# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2015, ARM Limited and contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

""" Trace Parser Module """

import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import sys
import trappy
import json
import warnings
import operator
import logging

from analysis_register import AnalysisRegister
from collections import namedtuple
from devlib.utils.misc import memoized
from trappy.utils import listify, handle_duplicate_index

ResidencyTime = namedtuple('ResidencyTime', ['total', 'active'])
ResidencyData = namedtuple('ResidencyData', ['label', 'residency'])

class Trace(object):
    The Trace object is the LISA trace events parser.

    :param platform: a dictionary containing information about the target
    :type platform: dict or None

    :param data_dir: folder containing all trace data
    :type data_dir: str

    :param events: events to be parsed (everything in the trace by default)
    :type events: list(str)

    :param window: time window to consider when parsing the trace
    :type window: tuple(int, int)

    :param normalize_time: normalize trace time stamps
    :type normalize_time: bool

    :param trace_format: format of the trace. Possible values are:
        - FTrace
        - SysTrace
    :type trace_format: str

    :param plots_dir: directory where to save plots
    :type plots_dir: str

    :param plots_prefix: prefix for plots file names
    :type plots_prefix: str

    :param cgroup_info: add cgroup information for sanitization
            'controller_ids': { 2: 'schedtune', 4: 'cpuset' },
            'cgroups': [ 'root', 'background', 'foreground' ],  # list of allowed cgroup names
    :type cgroup_info: dict

    def __init__(self, platform, data_dir, events,
                 window=(0, None),

        # The platform used to run the experiments
        self.platform = platform or {}

        # TRAPpy Trace object
        self.ftrace = None

        # Trace format
        self.trace_format = trace_format

        # The time window used to limit trace parsing to
        self.window = window

        # Whether trace timestamps are normalized or not
        self.normalize_time = normalize_time

        # Dynamically registered TRAPpy events
        self.trappy_cls = {}

        # Maximum timespan for all collected events
        self.time_range = 0

        # Time the system was overutilzied
        self.overutilized_time = 0
        self.overutilized_prc = 0

        # List of events required by user
        self.events = []

        # List of events available in the parsed trace
        self.available_events = []

        # Cluster frequency coherency flag
        self.freq_coherency = True

        # Folder containing all trace data
        self.data_dir = None

        # Setup logging
        self._log = logging.getLogger('Trace')

        # Folder containing trace
        if not os.path.isdir(data_dir):
            self.data_dir = os.path.dirname(data_dir) or '.'
            self.data_dir = data_dir

        # By deafult, use the trace dir to save plots
        self.plots_dir = plots_dir
        if self.plots_dir is None:
            self.plots_dir = self.data_dir
        self.plots_prefix = plots_prefix

        # Cgroup info for sanitization
        self.cgroup_info = cgroup_info

        self.__registerTraceEvents(events) if events else None
        self.__parseTrace(data_dir, tasks, window, trace_format)

        # Minimum and Maximum x_time to use for all plots
        self.x_min = 0
        self.x_max = self.time_range

        # Reset x axis time range to full scale
        t_min = self.window[0]
        t_max = self.window[1]
        self.setXTimeRange(t_min, t_max)

        self.data_frame = TraceData()

        # If we don't know the number of CPUs, check the trace for the
        # highest-numbered CPU that traced an event.
        if 'cpus_count' not in self.platform:
            max_cpu = max(int(self.data_frame.trace_event(e)['__cpu'].max())
                          for e in self.available_events)
            self.platform['cpus_count'] = max_cpu + 1

        self.analysis = AnalysisRegister(self)

    def _registerDataFrameGetters(self, module):
        Internal utility function that looks up getter functions with a "_dfg_"
        prefix in their name and bounds them to the specified module.

        :param module: module to which the function is added
        :type module: class
        self._log.debug('Registering [%s] local data frames', module)
        for func in dir(module):
            if not func.startswith('_dfg_'):
            dfg_name = func.replace('_dfg_', '')
            dfg_func = getattr(module, func)
            self._log.debug('   %s', dfg_name)
            setattr(self.data_frame, dfg_name, dfg_func)

    def setXTimeRange(self, t_min=None, t_max=None):
        Set x axis time range to the specified values.

