/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "record_file.h" #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <set> #include <vector> #include <android-base/logging.h> #include "event_attr.h" #include "record.h" #include "utils.h" using namespace PerfFileFormat; namespace PerfFileFormat { static const std::map<int, std::string> feature_name_map = { {FEAT_TRACING_DATA, "tracing_data"}, {FEAT_BUILD_ID, "build_id"}, {FEAT_HOSTNAME, "hostname"}, {FEAT_OSRELEASE, "osrelease"}, {FEAT_VERSION, "version"}, {FEAT_ARCH, "arch"}, {FEAT_NRCPUS, "nrcpus"}, {FEAT_CPUDESC, "cpudesc"}, {FEAT_CPUID, "cpuid"}, {FEAT_TOTAL_MEM, "total_mem"}, {FEAT_CMDLINE, "cmdline"}, {FEAT_EVENT_DESC, "event_desc"}, {FEAT_CPU_TOPOLOGY, "cpu_topology"}, {FEAT_NUMA_TOPOLOGY, "numa_topology"}, {FEAT_BRANCH_STACK, "branch_stack"}, {FEAT_PMU_MAPPINGS, "pmu_mappings"}, {FEAT_GROUP_DESC, "group_desc"}, {FEAT_FILE, "file"}, {FEAT_META_INFO, "meta_info"}, }; std::string GetFeatureName(int feature_id) { auto it = feature_name_map.find(feature_id); return it == feature_name_map.end() ? "" : it->second; } int GetFeatureId(const std::string& feature_name) { for (auto& pair : feature_name_map) { if (pair.second == feature_name) { return pair.first; } } return -1; } } // namespace PerfFileFormat std::unique_ptr<RecordFileReader> RecordFileReader::CreateInstance(const std::string& filename) { std::string mode = std::string("rb") + CLOSE_ON_EXEC_MODE; FILE* fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), mode.c_str()); if (fp == nullptr) { PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to open record file '" << filename << "'"; return nullptr; } auto reader = std::unique_ptr<RecordFileReader>(new RecordFileReader(filename, fp)); if (!reader->ReadHeader() || !reader->ReadAttrSection() || !reader->ReadFeatureSectionDescriptors()) { return nullptr; } return reader; } RecordFileReader::RecordFileReader(const std::string& filename, FILE* fp) : filename_(filename), record_fp_(fp), event_id_pos_in_sample_records_(0), event_id_reverse_pos_in_non_sample_records_(0), read_record_size_(0) { } RecordFileReader::~RecordFileReader() { if (record_fp_ != nullptr) { Close(); } } bool RecordFileReader::Close() { bool result = true; if (fclose(record_fp_) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to close record file '" << filename_ << "'"; result = false; } record_fp_ = nullptr; return result; } bool RecordFileReader::ReadHeader() { if (!Read(&header_, sizeof(header_))) { return false; } if (memcmp(header_.magic, PERF_MAGIC, sizeof(header_.magic)) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << filename_ << " is not a valid profiling record file."; return false; } return true; } bool RecordFileReader::ReadAttrSection() { size_t attr_count = header_.attrs.size / header_.attr_size; if (header_.attr_size != sizeof(FileAttr)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "attr size (" << header_.attr_size << ") in " << filename_ << " doesn't match expected size (" << sizeof(FileAttr) << ")"; } if (attr_count == 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "no attr in file " << filename_; return false; } if (fseek(record_fp_, header_.attrs.offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "fseek() failed"; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < attr_count; ++i) { std::vector<char> buf(header_.attr_size); if (!Read(buf.data(), buf.size())) { return false; } // The size of perf_event_attr is changing between different linux kernel versions. // Make sure we copy correct data to memory. FileAttr attr; memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); size_t section_desc_size = sizeof(attr.ids); size_t perf_event_attr_size = header_.attr_size - section_desc_size; memcpy(&attr.attr, &buf[0], std::min(sizeof(attr.attr), perf_event_attr_size)); memcpy(&attr.ids, &buf[perf_event_attr_size], section_desc_size); file_attrs_.push_back(attr); } if (file_attrs_.size() > 1) { std::vector<perf_event_attr> attrs; for (const auto& file_attr : file_attrs_) { attrs.push_back(file_attr.attr); } if (!GetCommonEventIdPositionsForAttrs(attrs, &event_id_pos_in_sample_records_, &event_id_reverse_pos_in_non_sample_records_)) { return false; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < file_attrs_.size(); ++i) { std::vector<uint64_t> ids; if (!ReadIdsForAttr(file_attrs_[i], &ids)) { return false; } event_ids_for_file_attrs_.push_back(ids); for (auto id : ids) { event_id_to_attr_map_[id] = i; } } return true; } bool RecordFileReader::ReadFeatureSectionDescriptors() { std::vector<int> features; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(header_.features); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { if (header_.features[i] & (1 << j)) { features.push_back(i * 8 + j); } } } uint64_t feature_section_offset = header_.data.offset + header_.data.size; if (fseek(record_fp_, feature_section_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "fseek() failed"; return