/* * Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <cutils/properties.h> #include <sync/sync.h> #include <utils/constants.h> #include <utils/debug.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "hwc_display_primary.h" #include "hwc_debugger.h" #define __CLASS__ "HWCDisplayPrimary" namespace sdm { int HWCDisplayPrimary::Create(CoreInterface *core_intf, BufferAllocator *buffer_allocator, HWCCallbacks *callbacks, qService::QService *qservice, HWCDisplay **hwc_display) { int status = 0; uint32_t primary_width = 0; uint32_t primary_height = 0; HWCDisplay *hwc_display_primary = new HWCDisplayPrimary(core_intf, buffer_allocator, callbacks, qservice); status = hwc_display_primary->Init(); if (status) { delete hwc_display_primary; return status; } hwc_display_primary->GetMixerResolution(&primary_width, &primary_height); int width = 0, height = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty("sdm.fb_size_width", &width); HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty("sdm.fb_size_height", &height); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { primary_width = UINT32(width); primary_height = UINT32(height); } status = hwc_display_primary->SetFrameBufferResolution(primary_width, primary_height); if (status) { Destroy(hwc_display_primary); return status; } *hwc_display = hwc_display_primary; return status; } void HWCDisplayPrimary::Destroy(HWCDisplay *hwc_display) { hwc_display->Deinit(); delete hwc_display; } HWCDisplayPrimary::HWCDisplayPrimary(CoreInterface *core_intf, BufferAllocator *buffer_allocator, HWCCallbacks *callbacks, qService::QService *qservice) : HWCDisplay(core_intf, callbacks, kPrimary, HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY, true, qservice, DISPLAY_CLASS_PRIMARY, buffer_allocator), buffer_allocator_(buffer_allocator), cpu_hint_(NULL) { } int HWCDisplayPrimary::Init() { cpu_hint_ = new CPUHint(); if (cpu_hint_->Init(static_cast<HWCDebugHandler *>(HWCDebugHandler::Get())) != kErrorNone) { delete cpu_hint_; cpu_hint_ = NULL; } use_metadata_refresh_rate_ = true; int disable_metadata_dynfps = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty("persist.metadata_dynfps.disable", &disable_metadata_dynfps); if (disable_metadata_dynfps) { use_metadata_refresh_rate_ = false; } int status = HWCDisplay::Init(); if (status) { return status; } color_mode_ = new HWCColorMode(display_intf_); return INT(color_mode_->Init()); } void HWCDisplayPrimary::ProcessBootAnimCompleted() { uint32_t numBootUpLayers = 0; // TODO(user): Remove this hack numBootUpLayers = static_cast<uint32_t>(Debug::GetBootAnimLayerCount()); if (numBootUpLayers == 0) { numBootUpLayers = 2; } /* All other checks namely "init.svc.bootanim" or * HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED fail in correctly identifying the * exact bootup transition to homescreen */ char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; bool isEncrypted = false; bool main_class_services_started = false; property_get("ro.crypto.state", property, "unencrypted"); if (!strcmp(property, "encrypted")) { property_get("ro.crypto.type", property, "block"); if (!strcmp(property, "block")) { isEncrypted = true; property_get("vold.decrypt", property, ""); if (!strcmp(property, "trigger_restart_framework")) { main_class_services_started = true; } } } if ((!isEncrypted || (isEncrypted && main_class_services_started)) && (layer_set_.size() > numBootUpLayers)) { DLOGI("Applying default mode"); boot_animation_completed_ = true; // Applying default mode after bootanimation is finished And // If Data is Encrypted, it is ready for access. if (display_intf_) display_intf_->ApplyDefaultDisplayMode(); } } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayPrimary::Validate(uint32_t *out_num_types, uint32_t *out_num_requests) { auto status = HWC2::Error::None; DisplayError error = kErrorNone; if (display_paused_) { MarkLayersForGPUBypass(); return status; } if (color_tranform_failed_) { // Must fall back to client composition MarkLayersForClientComposition(); } // Fill in the remaining blanks in the layers and add them to the SDM layerstack BuildLayerStack(); // Checks and replaces layer stack for solid fill SolidFillPrepare(); bool pending_output_dump = dump_frame_count_ && dump_output_to_file_; if (frame_capture_buffer_queued_ || pending_output_dump) { // RHS values were set in FrameCaptureAsync() called from a binder thread. They are picked up // here in a subsequent draw round. layer_stack_.output_buffer = &output_buffer_; layer_stack_.flags.post_processed_output = post_processed_output_; } bool one_updating_layer = SingleLayerUpdating(); ToggleCPUHint(one_updating_layer); uint32_t refresh_rate = GetOptimalRefreshRate(one_updating_layer); if (current_refresh_rate_ != refresh_rate) { error = display_intf_->SetRefreshRate(refresh_rate); } if (error == kErrorNone) { // On success, set current refresh rate to new refresh rate current_refresh_rate_ = refresh_rate; } if (handle_idle_timeout_) { handle_idle_timeout_ = false; } if (layer_set_.empty()) { flush_ = true; return status; } status = PrepareLayerStack(out_num_types, out_num_requests); return status; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayPrimary::Present(int32_t *out_retire_fence) { auto status = HWC2::Error::None; if (display_paused_) { // TODO(user): From old HWC implementation // If we do not handle the frame set retireFenceFd to outbufAcquireFenceFd // Revisit this when validating display_paused DisplayError error = display_intf_->Flush(); if (error != kErrorNone) { DLOGE("Flush failed. Error = %d", error); } } else { status = HWCDisplay::CommitLayerStack(); if (status == HWC2::Error::None) { HandleFrameOutput(); SolidFillCommit(); status = HWCDisplay::PostCommitLayerStack(out_retire_fence); } } CloseAcquireFds(); return status; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayPrimary::GetColorModes(uint32_t *out_num_modes, android_color_mode_t *out_modes) { if (out_modes == nullptr) { *out_num_modes = color_mode_->GetColorModeCount(); } else { color_mode_->GetColorModes(out_num_modes, out_modes); } return HWC2::Error::None; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayPrimary::SetColorMode(android_color_mode_t mode) { validated_ = false; auto status = color_mode_->SetColorMode(mode); if (status != HWC2::Error::None) { DLOGE("failed for mode = %d", mode); return status; } callbacks_->Refresh(HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY); return status; } HWC2::Error HWCDisplayPrimary::SetColorTransform(const float *matrix, android_color_transform_t hint) { validated_ = false; if (!matrix) { return HWC2::Error::BadParameter; } auto status = color_mode_->SetColorTransform(matrix, hint); if (status != HWC2::Error::None) { DLOGE("failed for hint = %d", hint); color_tranform_failed_ = true; return status; } callbacks_->Refresh(HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY); color_tranform_failed_ = false; return status; } int HWCDisplayPrimary::Perform(uint32_t operation, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, operation); int val = 0; LayerRect *rect = NULL; switch (operation) { case SET_METADATA_DYN_REFRESH_RATE: val = va_arg(args, int32_t); SetMetaDataRefreshRateFlag(val); break; case SET_BINDER_DYN_REFRESH_RATE: val = va_arg(args, int32_t); ForceRefreshRate(UINT32(val)); break; case SET_DISPLAY_MODE: val = va_arg(args, int32_t); SetDisplayMode(UINT32(val)); break; case SET_QDCM_SOLID_FILL_INFO: val = va_arg(args, int32_t); SetQDCMSolidFillInfo(true, UINT32(val)); break; case UNSET_QDCM_SOLID_FILL_INFO: val = va_arg(args, int32_t); SetQDCMSolidFillInfo(false, UINT32(val)); break; case SET_QDCM_SOLID_FILL_RECT: rect = va_arg(args, LayerRect*); solid_fill_rect_ = *rect; break; default: DLOGW("Invalid operation %d", operation); va_end(args); return -EINVAL; } va_end(args); return 0; } DisplayError HWCDisplayPrimary::SetDisplayMode(uint32_t mode) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; if (display_intf_) { error = display_intf_->SetDisplayMode(mode); } return error; } void HWCDisplayPrimary::SetMetaDataRefreshRateFlag(bool enable) { int disable_metadata_dynfps = 0; HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty("persist.metadata_dynfps.disable", &disable_metadata_dynfps); if (disable_metadata_dynfps) { return; } use_metadata_refresh_rate_ = enable; } void HWCDisplayPrimary::SetQDCMSolidFillInfo(bool enable, uint32_t color) { solid_fill_enable_ = enable; solid_fill_color_ = color; } void HWCDisplayPrimary::ToggleCPUHint(bool set) { if (!cpu_hint_) { return; } if (set) { cpu_hint_->Set(); } else { cpu_hint_->Reset(); } } void HWCDisplayPrimary::SetSecureDisplay(bool secure_display_active) { if (secure_display_active_ != secure_display_active) { // Skip Prepare and call Flush for null commit DLOGI("SecureDisplay state changed from %d to %d Needs Flush!!", secure_display_active_, secure_display_active); secure_display_active_ = secure_display_active; skip_prepare_ = true; } return; } void HWCDisplayPrimary::ForceRefreshRate(uint32_t refresh_rate) { if ((refresh_rate && (refresh_rate < min_refresh_rate_ || refresh_rate > max_refresh_rate_)) || force_refresh_rate_ == refresh_rate) { // Cannot honor force refresh rate, as its beyond the range or new request is same return; } force_refresh_rate_ = refresh_rate; callbacks_->Refresh(HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY); return; } uint32_t HWCDisplayPrimary::GetOptimalRefreshRate(bool one_updating_layer) { if (force_refresh_rate_) { return force_refresh_rate_; } else if (handle_idle_timeout_) { return min_refresh_rate_; } else if (use_metadata_refresh_rate_ && one_updating_layer && metadata_refresh_rate_) { return metadata_refresh_rate_; } return max_refresh_rate_; } DisplayError HWCDisplayPrimary::Refresh() { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; callbacks_->Refresh(HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY); handle_idle_timeout_ = true; return error; } void HWCDisplayPrimary::SetIdleTimeoutMs(uint32_t timeout_ms) { display_intf_->SetIdleTimeoutMs(timeout_ms); } static void SetLayerBuffer(const BufferInfo &output_buffer_info, LayerBuffer *output_buffer) { output_buffer->width = output_buffer_info.buffer_config.width; output_buffer->height = output_buffer_info.buffer_config.height; output_buffer->format = output_buffer_info.buffer_config.format; output_buffer->planes[0].fd = output_buffer_info.alloc_buffer_info.fd; output_buffer->planes[0].stride = output_buffer_info.alloc_buffer_info.stride; } void HWCDisplayPrimary::HandleFrameOutput() { if (frame_capture_buffer_queued_) { HandleFrameCapture(); } else if (dump_output_to_file_) { HandleFrameDump(); } } void HWCDisplayPrimary::HandleFrameCapture() { if (output_buffer_.release_fence_fd >= 0) { frame_capture_status_ = sync_wait(output_buffer_.release_fence_fd, 1000); ::close(output_buffer_.release_fence_fd); output_buffer_.release_fence_fd = -1; } frame_capture_buffer_queued_ = false; post_processed_output_ = false; output_buffer_ = {}; } void HWCDisplayPrimary::HandleFrameDump() { if (dump_frame_count_ && output_buffer_.release_fence_fd >= 0) { int ret = sync_wait(output_buffer_.release_fence_fd, 1000); ::close(output_buffer_.release_fence_fd); output_buffer_.release_fence_fd = -1; if (ret < 0) { DLOGE("sync_wait error errno = %d, desc = %s", errno, strerror(errno)); } else { DumpOutputBuffer(output_buffer_info_, output_buffer_base_, layer_stack_.retire_fence_fd); } } if (0 == dump_frame_count_) { dump_output_to_file_ = false; // Unmap and