// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /******************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2016, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************/ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION && !UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS && !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #include "rbbimonkeytest.h" #include "unicode/utypes.h" #include "unicode/brkiter.h" #include "unicode/utf16.h" #include "unicode/uniset.h" #include "unicode/unistr.h" #include "charstr.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "cstr.h" #include "uelement.h" #include "uhash.h" #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> using namespace icu; void RBBIMonkeyTest::runIndexedTest(int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* params) { fParams = params; // Work around TESTCASE_AUTO not being able to pass params to test function. TESTCASE_AUTO_BEGIN; TESTCASE_AUTO(testMonkey); TESTCASE_AUTO_END; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class BreakRule implementation. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BreakRule::BreakRule() // : all field default initialized. { } BreakRule::~BreakRule() {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class BreakRules implementation. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BreakRules::BreakRules(RBBIMonkeyImpl *monkeyImpl, UErrorCode &status) : fMonkeyImpl(monkeyImpl), fBreakRules(status), fType(UBRK_COUNT) { fCharClasses.adoptInstead(uhash_open(uhash_hashUnicodeString, uhash_compareUnicodeString, NULL, // value comparator. &status)); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } uhash_setKeyDeleter(fCharClasses.getAlias(), uprv_deleteUObject); uhash_setValueDeleter(fCharClasses.getAlias(), uprv_deleteUObject); fBreakRules.setDeleter(uprv_deleteUObject); fCharClassList.adoptInstead(new UVector(status)); fSetRefsMatcher.adoptInstead(new RegexMatcher(UnicodeString( "(?!(?:\\{|=|\\[:)[ \\t]{0,4})" // Negative look behind for '{' or '=' or '[:' // (the identifier is a unicode property name or value) "(?<ClassName>[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)"), // The char class name 0, status)); // Match comments and blank lines. Matches will be replaced with "", stripping the comments from the rules. fCommentsMatcher.adoptInstead(new RegexMatcher(UnicodeString( "(^|(?<=;))" // Start either at start of line, or just after a ';' (look-behind for ';') "[ \\t]*+" // Match white space. "(#.*)?+" // Optional # plus whatever follows "\\R$" // new-line at end of line. ), 0, status)); // Match (initial parse) of a character class definition line. fClassDefMatcher.adoptInstead(new RegexMatcher(UnicodeString( "[ \\t]*" // leading white space "(?<ClassName>[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)" // The char class name "[ \\t]*=[ \\t]*" // = "(?<ClassDef>.*?)" // The char class UnicodeSet expression "[ \\t]*;$"), // ; <end of line> 0, status)); // Match (initial parse) of a break rule line. fRuleDefMatcher.adoptInstead(new RegexMatcher(UnicodeString( "[ \\t]*" // leading white space "(?<RuleName>[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_.]*)" // The rule name "[ \\t]*:[ \\t]*" // : "(?<RuleDef>.*?)" // The rule definition "[ \\t]*;$"), // ; <end of line> 0, status)); } BreakRules::~BreakRules() {} CharClass *BreakRules::addCharClass(const UnicodeString &name, const UnicodeString &definition, UErrorCode &status) { // Create the expanded definition for this char class, // replacing any set references with the corresponding definition. UnicodeString expandedDef; UnicodeString emptyString; fSetRefsMatcher->reset(definition); while (fSetRefsMatcher->find() && U_SUCCESS(status)) { const UnicodeString name = fSetRefsMatcher->group(fSetRefsMatcher->pattern().groupNumberFromName("ClassName", status), status); CharClass *nameClass = static_cast<CharClass *>(uhash_get(fCharClasses.getAlias(), &name)); const