/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <array> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> #include <vector> #define LOG_TAG "TetherController" #include <android-base/strings.h> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include <cutils/log.h> #include <cutils/properties.h> #include <netdutils/StatusOr.h> #include "Fwmark.h" #include "NetdConstants.h" #include "Permission.h" #include "InterfaceController.h" #include "NetworkController.h" #include "ResponseCode.h" #include "TetherController.h" using android::base::Join; using android::base::StringPrintf; using android::base::StringAppendF; using android::netdutils::StatusOr; using android::netdutils::statusFromErrno; namespace { const char BP_TOOLS_MODE[] = "bp-tools"; const char IPV4_FORWARDING_PROC_FILE[] = "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"; const char IPV6_FORWARDING_PROC_FILE[] = "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding"; const char SEPARATOR[] = "|"; constexpr const char kTcpBeLiberal[] = "/proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal"; // Chosen to match AID_DNS_TETHER, as made "friendly" by fs_config_generator.py. constexpr const char kDnsmasqUsername[] = "dns_tether"; bool writeToFile(const char* filename, const char* value) { int fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (fd < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to open %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); return false; } const ssize_t len = strlen(value); if (write(fd, value, len) != len) { ALOGE("Failed to write %s to %s: %s", value, filename, strerror(errno)); close(fd); return false; } close(fd); return true; } // TODO: Consider altering TCP and UDP timeouts as well. void configureForTethering(bool enabled) { writeToFile(kTcpBeLiberal, enabled ? "1" : "0"); } bool configureForIPv6Router(const char *interface) { return (InterfaceController::setEnableIPv6(interface, 0) == 0) && (InterfaceController::setAcceptIPv6Ra(interface, 0) == 0) && (InterfaceController::setAcceptIPv6Dad(interface, 0) == 0) && (InterfaceController::setIPv6DadTransmits(interface, "0") == 0) && (InterfaceController::setEnableIPv6(interface, 1) == 0); } void configureForIPv6Client(const char *interface) { InterfaceController::setAcceptIPv6Ra(interface, 1); InterfaceController::setAcceptIPv6Dad(interface, 1); InterfaceController::setIPv6DadTransmits(interface, "1"); InterfaceController::setEnableIPv6(interface, 0); } bool inBpToolsMode() { // In BP tools mode, do not disable IP forwarding char bootmode[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0}; property_get("ro.bootmode", bootmode, "unknown"); return !strcmp(BP_TOOLS_MODE, bootmode); } } // namespace namespace android { namespace net { auto TetherController::iptablesRestoreFunction = execIptablesRestoreWithOutput; const int MAX_IPT_OUTPUT_LINE_LEN = 256; const std::string GET_TETHER_STATS_COMMAND = StringPrintf( "*filter\n" "-nvx -L %s\n" "COMMIT\n", android::net::TetherController::LOCAL_TETHER_COUNTERS_CHAIN); TetherController::TetherController() { mDnsNetId = 0; mDaemonFd = -1; mDaemonPid = 0; if (inBpToolsMode()) { enableForwarding(BP_TOOLS_MODE); } else { setIpFwdEnabled(); } } TetherController::~TetherController() { mInterfaces.clear(); mDnsForwarders.clear(); mForwardingRequests.clear(); mFwdIfaces.clear(); } bool TetherController::setIpFwdEnabled() { bool success = true; const char* value = mForwardingRequests.empty() ? "0" : "1"; ALOGD("Setting IP forward enable = %s", value); success &= writeToFile(IPV4_FORWARDING_PROC_FILE, value); success &= writeToFile(IPV6_FORWARDING_PROC_FILE, value); return