        :param t_min: lower bound
        :type t_min: int or float

        :param t_max: upper bound
        :type t_max: int or float
        self.x_min = t_min if t_min is not None else self.start_time
        self.x_max = t_max if t_max is not None else self.start_time + self.time_range

        self._log.debug('Set plots time range to (%.6f, %.6f)[s]',
                       self.x_min, self.x_max)

    def __registerTraceEvents(self, events):
        Save a copy of the parsed events.

        :param events: single event name or list of events names
        :type events: str or list(str)
        if isinstance(events, basestring):
            self.events = events.split(' ')
        elif isinstance(events, list):
            self.events = events
            raise ValueError('Events must be a string or a list of strings')
        # Register devlib fake cpu_frequency events
        if 'cpu_frequency' in events:

    def __parseTrace(self, path, tasks, window, trace_format):
        Internal method in charge of performing the actual parsing of the

        :param path: path to the trace folder (or trace file)
        :type path: str

        :param tasks: filter data for the specified tasks only
        :type tasks: list(str)

        :param window: time window to consider when parsing the trace
        :type window: tuple(int, int)

        :param trace_format: format of the trace. Possible values are:
            - FTrace
            - SysTrace
        :type trace_format: str
        self._log.debug('Loading [sched] events from trace in [%s]...', path)
        self._log.debug('Parsing events: %s', self.events if self.events else 'ALL')
        if trace_format.upper() == 'SYSTRACE' or path.endswith('html'):
            self._log.debug('Parsing SysTrace format...')
            trace_class = trappy.SysTrace
            self.trace_format = 'SysTrace'
        elif trace_format.upper() == 'FTRACE':
            self._log.debug('Parsing FTrace format...')
            trace_class = trappy.FTrace
            self.trace_format = 'FTrace'
            raise ValueError("Unknown trace format {}".format(trace_format))

        # If using normalized time, we should use
        # TRAPpy's `abs_window` instead of `window`
        window_kw = {}
        if self.normalize_time:
            window_kw['window'] = window
            window_kw['abs_window'] = window
        scope = 'custom' if self.events else 'all'
        self.ftrace = trace_class(path, scope=scope, events=self.events,
                                  normalize_time=self.normalize_time, **window_kw)

        # Load Functions profiling data
        has_function_stats = self._loadFunctionsStats(path)

        # Check for events available on the parsed trace
        if len(self.available_events) == 0:
            if has_function_stats:
                self._log.info('Trace contains only functions stats')
            raise ValueError('The trace does not contain useful events '
                             'nor function stats')

        # Index PIDs and Task names


        # Sanitize cgroup info if any

        # Setup internal data reference to interesting events/dataframes

        # Santization not possible if platform missing
        if not self.platform:
            # Setup internal data reference to interesting events/dataframes

    def __checkAvailableEvents(self, key=""):
        Internal method used to build a list of available events.

        :param key: key to be used for TRAPpy filtering
        :type key: str
        for val in self.ftrace.get_filters(key):
            obj = getattr(self.ftrace, val)
            if len(obj.data_frame):
        self._log.debug('Events found on trace:')
        for evt in self.available_events:
            self._log.debug(' - %s', evt)

    def __loadTasksNames(self, tasks):
        Try to load tasks names using one of the supported events.

        :param tasks: list of task names. If None, load all tasks found.
        :type tasks: list(str) or NoneType
        def load(tasks, event, name_key, pid_key):
            df = self._dfg_trace_event(event)
            if tasks is None:
                tasks = df[name_key].unique()
            self._scanTasks(df, name_key=name_key, pid_key=pid_key)

        if 'sched_switch' in self.available_events:
            load(tasks, 'sched_switch', 'prev_comm', 'prev_pid')

        if 'sched_load_avg_task' in self.available_events:
            load(tasks, 'sched_load_avg_task', 'comm', 'pid')

        self._log.warning('Failed to load tasks names from trace events')

    def hasEvents(self, dataset):
        Returns True if the specified event is present in the parsed trace,
        False otherwise.

