<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Bulk Data Operations Demo</title> </head> <body> <h2>Bulk Data Operations Demo</h2> <p> This demo shows how to use bulk data operations with the new JDK8 Collections API. The demo also demonstrates new features of JDK8 such as lambda expressions and method/constructor references. </p> <ul> <li><h3>CSV Processor</h3> <p> Analyzes a CSV file, finds and collects useful information, computes different statistics. For more information, see the source file. </p> Source: <a href="src/CSVProcessor.java">src/CSVProcessor.java</a> <li><h3>Grep</h3> <p> Behaves like the standard Linux tool Grep. For more information, see the source file. </p> Source: <a href="src/Grep.java">src/Grep.java</a> <li><h3>PasswordGenerator</h3> <p> Produces a password of desired length. For more information see source file. </p> Source: <a href="src/PasswordGenerator.java">src/PasswordGenerator.java</a> <li><h3>WC</h3> <p> Counts newlines, words, characters, and the maximum line length of a text file. For more information, see the source file. </p> Source: <a href="src/WC.java">src/WC.java</a> </ul> </body> </html>