success; } bool TetherController::enableForwarding(const char* requester) { // Don't return an error if this requester already requested forwarding. Only return errors for // things that the caller caller needs to care about, such as "couldn't write to the file to // enable forwarding". mForwardingRequests.insert(requester); return setIpFwdEnabled(); } bool TetherController::disableForwarding(const char* requester) { mForwardingRequests.erase(requester); return setIpFwdEnabled(); } size_t TetherController::forwardingRequestCount() { return mForwardingRequests.size(); } int TetherController::startTethering(int num_addrs, char **dhcp_ranges) { if (mDaemonPid != 0) { ALOGE("Tethering already started"); errno = EBUSY; return -1; } ALOGD("Starting tethering services"); pid_t pid; int pipefd[2]; if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) { ALOGE("pipe failed (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* * TODO: Create a monitoring thread to handle and restart * the daemon if it exits prematurely */ if ((pid = fork()) < 0) { ALOGE("fork failed (%s)", strerror(errno)); close(pipefd[0]); close(pipefd[1]); return -1; } if (!pid) { close(pipefd[1]); if (pipefd[0] != STDIN_FILENO) { if (dup2(pipefd[0], STDIN_FILENO) != STDIN_FILENO) { ALOGE("dup2 failed (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } close(pipefd[0]); } Fwmark fwmark; fwmark.netId = NetworkController::LOCAL_NET_ID; fwmark.explicitlySelected = true; fwmark.protectedFromVpn = true; fwmark.permission = PERMISSION_SYSTEM; char markStr[UINT32_HEX_STRLEN]; snprintf(markStr, sizeof(markStr), "0x%x", fwmark.intValue); std::vector<const std::string> argVector = { "/system/bin/dnsmasq", "--keep-in-foreground", "--no-resolv", "--no-poll", "--dhcp-authoritative", // TODO: pipe through metered status from ConnService "--dhcp-option-force=43,ANDROID_METERED", "--pid-file", "--listen-mark", markStr, "--user", kDnsmasqUsername, }; for (int addrIndex = 0; addrIndex < num_addrs; addrIndex += 2) { argVector.push_back( StringPrintf("--dhcp-range=%s,%s,1h", dhcp_ranges[addrIndex], dhcp_ranges[addrIndex+1])); } auto args = (char**)std::calloc(argVector.size() + 1, sizeof(char*)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < argVector.size(); i++) { args[i] = (char*)argVector[i].c_str(); } if (execv(args[0], args)) { ALOGE("execv failed (%s)", strerror(errno)); } ALOGE("Should never get here!"); _exit(-1); } else { close(pipefd[0]); mDaemonPid = pid; mDaemonFd = pipefd[1]; configureForTethering(true); applyDnsInterfaces(); ALOGD("Tethering services running"); } return 0; } int TetherController::stopTethering() { configureForTethering(false); if (mDaemonPid == 0) { ALOGE("Tethering already stopped"); return 0; } ALOGD("Stopping tethering services"); kill(mDaemonPid, SIGTERM); waitpid(mDaemonPid, NULL, 0); mDaemonPid = 0; close(mDaemonFd); mDaemonFd = -1; ALOGD("Tethering services stopped"); return 0; } bool TetherController::isTetheringStarted() { return (mDaemonPid == 0 ? false : true); } #define MAX_CMD_SIZE 1024 int TetherController::setDnsForwarders(unsigned netId, char **servers, int numServers) { int i; char daemonCmd[MAX_CMD_SIZE]; Fwmark fwmark; fwmark.netId = netId; fwmark.explicitlySelected = true; fwmark.protectedFromVpn = true; fwmark.permission = PERMISSION_SYSTEM; snprintf(daemonCmd, sizeof(daemonCmd), "update_dns%s0x%x", SEPARATOR, fwmark.intValue); int cmdLen = strlen(daemonCmd); mDnsForwarders.clear(); for (i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { ALOGD("setDnsForwarders(0x%x %d = '%s')", fwmark.intValue, i, servers[i]); addrinfo *res, hints = { .ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST }; int ret = getaddrinfo(servers[i], NULL, &hints, &res); freeaddrinfo(res); if (ret) { ALOGE("Failed to parse DNS server '%s'", servers[i]); mDnsForwarders.clear(); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } cmdLen += (strlen(servers[i]) + 1); if (cmdLen + 1 >= MAX_CMD_SIZE) { ALOGD("Too many DNS servers listed"); break; } strcat(daemonCmd, SEPARATOR); strcat(daemonCmd, servers[i]); mDnsForwarders.push_back(servers[i]); } mDnsNetId = netId; if (mDaemonFd != -1) { ALOGD("Sending update msg to dnsmasq [%s]", daemonCmd); if (write(mDaemonFd, daemonCmd, strlen(daemonCmd) +1) < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to send update command to dnsmasq (%s)", strerror(errno)); mDnsForwarders.clear(); errno = EREMOTEIO; return -1; } } return 0; } unsigned TetherController::getDnsNetId() { return mDnsNetId; } const std::list<std::string> &TetherController::getDnsForwarders() const { return mDnsForwarders; } bool TetherController::applyDnsInterfaces() { char daemonCmd[MAX_CMD_SIZE]; strcpy(daemonCmd, "update_ifaces"); int cmdLen = strlen(daemonCmd); bool haveInterfaces = false; for (const auto &ifname : mInterfaces) { cmdLen += (ifname.size() + 1); if (cmdLen + 1 >= MAX_CMD_SIZE) { ALOGD("Too many DNS ifaces listed"); break; } strcat(daemonCmd, SEPARATOR); strcat(daemonCmd, ifname.c_str()); haveInterfaces = true; } if ((mDaemonFd != -1) && haveInterfaces) { ALOGD("Sending update msg to dnsmasq [%s]", daemonCmd); if (write(mDaemonFd, daemonCmd, strlen(daemonCmd) +1) < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to send update command to dnsmasq (%s)", strerror(errno)); return false; } } return true; } int TetherController::tetherInterface(const char *interface) { ALOGD("tetherInterface(%s)", interface); if (!isIfaceName(interface)) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } if (!configureForIPv6Router(interface)) { configureForIPv6Client(interface); return -1; } mInterfaces.push_back(interface); if (!applyDnsInterfaces()) { mInterfaces.pop_back(); configureForIPv6Client(interface); return -1; } else { return 0; } } int TetherController::untetherInterface(const char *interface) { ALOGD("untetherInterface(%s)", interface); for (auto it = mInterfaces.cbegin(); it != mInterfaces.cend(); ++it) { if (!strcmp(interface, it->c_str())) { mInterfaces.erase(it); configureForIPv6Client(interface); return applyDnsInterfaces() ? 0 : -1; } } errno = ENOENT; return -1; } const std::list<std::string> &TetherController::getTetheredInterfaceList() const { return mInterfaces; } int TetherController::setupIptablesHooks() { int res; res = setDefaults(); if (res < 0) { return res; } // Used to limit downstream mss to the upstream pmtu so we don't end up fragmenting every large // packet tethered devices send. This is IPv4-only, because in IPv6 we send the MTU in the RA. // This is no longer optional and tethering will fail to start if it fails. std::string mssRewriteCommand = StringPrintf( "*mangle\n" "-A %s -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu\n" "COMMIT\n", LOCAL_MANGLE_FORWARD); // This is for tethering counters. This chain is reached via --goto, and then RETURNS. std::string defaultCommands = StringPrintf( "*filter\n" ":%s -\n" "COMMIT\n", LOCAL_TETHER_COUNTERS_CHAIN); res = iptablesRestoreFunction(V4, mssRewriteCommand, nullptr); if (res < 0) { return res; } res = iptablesRestoreFunction(V4V6, defaultCommands, nullptr); if (res < 0) { return res; } mFwdIfaces.clear(); return 0; } int TetherController::setDefaults() { std::string v4Cmd = StringPrintf( "*filter\n" ":%s -\n" "-A %s -j