 * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef SkPanose_DEFINED
#define SkPanose_DEFINED

#include "SkOTTableTypes.h"

#pragma pack(push, 1)

struct SkPanose {
    //This value changes the meaning of the following 9 bytes.
    enum class FamilyType : SK_OT_BYTE {
        Any = 0,
        NoFit = 1,
        TextAndDisplay = 2,
        Script = 3,
        Decorative = 4,
        Pictoral = 5,
    } bFamilyType;

    union Data {
        struct TextAndDisplay {
            enum class SerifStyle : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                Cove = 2,
                ObtuseCove = 3,
                SquareCove = 4,
                ObtuseSquareCove = 5,
                Square = 6,
                Thin = 7,
                Bone = 8,
                Exaggerated = 9,
                Triangle = 10,
                NormalSans = 11,
                ObtuseSans = 12,
                PerpSans = 13,
                Flared = 14,
                Rounded = 15,
            } bSerifStyle;

            enum class Weight : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                VeryLight = 2,
                Light = 3,
                Thin = 4,
                Book = 5,
                Medium = 6,
                Demi = 7,
                Bold = 8,
                Heavy = 9,
                Black = 10,
                ExtraBlack = 11,
            } bWeight;

            enum class Proportion : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                OldStyle = 2,
                Modern = 3,
                EvenWidth = 4,
                Expanded = 5,
                Condensed = 6,
                VeryExpanded = 7,
                VeryCondensed = 8,
                Monospaced = 9,
            } bProportion;

            enum class Contrast : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                None = 2,
                VeryLow = 3,
                Low = 4,
                MediumLow = 5,
                Medium = 6,
                MediumHigh = 7,
                High = 8,
                VeryHigh = 9,
            } bContrast;

            //This is what Windows (and FontForge and Apple TT spec) define.
            //The Impact font uses 9.
            enum class StrokeVariation : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                GradualDiagonal = 2,
                GradualTransitional = 3,
                GradualVertical = 4,
                GradualHorizontal = 5,
                RapidVertical = 6,
                RapidHorizontal = 7,
                InstantVertical = 8,
            } bStrokeVariation;
            //Stroke variation description in OT OS/2 ver0,ver1 is incorrect.
            //This is what HP Panose says.
            enum class StrokeVariation : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                NoVariation = 2,
                Gradual_Diagonal = 3,
                Gradual_Transitional = 4,
                Gradual_Vertical = 5,
                Gradual_Horizontal = 6,
                Rapid_Vertical = 7,
                Rapid_Horizontal = 8,
                Instant_Vertical = 9,
                Instant_Horizontal = 10,
            } bStrokeVariation;

            enum class ArmStyle : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                StraightArms_Horizontal = 2,
                StraightArms_Wedge = 3,
                StraightArms_Vertical = 4,
                StraightArms_SingleSerif = 5,
                StraightArms_DoubleSerif = 6,
                NonStraightArms_Horizontal = 7,
                NonStraightArms_Wedge = 8,
                NonStraightArms_Vertical = 9,
                NonStraightArms_SingleSerif = 10,
                NonStraightArms_DoubleSerif = 11,
            } bArmStyle;

            enum class Letterform : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                Normal_Contact = 2,
                Normal_Weighted = 3,
                Normal_Boxed = 4,
                Normal_Flattened = 5,
                Normal_Rounded = 6,
                Normal_OffCenter = 7,
                Normal_Square = 8,
                Oblique_Contact = 9,
                Oblique_Weighted = 10,
                Oblique_Boxed = 11,
                Oblique_Flattened = 12,
                Oblique_Rounded = 13,
                Oblique_OffCenter = 14,
                Oblique_Square = 15,
            } bLetterform;

            enum class Midline : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                Standard_Trimmed = 2,
                Standard_Pointed = 3,
                Standard_Serifed = 4,
                High_Trimmed = 5,
                High_Pointed = 6,
                High_Serifed = 7,
                Constant_Trimmed = 8,
                Constant_Pointed = 9,
                Constant_Serifed = 10,
                Low_Trimmed = 11,
                Low_Pointed = 12,
                Low_Serifed = 13,
            } bMidline;

