/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "wificond/scanning/scanner_impl.h" #include <string> #include <vector> #include <android-base/logging.h> #include "wificond/client_interface_impl.h" #include "wificond/scanning/offload/offload_scan_manager.h" #include "wificond/scanning/offload/offload_service_utils.h" #include "wificond/scanning/scan_utils.h" using android::binder::Status; using android::net::wifi::IPnoScanEvent; using android::net::wifi::IScanEvent; using android::net::wifi::IWifiScannerImpl; using android::hardware::wifi::offload::V1_0::IOffload; using android::sp; using com::android::server::wifi::wificond::NativeScanResult; using com::android::server::wifi::wificond::PnoSettings; using com::android::server::wifi::wificond::SingleScanSettings; using std::pair; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::weak_ptr; using std::shared_ptr; using namespace std::placeholders; namespace { using android::wificond::WiphyFeatures; bool IsScanTypeSupported(int scan_type, const WiphyFeatures& wiphy_features) { switch(scan_type) { case IWifiScannerImpl::SCAN_TYPE_LOW_SPAN: return wiphy_features.supports_low_span_oneshot_scan; case IWifiScannerImpl::SCAN_TYPE_LOW_POWER: return wiphy_features.supports_low_power_oneshot_scan; case IWifiScannerImpl::SCAN_TYPE_HIGH_ACCURACY: return wiphy_features.supports_high_accuracy_oneshot_scan; default: CHECK(0) << "Invalid scan type received: " << scan_type; } return {}; } } // namespace namespace android { namespace wificond { ScannerImpl::ScannerImpl(uint32_t interface_index, const ScanCapabilities& scan_capabilities, const WiphyFeatures& wiphy_features, ClientInterfaceImpl* client_interface, ScanUtils* scan_utils, weak_ptr<OffloadServiceUtils> offload_service_utils) : valid_(true), scan_started_(false), pno_scan_started_(false), offload_scan_supported_(false), pno_scan_running_over_offload_(false), pno_scan_results_from_offload_(false), interface_index_(interface_index), scan_capabilities_(scan_capabilities), wiphy_features_(wiphy_features), client_interface_(client_interface), scan_utils_(scan_utils), scan_event_handler_(nullptr) { // Subscribe one-shot scan result notification from kernel. LOG(INFO) << "subscribe scan result for interface with index: " << (int)interface_index_; scan_utils_->SubscribeScanResultNotification( interface_index_, std::bind(&ScannerImpl::OnScanResultsReady, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)); // Subscribe scheduled scan result notification from kernel. scan_utils_->SubscribeSchedScanResultNotification( interface_index_, std::bind(&ScannerImpl::OnSchedScanResultsReady, this, _1, _2)); std::shared_ptr<OffloadScanCallbackInterfaceImpl> offload_scan_callback_interface = offload_service_utils.lock()->GetOffloadScanCallbackInterface(this); offload_scan_manager_ = offload_service_utils.lock()->GetOffloadScanManager( offload_service_utils, offload_scan_callback_interface); offload_scan_supported_ = offload_service_utils.lock()->IsOffloadScanSupported(); } ScannerImpl::~ScannerImpl() {} void ScannerImpl::Invalidate() { LOG(INFO) << "Unsubscribe scan result for interface with index: " << (int)interface_index_; scan_utils_->UnsubscribeScanResultNotification(interface_index_); scan_utils_->UnsubscribeSchedScanResultNotification(interface_index_); } bool ScannerImpl::CheckIsValid() { if (!valid_) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Calling on a invalid scanner object." << "Underlying client interface object was destroyed."; } return valid_; } Status ScannerImpl::getScanResults(vector<NativeScanResult>* out_scan_results) { if (!CheckIsValid()) { return Status::ok(); } if (!scan_utils_->GetScanResult(interface_index_, out_scan_results)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get scan results via NL80211"; } return Status::ok(); } Status ScannerImpl::getPnoScanResults( vector<NativeScanResult>* out_scan_results) { if (!CheckIsValid()) { return Status::ok(); } if (pno_scan_results_from_offload_) { if (!offload_scan_manager_->getScanResults(out_scan_results)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get