UnicodeString &expansionForName = nameClass ? nameClass->fExpandedDef : name; fSetRefsMatcher->appendReplacement(expandedDef, emptyString, status); expandedDef.append(expansionForName); } fSetRefsMatcher->appendTail(expandedDef); // Verify that the expanded set definition is valid. if (fMonkeyImpl->fDumpExpansions) { printf("epandedDef: %s\n", CStr(expandedDef)()); } UnicodeSet *s = new UnicodeSet(expandedDef, USET_IGNORE_SPACE, NULL, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d: error %s creating UnicodeSet %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), CStr(name)()); return NULL; } CharClass *cclass = new CharClass(name, definition, expandedDef, s); CharClass *previousClass = static_cast<CharClass *>(uhash_put(fCharClasses.getAlias(), new UnicodeString(name), // Key, owned by hash table. cclass, // Value, owned by hash table. &status)); if (previousClass != NULL) { // Duplicate class def. // These are legitimate, they are adjustments of an existing class. // TODO: will need to keep the old around when we handle tailorings. IntlTest::gTest->logln("Redefinition of character class %s\n", CStr(cclass->fName)()); delete previousClass; } return cclass; } void BreakRules::addRule(const UnicodeString &name, const UnicodeString &definition, UErrorCode &status) { LocalPointer<BreakRule> thisRule(new BreakRule); thisRule->fName = name; thisRule->fRule = definition; // If the rule name contains embedded digits, pad the first numeric field to a fixed length with leading zeroes, // This gives a numeric sort order that matches Unicode UAX rule numbering conventions. UnicodeString emptyString; // Expand the char class definitions within the rule. fSetRefsMatcher->reset(definition); while (fSetRefsMatcher->find() && U_SUCCESS(status)) { const UnicodeString name = fSetRefsMatcher->group(fSetRefsMatcher->pattern().groupNumberFromName("ClassName", status), status); CharClass *nameClass = static_cast<CharClass *>(uhash_get(fCharClasses.getAlias(), &name)); if (!nameClass) { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d char class \"%s\" unrecognized in rule \"%s\"", __FILE__, __LINE__, CStr(name)(), CStr(definition)()); } const UnicodeString &expansionForName = nameClass ? nameClass->fExpandedDef : name; fSetRefsMatcher->appendReplacement(thisRule->fExpandedRule, emptyString, status); thisRule->fExpandedRule.append(expansionForName); } fSetRefsMatcher->appendTail(thisRule->fExpandedRule); // Replace the divide sign (\u00f7) with a regular expression named capture. // When running the rules, a match that includes this group means we found a break position. int32_t dividePos = thisRule->fExpandedRule.indexOf((UChar)0x00f7); if (dividePos >= 0) { thisRule->fExpandedRule.replace(dividePos, 1, UnicodeString("(?<BreakPosition>)")); } if (thisRule->fExpandedRule.indexOf((UChar)0x00f7) != -1) { status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; // TODO: produce a good error message. } // UAX break rule set definitions can be empty, just []. // Regular expression set expressions don't accept this. Substitute with [^\u0000-\U0010ffff], which // also matches nothing. static const UChar emptySet[] = {(UChar)0x5b, (UChar)0x5d, 0}; int32_t where = 0; while ((where = thisRule->fExpandedRule.indexOf(emptySet, 2, 0)) >= 0) { thisRule->fExpandedRule.replace(where, 2, UnicodeString("[^\\u0000-\\U0010ffff]")); } if (fMonkeyImpl->fDumpExpansions) { printf("fExpandedRule: %s\n", CStr(thisRule->fExpandedRule)()); } // Compile a regular expression for this rule. thisRule->fRuleMatcher.adoptInstead(new RegexMatcher(thisRule->fExpandedRule, UREGEX_COMMENTS | UREGEX_DOTALL, status)); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d Error creating regular expression for %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, CStr(thisRule->fExpandedRule)()); return; } // Put this new rule into the vector of all Rules. fBreakRules.addElement(thisRule.orphan(), status); } bool BreakRules::setKeywordParameter(const