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/** @file
  Default exception handler

  Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>
  Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014, ARM Ltd. All rights reserved.<BR>

  This program and the accompanying materials
  are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
  which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at



#include <Uefi.h>
#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
#include <Library/PeCoffGetEntryPointLib.h>
#include <Library/PrintLib.h>
#include <Library/ArmDisassemblerLib.h>
#include <Library/SerialPortLib.h>

#include <Guid/DebugImageInfoTable.h>
#include <Protocol/DebugSupport.h>
#include <Protocol/LoadedImage.h>

STATIC CHAR8 *gExceptionTypeString[] = {

STATIC BOOLEAN mRecursiveException;

GetImageName (
  IN  UINTN  FaultAddress,
  OUT UINTN  *ImageBase,
  OUT UINTN  *PeCoffSizeOfHeaders

DescribeInstructionOrDataAbort (
  IN CHAR8 *AbortType,
  CHAR8 *AbortCause;

  switch (Iss & 0x3f) {
    case 0x0: AbortCause = "Address size fault, zeroth level of translation or translation table base register";  break;
    case 0x1: AbortCause = "Address size fault, first level";  break;
    case 0x2: AbortCause = "Address size fault, second level";  break;
    case 0x3: AbortCause = "Address size fault, third level";  break;
    case 0x4: AbortCause = "Translation fault, zeroth level";  break;
    case 0x5: AbortCause = "Translation fault, first level";  break;
    case 0x6: AbortCause = "Translation fault, second level";  break;
    case 0x7: AbortCause = "Translation fault, third level";  break;
    case 0x9: AbortCause = "Access flag fault, first level";  break;
    case 0xa: AbortCause = "Access flag fault, second level";  break;
    case 0xb: AbortCause = "Access flag fault, third level";  break;
    case 0xd: AbortCause = "Permission fault, first level";  break;
    case 0xe: AbortCause = "Permission fault, second level";  break;
    case 0xf: AbortCause = "Permission fault, third level";  break;
    case 0x10: AbortCause = "Synchronous external abort";  break;
    case 0x18: AbortCause = "Synchronous parity error on memory access";  break;
    case 0x11: AbortCause = "Asynchronous external abort";  break;
    case 0x19: AbortCause = "Asynchronous parity error on memory access";  break;
    case 0x14: AbortCause = "Synchronous external abort on translation table walk, zeroth level";  break;
    case 0x15: AbortCause = "Synchronous external abort on translation table walk, first level";  break;
    case 0x16: AbortCause = "Synchronous external abort on translation table walk, second level";  break;
    case 0x17: AbortCause = "Synchronous external abort on translation table walk, third level";  break;
    case 0x1c: AbortCause = "Synchronous parity error on memory access on translation table walk, zeroth level";  break;
    case 0x1d: AbortCause = "Synchronous parity error on memory access on translation table walk, first level";  break;
    case 0x1e: AbortCause = "Synchronous parity error on memory access on translation table walk, second level";  break;
    case 0x1f: AbortCause = "Synchronous parity error on memory access on translation table walk, third level";  break;
    case 0x21: AbortCause = "Alignment fault";  break;
    case 0x22: AbortCause = "Debug event";  break;
    case 0x30: AbortCause = "TLB conflict abort";  break;
    case 0x33:
    case 0x34: AbortCause = "IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED";  break;
    case 0x35:
    case 0x36: AbortCause = "Domain fault"; break;
    default: AbortCause = ""; break;

  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "\n%a: %a\n", AbortType, AbortCause));

DescribeExceptionSyndrome (
  IN UINT32 Esr
  CHAR8 *Message;
  UINTN Iss;

  Ec = Esr >> 26;
  Iss = Esr & 0x00ffffff;

  switch (Ec) {
    case 0x15: Message = "SVC executed in AArch64"; break;
    case 0x20:
    case 0x21: DescribeInstructionOrDataAbort ("Instruction abort", Iss); return;
    case 0x22: Message = "PC alignment fault"; break;
    case 0x23: Message = "SP alignment fault"; break;
    case 0x24:
    case 0x25: DescribeInstructionOrDataAbort ("Data abort", Iss); return;
    default: return;

  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "\n %a \n", Message));

BaseName (
  IN  CONST CHAR8 *FullName

  Str = FullName + AsciiStrLen (FullName);

  while (--Str > FullName) {
    if (*Str == '/' || *Str == '\\') {
      return Str + 1;
  return Str;

  This is the default action to take on an unexpected exception

  Since this is exception context don't do anything crazy like try to allcoate memory.

  @param  ExceptionType    Type of the exception
  @param  SystemContext    Register state at the time of the Exception

DefaultExceptionHandler (
  IN     EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE           ExceptionType,
  IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT           SystemContext
  CHAR8  Buffer[100];
  UINTN  CharCount;
  INT32  Offset;

  if (mRecursiveException) {
    CharCount = AsciiSPrint (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer),"\nRecursive exception occurred while dumping the CPU state\n");
    SerialPortWrite ((UINT8 *) Buffer, CharCount);
    CpuDeadLoop ();
  mRecursiveException = TRUE;

  CharCount = AsciiSPrint (Buffer,sizeof (Buffer),"\n\n%a Exception at 0x%016lx\n", gExceptionTypeString[ExceptionType], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ELR);
  SerialPortWrite ((UINT8 *) Buffer, CharCount);

    CHAR8  *Pdb, *PrevPdb;
    UINTN  ImageBase;
    UINTN  PeCoffSizeOfHeader;
    UINT64 *Fp;
    UINT64 RootFp[2];
    UINTN  Idx;

