/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/ptrace.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <atomic> #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <thread> #include <vector> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include <unwindstack/Maps.h> #include <unwindstack/Memory.h> #include <unwindstack/Regs.h> #include <unwindstack/RegsGetLocal.h> #include <unwindstack/Unwinder.h> #include "TestUtils.h" namespace unwindstack { static std::atomic_bool g_ready; static volatile bool g_ready_for_remote; static volatile bool g_signal_ready_for_remote; static std::atomic_bool g_finish; static std::atomic_uintptr_t g_ucontext; static void ResetGlobals() { g_ready = false; g_ready_for_remote = false; g_signal_ready_for_remote = false; g_finish = false; g_ucontext = 0; } static std::vector<const char*> kFunctionOrder{"OuterFunction", "MiddleFunction", "InnerFunction"}; static std::vector<const char*> kFunctionSignalOrder{"OuterFunction", "MiddleFunction", "InnerFunction", "SignalOuterFunction", "SignalMiddleFunction", "SignalInnerFunction"}; static void SignalHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void* sigcontext) { g_ucontext = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sigcontext); while (!g_finish.load()) { } } extern "C" void SignalInnerFunction() { g_signal_ready_for_remote = true; while (!g_finish.load()) { } } extern "C" void SignalMiddleFunction() { SignalInnerFunction(); } extern "C" void SignalOuterFunction() { SignalMiddleFunction(); } static void SignalCallerHandler(int, siginfo_t*, void*) { SignalOuterFunction(); } static std::string ErrorMsg(const std::vector<const char*>& function_names, Unwinder& unwinder) { std::string unwind; for (size_t i = 0; i < unwinder.NumFrames(); i++) { unwind += unwinder.FormatFrame(i) + '\n'; } return std::string( "Unwind completed without finding all frames\n" " Looking for function: ") + function_names.front() + "\n" + "Unwind data:\n" + unwind; } static void VerifyUnwind(pid_t pid, Maps* maps, Regs* regs, std::vector<const char*> expected_function_names) { auto process_memory(Memory::CreateProcessMemory(pid)); Unwinder unwinder(512, maps, regs, process_memory); unwinder.Unwind(); std::string expected_function = expected_function_names.back(); expected_function_names.pop_back(); for (auto& frame : unwinder.frames()) { if (frame.function_name == expected_function) { if (expected_function_names.empty()) { break; } expected_function = expected_function_names.back(); expected_function_names.pop_back(); } } ASSERT_TRUE(expected_function_names.empty()) << ErrorMsg(expected_function_names, unwinder); } // This test assumes that this code is compiled with optimizations turned // off. If this doesn't happen, then all of the calls will be optimized // away. extern "C" void InnerFunction(bool local, bool trigger_invalid_call) { if (local) { LocalMaps maps; ASSERT_TRUE(maps.Parse()); std::unique_ptr<Regs> regs(Regs::CreateFromLocal()); RegsGetLocal(regs.get()); VerifyUnwind(getpid(), &maps, regs.get(), kFunctionOrder); } else { g_ready_for_remote = true; g_ready = true; if (trigger_invalid_call) { void (*crash_func)() = nullptr; crash_func(); } while (!g_finish.load()) { } } } extern "C" void MiddleFunction(bool local, bool trigger_invalid_call) { InnerFunction(local, trigger_invalid_call); } extern "C" void OuterFunction(bool local, bool trigger_invalid_call) { MiddleFunction(local, trigger_invalid_call); } class UnwindTest : public ::testing::Test { public: void SetUp() override { ResetGlobals(); } }; TEST_F(UnwindTest, local) { OuterFunction(true, false); } void WaitForRemote(pid_t pid, uint64_t addr, bool leave_attached, bool* completed) { *completed = false; // Need to sleep before attempting first ptrace. Without this, on the // host it becomes impossible to attach and ptrace sets errno to EPERM. usleep(1000); for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, pid, 0, 0) == 0) { ASSERT_TRUE(TestQuiescePid(pid)) << "Waiting for process to quiesce failed: " << strerror(errno); MemoryRemote memory(pid); // Read the remote value to see if we are ready. bool value; if (memory.ReadFully(addr, &value, sizeof(value)) && value) { *completed = true; } if (!