UnicodeString &keyword, const UnicodeString &value, UErrorCode &status) { if (keyword == UnicodeString("locale")) { CharString localeName; localeName.append(CStr(value)(), -1, status); fLocale = Locale::createFromName(localeName.data()); return true; } if (keyword == UnicodeString("type")) { if (value == UnicodeString("grapheme")) { fType = UBRK_CHARACTER; } else if (value == UnicodeString("word")) { fType = UBRK_WORD; } else if (value == UnicodeString("line")) { fType = UBRK_LINE; } else if (value == UnicodeString("sentence")) { fType = UBRK_SENTENCE; } else { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d Unrecognized break type %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, CStr(value)()); } return true; } // TODO: add tailoring base setting here. return false; } RuleBasedBreakIterator *BreakRules::createICUBreakIterator(UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return NULL; } RuleBasedBreakIterator *bi = NULL; switch(fType) { case UBRK_CHARACTER: bi = dynamic_cast<RuleBasedBreakIterator *>(BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(fLocale, status)); break; case UBRK_WORD: bi = dynamic_cast<RuleBasedBreakIterator *>(BreakIterator::createWordInstance(fLocale, status)); break; case UBRK_LINE: bi = dynamic_cast<RuleBasedBreakIterator *>(BreakIterator::createLineInstance(fLocale, status)); break; case UBRK_SENTENCE: bi = dynamic_cast<RuleBasedBreakIterator *>(BreakIterator::createSentenceInstance(fLocale, status)); break; default: IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d Bad break iterator type of %d", __FILE__, __LINE__, fType); status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; } return bi; } void BreakRules::compileRules(UCHARBUF *rules, UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } UnicodeString emptyString; for (int32_t lineNumber=0; ;lineNumber++) { // Loop once per input line. if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } int32_t lineLength = 0; const UChar *lineBuf = ucbuf_readline(rules, &lineLength, &status); if (lineBuf == NULL) { break; } UnicodeString line(lineBuf, lineLength); // Strip comment lines. fCommentsMatcher->reset(line); line = fCommentsMatcher->replaceFirst(emptyString, status); if (line.isEmpty()) { continue; } // Recognize character class definition and keyword lines fClassDefMatcher->reset(line); if (fClassDefMatcher->matches(status)) { UnicodeString className = fClassDefMatcher->group(fClassDefMatcher->pattern().groupNumberFromName("ClassName", status), status); UnicodeString classDef = fClassDefMatcher->group(fClassDefMatcher->pattern().groupNumberFromName("ClassDef", status), status); if (fMonkeyImpl->fDumpExpansions) { printf("scanned class: %s = %s\n", CStr(className)(), CStr(classDef)()); } if (setKeywordParameter(className, classDef, status)) { // The scanned item was "type = ..." or "locale = ...", etc. // which are not actual character classes. continue; } addCharClass(className, classDef, status); continue; } // Recognize rule lines. fRuleDefMatcher->reset(line); if (fRuleDefMatcher->matches(status)) { UnicodeString ruleName = fRuleDefMatcher->group(fRuleDefMatcher->pattern().groupNumberFromName("RuleName", status), status); UnicodeString ruleDef = fRuleDefMatcher->group(fRuleDefMatcher->pattern().groupNumberFromName("RuleDef", status), status); if (fMonkeyImpl->fDumpExpansions) { printf("scanned rule: %s : %s\n", CStr(ruleName)(), CStr(ruleDef)()); } addRule(ruleName, ruleDef, status); continue; } IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d: Unrecognized line in rule file %s: \"%s\"\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fMonkeyImpl->fRuleFileName, CStr(line)()); } // Build the vector of char classes, omitting the dictionary class if there is one. // This will be used when constructing the random text to be tested. // Also compute the "other" set, consisting of any characters not included in // one or more of the user defined sets. UnicodeSet otherSet((UChar32)0, 0x10ffff); int32_t pos = UHASH_FIRST; const UHashElement *el = NULL; while ((el = uhash_nextElement(fCharClasses.getAlias(), &pos)) != NULL) { const UnicodeString *ccName = static_cast<const UnicodeString *>(el->key.pointer); CharClass *cclass = static_cast<CharClass *>(el->value.pointer); // printf(" Adding %s\n", CStr(*ccName)()); if (*ccName != cclass->fName) { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d: internal error, set names (%s, %s) inconsistent.