#!/usr/bin/python ''' Reusable functions related to sched mc FVT are put together ''' import os import sys import re from time import time __author__ = "Vaidyanathan Srinivasan <svaidy@linux.vnet.ibm.com>" __author__ = "Poornima Nayak <mpnayak@linux.vnet.ibm.com>" cpu_map = {} stats_start = {} stats_stop = {} stats_percentage = {} intr_start = [] intr_stop = [] cpu_count = 0 socket_count = 0 cpu1_max_intr = 0 cpu2_max_intr = 0 intr_stat_timer_0 = [] siblings_list = [] def clear_dmesg(): ''' Clears dmesg ''' try: os.system('dmesg -c >/dev/null') except OSError, e: print 'Clearing dmesg failed', e sys.exit(1) def count_num_cpu(): ''' Returns number of cpu's in system ''' try: cpuinfo = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') global cpu_count for line in cpuinfo: if line.startswith('processor'): cpu_count += 1 cpuinfo.close() except IOError, e: print "Could not get cpu count", e sys.exit(1) def count_num_sockets(): ''' Returns number of cpu's in system ''' socket_list = [] global socket_count try: for i in range(0, cpu_count): phy_pkg_file = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s' % i phy_pkg_file += '/topology/physical_package_id' socket_id = open(phy_pkg_file).read().rstrip() if socket_id not in socket_list: socket_list.append(socket_id) socket_count = socket_count + 1 except Exception, details: print "INFO: Failed to get number of sockets in system", details sys.exit(1) def is_multi_socket(): '''Return 1 if the system is multi socket else return 0 ''' try: if socket_count > 1: return 1 else: return 0 except Exception: print "Failed to check if system is multi socket system" sys.exit(1) def is_hyper_threaded(): '''Return 1 if the system is hyper threaded else return 0 ''' try: file_cpuinfo = open("/proc/cpuinfo", 'r') for line in file_cpuinfo: if line.startswith('siblings'): siblings = line.split(":") if line.startswith('cpu cores'): cpu_cores = line.split(":") break if int( siblings[1] ) / int( cpu_cores[1] )> 1: file_cpuinfo.close() return 1 else: return 0 except Exception: print "Failed to check if system is hyper-threaded" sys.exit(1) def is_multi_core(): ''' Return true if system has sockets has multiple cores ''' try: file_cpuinfo = open("/proc/cpuinfo", 'r') for line in file_cpuinfo: if line.startswith('siblings'): siblings = line.split(":") if line.startswith('cpu cores'): cpu_cores = line.split(":") break if int( siblings[1] ) == int( cpu_cores[1] ): if int( cpu_cores[1] ) > 1: multi_core = 1 else: multi_core = 0 else: num_of_cpus = int(siblings[1]) / int(cpu_cores[1]) if num_of_cpus > 1: multi_core = 1 else: multi_core = 0 file_cpuinfo.close() return multi_core except Exception: print "Failed to check if system is multi core system" sys.exit(1) def get_hyper_thread_count(): ''' Return number of threads in CPU. For eg for x3950 this function would return 2. In future if 4 threads are supported in CPU, this routine would return 4 ''' try: file_cpuinfo = open("/proc/cpuinfo", 'r') for line in file_cpuinfo: if line.startswith('siblings'): siblings = line.split(":") if line.startswith('cpu cores'): cpu_cores = line.split(":") break return( int( siblings[1] ) / int( cpu_cores[1] ) ) except Exception: print "Failed to check if system is hyper-threaded" sys.exit(1) def map_cpuid_pkgid(): ''' Routine to map physical package id to cpu id ''' if is_hyper_threaded(): core_info = {} try: for i in range(0, cpu_count): phy_pkg_file = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s' % i phy_pkg_file += '/topology/physical_package_id' core_file = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s' % i core_file += '/topology/core_id' core_id = open(core_file).read().rstrip() cpu_phy_id = open(phy_pkg_file).read().rstrip() if not cpu_phy_id in cpu_map.keys(): core_info = {} else: core_info = cpu_map[cpu_phy_id] if not core_id in core_info.keys(): core_info[core_id] = [i] else: core_info[core_id].append(i) cpu_map[cpu_phy_id] = core_info except Exception, details: print "Package, core & cpu map table creation failed", e sys.exit(1) else: for i in range(0, cpu_count): try: phy_pkg_file = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s' %i phy_pkg_file += '/topology/physical_package_id' cpu_phy_id = open(phy_pkg_file).read().rstrip() if not cpu_phy_id in cpu_map.keys(): cpu_map[cpu_phy_id] = [i] else: cpu_map[cpu_phy_id].append(i) except IOError, e: print "Mapping of CPU to pkg id failed", e sys.exit(1) def generate_sibling_list(): ''' Routine to generate siblings list ''' try: for i in range(0, cpu_count): siblings_file = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s' % i siblings_file += '/topology/thread_siblings_list' threads_sibs = open(siblings_file).read().rstrip() thread_ids = threads_sibs.split("-") if not thread_ids in siblings_list: siblings_list.append(thread_ids) except Exception, details: print "Exception in generate_siblings_list", details sys.exit(1) def get_siblings(cpu_id): ''' Return siblings of cpu_id ''' try: cpus = "" for i in range(0, len(siblings_list)): for cpu in siblings_list[i]: if cpu_id == cpu: for j in siblings_list[i]: # Exclude cpu_id in the list of siblings if j != cpu_id: cpus += j return cpus return cpus except Exception, details: print "Exception in get_siblings", details sys.exit(1) def get_proc_data(stats_list): ''' Read /proc/stat info and store in dictionary ''' try: file_procstat = open("/proc/stat", 'r') for line in file_procstat: if line.startswith('cpu'): data = line.split() stats_list[data[0]] = data file_procstat.close() except OSError, e: print "Could not read statistics", e sys.exit(1) def get_proc_loc_count(loc_stats): ''' Read /proc/interrupts info and store in list ''' try: file_procstat = open("/proc/interrupts", 'r') for line in file_procstat: if line.startswith(' LOC:') or line.startswith('LOC:'): data = line.split() for i in range(0, cpu_count): # To skip LOC loc_stats.append(data[i+1]) file_procstat.close() return except Exception, details: print "Could not read interrupt statistics", details sys.exit(1) def set_sched_mc_power(sched_mc_level): ''' Routine to set sched_mc_power_savings to required level ''' try: os.system('echo %s > \ /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings 2>/dev/null' % sched_mc_level) get_proc_data(stats_start) except OSError, e: print "Could not set sched_mc_power_savings to", sched_mc_level, e sys.exit(1) def set_sched_smt_power(sched_smt_level): ''' Routine to set sched_smt_power_savings to required level ''' try: os.system('echo %s > \ /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_smt_power_savings 2>/dev/null' % sched_smt_level) get_proc_data(stats_start) except OSError, e: print "Could not set sched_smt_power_savings to", sched_smt_level, e sys.exit(1) def set_timer_migration_interface(value): ''' Set value of timer migration interface to a value passed as argument ''' try: os.system('echo %s > \ /proc/sys/kernel/timer_migration 2>/dev/null' % value) except OSError, e: print "Could not set timer_migration to ", value, e sys.exit(1) def get_job_count(stress, workload, sched_smt): ''' Returns number of jobs/threads to be triggered ''' try: if stress == "thread": threads = get_hyper_thread_count() if stress == "partial": threads = cpu_count / socket_count if is_hyper_threaded(): if workload == "ebizzy" and int(sched_smt) ==0: threads = threads / get_hyper_thread_count() if workload == "kernbench" and int(sched_smt) < 2: threads = threads / get_hyper_thread_count() if stress == "full": threads = cpu_count if stress == "single_job": threads = 1 duration = 180 return threads except Exception, details: print "get job count failed ", details sys.exit(1) def trigger_ebizzy (sched_smt, stress, duration, background, pinned): ''' Triggers ebizzy workload for sched_mc=1 testing ''' try: threads = get_job_count(stress, "ebizzy", sched_smt) workload = "ebizzy" olddir = os.getcwd() path = '%s/testcases/bin' % os.environ['LTPROOT'] os.chdir(path) workload_file = "" for file_name in os.listdir('.'): if file_name == workload: workload_file = file_name break if workload_file == "": print "INFO: ebizzy benchmark not found" os.chdir(olddir) sys.exit(1) get_proc_data(stats_start) get_proc_loc_count(intr_start) try: if background == "yes": succ = os.system('./ebizzy -t%s -s4096 -S %s >/dev/null &' % (threads, duration)) else: if pinned == "yes": succ = os.system('taskset -c %s ./ebizzy -t%s -s4096 -S %s >/dev/null' % (cpu_count -1, threads, duration)) else: succ = os.system('./ebizzy -t%s -s4096 -S %s >/dev/null' % (threads, duration)) if succ == 0: print "INFO: ebizzy workload triggerd" os.chdir(olddir) #Commented bcoz it doesnt make sense to capture it when workload triggered #in background #get_proc_loc_count(intr_stop) #get_proc_data(stats_stop) else: print "INFO: ebizzy workload triggerd failed" os.chdir(olddir) sys.exit(1) except Exception, details: print "Ebizzy workload trigger failed ", details sys.exit(1) except Exception, details: print "Ebizzy workload trigger failed ", details sys.exit(1) def trigger_kernbench (sched_smt, stress, background, pinned, perf_test): ''' Trigger load on system like kernbench. Copys existing copy of LTP into as LTP2 and then builds it with make -j ''' olddir = os.getcwd() try: threads = get_job_count(stress, "kernbench", sched_smt) dst_path = "/root" workload = "kernbench" olddir = os.getcwd() path = '%s/testcases/bin' % os.environ['LTPROOT'] os.chdir(path) workload_file = "" for file_name in os.listdir('.'): if file_name == workload: workload_file = file_name break if workload_file != "": benchmark_path = path else: print "INFO: kernbench benchmark not found" os.chdir(olddir) sys.exit(1) os.chdir(dst_path) linux_source_dir="" for file_name in os.listdir('.'): if file_name.find("linux-2.6") != -1 and os.path.isdir(file_name): linux_source_dir=file_name break if linux_source_dir != "": os.chdir(linux_source_dir) else: print "INFO: Linux kernel source not found in /root. Workload\ Kernbench cannot be executed" sys.exit(1) get_proc_data(stats_start) get_proc_loc_count(intr_start) if pinned == "yes": os.system ( 'taskset -c %s %s/kernbench -o %s -M -H -n 1 \ >/dev/null 2>&1 &' % (cpu_count-1, benchmark_path, threads)) # We have to delete import in future import time time.sleep(240) stop_wkld("kernbench") else: if background == "yes": os.system ( '%s/kernbench -o %s -M -H -n 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &' \ % (benchmark_path, threads)) else: if perf_test == "yes": os.system ( '%s/kernbench -o %s -M -H -n 1 >/dev/null 2>&1' \ % (benchmark_path, threads)) else: os.system ( '%s/kernbench -o %s -M -H -n 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &' \ % (benchmark_path, threads)) # We have to delete import in future import time time.sleep(240) stop_wkld("kernbench") print "INFO: Workload kernbench triggerd" os.chdir(olddir) except Exception, details: print "Workload kernbench trigger failed ", details sys.exit(1) def