/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_HARDWARE_EFFECT_HAL_HIDL_4_0_H #define ANDROID_HARDWARE_EFFECT_HAL_HIDL_4_0_H #include <android/hardware/audio/effect/4.0/IEffect.h> #include <media/audiohal/EffectHalInterface.h> #include <fmq/EventFlag.h> #include <fmq/MessageQueue.h> #include <system/audio_effect.h> using ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V4_0::EffectBufferConfig; using ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V4_0::EffectConfig; using ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V4_0::EffectDescriptor; using ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V4_0::IEffect; using ::android::hardware::EventFlag; using ::android::hardware::MessageQueue; namespace android { namespace V4_0 { class EffectHalHidl : public EffectHalInterface { public: // Set the input buffer. virtual status_t setInBuffer(const sp<EffectBufferHalInterface>& buffer); // Set the output buffer. virtual status_t setOutBuffer(const sp<EffectBufferHalInterface>& buffer); // Effect process function. virtual status_t process(); // Process reverse stream function. This function is used to pass // a reference stream to the effect engine. virtual status_t processReverse(); // Send a command and receive a response to/from effect engine. virtual status_t command(uint32_t cmdCode, uint32_t cmdSize, void *pCmdData, uint32_t *replySize, void *pReplyData); // Returns the effect descriptor. virtual status_t getDescriptor(effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor); // Free resources on the remote side. virtual status_t close(); // Whether it's a local implementation. virtual bool isLocal() const { return false; } uint64_t effectId() const { return mEffectId; } static void effectDescriptorToHal( const EffectDescriptor& descriptor, effect_descriptor_t* halDescriptor); private: friend class EffectsFactoryHalHidl; typedef MessageQueue< hardware::audio::effect::V4_0::Result, hardware::kSynchronizedReadWrite> StatusMQ; sp<IEffect> mEffect; const uint64_t mEffectId; sp<EffectBufferHalInterface> mInBuffer; sp<EffectBufferHalInterface> mOutBuffer; bool mBuffersChanged; std::unique_ptr<StatusMQ> mStatusMQ; EventFlag* mEfGroup; static status_t analyzeResult(const hardware::audio::effect::V4_0::Result& result); static void effectBufferConfigFromHal( const buffer_config_t& halConfig, EffectBufferConfig* config); static void effectBufferConfigToHal( const EffectBufferConfig& config, buffer_config_t* halConfig); static void effectConfigFromHal(const effect_config_t& halConfig, EffectConfig* config); static void effectConfigToHal(const EffectConfig& config, effect_config_t* halConfig); // Can not be constructed directly by clients. EffectHalHidl(const sp<IEffect>& effect, uint64_t effectId); // The destructor automatically releases the effect. virtual ~EffectHalHidl(); status_t getConfigImpl(uint32_t cmdCode, uint32_t *replySize, void *pReplyData); status_t prepareForProcessing(); bool needToResetBuffers(); status_t processImpl(uint32_t mqFlag); status_t setConfigImpl( uint32_t cmdCode, uint32_t cmdSize, void *pCmdData, uint32_t *replySize, void *pReplyData); status_t setProcessBuffers(); }; } // namespace V4_0 } // namespace android #endif // ANDROID_HARDWARE_EFFECT_HAL_HIDL_4_0_H