/* * Copyright (c) 2016 - 2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <alloc_controller.h> #include <gr.h> #include <gralloc_priv.h> #include <memalloc.h> #include <sync/sync.h> #include <TonemapFactory.h> #include <core/buffer_allocator.h> #include <utils/constants.h> #include <utils/debug.h> #include <utils/formats.h> #include <utils/rect.h> #include <utils/utils.h> #include <vector> #include "hwc_debugger.h" #include "hwc_tonemapper.h" #define __CLASS__ "HWCToneMapper" namespace sdm { ToneMapSession::~ToneMapSession() { delete gpu_tone_mapper_; gpu_tone_mapper_ = NULL; FreeIntermediateBuffers(); } DisplayError ToneMapSession::AllocateIntermediateBuffers(int w, int h, int format, int usage) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kNumIntermediateBuffers; i++) { int status = alloc_buffer(&intermediate_buffer_[i], w, h, format, usage); if (status < 0) { FreeIntermediateBuffers(); return kErrorMemory; } } return kErrorNone; } void ToneMapSession::FreeIntermediateBuffers() { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kNumIntermediateBuffers; i++) { private_handle_t *buffer = intermediate_buffer_[i]; if (buffer) { // Free the valid fence if (release_fence_fd_[i] >= 0) { CloseFd(&release_fence_fd_[i]); } free_buffer(buffer); intermediate_buffer_[i] = NULL; } } } void ToneMapSession::UpdateBuffer(int acquire_fence, LayerBuffer *buffer) { // Acquire fence will be closed by HWC Display. // Fence returned by GPU will be closed in PostCommit. buffer->acquire_fence_fd = acquire_fence; buffer->size = intermediate_buffer_[current_buffer_index_]->size; buffer->planes[0].fd = intermediate_buffer_[current_buffer_index_]->fd; } void ToneMapSession::SetReleaseFence(int fd) { CloseFd(&release_fence_fd_[current_buffer_index_]); // Used to give to GPU tonemapper along with input layer fd release_fence_fd_[current_buffer_index_] = dup(fd); } void ToneMapSession::SetToneMapConfig(Layer *layer) { // HDR -> SDR is FORWARD and SDR - > HDR is INVERSE tone_map_config_.type = layer->input_buffer.flags.hdr ? TONEMAP_FORWARD : TONEMAP_INVERSE; tone_map_config_.colorPrimaries = layer->input_buffer.color_metadata.colorPrimaries; tone_map_config_.transfer = layer->input_buffer.color_metadata.transfer; tone_map_config_.secure = layer->request.flags.secure; tone_map_config_.format = layer->request.format; } bool ToneMapSession::IsSameToneMapConfig(Layer *layer) { LayerBuffer& buffer = layer->input_buffer; private_handle_t *handle = intermediate_buffer_[0]; int tonemap_type = buffer.flags.hdr ? TONEMAP_FORWARD : TONEMAP_INVERSE; return ((tonemap_type == tone_map_config_.type) && (buffer.color_metadata.colorPrimaries == tone_map_config_.colorPrimaries) && (buffer.color_metadata.transfer == tone_map_config_.transfer) && (layer->request.flags.secure == tone_map_config_.secure) && (layer->request.format == tone_map_config_.format) && (layer->request.width == UINT32(handle->unaligned_width)) && (layer->request.height == UINT32(handle->unaligned_height))); } int HWCToneMapper::HandleToneMap(hwc_display_contents_1_t *content_list, LayerStack *layer_stack) { uint32_t gpu_count = 0; DisplayError error = kErrorNone; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < layer_stack->layers.size(); i++) { uint32_t session_index = 0; Layer *layer = layer_stack->layers.at(i); if (layer->composition == kCompositionGPU) { gpu_count++; } if (layer->request.flags.tone_map) { switch (layer->composition) { case kCompositionGPUTarget: if (!gpu_count) { // When all layers are on FrameBuffer and if they do not update in the next draw cycle, // then SDM marks them for SDE Composition because the cached FB layer gets displayed. // GPU count will be 0 in this case. Try to use the existing tone-mapped frame buffer. // No ToneMap/Blit is required. Just update the buffer & acquire fence fd of FB layer. if (!tone_map_sessions_.empty()) { ToneMapSession *fb_tone_map_session = tone_map_sessions_.at(fb_session_index_); fb_tone_map_session->UpdateBuffer(-1 /* acquire_fence */, &layer->input_buffer); fb_tone_map_session->layer_index_ = INT(i); fb_tone_map_session->acquired_ = true; return 0; } } error = AcquireToneMapSession(layer, &session_index); fb_session_index_ = session_index; break; default: error = AcquireToneMapSession(layer, &session_index); break; } if (error != kErrorNone) { Terminate(); return -1; } ToneMapSession *session = tone_map_sessions_.at(session_index); ToneMap(&content_list->hwLayers[i], layer, session); session->layer_index_ = INT(i); } } return 0; } void HWCToneMapper::ToneMap(hwc_layer_1_t *hwc_layer, Layer* layer, ToneMapSession *session) { int fence_fd = -1; int acquire_fd = -1; int merged_fd = -1; uint8_t buffer_index = session->current_buffer_index_; const private_handle_t *dst_hnd = session->intermediate_buffer_[buffer_index]; const private_handle_t *src_hnd = static_cast<const private_handle_t *>(hwc_layer->handle); acquire_fd = dup(layer->input_buffer.acquire_fence_fd); buffer_sync_handler_.SyncMerge(session->release_fence_fd_[buffer_index], acquire_fd, &merged_fd); if (acquire_fd >= 0) { CloseFd(&acquire_fd); } if (session->release_fence_fd_[buffer_index] >= 0) { CloseFd(&session->release_fence_fd_[buffer_index]); } DTRACE_BEGIN("GPU_TM_BLIT"); fence_fd = session->gpu_tone_mapper_->blit(reinterpret_cast<const void *>(dst_hnd), reinterpret_cast<const void *>(src_hnd), merged_fd); DTRACE_END(); DumpToneMapOutput(session, &fence_fd); session->UpdateBuffer(fence_fd, &layer->input_buffer); } void HWCToneMapper::PostCommit(LayerStack *layer_stack) { auto it = tone_map_sessions_.begin(); while (it != tone_map_sessions_.end()) { uint32_t session_index = UINT32(std::distance(tone_map_sessions_.begin(), it)); ToneMapSession *session = tone_map_sessions_.at(session_index); Layer *layer = layer_stack->layers.at(UINT32(session->layer_index_)); if (session->acquired_) { // Close the fd returned by GPU ToneMapper and set release fence. LayerBuffer &layer_buffer = layer->input_buffer; CloseFd(&layer_buffer.acquire_fence_fd); session->SetReleaseFence(layer_buffer.release_fence_fd); session->acquired_ = false; it++; } else { delete session; it = tone_map_sessions_.erase(it); } } } void HWCToneMapper::Terminate() { if (tone_map_sessions_.size()) { while (!tone_map_sessions_.empty()) { delete tone_map_sessions_.back(); tone_map_sessions_.pop_back(); } fb_session_index_ = 0; } } void HWCToneMapper::SetFrameDumpConfig(uint32_t count) { DLOGI("Dump FrameConfig count = %d", count); dump_frame_count_ = count; dump_frame_index_ = 0; } void HWCToneMapper::DumpToneMapOutput(ToneMapSession *session, int *acquire_fd) { if (!dump_frame_count_) { return; } private_handle_t *target_buffer = session->intermediate_buffer_[session->current_buffer_index_]; if (*acquire_fd >= 0) { int error = sync_wait(*acquire_fd, 1000); if (error < 0) { DLOGW("sync_wait error errno = %d, desc = %s", errno, strerror(errno)); return; } } size_t result = 0; char dump_file_name[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(dump_file_name, sizeof(dump_file_name), "/data/misc/display/frame_dump_primary" "/tonemap_%dx%d_frame%d.raw", target_buffer->width, target_buffer->height, dump_frame_index_); FILE* fp = fopen(dump_file_name, "w+"); if (fp) { DLOGI("base addr = %x", target_buffer->base); result = fwrite(reinterpret_cast<void *>(target_buffer->base), target_buffer->size, 1, fp); fclose(fp); } dump_frame_count_--; dump_frame_index_++; CloseFd(acquire_fd); } DisplayError HWCToneMapper::AcquireToneMapSession(Layer *layer, uint32_t *session_index) { Color10Bit *grid_entries = NULL; int grid_size = 0; if (layer->lut_3d.validGridEntries) { grid_entries = layer->lut_3d.gridEntries; grid_size = INT(layer->lut_3d.gridSize); } // When the property sdm.disable_hdr_lut_gen is set, the lutEntries and gridEntries in // the Lut3d will be NULL, clients needs to allocate the memory and set correct 3D Lut // for Tonemapping. if (!layer->lut_3d.lutEntries || !layer->lut_3d.dim) { // Atleast lutEntries must be valid for GPU Tonemapper. DLOGE("Invalid Lut Entries or lut dimension = %d", layer->lut_3d.dim); return kErrorParameters; } // Check if we can re-use an existing tone map session. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tone_map_sessions_.size(); i++) { ToneMapSession *tonemap_session = tone_map_sessions_.at(i); if (!tonemap_session->acquired_ && tonemap_session->IsSameToneMapConfig(layer)) { tonemap_session->current_buffer_index_ = (tonemap_session->current_buffer_index_ + 1) % ToneMapSession::kNumIntermediateBuffers; tonemap_session->acquired_ = true; *session_index = i; return kErrorNone; } } ToneMapSession *session = new ToneMapSession(); session->SetToneMapConfig(layer); session->gpu_tone_mapper_ = TonemapperFactory_GetInstance(session->tone_map_config_.type, layer->lut_3d.lutEntries, layer->lut_3d.dim, grid_entries, grid_size, session->tone_map_config_.secure); if (session->gpu_tone_mapper_ == NULL) { DLOGE("Get Tonemapper failed!"); delete session; return kErrorNotSupported; } int status, format; DisplayError error = kErrorNone; int usage = INT(GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_IOMMU_HEAP | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE); if (layer->request.flags.secure) { usage = INT(GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_MM_HEAP); usage |= INT(GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED); } status = buffer_allocator_.SetBufferInfo(layer->request.format, &format, &usage); error = session->AllocateIntermediateBuffers(INT(layer->request.width), INT(layer->request.height), format, usage); if (error != kErrorNone) { DLOGE("Allocation of Intermediate Buffers failed!"); delete session; return error; } session->acquired_ = true; tone_map_sessions_.push_back(session); *session_index = UINT32(tone_map_sessions_.size() - 1); return kErrorNone; } } // namespace sdm