trigger_workld(sched_smt, workload, stress, duration, background, pinned, perf_test): ''' Triggers workload passed as argument. Number of threads triggered is based on stress value. ''' try: if workload == "ebizzy": trigger_ebizzy (sched_smt, stress, duration, background, pinned) if workload == "kernbench": trigger_kernbench (sched_smt, stress, background, pinned, perf_test) except Exception, details: print "INFO: Trigger workload failed", details sys.exit(1) def generate_report(): ''' Generate report of CPU utilization ''' cpu_labels = ('cpu', 'user', 'nice', 'system', 'idle', 'iowait', 'irq', 'softirq', 'x', 'y') if (not os.path.exists('/procstat')): os.mkdir('/procstat') get_proc_data(stats_stop) reportfile = open('/procstat/cpu-utilisation', 'a') debugfile = open('/procstat/cpu-utilisation.debug', 'a') for l in stats_stop: percentage_list = [] total = 0 for i in range(1, len(stats_stop[l])): stats_stop[l][i] = int(stats_stop[l][i]) - int(stats_start[l][i]) total += stats_stop[l][i] percentage_list.append(l) for i in range(1, len(stats_stop[l])): percentage_list.append(float(stats_stop[l][i])*100/total) stats_percentage[l] = percentage_list for i in range(0, len(cpu_labels)): print >> debugfile, cpu_labels[i], '\t', print >> debugfile for l in sorted(stats_stop.keys()): print >> debugfile, l, '\t', for i in range(1, len(stats_stop[l])): print >> debugfile, stats_stop[l][i], '\t', print >> debugfile for i in range(0, len(cpu_labels)): print >> reportfile, cpu_labels[i], '\t', print >> reportfile for l in sorted(stats_percentage.keys()): print >> reportfile, l, '\t', for i in range(1, len(stats_percentage[l])): print >> reportfile, " %3.4f" % stats_percentage[l][i], print >> reportfile #Now get the package ID information try: print >> debugfile, "cpu_map: ", cpu_map keyvalfile = open('/procstat/keyval', 'a') print >> keyvalfile, "nr_packages=%d" % len(cpu_map) print >> keyvalfile, "system-idle=%3.4f" % (stats_percentage['cpu'][4]) for pkg in sorted(cpu_map.keys()): if is_hyper_threaded(): for core in sorted(cpu_map[pkg].keys()): total_idle = 0 total = 0 for cpu in cpu_map[pkg][core]: total_idle += stats_stop["cpu%d" % cpu][4] for i in range(1, len(stats_stop["cpu%d" % cpu])): total += stats_stop["cpu%d" % cpu][i] else: total_idle = 0 total = 0 for cpu in cpu_map[pkg]: total_idle += stats_stop["cpu%d" % cpu][4] for i in range(1, len(stats_stop["cpu%d" % cpu])): total += stats_stop["cpu%d" % cpu][i] print >> reportfile, "Package: ", pkg, "Idle %3.4f%%" \ % (float(total_idle)*100/total) print >> keyvalfile, "package-%s=%3.4f" % \ (pkg, (float(total_idle)*100/total)) except Exception, details: print "Generating utilization report failed: ", details sys.exit(1) #Add record delimiter '\n' before closing these files print >> debugfile debugfile.close() print >> reportfile reportfile.close() print >> keyvalfile keyvalfile.close() def generate_loc_intr_report(): ''' Generate interrupt report of CPU's ''' try: if (not os.path.exists('/procstat')): os.mkdir('/procstat') get_proc_loc_count(intr_stop) reportfile = open('/procstat/cpu-loc_interrupts', 'a') print >> reportfile, "==============================================" print >> reportfile, " Local timer interrupt stats " print >> reportfile, "==============================================" for i in range(0, cpu_count): intr_stop[i] = int(intr_stop[i]) - int(intr_start[i]) print >> reportfile, "CPU%s: %s" %(i, intr_stop[i]) print >> reportfile reportfile.close() except Exception, details: print "Generating interrupt report failed: ", details sys.exit(1) def record_loc_intr_count(): ''' Record Interrupt statistics when timer_migration