        :param dataset: trace event name or list of trace events
        :type dataset: str or list(str)
        if dataset in self.available_events:
            return True
        return False

    def __computeTimeSpan(self):
        Compute time axis range, considering all the parsed events.
        self.start_time = 0 if self.normalize_time else self.ftrace.basetime
        self.time_range = self.ftrace.get_duration()
        self._log.debug('Collected events spans a %.3f [s] time interval',

        self.setXTimeRange(self.window[0], self.window[1])

    def _scanTgids(self, df):
        if not '__tgid' in df.columns:
        df = df[['__pid', '__tgid']]
        df = df.drop_duplicates(keep='first').set_index('__pid')
        df.rename(columns = { '__pid': 'pid', '__tgid': 'tgid' },
        self._pid_tgid = df

    def _scanTasks(self, df, name_key='comm', pid_key='pid'):
        Extract tasks names and PIDs from the input data frame. The data frame
        should contain a task name column and PID column.

        :param df: data frame containing trace events from which tasks names
            and PIDs will be extracted
        :type df: :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`

        :param name_key: The name of the dataframe columns containing task
        :type name_key: str

        :param pid_key: The name of the dataframe columns containing task PIDs
        :type pid_key: str
        df = df[[name_key, pid_key]]
        self._tasks_by_name = df.set_index(name_key)
        self._tasks_by_pid = (df.drop_duplicates(subset=pid_key, keep='last')
                    pid_key : 'PID',
                    name_key : 'TaskName'})

    def getTaskByName(self, name):
        Get the PIDs of all tasks with the specified name.

        The same PID can have different task names, mainly because once a task
        is generated it inherits the parent name and then its name is updated
        to represent what the task really is.

        This API works under the assumption that a task name is updated at
        most one time and it always considers the name a task had the last time
        it has been scheduled for execution in the current trace.

        :param name: task name
        :type name: str

        :return: a list of PID for tasks which name matches the required one,
                 the last time they ran in the current trace
        return (self._tasks_by_pid[self._tasks_by_pid.TaskName == name]

    def getTaskByPid(self, pid):
        Get the name of the task with the specified PID.

        The same PID can have different task names, mainly because once a task
        is generated it inherits the parent name and then its name is
        updated to represent what the task really is.

        This API works under the assumption that a task name is updated at
        most one time and it always report the name the task had the last time
        it has been scheduled for execution in the current trace.

        :param name: task PID
        :type name: int

        :return: the list of names of the tasks whose PID matches the required one,
                 the last time they ran in the current trace
            return self._tasks_by_pid.ix[pid].values[0]
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def getTgidFromPid(self, pid):
        return _pid_tgid.ix[pid].values[0]

    def getTasks(self, dataframe=None,
                 task_names=None, name_key='comm', pid_key='pid'):
        :return: the name of the task which PID matches the required one,
                 the last time they ran in the current trace
            return self._tasks_by_pid.ix[pid].values[0]
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def getTasks(self):
        Get a dictionary of all the tasks in the Trace.

        :return: a dictionary which maps each PID to the corresponding task
        return self._tasks_by_pid.TaskName.to_dict()

# DataFrame Getter Methods

    def df(self, event):
        Get a dataframe containing all occurrences of the specified trace event
        in the parsed trace.

        :param event: Trace event name
        :type event: str
        warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning) #turn off filter
        warnings.warn("\n\tUse of Trace::df() is deprecated and will be soon removed."
                      "\n\tUse Trace::data_frame.trace_event(event_name) instead.",
        warnings.simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning) #reset filter
        return self._dfg_trace_event(event)

    def _dfg_trace_event(self, event):
        Get a dataframe containing all occurrences of the specified trace event
        in the parsed trace.

        :param event: Trace event name
        :type event: str
        if self.data_dir is None:
            raise ValueError("trace data not (yet) loaded")
        if self.ftrace and hasattr(self.ftrace, event):
            return getattr(self.ftrace, event).data_frame
        raise ValueError('Event [{}] not supported. '
                         'Supported events are: {}'
                         .format(event, self.available_events))

    def _dfg_functions_stats(self, functions=None):
        Get a DataFrame of specified kernel functions profile data

        For each profiled function a DataFrame is returned which reports stats
        on kernel functions execution time. The reported stats are per-CPU and
        includes: number of times the function has been executed (hits),
        average execution time (avg), overall execution time (time) and samples
        variance (s_2).
        By default returns a DataFrame of all the functions profiled.