DROP\n" "COMMIT\n" "*nat\n" ":%s -\n" "COMMIT\n", LOCAL_FORWARD, LOCAL_FORWARD, LOCAL_NAT_POSTROUTING); std::string v6Cmd = StringPrintf( "*filter\n" ":%s -\n" "COMMIT\n" "*raw\n" ":%s -\n" "COMMIT\n", LOCAL_FORWARD, LOCAL_RAW_PREROUTING); int res = iptablesRestoreFunction(V4, v4Cmd, nullptr); if (res < 0) { return res; } res = iptablesRestoreFunction(V6, v6Cmd, nullptr); if (res < 0) { return res; } return 0; } int TetherController::enableNat(const char* intIface, const char* extIface) { ALOGV("enableNat(intIface=<%s>, extIface=<%s>)",intIface, extIface); if (!isIfaceName(intIface) || !isIfaceName(extIface)) { errno = ENODEV; return -1; } /* Bug: b/9565268. "enableNat wlan0 wlan0". For now we fail until java-land is fixed */ if (!strcmp(intIface, extIface)) { ALOGE("Duplicate interface specified: %s %s", intIface, extIface); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (isForwardingPairEnabled(intIface, extIface)) { return 0; } // add this if we are the first enabled nat for this upstream if (!isAnyForwardingEnabledOnUpstream(extIface)) { std::vector<std::string> v4Cmds = { "*nat", StringPrintf("-A %s -o %s -j MASQUERADE", LOCAL_NAT_POSTROUTING, extIface), "COMMIT\n" }; if (iptablesRestoreFunction(V4, Join(v4Cmds, '\n'), nullptr) || setupIPv6CountersChain()) { ALOGE("Error setting postroute rule: iface=%s", extIface); if (!isAnyForwardingPairEnabled()) { // unwind what's been done, but don't care about success - what more could we do? setDefaults(); } return -1; } } if (setForwardRules(true, intIface, extIface) != 0) { ALOGE("Error setting forward rules"); if (!isAnyForwardingPairEnabled()) { setDefaults(); } errno = ENODEV; return -1; } return 0; } int TetherController::setupIPv6CountersChain() { // Only add this if we are the first enabled nat if (isAnyForwardingPairEnabled()) { return 0; } /* * IPv6 tethering doesn't need the state-based conntrack rules, so * it unconditionally jumps to the tether counters chain all the time. */ std::vector<std::string> v6Cmds = { "*filter", StringPrintf("-A %s -g %s", LOCAL_FORWARD, LOCAL_TETHER_COUNTERS_CHAIN), "COMMIT\n" }; return iptablesRestoreFunction(V6, Join(v6Cmds, '\n'), nullptr); } // Gets a pointer to the ForwardingDownstream for an interface pair in the map, or nullptr TetherController::ForwardingDownstream* TetherController::findForwardingDownstream( const std::string& intIface, const std::string& extIface) { auto extIfaceMatches = mFwdIfaces.equal_range(extIface); for (auto it = extIfaceMatches.first; it != extIfaceMatches.second; ++it) { if (it->second.iface == intIface) { return &(it->second); } } return nullptr; } void TetherController::addForwardingPair(const std::string& intIface, const std::string& extIface) { ForwardingDownstream* existingEntry = findForwardingDownstream(intIface, extIface); if (existingEntry != nullptr) { existingEntry->active = true; return; } mFwdIfaces.insert(std::pair<std::string, ForwardingDownstream>(extIface, { .iface = intIface, .active = true })); } void TetherController::markForwardingPairDisabled( const std::string& intIface, const std::string& extIface) { ForwardingDownstream* existingEntry = findForwardingDownstream(intIface, extIface); if (existingEntry == nullptr) { return; } existingEntry->active = false; } bool TetherController::isForwardingPairEnabled( const std::string& intIface, const std::string& extIface) { ForwardingDownstream* existingEntry = findForwardingDownstream(intIface, extIface); return existingEntry != nullptr && existingEntry->active; } bool TetherController::isAnyForwardingEnabledOnUpstream(const std::string& extIface) { auto extIfaceMatches = mFwdIfaces.equal_range(extIface); for (auto it = extIfaceMatches.first; it != extIfaceMatches.second; ++it) { if (it->second.active) { return true; } } return false; } bool TetherController::isAnyForwardingPairEnabled() { for (auto& it : mFwdIfaces) { if (it.second.active) { return true; } } return false; } bool TetherController::tetherCountingRuleExists( const std::string& iface1, const std::string& iface2) { // A counting rule exists if NAT was ever enabled for this interface pair, so if the pair // is in the map regardless of its active status. Rules are added both ways so we check with // the 2 combinations. return findForwardingDownstream(iface1, iface2) != nullptr || findForwardingDownstream(iface2, iface1) != nullptr; } /* static */ std::string TetherController::makeTetherCountingRule(const char *if1, const char *if2) { return StringPrintf("-A %s -i %s -o %s -j RETURN", LOCAL_TETHER_COUNTERS_CHAIN, if1, if2); } int TetherController::setForwardRules(bool add, const char *intIface, const char *extIface) { const char *op = add ? "-A" : "-D"; std::string rpfilterCmd = StringPrintf( "*raw\n" "%s %s -i %s -m rpfilter --invert ! -s fe80::/64 -j DROP\n" "COMMIT\n", op, LOCAL_RAW_PREROUTING, intIface); if (iptablesRestoreFunction(V6, rpfilterCmd, nullptr) == -1 && add) { return -1; } std::vector<std::string> v4 = { "*filter", StringPrintf("%s %s -i %s -o %s -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -g %s", op, LOCAL_FORWARD, extIface, intIface, LOCAL_TETHER_COUNTERS_CHAIN), StringPrintf("%s %s -i %s -o %s -m state --state INVALID -j DROP", op, LOCAL_FORWARD, intIface, extIface), StringPrintf("%s %s -i %s -o %s -g %s", op, LOCAL_FORWARD, intIface, extIface, LOCAL_TETHER_COUNTERS_CHAIN), }; std::vector<std::string> v6 = { "*filter", }; // We only ever add tethering quota rules so that they stick. if (add && !tetherCountingRuleExists(intIface, extIface)) { v4.push_back(makeTetherCountingRule(intIface, extIface)); v4.push_back(makeTetherCountingRule(extIface, intIface)); v6.push_back(makeTetherCountingRule(intIface, extIface)); v6.push_back(makeTetherCountingRule(extIface, intIface)); } // Always make sure the drop rule is at the end. // TODO: instead of doing this, consider just rebuilding LOCAL_FORWARD completely from scratch // every time, starting with ":tetherctrl_FORWARD -\n". This would likely be a bit simpler. if (add) { v4.push_back(StringPrintf("-D %s -j DROP", LOCAL_FORWARD)); v4.push_back(StringPrintf("-A %s -j DROP", LOCAL_FORWARD)); } v4.push_back("COMMIT\n"); v6.push_back("COMMIT\n"); // We only add IPv6 rules here, never remove them. if (iptablesRestoreFunction(V4, Join(v4, '\n'), nullptr) == -1 || (add && iptablesRestoreFunction(V6, Join(v6, '\n'), nullptr) == -1)) { // unwind what's been done, but don't care about success - what more could we do? if (add) { setForwardRules(false, intIface, extIface); } return -1; } if (add) { addForwardingPair(intIface, extIface); } else { markForwardingPairDisabled(intIface, extIface); } return 0; } int TetherController::disableNat(const char* intIface, const char* extIface) { if (!isIfaceName(intIface) || !isIfaceName(extIface)) { errno = ENODEV; return -1; } setForwardRules(false, intIface, extIface); if (!isAnyForwardingPairEnabled()) { setDefaults(); } return 0; } void TetherController::addStats(TetherStatsList& statsList, const TetherStats& stats) { for (TetherStats& existing : statsList) { if (existing.addStatsIfMatch(stats)) { return; } } // No match. Insert a new interface pair. statsList.push_back(stats); } /* * Parse the ptks and bytes out of: * Chain tetherctrl_counters (4 references) * pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination * 26 2373 RETURN all -- wlan0 rmnet0 * 27 2002 RETURN all -- rmnet0 wlan0 * 1040 107471 RETURN all -- bt-pan rmnet0 * 1450 1708806 RETURN all -- rmnet0 bt-pan * or: * Chain tetherctrl_counters (0 references) * pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination * 0 0 RETURN all wlan0 rmnet_data0 ::/0 ::/0 * 0 0 RETURN all rmnet_data0 wlan0 ::/0 ::/0 * */ int TetherController::addForwardChainStats(TetherStatsList& statsList, const std::string& statsOutput, std::string &extraProcessingInfo) { int res; std::string statsLine; char iface0[MAX_IPT_OUTPUT_LINE_LEN]; char iface1[MAX_IPT_OUTPUT_LINE_LEN]; char rest[MAX_IPT_OUTPUT_LINE_LEN]; TetherStats stats; const TetherStats empty; const char *buffPtr; int64_t packets, bytes; std::stringstream stream(statsOutput); // Skip headers. for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { std::getline(stream, statsLine, '\n'); extraProcessingInfo += statsLine + "\n"; if (statsLine.empty()) { ALOGE("Empty header while parsing tethering stats"); return -EREMOTEIO; } } while (std::getline(stream, statsLine, '\n')) { buffPtr = statsLine.c_str(); /* Clean up, so a failed parse can still print info */ iface0[0] = iface1[0] = rest[0] = packets = bytes = 0; if (strstr(buffPtr, "")) { // IPv4 has -- indicating what to do with fragments... // 26 2373 RETURN all -- wlan0 rmnet0 res = sscanf(buffPtr, "%" SCNd64" %" SCNd64" RETURN all -- %s %s 0.%s", &packets, &bytes, iface0, iface1, rest); } else { // ... but IPv6 does not. // 26 2373 RETURN all wlan0 rmnet0 ::/0 ::/0 res = sscanf(buffPtr, "%" SCNd64" %" SCNd64" RETURN all %s %s ::/%s", &packets, &bytes, iface0, iface1, rest); } ALOGV("parse res=%d iface0=<%s> iface1=<%s> pkts=%" PRId64" bytes=%" PRId64" rest=<%s> orig line=<%s>", res, iface0, iface1, packets, bytes, rest, buffPtr); extraProcessingInfo += buffPtr; extraProcessingInfo += "\n"; if (res != 5) { return -EREMOTEIO; } /* * The following assumes that the 1st rule has in:extIface out:intIface, * which is what TetherController sets up. * The 1st matches rx, and sets up the pair for the tx side. */ if (!stats.intIface[0]) { ALOGV("0Filter RX iface_in=%s iface_out=%s rx_bytes=%" PRId64" rx_packets=%" PRId64" ", iface0, iface1, bytes, packets); stats.intIface = iface0; stats.extIface = iface1; stats.txPackets = packets; stats.txBytes = bytes; } else if (stats.intIface == iface1 && stats.extIface == iface0) { ALOGV("0Filter TX iface_in=%s iface_out=%s rx_bytes=%" PRId64" rx_packets=%" PRId64" ", iface0, iface1, bytes, packets); stats.rxPackets = packets; stats.rxBytes = bytes; } if (stats.rxBytes != -1 && stats.txBytes != -1) { ALOGV("rx_bytes=%" PRId64" tx_bytes=%" PRId64, stats.rxBytes, stats.txBytes); addStats(statsList, stats); stats = empty; } } /* It is always an error to find only one side of the stats. */ if (((stats.rxBytes == -1) != (stats.txBytes == -1))) { return -EREMOTEIO; } return 0; } StatusOr<TetherController::TetherStatsList> TetherController::getTetherStats() { TetherStatsList statsList; std::string parsedIptablesOutput; for (const IptablesTarget target : {V4, V6}) { std::string statsString; if (int ret = iptablesRestoreFunction(target, GET_TETHER_STATS_COMMAND, &statsString)) { return statusFromErrno(-ret, StringPrintf("failed to fetch tether stats (%d): %d", target, ret)); } if (int ret = addForwardChainStats(statsList, statsString, parsedIptablesOutput)) { return statusFromErrno(-ret, StringPrintf("failed to parse %s tether stats:\n%s", target == V4 ? "IPv4": "IPv6", parsedIptablesOutput.c_str())); } } return statsList; } } // namespace net } // namespace android