# # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ Inferno is a tool to generate flamegraphs for android programs. It was originally written to profile surfaceflinger (Android compositor) but it can be used for other C++ program. It uses simpleperf to collect data. Programs have to be compiled with frame pointers which excludes ART based programs for the time being. Here is how it works: 1/ Data collection is started via simpleperf and pulled locally as "perf.data". 2/ The raw format is parsed, callstacks are merged to form a flamegraph data structure. 3/ The data structure is used to generate a SVG embedded into an HTML page. 4/ Javascript is injected to allow flamegraph navigation, search, coloring model. """ import argparse import datetime import os import subprocess import sys scripts_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) sys.path.append(scripts_path) from simpleperf_report_lib import ReportLib from utils import log_exit, log_info, AdbHelper, open_report_in_browser from data_types import * from svg_renderer import * def collect_data(args): """ Run app_profiler.py to generate record file. """ app_profiler_args = [sys.executable, os.path.join(scripts_path, "app_profiler.py"), "-nb"] if args.app: app_profiler_args += ["-p", args.app] elif args.native_program: app_profiler_args += ["-np", args.native_program] else: log_exit("Please set profiling target with -p or -np option.") if args.skip_recompile: app_profiler_args.append("-nc") if args.disable_adb_root: app_profiler_args.append("--disable_adb_root") record_arg_str = "" if args.dwarf_unwinding: record_arg_str += "-g " else: record_arg_str += "--call-graph fp " if args.events: tokens = args.events.split() if len(tokens) == 2: num_events = tokens[0] event_name = tokens[1] record_arg_str += "-c %s -e %s " % (num_events, event_name) else: log_exit("Event format string of -e option cann't be recognized.") log_info("Using event sampling (-c %s -e %s)." % (num_events, event_name)) else: record_arg_str += "-f %d " % args.sample_frequency log_info("Using frequency sampling (-f %d)." % args.sample_frequency) record_arg_str += "--duration %d " % args.capture_duration app_profiler_args += ["-r", record_arg_str] returncode = subprocess.call(app_profiler_args) return returncode == 0 def parse_samples(process, args, sample_filter_fn): """Read samples from record file. process: Process object args: arguments sample_filter_fn: if not None, is used to modify and filter samples. It returns false for samples should be filtered out. """ record_file = args.record_file symfs_dir = args.symfs kallsyms_file = args.kallsyms lib = ReportLib() lib.ShowIpForUnknownSymbol() if symfs_dir: lib.SetSymfs(symfs_dir) if record_file: lib.SetRecordFile(record_file) if kallsyms_file: lib.SetKallsymsFile(kallsyms_file) process.cmd = lib.GetRecordCmd() product_props = lib.MetaInfo().get("product_props") if product_props: tuple = product_props.split(':') process.props['ro.product.manufacturer'] = tuple[0] process.props['ro.product.model'] = tuple[1] process.props['ro.product.name'] = tuple[2] if lib.MetaInfo().get('trace_offcpu') == 'true': process.props['trace_offcpu'] = True if args.one_flamegraph: log_exit("It doesn't make sense to report with --one-flamegraph for perf.data " + "recorded with --trace-offcpu.""") else: process.props['trace_offcpu'] = False while True: sample = lib.GetNextSample() if sample is None: lib.Close() break symbol = lib.GetSymbolOfCurrentSample() callchain = lib.GetCallChainOfCurrentSample() if sample_filter_fn and not sample_filter_fn(sample, symbol, callchain): continue process.add_sample(sample, symbol, callchain) if process.pid == 0: main_threads = [thread for thread in process.threads.values() if thread.tid == thread.pid] if main_threads: process.name = main_threads[0].name process.pid = main_threads[0].pid for thread in process.threads.values(): min_event_count = thread.num_events * args.min_callchain_percentage * 0.01 thread.flamegraph.trim_callchain(min_event_count) log_info("Parsed %s callchains." % process.num_samples) def get_local_asset_content(local_path): """ Retrieves local package text content :param local_path: str, filename of local asset :return: str, the content of local_path """ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), local_path), 'r') as f: return f.read() def output_report(process, args): """ Generates a HTML report representing the result of simpleperf sampling as flamegraph :param process: Process object :return: str, absolute path to the file """ f = open(args.report_path, 'w') filepath = os.path.realpath(f.name) if not args.embedded_flamegraph: f.write("<html><body>") f.write("<div id='flamegraph_id' style='font-family: Monospace; %s'>" % ( "display: none;" if args.embedded_flamegraph else "")) f.write("""<style type="text/css"> .s { stroke:black; stroke-width:0.5; cursor:pointer;} </style>""") f.write('<style type="text/css"> .t:hover { cursor:pointer; } </style>') f.write('<img height="180" alt = "Embedded Image" src ="data') f.write(get_local_asset_content("inferno.b64")) f.write('"/>') process_entry = ("Process : %s (%d)<br/>" % (process.name, process.pid)) if process.pid else "" if process.props['trace_offcpu']: event_entry = 'Total time: %s<br/>' % get_proper_scaled_time_string(process.num_events) else: event_entry = 'Event count: %s<br/>' % ("{:,}".format(process.num_events)) # TODO: collect capture duration info from perf.data. duration_entry = ("Duration: %s seconds<br/>" % args.capture_duration ) if args.capture_duration else "" f.write("""<div style='display:inline-block;'> <font size='8'> Inferno Flamegraph Report%s</font><br/><br/> %s Date : %s<br/> Threads : %d <br/> Samples : %d<br/> %s %s""" % ( (': ' + args.title) if args.title else '', process_entry, datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d (%A) %H:%M:%S"), len(process.threads), process.num_samples, event_entry, duration_entry)) if 'ro.product.model' in process.props: f.write( "Machine : %s (%s) by %s<br/>" % (process.props["ro.product.model"], process.props["ro.product.name"], process.props["ro.product.manufacturer"])) if process.cmd: f.write("Capture : %s<br/><br/>" % process.cmd) f.write("</div>") f.write("""<br/><br/> <div>Navigate with WASD, zoom in with SPACE, zoom out with BACKSPACE.