scan results via Offload HAL"; } } else { if (!scan_utils_->GetScanResult(interface_index_, out_scan_results)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get scan results via NL80211"; } } return Status::ok(); } Status ScannerImpl::scan(const SingleScanSettings& scan_settings, bool* out_success) { if (!CheckIsValid()) { *out_success = false; return Status::ok(); } if (scan_started_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Scan already started"; } // Only request MAC address randomization when station is not associated. bool request_random_mac = wiphy_features_.supports_random_mac_oneshot_scan && !client_interface_->IsAssociated(); int scan_type = scan_settings.scan_type_; if (!IsScanTypeSupported(scan_settings.scan_type_, wiphy_features_)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Ignoring scan type because device does not support it"; scan_type = SCAN_TYPE_DEFAULT; } // Initialize it with an empty ssid for a wild card scan. vector<vector<uint8_t>> ssids = {{}}; vector<vector<uint8_t>> skipped_scan_ssids; for (auto& network : scan_settings.hidden_networks_) { if (ssids.size() + 1 > scan_capabilities_.max_num_scan_ssids) { skipped_scan_ssids.emplace_back(network.ssid_); continue; } ssids.push_back(network.ssid_); } LogSsidList(skipped_scan_ssids, "Skip scan ssid for single scan"); vector<uint32_t> freqs; for (auto& channel : scan_settings.channel_settings_) { freqs.push_back(channel.frequency_); } int error_code = 0; if (!scan_utils_->Scan(interface_index_, request_random_mac, scan_type, ssids, freqs, &error_code)) { CHECK(error_code != ENODEV) << "Driver is in a bad state, restarting wificond"; *out_success = false; return Status::ok(); } scan_started_ = true; *out_success = true; return Status::ok(); } Status ScannerImpl::startPnoScan(const PnoSettings& pno_settings, bool* out_success) { pno_settings_ = pno_settings; pno_scan_results_from_offload_ = false; LOG(VERBOSE) << "startPnoScan"; if (offload_scan_supported_ && StartPnoScanOffload(pno_settings)) { // scanning over offload succeeded *out_success = true; } else { *out_success = StartPnoScanDefault(pno_settings); } return Status::ok(); } bool ScannerImpl::StartPnoScanOffload(const PnoSettings& pno_settings) { OffloadScanManager::ReasonCode reason_code; vector<vector<uint8_t>> scan_ssids; vector<vector<uint8_t>> match_ssids; vector<uint8_t> match_security; // Empty frequency list: scan all frequencies. vector<uint32_t> freqs; ParsePnoSettings(pno_settings, &scan_ssids, &match_ssids, &freqs, &match_security); pno_scan_running_over_offload_ = offload_scan_manager_->startScan( pno_settings.interval_ms_, // TODO: honor both rssi thresholds. pno_settings.min_5g_rssi_, scan_ssids, match_ssids, match_security, freqs, &reason_code); if (pno_scan_running_over_offload_) { LOG(VERBOSE) << "Pno scans requested over Offload HAL"; if (pno_scan_event_handler_ != nullptr) { pno_scan_event_handler_->OnPnoScanOverOffloadStarted(); } } return pno_scan_running_over_offload_; } void ScannerImpl::ParsePnoSettings(const PnoSettings& pno_settings, vector<vector<uint8_t>>* scan_ssids, vector<vector<uint8_t>>* match_ssids, vector<uint32_t>* freqs, vector<uint8_t>* match_security) { // TODO provide actionable security match parameters const uint8_t kNetworkFlagsDefault = 0; vector<vector<uint8_t>> skipped_scan_ssids; vector<vector<uint8_t>> skipped_match_ssids; for (auto& network : pno_settings.pno_networks_) { // Add hidden network ssid. if (network.is_hidden_) { // TODO remove pruning for Offload Scans if (scan_ssids->size() + 1 > scan_capabilities_.max_num_sched_scan_ssids) { skipped_scan_ssids.emplace_back(network.ssid_); continue; } scan_ssids->push_back(network.ssid_); } if (match_ssids->size() + 1 > scan_capabilities_.max_match_sets) { skipped_match_ssids.emplace_back(network.ssid_); continue; } match_ssids->push_back(network.ssid_); match_security->push_back(kNetworkFlagsDefault); } LogSsidList(skipped_scan_ssids, "Skip scan ssid for pno scan"); LogSsidList(skipped_match_ssids, "Skip match ssid for pno scan"); } bool ScannerImpl::StartPnoScanDefault(const