/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Red Hat Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Author: Xiong Zhou <xzhou@redhat.com> * * This is testing OFD locks racing with POSIX locks: * * OFD read lock vs OFD write lock * OFD read lock vs POSIX write lock * OFD write lock vs POSIX write lock * OFD write lock vs POSIX read lock * OFD write lock vs OFD write lock * * OFD r/w locks vs POSIX write locks * OFD r/w locks vs POSIX read locks * * For example: * * Init an file with preset values. * * Threads acquire OFD READ locks to read a 4k section start from 0; * checking data read back, there should not be any surprise * values and data should be consistent in a 1k block. * * Threads acquire OFD WRITE locks to write a 4k section start from 1k, * writing different values in different threads. * * Check file data after racing, there should not be any surprise values * and data should be consistent in a 1k block. * * */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sched.h> #include <errno.h> #include "lapi/fcntl.h" #include "tst_safe_pthread.h" #include "tst_test.h" static int thread_cnt; static int fail_flag = 0; static volatile int loop_flag = 1; static const int max_thread_cnt = 32; static const char fname[] = "tst_ofd_posix_locks"; static const long write_size = 4096; static pthread_barrier_t barrier; struct param { long offset; long length; long cnt; }; static void setup(void) { thread_cnt = tst_ncpus_conf() * 3; if (thread_cnt > max_thread_cnt) thread_cnt = max_thread_cnt; } /* OFD write lock writing data*/ static void *fn_ofd_w(void *arg) { struct param *pa = arg; unsigned char buf[pa->length]; int fd = SAFE_OPEN(fname, O_RDWR); long wt = pa->cnt; struct flock64 lck = { .l_whence = SEEK_SET, .l_start = pa->offset, .l_len = pa->length, .l_pid = 0, }; while (loop_flag) { memset(buf, wt, pa->length); lck.l_type = F_WRLCK; SAFE_FCNTL(fd, F_OFD_SETLKW, &lck); SAFE_LSEEK(fd, pa->offset, SEEK_SET); SAFE_WRITE(1, fd, buf, pa->length); lck.l_type = F_UNLCK; SAFE_FCNTL(fd, F_OFD_SETLKW, &lck); wt++; if (wt >= 255) wt = pa->cnt; sched_yield(); } pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier); SAFE_CLOSE(fd); return NULL; } /* POSIX write lock writing data*/ static void *fn_posix_w(void *arg) { struct param *pa = arg; unsigned char buf[pa->length]; int fd = SAFE_OPEN(fname, O_RDWR); long wt = pa->cnt; struct flock64 lck = { .l_whence = SEEK_SET, .l_start = pa->offset, .l_len = pa->length, }; while (loop_flag) { memset(buf, wt, pa->length); lck.l_type = F_WRLCK; SAFE_FCNTL(fd, F_SETLKW, &lck); SAFE_LSEEK(fd, pa->offset, SEEK_SET); SAFE_WRITE(1, fd, buf, pa->length); lck.l_type = F_UNLCK; SAFE_FCNTL(fd, F_SETLKW, &lck); wt++; if (wt >= 255) wt = pa->cnt; sched_yield(); } pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier); SAFE_CLOSE(fd); return NULL; } /* OFD read lock reading data*/ static void *fn_ofd_r(void *arg) { struct param *pa = arg; unsigned char buf[pa->length]; int i; int fd = SAFE_OPEN(fname, O_RDWR); struct flock64 lck = { .l_whence = SEEK_SET, .l_start = pa->offset, .l_len = pa->length, .l_pid = 0, }; while (loop_flag) { memset(buf, 0, pa->length); lck.l_type = F_RDLCK; SAFE_FCNTL(fd, F_OFD_SETLKW, &lck); /* rlock acquired */ SAFE_LSEEK(fd, pa->offset, SEEK_SET); SAFE_READ(1, fd, buf, pa->length); /* Verifying data read */ for (i = 0; i < pa->length; i++) { if (buf[i] < 1 || buf[i] > 254) { tst_res(TFAIL, "Unexpected data " "offset %ld value %d", pa->offset + i, buf[i]); fail_flag = 1; break; } int j = (i / (pa->length/4)) * pa->length/4; if (buf[i] != buf[j]) { tst_res(TFAIL, "Unexpected data " "offset %ld value %d", pa->offset + i, buf[i]); fail_flag = 1; break; } } lck.l_type = F_UNLCK; SAFE_FCNTL(fd, F_OFD_SETLK, &lck); sched_yield(); } pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier); SAFE_CLOSE(fd); return NULL; } /* POSIX read lock reading data */ static void *fn_posix_r(void *arg) { struct param *pa = arg; unsigned char buf[pa->length]; int i; int fd = SAFE_OPEN(fname, O_RDWR); struct flock64 lck = { .l_whence = SEEK_SET, .l_start = pa->offset, .l_len = pa->length, }; while (loop_flag) { memset(buf, 0, pa->length); lck.l_type = F_RDLCK; SAFE_FCNTL(fd, F_SETLKW, &lck); /* rlock acquired */ SAFE_LSEEK(fd, pa->offset, SEEK_SET); SAFE_READ(1, fd, buf, pa->length); /* Verifying data read */ for (i = 0; i < pa->length; i++) { if (buf[i] < 1 || buf[i] > 254) { tst_res(TFAIL, "Unexpected data " "offset %ld value %d", pa->offset + i, buf[i]); fail_flag = 1; break; } int j = (i / (pa->length/4)) * pa->length/4; if (buf[i] != buf[j]) { tst_res(TFAIL, "Unexpected data " "offset %ld value %d", pa->offset + i, buf[i]); fail_flag = 1; break; } } lck.l_type = F_UNLCK; SAFE_FCNTL(fd, F_SETLK, &lck); sched_yield(); } pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier); SAFE_CLOSE(fd); return NULL; } static void *fn_dummy(void *arg) { arg = NULL; pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier); return arg; } /* Test different functions and verify data */ static void test_fn(void *f0(void *), void *f1(void *), void *f2(void *), const char *msg) { int i, k, fd; pthread_t id0[thread_cnt]; pthread_t id1[thread_cnt]; pthread_t id2[thread_cnt]; struct param p0[thread_cnt]; struct param p1[thread_cnt]; struct param p2[thread_cnt]; unsigned char buf[write_size]; tst_res(TINFO, "%s", msg); if (tst_fill_file(fname, 1, write_size, thread_cnt + 1)) tst_brk(TBROK, "Failed to create tst file"); if (pthread_barrier_init(&barrier, NULL, thread_cnt*3) != 0) tst_brk(TBROK, "Failed to init pthread barrier"); for (i = 0; i < thread_cnt; i++) { p0[i].offset = i * write_size; p0[i].length = write_size; p0[i].cnt = i + 2; p1[i].offset = i * write_size + write_size / 4; p1[i].length = write_size; p1[i].cnt = i + 2; p2[i].offset = i * write_size + write_size / 2; p2[i].length = write_size; p2[i].cnt = i + 2; } fail_flag = 0; loop_flag = 1; for (i = 0; i < thread_cnt; i++) { SAFE_PTHREAD_CREATE(id0 + i, NULL, f0, (void *)&p0[i]); SAFE_PTHREAD_CREATE(id1 + i, NULL, f1, (void *)&p1[i]); SAFE_PTHREAD_CREATE(id2 + i, NULL, f2, (void *)&p2[i]); } sleep(1); loop_flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < thread_cnt; i++) { SAFE_PTHREAD_JOIN(id0[i], NULL); SAFE_PTHREAD_JOIN(id1[i], NULL); SAFE_PTHREAD_JOIN(id2[i], NULL); } fd = SAFE_OPEN(fname, O_RDONLY); for (i = 0; i < thread_cnt * 4; i++) { SAFE_READ(1, fd, buf, write_size/4); for (k = 0; k < write_size/4; k++) { if (buf[k] < 2 || buf[k] > 254) { if (i < 3 && buf[k] == 1) continue; tst_res(TFAIL, "Unexpected data " "offset %ld value %d", i * write_size / 4 + k, buf[k]); SAFE_CLOSE(fd); return; } } for (k = 1; k < write_size/4; k++) { if (buf[k] != buf[0]) { tst_res(TFAIL, "Unexpected block read"); SAFE_CLOSE(fd); return; } } } if (pthread_barrier_destroy(&barrier) != 0) tst_brk(TBROK, "Failed to destroy pthread barrier"); SAFE_CLOSE(fd); if (fail_flag == 0) tst_res(TPASS, "Access between threads synchronized"); } static struct tcase { void *(*fn0)(void *); void *(*fn1)(void *); void *(*fn2)(void *); const char *desc; } tcases[] = { {fn_ofd_r, fn_ofd_w, fn_dummy, "OFD read lock vs OFD write lock"}, {fn_ofd_w, fn_posix_w, fn_dummy, "OFD write lock vs POSIX write lock"}, {fn_ofd_r, fn_posix_w, fn_dummy, "OFD read lock vs POSIX write lock"}, {fn_ofd_w, fn_posix_r, fn_dummy, "OFD write lock vs POSIX read lock"}, {fn_ofd_w, fn_ofd_w, fn_dummy, "OFD write lock vs OFD write lock"}, {fn_ofd_r, fn_ofd_w, fn_posix_w, "OFD r/w lock vs POSIX write lock"}, {fn_ofd_r, fn_ofd_w, fn_posix_r, "OFD r/w lock vs POSIX read lock"}, }; static void tests(unsigned int i) { test_fn(tcases[i].fn0, tcases[i].fn1, tcases[i].fn2, tcases[i].desc); } static struct tst_test test = { .min_kver = "3.15", .needs_tmpdir = 1, .test = tests, .tcnt = ARRAY_SIZE(tcases), .setup = setup };