        :param functions: the name of the function or a list of function names
                          to report
        :type functions: str or list(str)
        if not hasattr(self, '_functions_stats_df'):
            return None
        df = self._functions_stats_df
        if not functions:
            return df
        return df.loc[df.index.get_level_values(1).isin(listify(functions))]

    # cgroup_attach_task with just merged fake and real events
    def _cgroup_attach_task(self):
        cgroup_events = ['cgroup_attach_task', 'cgroup_attach_task_devlib']
        df = None

        if set(cgroup_events).isdisjoint(set(self.available_events)):
            self._log.error('atleast one of {} is needed for cgroup_attach_task event generation'.format(cgroup_events))
            return None

        for cev in cgroup_events:
            if not cev in self.available_events:
            cdf = self._dfg_trace_event(cev)
            cdf = cdf[['__line', 'pid', 'controller', 'cgroup']]
            if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
                df = cdf
                df = pd.concat([cdf, df])

        # Always drop na since this DF is used as secondary
        df.dropna(inplace=True, how='any')
        return df

    def _dfg_cgroup_attach_task(self, controllers = ['schedtune', 'cpuset']):
        # Since fork doesn't result in attach events, generate fake attach events
        # The below mechanism doesn't work to propogate nested fork levels:
        # For ex:
        # cgroup_attach_task: pid=1166
        # fork: pid=1166 child_pid=2222  <-- fake attach generated
        # fork: pid=2222 child_pid=3333  <-- fake attach not generated
        def fork_add_cgroup(fdf, cdf, controller):
            cdf = cdf[cdf['controller'] == controller]
            ret_df = trappy.utils.merge_dfs(fdf, cdf, pivot='pid')
            return ret_df

        if not 'sched_process_fork' in self.available_events:
            self._log.error('sched_process_fork is mandatory to get proper cgroup_attach events')
            return None
        fdf = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_process_fork')

        forks_len = len(fdf)
        forkdf = fdf
        cdf = self._cgroup_attach_task()
        for idx, c in enumerate(controllers):
            fdf = fork_add_cgroup(fdf, cdf, c)
            if (idx != (len(controllers) - 1)):
                fdf = pd.concat([fdf, forkdf]).sort_values(by='__line')

        fdf = fdf[['__line', 'child_pid', 'controller', 'cgroup']]
        fdf.rename(columns = { 'child_pid': 'pid' }, inplace=True)

        # Always drop na since this DF is used as secondary
        fdf.dropna(inplace=True, how='any')

        new_forks_len = len(fdf) / len(controllers)

        fdf = pd.concat([fdf, cdf]).sort_values(by='__line')

        if new_forks_len < forks_len:
            dropped = forks_len - new_forks_len
            self._log.info("Couldn't attach all forks cgroup with-attach events ({} dropped)".format(dropped))
        return fdf

    def _dfg_sched_switch_cgroup(self, controllers = ['schedtune', 'cpuset']):
        def sched_switch_add_cgroup(sdf, cdf, controller, direction):
            cdf = cdf[cdf['controller'] == controller]

            ret_df = sdf.rename(columns = { direction + '_pid': 'pid' })
            ret_df = trappy.utils.merge_dfs(ret_df, cdf, pivot='pid')
            ret_df.rename(columns = { 'pid': direction + '_pid' }, inplace=True)

            ret_df.drop('controller', axis=1, inplace=True)
            ret_df.rename(columns = { 'cgroup': direction + '_' + controller }, inplace=True)
            return ret_df

        if not 'sched_switch' in self.available_events:
            self._log.error('sched_switch is mandatory to generate sched_switch_cgroup event')
            return None
        sdf = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_switch')
        cdf = self._dfg_cgroup_attach_task()

        for c in controllers:
            sdf = sched_switch_add_cgroup(sdf, cdf, c, 'next')
            sdf = sched_switch_add_cgroup(sdf, cdf, c, 'prev')