PnoSettings& pno_settings) { if (!CheckIsValid()) { return false; } if (pno_scan_started_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Pno scan already started"; } // An empty ssid for a wild card scan. vector<vector<uint8_t>> scan_ssids = {{}}; vector<vector<uint8_t>> match_ssids; vector<uint8_t> unused; // Empty frequency list: scan all frequencies. vector<uint32_t> freqs; ParsePnoSettings(pno_settings, &scan_ssids, &match_ssids, &freqs, &unused); // Only request MAC address randomization when station is not associated. bool request_random_mac = wiphy_features_.supports_random_mac_sched_scan && !client_interface_->IsAssociated(); // Always request a low power scan for PNO, if device supports it. bool request_low_power = wiphy_features_.supports_low_power_oneshot_scan; int error_code = 0; if (!scan_utils_->StartScheduledScan(interface_index_, GenerateIntervalSetting(pno_settings), pno_settings.min_2g_rssi_, pno_settings.min_5g_rssi_, request_random_mac, request_low_power, scan_ssids, match_ssids, freqs, &error_code)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start pno scan"; CHECK(error_code != ENODEV) << "Driver is in a bad state, restarting wificond"; return false; } LOG(INFO) << "Pno scan started"; pno_scan_started_ = true; return true; } Status ScannerImpl::stopPnoScan(bool* out_success) { if (offload_scan_supported_ && StopPnoScanOffload()) { // Pno scans over offload stopped successfully *out_success = true; } else { // Pno scans were not requested over offload *out_success = StopPnoScanDefault(); } return Status::ok(); } bool ScannerImpl::StopPnoScanOffload() { OffloadScanManager::ReasonCode reason_code; if (!pno_scan_running_over_offload_) { return false; } if (!offload_scan_manager_->stopScan(&reason_code)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to unsubscribe to Offload scan results"; } pno_scan_running_over_offload_ = false; LOG(VERBOSE) << "Pno scans over Offload stopped"; return true; } bool ScannerImpl::StopPnoScanDefault() { if (!CheckIsValid()) { return false; } if (!pno_scan_started_) { LOG(WARNING) << "No pno scan started"; } if (!scan_utils_->StopScheduledScan(interface_index_)) { return false; } LOG(INFO) << "Pno scan stopped"; pno_scan_started_ = false; return true; } Status ScannerImpl::abortScan() { if (!CheckIsValid()) { return Status::ok(); } if (!scan_started_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Scan is not started. Ignore abort request"; return Status::ok(); } if (!scan_utils_->AbortScan(interface_index_)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Abort scan failed"; } return Status::ok(); } Status ScannerImpl::subscribeScanEvents(const sp<IScanEvent>& handler) { if (!CheckIsValid()) { return Status::ok(); } if (scan_event_handler_ != nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Found existing scan events subscriber." << " This subscription request will unsubscribe it"; } scan_event_handler_ = handler; return Status::ok(); } Status ScannerImpl::unsubscribeScanEvents() { scan_event_handler_ = nullptr; return Status::ok(); } Status ScannerImpl::subscribePnoScanEvents(const sp<IPnoScanEvent>& handler) { if (!CheckIsValid()) { return Status::ok(); } if (pno_scan_event_handler_ != nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Found existing pno scan events subscriber." << " This subscription request will unsubscribe it"; } pno_scan_event_handler_ = handler; return Status::ok(); } Status ScannerImpl::unsubscribePnoScanEvents() { pno_scan_event_handler_ = nullptr; return Status::ok(); } void ScannerImpl::OnScanResultsReady(uint32_t interface_index, bool aborted, vector<vector<uint8_t>>& ssids, vector<uint32_t>& frequencies) { if (!scan_started_) { LOG(INFO) << "Received external scan result notification from kernel."; } scan_started_ = false; if (scan_event_handler_ != nullptr) { // TODO: Pass other parameters back once we find framework needs them. if (aborted) { LOG(WARNING) << "Scan aborted"; scan_event_handler_->OnScanFailed(); } else { scan_event_handler_->OnScanResultReady(); } } else { LOG(WARNING) << "No scan event handler found."; } } void