    PrevPdb = Pdb = GetImageName (SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ELR, &ImageBase, &PeCoffSizeOfHeader);
    if (Pdb != NULL) {
      DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "PC 0x%012lx (0x%012lx+0x%08x) [ 0] %a\n",
        SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ELR, ImageBase,
        SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ELR - ImageBase, BaseName (Pdb)));

      if ((UINT64 *)SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->FP != 0) {
        Idx = 0;

        RootFp[0] = ((UINT64 *)SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->FP)[0];
        RootFp[1] = ((UINT64 *)SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->FP)[1];
        if (RootFp[1] != SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->LR) {
          RootFp[0] = SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->FP;
          RootFp[1] = SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->LR;
        for (Fp = RootFp; Fp[0] != 0; Fp = (UINT64 *)Fp[0]) {
          Pdb = GetImageName (Fp[1], &ImageBase, &PeCoffSizeOfHeader);
          if (Pdb != NULL) {
            if (Pdb != PrevPdb) {
              PrevPdb = Pdb;
            DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "PC 0x%012lx (0x%012lx+0x%08x) [% 2d] %a\n",
              Fp[1], ImageBase, Fp[1] - ImageBase, Idx, BaseName (Pdb)));
        PrevPdb = Pdb = GetImageName (SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ELR, &ImageBase, &PeCoffSizeOfHeader);
        DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "\n[ 0] %a\n", Pdb));

        Idx = 0;
        for (Fp = RootFp; Fp[0] != 0; Fp = (UINT64 *)Fp[0]) {
          Pdb = GetImageName (Fp[1], &ImageBase, &PeCoffSizeOfHeader);
          if (Pdb != NULL && Pdb != PrevPdb) {
            DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "[% 2d] %a\n", ++Idx, Pdb));
            PrevPdb = Pdb;

  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "\n  X0 0x%016lx   X1 0x%016lx   X2 0x%016lx   X3 0x%016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X0, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X1, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X2, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X3));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "  X4 0x%016lx   X5 0x%016lx   X6 0x%016lx   X7 0x%016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X4, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X5, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X6, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X7));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "  X8 0x%016lx   X9 0x%016lx  X10 0x%016lx  X11 0x%016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X8, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X9, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X10, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X11));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " X12 0x%016lx  X13 0x%016lx  X14 0x%016lx  X15 0x%016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X12, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X13, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X14, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X15));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " X16 0x%016lx  X17 0x%016lx  X18 0x%016lx  X19 0x%016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X16, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X17, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X18, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X19));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " X20 0x%016lx  X21 0x%016lx  X22 0x%016lx  X23 0x%016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X20, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X21, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X22, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X23));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " X24 0x%016lx  X25 0x%016lx  X26 0x%016lx  X27 0x%016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X24, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X25, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X26, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X27));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " X28 0x%016lx   FP 0x%016lx   LR 0x%016lx  \n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->X28, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->FP, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->LR));

  /* We save these as 128bit numbers, but have to print them as two 64bit numbers,
     so swap the 64bit words to correctly represent a 128bit number.  */
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "\n  V0 0x%016lx %016lx   V1 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V0[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V0[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V1[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V1[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "  V2 0x%016lx %016lx   V3 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V2[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V2[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V3[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V3[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "  V4 0x%016lx %016lx   V5 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V4[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V4[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V5[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V5[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "  V6 0x%016lx %016lx   V7 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V6[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V6[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V7[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V7[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "  V8 0x%016lx %016lx   V9 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V8[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V8[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V9[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V9[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V10 0x%016lx %016lx  V11 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V10[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V10[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V11[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V11[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V12 0x%016lx %016lx  V13 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V12[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V12[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V13[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V13[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V14 0x%016lx %016lx  V15 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V14[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V14[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V15[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V15[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V16 0x%016lx %016lx  V17 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V16[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V16[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V17[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V17[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V18 0x%016lx %016lx  V19 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V18[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V18[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V19[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V19[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V20 0x%016lx %016lx  V21 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V20[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V20[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V21[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V21[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V22 0x%016lx %016lx  V23 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V22[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V22[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V23[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V23[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V24 0x%016lx %016lx  V25 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V24[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V24[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V25[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V25[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V26 0x%016lx %016lx  V27 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V26[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V26[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V27[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V27[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V28 0x%016lx %016lx  V29 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V28[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V28[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V29[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V29[0]));
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, " V30 0x%016lx %016lx  V31 0x%016lx %016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V30[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V30[0], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V31[1], SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->V31[0]));

  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "\n  SP 0x%016lx  ELR 0x%016lx  SPSR 0x%08lx  FPSR 0x%08lx\n ESR 0x%08lx          FAR 0x%016lx\n", SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->SP, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ELR, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->SPSR, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->FPSR, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ESR, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->FAR));

  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "\n ESR : EC 0x%02x  IL 0x%x  ISS 0x%08x\n", (SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ESR & 0xFC000000) >> 26, (SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ESR >> 25) & 0x1, SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ESR & 0x1FFFFFF ));

  DescribeExceptionSyndrome (SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->ESR);

  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "\nStack dump:\n"));
  for (Offset = -256; Offset < 256; Offset += 32) {
    DEBUG  ((EFI_D_ERROR, "%c %013lx: %016lx %016lx %016lx %016lx\n",
      Offset == 0 ? '>' : ' ',
      SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->SP + Offset,
      *(UINT64 *)(SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->SP + Offset),
      *(UINT64 *)(SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->SP + Offset + 8),
      *(UINT64 *)(SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->SP + Offset + 16),
      *(UINT64 *)(SystemContext.SystemContextAArch64->SP + Offset + 24)));

  CpuDeadLoop ();