        # Augment with TGID information
        sdf = sdf.join(self._pid_tgid, on='next_pid').rename(columns = {'tgid': 'next_tgid'})
        sdf = sdf.join(self._pid_tgid, on='prev_pid').rename(columns = {'tgid': 'prev_tgid'})

        df = self._tasks_by_pid.rename(columns = { 'next_comm': 'comm' })

        sdf = sdf.join(df, on='next_tgid').rename(columns = {'TaskName': 'next_tgid_comm'})
        sdf = sdf.join(df, on='prev_tgid').rename(columns = {'TaskName': 'prev_tgid_comm'})
        return sdf

# Trace Events Sanitize Methods
    def has_big_little(self):
        return ('clusters' in self.platform
                and 'big' in self.platform['clusters']
                and 'little' in self.platform['clusters']
                and 'nrg_model' in self.platform)

    def _sanitize_SchedCpuCapacity(self):
        Add more columns to cpu_capacity data frame if the energy model is
        available and the platform is big.LITTLE.
        if not self.hasEvents('cpu_capacity') \
           or 'nrg_model' not in self.platform \
           or not self.has_big_little:

        df = self._dfg_trace_event('cpu_capacity')

        # Add column with LITTLE and big CPUs max capacities
        nrg_model = self.platform['nrg_model']
        max_lcap = nrg_model['little']['cpu']['cap_max']
        max_bcap = nrg_model['big']['cpu']['cap_max']
        df['max_capacity'] = np.select(
                [max_lcap], max_bcap)
        # Add LITTLE and big CPUs "tipping point" threshold
        tip_lcap = 0.8 * max_lcap
        tip_bcap = 0.8 * max_bcap
        df['tip_capacity'] = np.select(
                [tip_lcap], tip_bcap)

    def _sanitize_SchedLoadAvgCpu(self):
        If necessary, rename certain signal names from v5.0 to v5.1 format.
        if not self.hasEvents('sched_load_avg_cpu'):
        df = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_load_avg_cpu')
        if 'utilization' in df:
            df.rename(columns={'utilization': 'util_avg'}, inplace=True)
            df.rename(columns={'load': 'load_avg'}, inplace=True)

    def _sanitize_SchedLoadAvgTask(self):
        If necessary, rename certain signal names from v5.0 to v5.1 format.
        if not self.hasEvents('sched_load_avg_task'):
        df = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_load_avg_task')
        if 'utilization' in df:
            df.rename(columns={'utilization': 'util_avg'}, inplace=True)
            df.rename(columns={'load': 'load_avg'}, inplace=True)
            df.rename(columns={'avg_period': 'period_contrib'}, inplace=True)
            df.rename(columns={'runnable_avg_sum': 'load_sum'}, inplace=True)
            df.rename(columns={'running_avg_sum': 'util_sum'}, inplace=True)

        if not self.has_big_little:

        df['cluster'] = np.select(
                ['LITTLE'], 'big')

        if 'nrg_model' not in self.platform:

        # Add a column which represents the max capacity of the smallest
        # clustre which can accomodate the task utilization
        little_cap = self.platform['nrg_model']['little']['cpu']['cap_max']
        big_cap = self.platform['nrg_model']['big']['cpu']['cap_max']
        df['min_cluster_cap'] = df.util_avg.map(
            lambda util_avg: big_cap if util_avg > little_cap else little_cap

    def _sanitize_SchedBoostCpu(self):
        Add a boosted utilization signal as the sum of utilization and margin.

        Also, if necessary, rename certain signal names from v5.0 to v5.1
        if not self.hasEvents('sched_boost_cpu'):
        df = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_boost_cpu')
        if 'usage' in df:
            df.rename(columns={'usage': 'util'}, inplace=True)
        df['boosted_util'] = df['util'] + df['margin']

    def _sanitize_SchedBoostTask(self):
        Add a boosted utilization signal as the sum of utilization and margin.

        Also, if necessary, rename certain signal names from v5.0 to v5.1
        if not self.hasEvents('sched_boost_task'):
        df = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_boost_task')
        if 'utilization' in df:
            # Convert signals name from to v5.1 format
            df.rename(columns={'utilization': 'util'}, inplace=True)
        df['boosted_util'] = df['util'] + df['margin']

    def _sanitize_SchedEnergyDiff(self):
        If a energy model is provided, some signals are added to the
        sched_energy_diff trace event data frame.