ScannerImpl::OnSchedScanResultsReady(uint32_t interface_index, bool scan_stopped) { if (pno_scan_event_handler_ != nullptr) { if (scan_stopped) { // If |pno_scan_started_| is false. // This stop notification might result from our own request. // See the document for NL80211_CMD_SCHED_SCAN_STOPPED in nl80211.h. if (pno_scan_started_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected pno scan stopped event"; pno_scan_event_handler_->OnPnoScanFailed(); } pno_scan_started_ = false; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Pno scan result ready event"; pno_scan_results_from_offload_ = false; pno_scan_event_handler_->OnPnoNetworkFound(); } } } SchedScanIntervalSetting ScannerImpl::GenerateIntervalSetting( const ::com::android::server::wifi::wificond::PnoSettings& pno_settings) const { bool support_num_scan_plans = scan_capabilities_.max_num_scan_plans >= 2; bool support_scan_plan_interval = scan_capabilities_.max_scan_plan_interval * 1000 >= pno_settings.interval_ms_ * PnoSettings::kSlowScanIntervalMultiplier; bool support_scan_plan_iterations = scan_capabilities_.max_scan_plan_iterations >= PnoSettings::kFastScanIterations; uint32_t fast_scan_interval = static_cast<uint32_t>(pno_settings.interval_ms_); if (support_num_scan_plans && support_scan_plan_interval && support_scan_plan_iterations) { return SchedScanIntervalSetting{ {{fast_scan_interval, PnoSettings::kFastScanIterations}}, fast_scan_interval * PnoSettings::kSlowScanIntervalMultiplier}; } else { // Device doesn't support the provided scan plans. // Specify single interval instead. // In this case, the driver/firmware is expected to implement back off // logic internally using |pno_settings.interval_ms_| as "fast scan" // interval. return SchedScanIntervalSetting{{}, fast_scan_interval}; } } void ScannerImpl::OnOffloadScanResult() { if (!pno_scan_running_over_offload_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Scan results from Offload HAL but scan not requested over " "this interface"; return; } LOG(INFO) << "Offload Scan results received"; pno_scan_results_from_offload_ = true; if (pno_scan_event_handler_ != nullptr) { pno_scan_event_handler_->OnPnoNetworkFound(); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "No scan event handler Offload Scan result"; } } void ScannerImpl::OnOffloadError( OffloadScanCallbackInterface::AsyncErrorReason error_code) { if (!pno_scan_running_over_offload_) { // Ignore irrelevant error notifications LOG(WARNING) << "Offload HAL Async Error occured but Offload HAL is not " "subscribed to"; return; } LOG(ERROR) << "Offload Service Async Failure error_code=" << error_code; switch (error_code) { case OffloadScanCallbackInterface::AsyncErrorReason::BINDER_DEATH: LOG(ERROR) << "Binder death"; if (pno_scan_event_handler_ != nullptr) { pno_scan_event_handler_->OnPnoScanOverOffloadFailed( net::wifi::IPnoScanEvent::PNO_SCAN_OVER_OFFLOAD_BINDER_FAILURE); } break; case OffloadScanCallbackInterface::AsyncErrorReason::REMOTE_FAILURE: LOG(ERROR) << "Remote failure"; if (pno_scan_event_handler_ != nullptr) { pno_scan_event_handler_->OnPnoScanOverOffloadFailed( net::wifi::IPnoScanEvent::PNO_SCAN_OVER_OFFLOAD_REMOTE_FAILURE); } break; default: LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid Error code"; break; } bool success = false; // Stop scans over Offload HAL and request them over netlink stopPnoScan(&success); if (success) { LOG(INFO) << "Pno scans stopped"; } // Restart PNO scans over netlink interface success = StartPnoScanDefault(pno_settings_); if (success) { LOG(INFO) << "Pno scans restarted"; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to fall back to netlink pno scan"; pno_scan_event_handler_->OnPnoScanFailed(); } } void ScannerImpl::LogSsidList(vector<vector<uint8_t>>& ssid_list, string prefix) { if (ssid_list.empty()) { return; } string ssid_list_string; for (auto& ssid : ssid_list) { ssid_list_string += string(ssid.begin(), ssid.end()); if (&ssid != &ssid_list.back()) { ssid_list_string += ", "; } } LOG(WARNING) << prefix << ": " << ssid_list_string; } } // namespace wificond } // namespace android