</div>""") f.write("<script>%s</script>" % get_local_asset_content("script.js")) if not args.embedded_flamegraph: f.write("<script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', flamegraphInit);</script>") # Sort threads by the event count in a thread. for thread in sorted(process.threads.values(), key=lambda x: x.num_events, reverse=True): f.write("<br/><br/><b>Thread %d (%s) (%d samples):</b><br/>\n\n\n\n" % ( thread.tid, thread.name, thread.num_samples)) renderSVG(process, thread.flamegraph, f, args.color) f.write("</div>") if not args.embedded_flamegraph: f.write("</body></html") f.close() return "file://" + filepath def generate_threads_offsets(process): for thread in process.threads.values(): thread.flamegraph.generate_offset(0) def collect_machine_info(process): adb = AdbHelper() process.props = {} process.props['ro.product.model'] = adb.get_property('ro.product.model') process.props['ro.product.name'] = adb.get_property('ro.product.name') process.props['ro.product.manufacturer'] = adb.get_property('ro.product.manufacturer') def main(): # Allow deep callchain with length >1000. sys.setrecursionlimit(1500) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Report samples in perf.data. Default option is: "-np surfaceflinger -f 6000 -t 10".""") record_group = parser.add_argument_group('Record options') record_group.add_argument('-du', '--dwarf_unwinding', action='store_true', help="""Perform unwinding using dwarf instead of fp.""") record_group.add_argument('-e', '--events', default="", help="""Sample based on event occurences instead of frequency. Format expected is "event_counts event_name". e.g: "10000 cpu-cyles". A few examples of event_name: cpu-cycles, cache-references, cache-misses, branch-instructions, branch-misses""") record_group.add_argument('-f', '--sample_frequency', type=int, default=6000, help="""Sample frequency""") record_group.add_argument('-nc', '--skip_recompile', action='store_true', help="""When profiling an Android app, by default we recompile java bytecode to native instructions to profile java code. It takes some time. You can skip it if the code has been compiled or you don't need to profile java code.""") record_group.add_argument('-np', '--native_program', default="surfaceflinger", help="""Profile a native program. The program should be running on the device. Like -np surfaceflinger.""") record_group.add_argument('-p', '--app', help="""Profile an Android app, given the package name. Like -p com.example.android.myapp.""") record_group.add_argument('--record_file', default='perf.data', help='Default is perf.data.') record_group.add_argument('-sc', '--skip_collection', action='store_true', help="""Skip data collection""") record_group.add_argument('-t', '--capture_duration', type=int, default=10, help="""Capture duration in seconds.""") report_group = parser.add_argument_group('Report options') report_group.add_argument('-c', '--color', default='hot', choices=['hot', 'dso', 'legacy'], help="""Color theme: hot=percentage of samples, dso=callsite DSO name, legacy=brendan style""") report_group.add_argument('--embedded_flamegraph', action='store_true', help="""Generate embedded flamegraph.""") report_group.add_argument('--kallsyms', help='Set the path to find kernel symbols.') report_group.add_argument('--min_callchain_percentage', default=0.01, type=float, help=""" Set min percentage of callchains shown in the report. It is used to limit nodes shown in the flamegraph. For example, when set to 0.01, only callchains taking >= 0.01%% of the event count of the owner thread are collected in the report.""") report_group.add_argument('--no_browser', action='store_true', help="""Don't open report in browser.""") report_group.add_argument('-o', '--report_path', default='report.html', help="""Set report path.""") report_group.add_argument('--one-flamegraph', action='store_true', help="""Generate one flamegraph instead of one for each thread.""") report_group.add_argument('--symfs', help="""Set the path to find binaries with symbols and debug info.""") report_group.add_argument('--title', help='Show a title in the report.') debug_group = parser.add_argument_group('Debug options') debug_group.add_argument('--disable_adb_root', action='store_true', help="""Force adb to run in non root mode.""") args = parser.parse_args() process = Process("", 0) if not args.skip_collection: process.name = args.app or args.native_program log_info("Starting data collection stage for process '%s'." % process.name) if not collect_data(args): log_exit("Unable to collect data.") result, output = AdbHelper().run_and_return_output(['shell', 'pidof', process.name]) if result: try: process.pid = int(output) except: process.pid = 0 collect_machine_info(process) else: args.capture_duration = 0 sample_filter_fn = None if args.one_flamegraph: def filter_fn(sample, symbol, callchain): sample.pid = sample.tid = process.pid return True sample_filter_fn = filter_fn if not args.title: args.title = '' args.title += '(One Flamegraph)' parse_samples(process, args, sample_filter_fn) generate_threads_offsets(process) report_path = output_report(process, args) if not args.no_browser: open_report_in_browser(report_path) log_info("Flamegraph generated at '%s'." % report_path) if __name__ == "__main__": main()