was disabled ''' try: global intr_start, intr_stop for i in range(0, cpu_count): intr_stat_timer_0.append(intr_stop[i]) intr_start = [] intr_stop = [] except Exception, details: print "INFO: Record interrupt statistics when timer_migration=0",details def expand_range(range_val): ''' Expand the range of value into actual numbers ''' ids_list = list() try: sep_comma = range_val.split(",") for i in range(0, len(sep_comma)): hyphen_values = sep_comma[i].split("-") if len(hyphen_values) == 1: ids_list.append(int(hyphen_values[0])) else: for j in range(int(hyphen_values[0]), int(hyphen_values[1])+1): ids_list.append(j) return(ids_list) except Exception, details: print "INFO: expand_pkg_grps failed ", details def is_quad_core(): ''' Read /proc/cpuinfo and check if system is Quad core ''' try: cpuinfo = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') for line in cpuinfo: if line.startswith('cpu cores'): cores = line.split("cpu cores") num_cores = cores[1].split(":") cpuinfo.close() if int(num_cores[1]) == 4: return(1) else: return(0) except IOError, e: print "Failed to get cpu core information", e sys.exit(1) def validate_cpugrp_map(cpu_group, sched_mc_level, sched_smt_level): ''' Verify if cpugrp belong to same package ''' modi_cpu_grp = cpu_group[:] try: if is_hyper_threaded(): for pkg in sorted(cpu_map.keys()): # if CPU utilized is across package this condition will be true if len(modi_cpu_grp) != len(cpu_group): break for core in sorted(cpu_map[pkg].keys()): core_cpus = cpu_map[pkg][core] if core_cpus == modi_cpu_grp: return 0 else: #if CPUs used across the cores for i in range(0, len(core_cpus)): if core_cpus[i] in modi_cpu_grp: modi_cpu_grp.remove(core_cpus[i]) if len(modi_cpu_grp) == 0: return 0 #This code has to be deleted #else: # If sched_smt == 0 then its oky if threads run # in different cores of same package #if sched_smt_level > 0 : #return 1 else: for pkg in sorted(cpu_map.keys()): pkg_cpus = cpu_map[pkg] if len(cpu_group) == len(pkg_cpus): if pkg_cpus == cpu_group: return(0) else: if int(cpus_utilized[0]) in cpu_map[pkg] or int(cpus_utilized[1]) in cpu_map[pkg]: return(0) return(1) except Exception, details: print "Exception in validate_cpugrp_map: ", details sys.exit(1) def verify_sched_domain_dmesg(sched_mc_level, sched_smt_level): ''' Read sched domain information from dmesg. ''' cpu_group = list() try: dmesg_info = os.popen('dmesg').read() if dmesg_info != "": lines = dmesg_info.split('\n') for i in range(0, len(lines)): if lines[i].endswith('CPU'): groups = lines[i+1].split("groups:") group_info = groups[1] if group_info.find("(") != -1: openindex=group_info.index("(") closeindex=group_info.index(")") group_info=group_info.replace\ (group_info[openindex:closeindex+1],"") subgroup = group_info.split(",") for j in range(0, len(subgroup)): cpu_group = expand_range(subgroup[j]) status = validate_cpugrp_map(cpu_group, sched_mc_level,\ sched_smt_level) if status == 1: if is_quad_core() == 1: if int(sched_mc_level) == 0: return(0) else: return(1) else: return(1) return(0) else: return(1) except Exception, details: print "Reading dmesg failed", details sys.exit(1) def get_cpu_utilization(cpu): ''' Return cpu utilization of cpu_id ''' try: for l in sorted(stats_percentage.keys()): if cpu == stats_percentage[l][0]: return stats_percentage[l][1] return -1 except Exception, details: print "Exception in get_cpu_utilization", details sys.exit(1) def validate_cpu_consolidation(stress, work_ld, sched_mc_level, sched_smt_level): ''' Verify if cpu's on which threads executed belong to same package ''' cpus_utilized = list() threads = get_job_count(stress, work_ld, sched_smt_level) try: for l in sorted(stats_percentage.keys()): #modify threshold cpu_id = stats_percentage[l][0].split("cpu") if cpu_id[1] == '': continue if int(cpu_id[1]) in cpus_utilized: continue if is_hyper_threaded(): if work_ld == "kernbench" and sched_smt_level < sched_mc_level: siblings = get_siblings(cpu_id[1]) if siblings != "": sib_list = siblings.split() utilization = int(stats_percentage[l][1]) for i in range(0, len(sib_list)): utilization += int(get_cpu_utilization("cpu%s" %sib_list[i])) else: utilization = stats_percentage[l][1] if utilization > 40: cpus_utilized.append(int(cpu_id[1])) if siblings != "": for i in range(0, len(sib_list)): cpus_utilized.append(int(sib_list[i])) else: # This threshold wuld be modified based on results if stats_percentage[l][1] > 40: cpus_utilized.append(int(cpu_id[1])) else: if work_ld == "kernbench" : if stats_percentage[l][1] > 50: cpus_utilized.append(int(cpu_id[1])) else: if stats_percentage[l][1] > 70: cpus_utilized.append(int(cpu_id[1])) cpus_utilized.sort() print "INFO: CPU's utilized ", cpus_utilized # If length of CPU's utilized is not = number of jobs exit with 1 if len(cpus_utilized) < threads: return 1 status = validate_cpugrp_map(cpus_utilized, sched_mc_level, \ sched_smt_level) if status == 1: print "INFO: CPUs utilized is not in same package or core" return(status) except Exception, details: print "Exception in validate_cpu_consolidation: ", details sys.exit(1) def get_cpuid_max_intr_count(): '''Return the cpu id's of two cpu's with highest number of intr''' try: highest = 0 second_highest = 0 cpus_utilized = [] #Skipping CPU0 as it is generally high for i in range(1, cpu_count): if int(intr_stop[i]) > int(highest): if highest != 0: second_highest = highest cpu2_max_intr = cpu1_max_intr highest = int(intr_stop[i]) cpu1_max_intr = i else: if int(intr_stop[i]) > int(second_highest): second_highest = int(intr_stop[i]) cpu2_max_intr = i cpus_utilized.append(cpu1_max_intr) cpus_utilized.append(cpu2_max_intr) for i in range(1, cpu_count): if i != cpu1_max_intr and i != cpu2_max_intr: diff = second_highest - intr_stop[i] ''' Threshold of difference has to be manipulated ''' if diff < 10000: print "INFO: Diff in interrupt count is below threshold" cpus_utilized = [] return cpus_utilized print "INFO: Interrupt count in other CPU's low as expected" return cpus_utilized except Exception, details: print "Exception in get_cpuid_max_intr_count: ", details sys.exit(1) def validate_ilb (sched_mc_level, sched_smt_level): ''' Validate if ilb is running in same package where work load is running ''' try: cpus_utilized = get_cpuid_max_intr_count() if not cpus_utilized: return 1 status = validate_cpugrp_map(cpus_utilized, sched_mc_level, sched_smt_level) return status except Exception, details: print "Exception in validate_ilb: ", details sys.exit(1) def reset_schedmc(): ''' Routine to reset sched_mc_power_savings to Zero level ''' try: os.system('echo 0 > \ /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings 2>/dev/null') except OSError, e: print "Could not set sched_mc_power_savings to 0", e sys.exit(1) def reset_schedsmt(): ''' Routine to reset sched_smt_power_savings to Zero level ''' try: os.system('echo 0 > \ /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_smt_power_savings 2>/dev/null') except OSError, e: print "Could not set sched_smt_power_savings to 0", e sys.exit(1) def stop_wkld(work_ld): ''' Kill workload triggered in background ''' try: os.system('pkill %s 2>/dev/null' %work_ld) if work_ld == "kernbench": os.system('pkill make 2>/dev/null') except OSError, e: print "Exception in stop_wkld", e sys.exit(1)