*completed || !leave_attached) { ASSERT_EQ(0, ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, pid, 0, 0)); } if (*completed) { break; } } else { ASSERT_EQ(ESRCH, errno) << "ptrace attach failed with unexpected error: " << strerror(errno); } usleep(5000); } } TEST_F(UnwindTest, remote) { pid_t pid; if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { OuterFunction(false, false); exit(0); } ASSERT_NE(-1, pid); TestScopedPidReaper reap(pid); bool completed; WaitForRemote(pid, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&g_ready_for_remote), true, &completed); ASSERT_TRUE(completed) << "Timed out waiting for remote process to be ready."; RemoteMaps maps(pid); ASSERT_TRUE(maps.Parse()); std::unique_ptr<Regs> regs(Regs::RemoteGet(pid)); ASSERT_TRUE(regs.get() != nullptr); VerifyUnwind(pid, &maps, regs.get(), kFunctionOrder); ASSERT_EQ(0, ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, pid, 0, 0)) << "ptrace detach failed with unexpected error: " << strerror(errno); } TEST_F(UnwindTest, from_context) { std::atomic_int tid(0); std::thread thread([&]() { tid = syscall(__NR_gettid); OuterFunction(false, false); }); struct sigaction act, oldact; memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); act.sa_sigaction = SignalHandler; act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO | SA_ONSTACK; ASSERT_EQ(0, sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, &oldact)); // Wait for the tid to get set. for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (tid.load() != 0) { break; } usleep(1000); } ASSERT_NE(0, tid.load()); // Portable tgkill method. ASSERT_EQ(0, syscall(__NR_tgkill, getpid(), tid.load(), SIGUSR1)) << "Error: " << strerror(errno); // Wait for context data. void* ucontext; for (size_t i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { ucontext = reinterpret_cast<void*>(g_ucontext.load()); if (ucontext != nullptr) { break; } usleep(1000); } ASSERT_TRUE(ucontext != nullptr) << "Timed out waiting for thread to respond to signal."; LocalMaps maps; ASSERT_TRUE(maps.Parse()); std::unique_ptr<Regs> regs(Regs::CreateFromUcontext(Regs::CurrentArch(), ucontext)); VerifyUnwind(getpid(), &maps, regs.get(), kFunctionOrder); ASSERT_EQ(0, sigaction(SIGUSR1, &oldact, nullptr)); g_finish = true; thread.join(); } static void RemoteThroughSignal(int signal, unsigned int sa_flags) { pid_t pid; if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { struct sigaction act, oldact; memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); act.sa_sigaction = SignalCallerHandler; act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_ONSTACK | sa_flags; ASSERT_EQ(0, sigaction(signal, &act, &oldact)); OuterFunction(false, signal == SIGSEGV); exit(0); } ASSERT_NE(-1, pid); TestScopedPidReaper reap(pid); bool completed; if (signal != SIGSEGV) { WaitForRemote(pid, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&g_ready_for_remote), false, &completed); ASSERT_TRUE(completed) << "Timed out waiting for remote process to be ready."; ASSERT_EQ(0, kill(pid, SIGUSR1)); } WaitForRemote(pid, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&g_signal_ready_for_remote), true, &completed); ASSERT_TRUE(completed) << "Timed out waiting for remote process to be in signal handler."; RemoteMaps maps(pid); ASSERT_TRUE(maps.Parse()); std::unique_ptr<Regs> regs(Regs::RemoteGet(pid)); ASSERT_TRUE(regs.get() != nullptr); VerifyUnwind(pid, &maps, regs.get(), kFunctionSignalOrder); ASSERT_EQ(0, ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, pid, 0, 0)) << "ptrace detach failed with unexpected error: " << strerror(errno); } TEST_F(UnwindTest, remote_through_signal) { RemoteThroughSignal(SIGUSR1, 0); } TEST_F(UnwindTest, remote_through_signal_sa_siginfo) { RemoteThroughSignal(SIGUSR1, SA_SIGINFO); } TEST_F(UnwindTest, remote_through_signal_with_invalid_func) { RemoteThroughSignal(SIGSEGV, 0); } TEST_F(UnwindTest, remote_through_signal_sa_siginfo_with_invalid_func) { RemoteThroughSignal(SIGSEGV, SA_SIGINFO); } // Verify that using the same map while unwinding multiple threads at the // same time doesn't cause problems. TEST_F(UnwindTest, multiple_threads_unwind_same_map) { static constexpr size_t kNumConcurrentThreads = 100; LocalMaps maps; ASSERT_TRUE(maps.Parse()); auto process_memory(Memory::CreateProcessMemory(getpid())); std::vector<std::thread*> threads; std::atomic_bool wait; wait = true; size_t frames[kNumConcurrentThreads]; for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumConcurrentThreads; i++) { std::thread* thread = new std::thread([i, &frames, &maps, &process_memory, &wait]() { while (wait) ; std::unique_ptr<Regs> regs(Regs::CreateFromLocal()); RegsGetLocal(regs.get()); Unwinder unwinder(512, &maps, regs.get(), process_memory); unwinder.Unwind(); frames[i] = unwinder.NumFrames(); ASSERT_LE(3U, frames[i]) << "Failed for thread " << i; }); threads.push_back(thread); } wait = false; for (auto thread : threads) { thread->join(); delete thread; } } } // namespace unwindstack