// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"

class BrowserProcessImpl;
class HistogramSynchronizer;
class NativeBackendKWallet;
class ScopedAllowWaitForLegacyWebViewApi;

namespace cc {
class CompletionEvent;
class SingleThreadTaskGraphRunner;
namespace chromeos {
class BlockingMethodCaller;
namespace system {
class StatisticsProviderImpl;
namespace chrome_browser_net {
class Predictor;
namespace content {
class BrowserGpuChannelHostFactory;
class BrowserGpuMemoryBufferManager;
class BrowserShutdownProfileDumper;
class BrowserSurfaceViewManager;
class BrowserTestBase;
class NestedMessagePumpAndroid;
class ScopedAllowWaitForAndroidLayoutTests;
class ScopedAllowWaitForDebugURL;
class SoftwareOutputDeviceMus;
class TextInputClientMac;
class CategorizedWorkerPool;
}  // namespace content
namespace dbus {
class Bus;
namespace disk_cache {
class BackendImpl;
class InFlightIO;
namespace gpu {
class GpuChannelHost;
namespace mojo {
class SyncCallRestrictions;
namespace edk {
class ScopedIPCSupport;
namespace ui {
class CommandBufferClientImpl;
class CommandBufferLocal;
class GpuState;
namespace net {
class NetworkChangeNotifierMac;
namespace internal {
class AddressTrackerLinux;

namespace remoting {
class AutoThread;

namespace ui {
class WindowResizeHelperMac;

namespace views {
class ScreenMus;

namespace base {

namespace android {
class JavaHandlerThread;

namespace internal {
class TaskTracker;

class SequencedWorkerPool;
class SimpleThread;
class Thread;
class ThreadTestHelper;

// Certain behavior is disallowed on certain threads.  ThreadRestrictions helps
// enforce these rules.  Examples of such rules:
// * Do not do blocking IO (makes the thread janky)
// * Do not access Singleton/LazyInstance (may lead to shutdown crashes)
// Here's more about how the protection works:
// 1) If a thread should not be allowed to make IO calls, mark it:
//      base::ThreadRestrictions::SetIOAllowed(false);
//    By default, threads *are* allowed to make IO calls.
//    In Chrome browser code, IO calls should be proxied to the File thread.
// 2) If a function makes a call that will go out to disk, check whether the
//    current thread is allowed:
//      base::ThreadRestrictions::AssertIOAllowed();
// Style tip: where should you put AssertIOAllowed checks?  It's best
// if you put them as close to the disk access as possible, at the
// lowest level.  This rule is simple to follow and helps catch all
// callers.  For example, if your function GoDoSomeBlockingDiskCall()
// only calls other functions in Chrome and not fopen(), you should go
// add the AssertIOAllowed checks in the helper functions.

class BASE_EXPORT ThreadRestrictions {
  // Constructing a ScopedAllowIO temporarily allows IO for the current
  // thread.  Doing this is almost certainly always incorrect.
  class BASE_EXPORT ScopedAllowIO {
    ScopedAllowIO() { previous_value_ = SetIOAllowed(true); }
    ~ScopedAllowIO() { SetIOAllowed(previous_value_); }
    // Whether IO is allowed when the ScopedAllowIO was constructed.
    bool previous_value_;


  // Set whether the current thread to make IO calls.
  // Threads start out in the *allowed* state.
  // Returns the previous value.
  static bool SetIOAllowed(bool allowed);

  // Check whether the current thread is allowed to make IO calls,
  // and DCHECK if not.  See the block comment above the class for
  // a discussion of where to add these checks.
  static void AssertIOAllowed();

  // Set whether the current thread can use singletons.  Returns the previous
  // value.
  static bool SetSingletonAllowed(bool allowed);

  // Check whether the current thread is allowed to use singletons (Singleton /
  // LazyInstance).  DCHECKs if not.
  static void AssertSingletonAllowed();