false; } for (const auto& id : features) { SectionDesc desc; if (!Read(&desc, sizeof(desc))) { return false; } feature_section_descriptors_.emplace(id, desc); } return true; } bool RecordFileReader::ReadIdsForAttr(const FileAttr& attr, std::vector<uint64_t>* ids) { size_t id_count = attr.ids.size / sizeof(uint64_t); if (fseek(record_fp_, attr.ids.offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "fseek() failed"; return false; } ids->resize(id_count); if (!Read(ids->data(), attr.ids.size)) { return false; } return true; } bool RecordFileReader::ReadDataSection( const std::function<bool(std::unique_ptr<Record>)>& callback, bool sorted) { std::unique_ptr<Record> record; while (ReadRecord(record, sorted)) { if (record == nullptr) { return true; } if (!callback(std::move(record))) { return false; } } return false; } bool RecordFileReader::ReadRecord(std::unique_ptr<Record>& record, bool sorted) { if (read_record_size_ == 0) { if (fseek(record_fp_, header_.data.offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "fseek() failed"; return false; } bool has_timestamp = true; for (const auto& attr : file_attrs_) { if (!IsTimestampSupported(attr.attr)) { has_timestamp = false; break; } } record_cache_.reset(new RecordCache(has_timestamp)); } record = nullptr; while (read_record_size_ < header_.data.size && record == nullptr) { record = ReadRecord(&read_record_size_); if (record == nullptr) { return false; } if (record->type() == SIMPLE_PERF_RECORD_EVENT_ID) { ProcessEventIdRecord(*static_cast<EventIdRecord*>(record.get())); } else if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) { SampleRecord* r = static_cast<SampleRecord*>(record.get()); // Although we have removed ip == 0 callchains when recording dwarf based callgraph, // stack frame based callgraph can also generate ip == 0 callchains. Remove them here // to avoid caller's effort. if (r->sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < r->callchain_data.ip_nr; ++i) { if (r->callchain_data.ips[i] == 0) { break; } } r->callchain_data.ip_nr = i; } } if (sorted) { record_cache_->Push(std::move(record)); record = record_cache_->Pop(); } } if (record == nullptr) { record = record_cache_->ForcedPop(); } return true; } std::unique_ptr<Record> RecordFileReader::ReadRecord(uint64_t* nbytes_read) { char header_buf[Record::header_size()]; if (!Read(header_buf, Record::header_size())) { return nullptr; } RecordHeader header(header_buf); std::unique_ptr<char[]> p; if (header.type == SIMPLE_PERF_RECORD_SPLIT) { // Read until meeting a RECORD_SPLIT_END record. std::vector<char> buf; size_t cur_size = 0; char header_buf[Record::header_size()]; while (header.type == SIMPLE_PERF_RECORD_SPLIT) { size_t bytes_to_read = header.size - Record::header_size(); buf.resize(cur_size + bytes_to_read); if (!Read(&buf[cur_size], bytes_to_read)) { return nullptr; } cur_size += bytes_to_read; *nbytes_read += header.size; if (!Read(header_buf, Record::header_size())) { return nullptr; } header = RecordHeader(header_buf); } if (header.type != SIMPLE_PERF_RECORD_SPLIT_END) { LOG(ERROR) << "SPLIT records are not followed by a SPLIT_END record."; return nullptr; } *nbytes_read += header.size; header = RecordHeader(buf.data()); p.reset(new char[header.size]); memcpy(p.get(), buf.data(), buf.size()); } else { p.reset(new char[header.size]); memcpy(p.get(), header_buf, Record::header_size()); if (header.size > Record::header_size()) { if (!Read(p.get() + Record::header_size(), header.size - Record::header_size())) { return nullptr; } } *nbytes_read += header.size; } const perf_event_attr* attr = &file_attrs_[0].attr; if (file_attrs_.size() > 1 && header.type < PERF_RECORD_USER_DEFINED_TYPE_START) { bool has_event_id = false; uint64_t event_id; if (header.type == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) { if (header.size > event_id_pos_in_sample_records_ + sizeof(uint64_t)) { has_event_id = true; event_id = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(p.get() + event_id_pos_in_sample_records_); } } else { if (header.size > event_id_reverse_pos_in_non_sample_records_) { has_event_id = true; event_id = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(p.get() + header.size - event_id_reverse_pos_in_non_sample_records_); } } if (has_event_id) { auto it = event_id_to_attr_map_.find(event_id); if (it != event_id_to_attr_map_.end()) { attr = &file_attrs_[it->second].attr; } } } return ReadRecordFromOwnedBuffer(*attr, header.type, p.release()); } bool RecordFileReader::Read(void* buf, size_t len) { if (len != 0 && fread(buf, len, 1, record_fp_) != 1) { PLOG(FATAL) << "failed to read file " << filename_; return false; } return true; } void RecordFileReader::ProcessEventIdRecord(const EventIdRecord& r) { for (size_t i = 0; i < r.count; ++i) { event_ids_for_file_attrs_[r.data[i].attr_id].push_back(r.data[i].event_id); event_id_to_attr_map_[r.data[i].event_id] = r.data[i].attr_id; } } size_t