            enum class XHeight : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                Constant_Small = 2,
                Constant_Standard = 3,
                Constant_Large = 4,
                Ducking_Small = 5,
                Ducking_Standard = 6,
                Ducking_Large = 7,
            } bXHeight;
        } textAndDisplay;

        struct Script {
            enum class ToolKind : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                FlatNib = 2,
                PressurePoint = 3,
                Engraved = 4,
                Ball = 5,
                Brush = 6,
                Rough = 7,
                FeltPen = 8,
                WildBrush = 9,
            } bToolKind;

            enum class Weight : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                VeryLight = 2,
                Light = 3,
                Thin = 4,
                Book = 5,
                Medium = 6,
                Demi = 7,
                Bold = 8,
                Heavy = 9,
                Black = 10,
                ExtraBlack = 11,
            } bWeight;

            enum class Spacing : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                ProportionalSpaced = 2,
                Monospaced = 3,
            } bSpacing;

            enum class AspectRatio : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                VeryCondensed = 2,
                Condensed = 3,
                Normal = 4,
                Expanded = 5,
                VeryExpanded = 6,
            } bAspectRatio;

            enum class Contrast : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                None = 2,
                VeryLow = 3,
                Low = 4,
                MediumLow = 5,
                Medium = 6,
                MediumHigh = 7,
                High = 8,
                VeryHigh = 9,
            } bContrast;

            enum class Topology : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                Roman_Disconnected = 2,
                Roman_Trailing = 3,
                Roman_Connected = 4,
                Cursive_Disconnected = 5,
                Cursive_Trailing = 6,
                Cursive_Connected = 7,
                Blackletter_Disconnected = 8,
                Blackletter_Trailing = 9,
                Blackletter_Connected = 10,
            } bTopology;

            enum class Form : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                Upright_NoWrapping = 2,
                Upright_SomeWrapping = 3,
                Upright_MoreWrapping = 4,
                Upright_ExtremeWrapping = 5,
                Oblique_NoWrapping = 6,
                Oblique_SomeWrapping = 7,
                Oblique_MoreWrapping = 8,
                Oblique_ExtremeWrapping = 9,
                Exaggerated_NoWrapping = 10,
                Exaggerated_SomeWrapping = 11,
                Exaggerated_MoreWrapping = 12,
                Exaggerated_ExtremeWrapping = 13,
            } bForm;

            enum class Finials : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                None_NoLoops = 2,
                None_ClosedLoops = 3,
                None_OpenLoops = 4,
                Sharp_NoLoops = 5,
                Sharp_ClosedLoops = 6,
                Sharp_OpenLoops = 7,
                Tapered_NoLoops = 8,
                Tapered_ClosedLoops = 9,
                Tapered_OpenLoops = 10,
                Round_NoLoops = 11,
                Round_ClosedLoops = 12,
                Round_OpenLoops = 13,
            } bFinials;

            enum class XAscent : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                VeryLow = 2,
                Low = 3,
                Medium = 4,
                High = 5,
                VeryHigh = 6,
            } bXAscent;
        } script;

        struct Decorative {
            enum class Class : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                Derivative = 2,
                NonStandard_Topology = 3,
                NonStandard_Elements = 4,
                NonStandard_Aspect = 5,
                Initials = 6,
                Cartoon = 7,
                PictureStems = 8,
                Ornamented = 9,
                TextAndBackground = 10,
                Collage = 11,
                Montage = 12,
            } bClass;

            enum class Weight : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                VeryLight = 2,
                Light = 3,
                Thin = 4,
                Book = 5,
                Medium = 6,
                Demi = 7,
                Bold = 8,
                Heavy = 9,
                Black = 10,
                ExtraBlack = 11,
            } bWeight;

            enum class Aspect : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                SuperCondensed = 2,
                VeryCondensed = 3,
                Condensed = 4,
                Normal = 5,
                Extended = 6,
                VeryExtended = 7,
                SuperExtended = 8,
                Monospaced = 9,
            } bAspect;

