabled after the first DUT was updated. This is not ' \
              'expected. Something probably went wrong with the update.'


    def _update_via_p2p(self, host, update_url):
        Update the second DUT via P2P from the first DUT.

        We perform a non-interactive update and update_engine will check
        for other devices that have P2P enabled and download from them instead.

        @param host: The second DUT.
        @param update_url: the url to call for updating the DUT.

        logging.info('Updating second host via p2p.')

            # Start a non-interactive update which is required for p2p.
            updater = autoupdater.ChromiumOSUpdater(update_url, host,
        except autoupdater.RootFSUpdateError:
            logging.exception('Failed to update the second DUT via P2P.')
            raise error.TestFail('Failed to update the second DUT. Please '
                                 'checkout update_engine logs in results dir.')
            logging.info('Saving update engine logs to results dir.')

        # Return the update_engine logs so we can check for p2p entries.
        return host.run('cat /var/log/update_engine.log').stdout

    def _check_for_p2p_entries_in_update_log(self, update_engine_log):
        Ensure that the second DUT actually updated via P2P.

        We will check the update_engine log for entries that tell us that the
        update was done via P2P.

        @param update_engine_log: the update engine log for the p2p update.

        logging.info('Making sure we have p2p entries in update engine log.')
        line1 = "Checking if payload is available via p2p, file_id=" \
        line2 = "Lookup complete, p2p-client returned URL " \
                "'http://%s:(.*)/cros_update_size_(.*)_hash_(.*).cros_au'" % \
        line3 = "Replacing URL (.*) with local URL " \
                "http://%s:(.*)/cros_update_size_(.*)_hash_(.*).cros_au " \
                "since p2p is enabled." % self._hosts[0].ip
        errline = "Forcibly disabling use of p2p for downloading because no " \
                  "suitable peer could be found."
        too_many_attempts_err_str = "Forcibly disabling use of p2p for " \
                                    "downloading because of previous " \
                                    "failures when using p2p."

        if re.compile(errline).search(update_engine_log) is not None:
            raise error.TestFail('P2P update was disabled because no suitable '
                                 'peer DUT was found.')
        if self._too_many_attempts or self._deadline_expired:
            ue = re.compile(too_many_attempts_err_str)
            if ue.search(update_engine_log) is None:
                raise error.TestFail('We expected update_engine to complain '
                                     'that there were too many p2p attempts '
                                     'but it did not. Check the logs.')
        for line in [line1, line2, line3]:
            ue = re.compile(line)
            if ue.search(update_engine_log) is None:
                raise error.TestFail('We did not find p2p string "%s" in the '
                                     'update_engine log for the second host. '
                                     'Please check the update_engine logs in '
                                     'the results directory.' % line)

    def _get_build_from_job_repo_url(self, host):
        Gets the build string from a hosts job_repo_url.

        @param host: Object representing host.

        info = host.host_info_store.get()
        repo_url = info.attributes.get(host.job_repo_url_attribute, '')
        if not repo_url:
            raise error.TestFail('There was no job_repo_url for %s so we '
                                 'cant get a payload to use.' % host.hostname)
        return tools.get_devserver_build_from_package_url(repo_url)

    def _verify_hosts(self, job_repo_url):
        Ensure that the hosts scheduled for the test are valid.

        @param job_repo_url: URL to work out the current build.

        lab1 = self._hosts[0].hostname.partition('-')[0]
        lab2 = self._hosts[1].hostname.partition('-')[0]
        if lab1 != lab2:
            raise error.TestNAError('Test was given DUTs in different labs so '
                                    'P2P will not work. See crbug.com/807495.')

        logging.info('Making sure hosts can ping each other.')
        result = self._hosts[1].run('ping -c5 %s' % self._hosts[0].ip,
        logging.debug('Ping status: %s', result)
        if result.exit_status != 0:
            raise error.TestFail('Devices failed to ping each other.')
        # Get the current build. e.g samus-release/R65-10200.0.0
        if job_repo_url is None:
            logging.info('Making sure hosts have the same build.')
            _, build1 = self._get_build_from_job_repo_url(self._hosts[0])
            _, build2 = self._get_build_from_job_repo_url(self._hosts[1])
            if build1 != build2:
                raise error.TestFail('The builds on the hosts did not match. '
                                     'Host one: %s, Host two: %s' % (build1,

    def run_once(self, hosts, job_repo_url=None, too_many_attempts=False,
        self._hosts = hosts
        logging.info('Hosts for this test: %s', self._hosts)

        self._too_many_attempts = too_many_attempts
        self._deadline_expired = deadline_expired

        # Get an N-to-N delta payload update url to use for the test.
        # P2P updates are very slow so we will only update with a delta payload.
        update_url = self.get_update_url_for_test(job_repo_url,

        # The first device just updates normally.
        self._update_dut(self._hosts[0], update_url)

        # Update the 2nd DUT with the delta payload via P2P from the 1st DUT.
        update_engine_log = self._update_via_p2p(self._hosts[1], update_url)