RecordFileReader::GetAttrIndexOfRecord(const Record* record) { auto it = event_id_to_attr_map_.find(record->Id()); if (it != event_id_to_attr_map_.end()) { return it->second; } return 0; } bool RecordFileReader::ReadFeatureSection(int feature, std::vector<char>* data) { const std::map<int, SectionDesc>& section_map = FeatureSectionDescriptors(); auto it = section_map.find(feature); if (it == section_map.end()) { return false; } SectionDesc section = it->second; data->resize(section.size); if (section.size == 0) { return true; } if (fseek(record_fp_, section.offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "fseek() failed"; return false; } if (!Read(data->data(), data->size())) { return false; } return true; } std::vector<std::string> RecordFileReader::ReadCmdlineFeature() { std::vector<char> buf; if (!ReadFeatureSection(FEAT_CMDLINE, &buf)) { return std::vector<std::string>(); } const char* p = buf.data(); const char* end = buf.data() + buf.size(); std::vector<std::string> cmdline; uint32_t arg_count; MoveFromBinaryFormat(arg_count, p); CHECK_LE(p, end); for (size_t i = 0; i < arg_count; ++i) { uint32_t len; MoveFromBinaryFormat(len, p); CHECK_LE(p + len, end); cmdline.push_back(p); p += len; } return cmdline; } std::vector<BuildIdRecord> RecordFileReader::ReadBuildIdFeature() { std::vector<char> buf; if (!ReadFeatureSection(FEAT_BUILD_ID, &buf)) { return std::vector<BuildIdRecord>(); } const char* p = buf.data(); const char* end = buf.data() + buf.size(); std::vector<BuildIdRecord> result; while (p < end) { auto header = reinterpret_cast<const perf_event_header*>(p); CHECK_LE(p + header->size, end); char* binary = new char[header->size]; memcpy(binary, p, header->size); p += header->size; BuildIdRecord record(binary); record.OwnBinary(); // Set type explicitly as the perf.data produced by perf doesn't set it. record.SetTypeAndMisc(PERF_RECORD_BUILD_ID, record.misc()); result.push_back(std::move(record)); } return result; } std::string RecordFileReader::ReadFeatureString(int feature) { std::vector<char> buf; if (!ReadFeatureSection(feature, &buf)) { return std::string(); } const char* p = buf.data(); const char* end = buf.data() + buf.size(); uint32_t len; MoveFromBinaryFormat(len, p); CHECK_LE(p + len, end); return p; } bool RecordFileReader::ReadFileFeature(size_t& read_pos, std::string* file_path, uint32_t* file_type, uint64_t* min_vaddr, std::vector<Symbol>* symbols) { auto it = feature_section_descriptors_.find(FEAT_FILE); if (it == feature_section_descriptors_.end()) { return false; } if (read_pos >= it->second.size) { return false; } if (read_pos == 0) { if (fseek(record_fp_, it->second.offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "fseek() failed"; return false; } } uint32_t size; if (!Read(&size, 4)) { return false; } std::vector<char> buf(size); if (!Read(buf.data(), size)) { return false; } read_pos += 4 + size; const char* p = buf.data(); *file_path = p; p += file_path->size() + 1; MoveFromBinaryFormat(*file_type, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(*min_vaddr, p); uint32_t symbol_count; MoveFromBinaryFormat(symbol_count, p); symbols->clear(); symbols->reserve(symbol_count); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < symbol_count; ++i) { uint64_t start_vaddr; uint32_t len; MoveFromBinaryFormat(start_vaddr, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(len, p); std::string name = p; p += name.size() + 1; symbols->emplace_back(name, start_vaddr, len); } CHECK_EQ(size, static_cast<size_t>(p - buf.data())); return true; } bool RecordFileReader::ReadMetaInfoFeature(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* info_map) { std::vector<char> buf; if (!ReadFeatureSection(FEAT_META_INFO, &buf)) { return false; } const char* p = buf.data(); const char* end = buf.data() + buf.size(); while (p < end) { const char* key = p; const char* value = key + strlen(key) + 1; CHECK(value < end); (*info_map)[p] = value; p = value + strlen(value) + 1; } return true; } void RecordFileReader::LoadBuildIdAndFileFeatures(ThreadTree& thread_tree) { std::vector<BuildIdRecord> records = ReadBuildIdFeature(); std::vector<std::pair<std::string, BuildId>> build_ids; for (auto& r : records) { build_ids.push_back(std::make_pair(r.filename, r.build_id)); } Dso::SetBuildIds(build_ids); if (HasFeature(PerfFileFormat::FEAT_FILE)) { std::string file_path; uint32_t file_type; uint64_t min_vaddr; std::vector<Symbol> symbols; size_t read_pos = 0; while (ReadFileFeature( read_pos, &file_path, &file_type, &min_vaddr, &symbols)) { thread_tree.AddDsoInfo(file_path, file_type, min_vaddr, &symbols); } } } std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Record>> RecordFileReader::DataSection() { std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Record>> records; ReadDataSection([&](std::unique_ptr<Record> record) { records.push_back(std::move(record)); return true; }); return records; }