            enum class Contrast : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                None = 2,
                VeryLow = 3,
                Low = 4,
                MediumLow = 5,
                Medium = 6,
                MediumHigh = 7,
                High = 8,
                VeryHigh = 9,
                HorizontalLow = 10,
                HorizontalMedium = 11,
                HorizontalHigh = 12,
                Broken = 13,
            } bContrast;

            enum class SerifVariant : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                Cove = 2,
                ObtuseCove = 3,
                SquareCove = 4,
                ObtuseSquareCove = 5,
                Square = 6,
                Thin = 7,
                Oval = 8,
                Exaggerated = 9,
                Triangle = 10,
                NormalSans = 11,
                ObtuseSans = 12,
                PerpendicularSans = 13,
                Flared = 14,
                Rounded = 15,
                Script = 16,
            } bSerifVariant;

            enum class Treatment : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                None_StandardSolidFill = 2,
                White_NoFill = 3,
                PatternedFill = 4,
                ComplexFill = 5,
                ShapedFill = 6,
                DrawnDistressed = 7,
            } bTreatment;

            enum class Lining : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                None = 2,
                Inline = 3,
                Outline = 4,
                Engraved = 5,
                Shadow = 6,
                Relief = 7,
                Backdrop = 8,
            } bLining;

            enum class Topology : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                Standard = 2,
                Square = 3,
                MultipleSegment = 4,
                DecoWacoMidlines = 5,
                UnevenWeighting = 6,
                DiverseArms = 7,
                DiverseForms = 8,
                LombardicForms = 9,
                UpperCaseInLowerCase = 10,
                ImpliedTopology = 11,
                HorseshoeEandA = 12,
                Cursive = 13,
                Blackletter = 14,
                SwashVariance = 15,
            } bTopology;

            enum class RangeOfCharacters : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                ExtendedCollection = 2,
                Litterals = 3,
                NoLowerCase = 4,
                SmallCaps = 5,
            } bRangeOfCharacters;
        } decorative;

        struct Pictoral {
            enum class Kind : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                Montages = 2,
                Pictures = 3,
                Shapes = 4,
                Scientific = 5,
                Music = 6,
                Expert = 7,
                Patterns = 8,
                Boarders = 9,
                Icons = 10,
                Logos = 11,
                IndustrySpecific = 12,
            } bKind;

            enum class Weight : SK_OT_BYTE {
                NoFit = 1,
            } bWeight;

            enum class Spacing : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                ProportionalSpaced = 2,
                Monospaced = 3,
            } bSpacing;

            enum class AspectRatioAndContrast : SK_OT_BYTE {
                NoFit = 1,
            } bAspectRatioAndContrast;

            enum class AspectRatio94 : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                NoWidth = 2,
                ExceptionallyWide = 3,
                SuperWide = 4,
                VeryWide = 5,
                Wide = 6,
                Normal = 7,
                Narrow = 8,
                VeryNarrow = 9,
            } bAspectRatio94;

            enum class AspectRatio119 : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                NoWidth = 2,
                ExceptionallyWide = 3,
                SuperWide = 4,
                VeryWide = 5,
                Wide = 6,
                Normal = 7,
                Narrow = 8,
                VeryNarrow = 9,
            } bAspectRatio119;

             enum class AspectRatio157 : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                NoWidth = 2,
                ExceptionallyWide = 3,
                SuperWide = 4,
                VeryWide = 5,
                Wide = 6,
                Normal = 7,
                Narrow = 8,
                VeryNarrow = 9,
            } bAspectRatio157;

            enum class AspectRatio163 : SK_OT_BYTE {
                Any = 0,
                NoFit = 1,
                NoWidth = 2,
                ExceptionallyWide = 3,
                SuperWide = 4,
                VeryWide = 5,
                Wide = 6,
                Normal = 7,
                Narrow = 8,
                VeryNarrow = 9,
            } bAspectRatio163;
        } pictoral;
    } data;

#pragma pack(pop)

static_assert(sizeof(SkPanose) == 10, "sizeof_SkPanose_not_10");