  // Disable waiting on the current thread. Threads start out in the *allowed*
  // state. Returns the previous value.
  static void DisallowWaiting();

  // Check whether the current thread is allowed to wait, and DCHECK if not.
  static void AssertWaitAllowed();
  // Inline the empty definitions of these functions so that they can be
  // compiled out.
  static bool SetIOAllowed(bool allowed) { return true; }
  static void AssertIOAllowed() {}
  static bool SetSingletonAllowed(bool allowed) { return true; }
  static void AssertSingletonAllowed() {}
  static void DisallowWaiting() {}
  static void AssertWaitAllowed() {}

  // DO NOT ADD ANY OTHER FRIEND STATEMENTS, talk to jam or brettw first.
  friend class content::BrowserShutdownProfileDumper;
  friend class content::BrowserSurfaceViewManager;
  friend class content::BrowserTestBase;
  friend class content::NestedMessagePumpAndroid;
  friend class content::ScopedAllowWaitForAndroidLayoutTests;
  friend class content::ScopedAllowWaitForDebugURL;
  friend class ::HistogramSynchronizer;
  friend class internal::TaskTracker;
  friend class ::ScopedAllowWaitForLegacyWebViewApi;
  friend class cc::CompletionEvent;
  friend class cc::SingleThreadTaskGraphRunner;
  friend class content::CategorizedWorkerPool;
  friend class remoting::AutoThread;
  friend class ui::WindowResizeHelperMac;
  friend class MessagePumpDefault;
  friend class SequencedWorkerPool;
  friend class SimpleThread;
  friend class Thread;
  friend class ThreadTestHelper;
  friend class PlatformThread;
  friend class android::JavaHandlerThread;
  friend class mojo::SyncCallRestrictions;
  friend class mojo::edk::ScopedIPCSupport;
  friend class ui::CommandBufferClientImpl;
  friend class ui::CommandBufferLocal;
  friend class ui::GpuState;

  friend class ::chromeos::BlockingMethodCaller;  // http://crbug.com/125360
  friend class ::chromeos::system::StatisticsProviderImpl;  // http://crbug.com/125385
  friend class chrome_browser_net::Predictor;     // http://crbug.com/78451
  friend class
      content::BrowserGpuChannelHostFactory;      // http://crbug.com/125248
  friend class
      content::BrowserGpuMemoryBufferManager;     // http://crbug.com/420368
  friend class content::TextInputClientMac;       // http://crbug.com/121917
  friend class dbus::Bus;                         // http://crbug.com/125222
  friend class disk_cache::BackendImpl;           // http://crbug.com/74623
  friend class disk_cache::InFlightIO;            // http://crbug.com/74623
  friend class gpu::GpuChannelHost;               // http://crbug.com/125264
  friend class net::internal::AddressTrackerLinux;  // http://crbug.com/125097
  friend class net::NetworkChangeNotifierMac;     // http://crbug.com/125097
  friend class ::BrowserProcessImpl;              // http://crbug.com/125207
  friend class ::NativeBackendKWallet;            // http://crbug.com/125331
#if !defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD)
  friend class content::SoftwareOutputDeviceMus;  // Interim non-production code
  friend class views::ScreenMus;

  static bool SetWaitAllowed(bool allowed);
  static bool SetWaitAllowed(bool allowed) { return true; }

  // Constructing a ScopedAllowWait temporarily allows waiting on the current
  // thread.  Doing this is almost always incorrect, which is why we limit who
  // can use this through friend. If you find yourself needing to use this, find
  // another way. Talk to jam or brettw.
  class BASE_EXPORT ScopedAllowWait {
    ScopedAllowWait() { previous_value_ = SetWaitAllowed(true); }
    ~ScopedAllowWait() { SetWaitAllowed(previous_value_); }
    // Whether singleton use is allowed when the ScopedAllowWait was
    // constructed.
    bool previous_value_;



}  // namespace base