        Also convert between existing field name formats for sched_energy_diff
        if not self.hasEvents('sched_energy_diff') \
           or 'nrg_model' not in self.platform \
           or not self.has_big_little:
        nrg_model = self.platform['nrg_model']
        em_lcluster = nrg_model['little']['cluster']
        em_bcluster = nrg_model['big']['cluster']
        em_lcpu = nrg_model['little']['cpu']
        em_bcpu = nrg_model['big']['cpu']
        lcpus = len(self.platform['clusters']['little'])
        bcpus = len(self.platform['clusters']['big'])
        SCHED_LOAD_SCALE = 1024

        power_max = em_lcpu['nrg_max'] * lcpus + em_bcpu['nrg_max'] * bcpus + \
            em_lcluster['nrg_max'] + em_bcluster['nrg_max']
            "Maximum estimated system energy: {0:d}".format(power_max))

        df = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_energy_diff')

        translations = {'nrg_d' : 'nrg_diff',
                        'utl_d' : 'usage_delta',
                        'payoff' : 'nrg_payoff'
        df.rename(columns=translations, inplace=True)

        df['nrg_diff_pct'] = SCHED_LOAD_SCALE * df.nrg_diff / power_max

        # Tag columns by usage_delta
        ccol = df.usage_delta
        df['usage_delta_group'] = np.select(
            [ccol < 150, ccol < 400, ccol < 600],
            ['< 150', '< 400', '< 600'], '>= 600')

        # Tag columns by nrg_payoff
        ccol = df.nrg_payoff
        df['nrg_payoff_group'] = np.select(
            [ccol > 2e9, ccol > 0, ccol > -2e9],
            ['Optimal Accept', 'SchedTune Accept', 'SchedTune Reject'],
            'Suboptimal Reject')

    def _sanitize_SchedOverutilized(self):
        """ Add a column with overutilized status duration. """
        if not self.hasEvents('sched_overutilized'):
        df = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_overutilized')
        df['start'] = df.index
        df['len'] = (df.start - df.start.shift()).fillna(0).shift(-1)
        df.drop('start', axis=1, inplace=True)

        # Fix the last event, which will have a NaN duration
        # Set duration to trace_end - last_event
        df.loc[df.index[-1], 'len'] = self.start_time + self.time_range - df.index[-1]

        # Build a stat on trace overutilization
        df = self._dfg_trace_event('sched_overutilized')
        self.overutilized_time = df[df.overutilized == 1].len.sum()
        self.overutilized_prc = 100. * self.overutilized_time / self.time_range

        self._log.debug('Overutilized time: %.6f [s] (%.3f%% of trace time)',
                        self.overutilized_time, self.overutilized_prc)

    # Sanitize cgroup information helper
    def _helper_sanitize_CgroupAttachTask(self, df, allowed_cgroups, controller_id_name):
        # Drop rows that aren't in the root-id -> name map
        df = df[df['dst_root'].isin(controller_id_name.keys())]

        def get_cgroup_name(path, valid_names):
            name = os.path.basename(path)
            name = 'root' if not name in valid_names else name
            return name

        def get_cgroup_names(rows):
            ret = []
            for r in rows.iterrows():
                 ret.append(get_cgroup_name(r[1]['dst_path'], allowed_cgroups))
            return ret

        def get_controller_names(rows):
            ret = []
            for r in rows.iterrows():
            return ret

        # Sanitize cgroup names
        # cgroup column isn't in mainline, add it in
        # its already added for some out of tree kernels so check first
        if not 'cgroup' in df.columns:
            if not 'dst_path' in df.columns:
                raise RuntimeError('Cant santize cgroup DF, need dst_path')
            df = df.assign(cgroup = get_cgroup_names)

        # Sanitize controller names
        if not 'controller' in df.columns:
            if not 'dst_root' in df.columns:
                raise RuntimeError('Cant santize cgroup DF, need dst_path')
            df = df.assign(controller = get_controller_names)

        return df

    def _sanitize_CgroupAttachTask(self):
        def sanitize_cgroup_event(name):
            if not name in self.available_events:

            df = self._dfg_trace_event(name)

            if len(df.groupby(level=0).filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1)) > 0:
                self._log.warning('Timstamp Collisions seen in {} event!'.format(name))

            df = self._helper_sanitize_CgroupAttachTask(df, self.cgroup_info['cgroups'],
            getattr(self.ftrace, name).data_frame = df

    def _chunker(self, seq, size):
        Given a data frame or a series, generate a sequence of chunks of the
        given size.