Free buffer if (munmap(output_buffer_base_, output_buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.size) != 0) { DLOGE("unmap failed with err %d", errno); } if (buffer_allocator_->FreeBuffer(&output_buffer_info_) != 0) { DLOGE("FreeBuffer failed"); } post_processed_output_ = false; output_buffer_ = {}; output_buffer_info_ = {}; output_buffer_base_ = nullptr; } } void HWCDisplayPrimary::SetFrameDumpConfig(uint32_t count, uint32_t bit_mask_layer_type) { HWCDisplay::SetFrameDumpConfig(count, bit_mask_layer_type); dump_output_to_file_ = bit_mask_layer_type & (1 << OUTPUT_LAYER_DUMP); DLOGI("output_layer_dump_enable %d", dump_output_to_file_); if (!count || !dump_output_to_file_) { return; } // Allocate and map output buffer output_buffer_info_ = {}; // Since we dump DSPP output use Panel resolution. GetPanelResolution(&output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.width, &output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.height); output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.format = kFormatRGB888; output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.buffer_count = 1; if (buffer_allocator_->AllocateBuffer(&output_buffer_info_) != 0) { DLOGE("Buffer allocation failed"); output_buffer_info_ = {}; return; } void *buffer = mmap(NULL, output_buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, output_buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.fd, 0); if (buffer == MAP_FAILED) { DLOGE("mmap failed with err %d", errno); buffer_allocator_->FreeBuffer(&output_buffer_info_); output_buffer_info_ = {}; return; } output_buffer_base_ = buffer; post_processed_output_ = true; DisablePartialUpdateOneFrame(); } int HWCDisplayPrimary::FrameCaptureAsync(const BufferInfo &output_buffer_info, bool post_processed_output) { // Note: This function is called in context of a binder thread and a lock is already held if (output_buffer_info.alloc_buffer_info.fd < 0) { DLOGE("Invalid fd %d", output_buffer_info.alloc_buffer_info.fd); return -1; } auto panel_width = 0u; auto panel_height = 0u; auto fb_width = 0u; auto fb_height = 0u; GetPanelResolution(&panel_width, &panel_height); GetFrameBufferResolution(&fb_width, &fb_height); if (post_processed_output && (output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.width < panel_width || output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.height < panel_height)) { DLOGE("Buffer dimensions should not be less than panel resolution"); return -1; } else if (!post_processed_output && (output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.width < fb_width || output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.height < fb_height)) { DLOGE("Buffer dimensions should not be less than FB resolution"); return -1; } SetLayerBuffer(output_buffer_info, &output_buffer_); post_processed_output_ = post_processed_output; frame_capture_buffer_queued_ = true; // Status is only cleared on a new call to dump and remains valid otherwise frame_capture_status_ = -EAGAIN; DisablePartialUpdateOneFrame(); return 0; } DisplayError HWCDisplayPrimary::ControlPartialUpdate(bool enable, uint32_t *pending) { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; if (display_intf_) { error = display_intf_->ControlPartialUpdate(enable, pending); } return error; } DisplayError HWCDisplayPrimary::DisablePartialUpdateOneFrame() { DisplayError error = kErrorNone; if (display_intf_) { error = display_intf_->DisablePartialUpdateOneFrame(); } return error; } DisplayError HWCDisplayPrimary::SetMixerResolution(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { return display_intf_->SetMixerResolution(width, height); } DisplayError HWCDisplayPrimary::GetMixerResolution(uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height) { return display_intf_->GetMixerResolution(width, height); } } // namespace sdm