        :param seq: data to be split into chunks
        :type seq: :mod:`pandas.Series` or :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`

        :param size: size of each chunk
        :type size: int
        return (seq.iloc[pos:pos + size] for pos in range(0, len(seq), size))

    def _sanitize_CpuFrequency(self):
        Verify that all platform reported clusters are frequency coherent (i.e.
        frequency scaling is performed at a cluster level).
        if not self.hasEvents('cpu_frequency_devlib') \
           or 'clusters' not in self.platform:

        devlib_freq = self._dfg_trace_event('cpu_frequency_devlib')
        devlib_freq.rename(columns={'cpu_id':'cpu'}, inplace=True)
        devlib_freq.rename(columns={'state':'frequency'}, inplace=True)

        df = self._dfg_trace_event('cpu_frequency')
        clusters = self.platform['clusters']

        # devlib always introduces fake cpu_frequency events, in case the
        # OS has not generated cpu_frequency envets there are the only
        # frequency events to report
        if len(df) == 0:
            # Register devlib injected events as 'cpu_frequency' events
            setattr(self.ftrace.cpu_frequency, 'data_frame', devlib_freq)
            df = devlib_freq

        # make sure fake cpu_frequency events are never interleaved with
        # OS generated events
            if len(devlib_freq) > 0:

                # Frequencies injection is done in a per-cluster based.
                # This is based on the assumption that clusters are
                # frequency choerent.
                # For each cluster we inject devlib events only if
                # these events does not overlaps with os-generated ones.

                # Inject "initial" devlib frequencies
                os_df = df
                dl_df = devlib_freq.iloc[:self.platform['cpus_count']]
                for _,c in self.platform['clusters'].iteritems():
                    dl_freqs = dl_df[dl_df.cpu.isin(c)]
                    os_freqs = os_df[os_df.cpu.isin(c)]
                    self._log.debug("First freqs for %s:\n%s", c, dl_freqs)
                    # All devlib events "before" os-generated events
                    self._log.debug("Min os freq @: %s", os_freqs.index.min())
                    if os_freqs.empty or \
                       os_freqs.index.min() > dl_freqs.index.max():
                        self._log.debug("Insert devlib freqs for %s", c)
                        df = pd.concat([dl_freqs, df])

                # Inject "final" devlib frequencies
                os_df = df
                dl_df = devlib_freq.iloc[self.platform['cpus_count']:]
                for _,c in self.platform['clusters'].iteritems():
                    dl_freqs = dl_df[dl_df.cpu.isin(c)]
                    os_freqs = os_df[os_df.cpu.isin(c)]
                    self._log.debug("Last freqs for %s:\n%s", c, dl_freqs)
                    # All devlib events "after" os-generated events
                    self._log.debug("Max os freq @: %s", os_freqs.index.max())
                    if os_freqs.empty or \
                       os_freqs.index.max() < dl_freqs.index.min():
                        self._log.debug("Append devlib freqs for %s", c)
                        df = pd.concat([df, dl_freqs])


            setattr(self.ftrace.cpu_frequency, 'data_frame', df)

        # Frequency Coherency Check
        for _, cpus in clusters.iteritems():
            cluster_df = df[df.cpu.isin(cpus)]
            for chunk in self._chunker(cluster_df, len(cpus)):
                f = chunk.iloc[0].frequency
                if any(chunk.frequency != f):
                    self._log.warning('Cluster Frequency is not coherent! '
                                      'Failure in [cpu_frequency] events at:')
                    self.freq_coherency = False
        self._log.info('Platform clusters verified to be Frequency coherent')

# Utility Methods

    def integrate_square_wave(self, sq_wave):
        Compute the integral of a square wave time series.

        :param sq_wave: square wave assuming only 1.0 and 0.0 values
        :type sq_wave: :mod:`pandas.Series`
        sq_wave.iloc[-1] = 0.0
        # Compact signal to obtain only 1-0-1-0 sequences
        comp_sig = sq_wave.loc[sq_wave.shift() != sq_wave]
        # First value for computing the difference must be a 1
        if comp_sig.iloc[0] == 0.0:
            return sum(comp_sig.iloc[2::2].index - comp_sig.iloc[1:-1:2].index)
            return sum(comp_sig.iloc[1::2].index - comp_sig.iloc[:-1:2].index)

    def _loadFunctionsStats(self, path='trace.stats'):
        Read functions profiling file and build a data frame containing all
        relevant data.

        :param path: path to the functions profiling trace file
        :type path: str
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            path = os.path.join(path, 'trace.stats')
        if (path.endswith('dat') or
            path.endswith('txt') or
            pre, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
            path = pre + '.stats'
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            return False

        # Opening functions profiling JSON data file
        self._log.debug('Loading functions profiling data from [%s]...', path)
        with open(os.path.join(path), 'r') as fh:
            trace_stats = json.load(fh)

        # Build DataFrame of function stats
        frames = {}
        for cpu, data in trace_stats.iteritems():
            frames[int(cpu)] = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index')

        # Build and keep track of the DataFrame
        self._functions_stats_df = pd.concat(frames.values(),

        return len(self._functions_stats_df) > 0

    def getCPUActiveSignal(self, cpu):
        Build a square wave representing the active (i.e. non-idle) CPU time,

          cpu_active[t] == 1 if the CPU is reported to be non-idle by cpuidle at
          time t
          cpu_active[t] == 0 otherwise

        :param cpu: CPU ID
        :type cpu: int

        :returns: A :mod:`pandas.Series` or ``None`` if the trace contains no
                  "cpu_idle" events
        if not self.hasEvents('cpu_idle'):
            self._log.warning('Events [cpu_idle] not found, '
                              'cannot compute CPU active signal!')
            return None

        idle_df = self._dfg_trace_event('cpu_idle')
        cpu_df = idle_df[idle_df.cpu_id == cpu]

        cpu_active = cpu_df.state.apply(
            lambda s: 1 if s == NON_IDLE_STATE else 0

        start_time = 0.0
        if not self.ftrace.normalized_time:
            start_time = self.ftrace.basetime

        if cpu_active.empty:
            cpu_active = pd.Series([0], index=[start_time])
        elif cpu_active.index[0] != start_time:
            entry_0 = pd.Series(cpu_active.iloc[0] ^ 1, index=[start_time])
            cpu_active = pd.concat([entry_0, cpu_active])

        # Fix sequences of wakeup/sleep events reported with the same index
        return handle_duplicate_index(cpu_active)

    def getClusterActiveSignal(self, cluster):
        Build a square wave representing the active (i.e. non-idle) cluster
        time, i.e.:

          cluster_active[t] == 1 if at least one CPU is reported to be non-idle
          by CPUFreq at time t
          cluster_active[t] == 0 otherwise

        :param cluster: list of CPU IDs belonging to a cluster
        :type cluster: list(int)

        :returns: A :mod:`pandas.Series` or ``None`` if the trace contains no
                  "cpu_idle" events
        if not self.hasEvents('cpu_idle'):
            self._log.warning('Events [cpu_idle] not found, '
                              'cannot compute cluster active signal!')
            return None

        active = self.getCPUActiveSignal(cluster[0]).to_frame(name=cluster[0])
        for cpu in cluster[1:]:
            active = active.join(

        active.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
        # There might be NaNs in the signal where we got data from some CPUs
        # before others. That will break the .astype(int) below, so drop rows
        # with NaN in them.

        # Cluster active is the OR between the actives on each CPU
        # belonging to that specific cluster
        cluster_active = reduce(
            [cpu_active.astype(int) for _, cpu_active in

        return cluster_active

class TraceData:
    """ A DataFrame collector exposed to Trace's clients """

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