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, CStr(*ccName)(), CStr(cclass->fName)()); } const UnicodeSet *set = cclass->fSet.getAlias(); otherSet.removeAll(*set); if (*ccName == UnicodeString("dictionary")) { fDictionarySet = *set; } else { fCharClassList->addElement(cclass, status); } } if (!otherSet.isEmpty()) { // fprintf(stderr, "have an other set.\n"); UnicodeString pattern; CharClass *cclass = addCharClass(UnicodeString("__Others"), otherSet.toPattern(pattern), status); fCharClassList->addElement(cclass, status); } } const CharClass *BreakRules::getClassForChar(UChar32 c, int32_t *iter) const { int32_t localIter = 0; int32_t &it = iter? *iter : localIter; while (it < fCharClassList->size()) { const CharClass *cc = static_cast<const CharClass *>(fCharClassList->elementAt(it)); ++it; if (cc->fSet->contains(c)) { return cc; } } return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class MonkeyTestData implementation. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MonkeyTestData::set(BreakRules *rules, IntlTest::icu_rand &rand, UErrorCode &status) { const int32_t dataLength = 1000; // Fill the test string with random characters. // First randomly pick a char class, then randomly pick a character from that class. // Exclude any characters from the dictionary set. // std::cout << "Populating Test Data" << std::endl; fRandomSeed = rand.getSeed(); // Save initial seed for use in error messages, // allowing recreation of failing data. fBkRules = rules; fString.remove(); for (int32_t n=0; n<dataLength;) { int charClassIndex = rand() % rules->fCharClassList->size(); const CharClass *cclass = static_cast<CharClass *>(rules->fCharClassList->elementAt(charClassIndex)); if (cclass->fSet->size() == 0) { // Some rules or tailorings do end up with empty char classes. continue; } int32_t charIndex = rand() % cclass->fSet->size(); UChar32 c = cclass->fSet->charAt(charIndex); if (U16_IS_TRAIL(c) && fString.length() > 0 && U16_IS_LEAD(fString.charAt(fString.length()-1))) { // Character classes may contain unpaired surrogates, e.g. Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control. // Don't let random unpaired surrogates combine in the test data because they might // produce an unwanted dictionary character. continue; } if (!rules->fDictionarySet.contains(c)) { fString.append(c); ++n; } } // Reset each rule matcher regex with this new string. // (Although we are always using the same string object, ICU regular expressions // don't like the underlying string data changing without doing a reset). for (int32_t ruleNum=0; ruleNum<rules->fBreakRules.size(); ruleNum++) { BreakRule *rule = static_cast<BreakRule *>(rules->fBreakRules.elementAt(ruleNum)); rule->fRuleMatcher->reset(fString); } // Init the expectedBreaks, actualBreaks and ruleForPosition strings (used as arrays). // Expected and Actual breaks are one longer than the input string; a non-zero value // will indicate a boundary preceding that position. clearActualBreaks(); fExpectedBreaks = fActualBreaks; fRuleForPosition = fActualBreaks; f2ndRuleForPos = fActualBreaks; // Apply reference rules to find the expected breaks. fExpectedBreaks.setCharAt(0, (UChar)1); // Force an expected break before the start of the text. // ICU always reports a break there. // The reference rules do not have a means to do so. int32_t strIdx = 0; while (strIdx < fString.length()) { BreakRule *matchingRule = NULL; UBool hasBreak = FALSE; int32_t ruleNum = 0; int32_t matchStart = 0; int32_t matchEnd = 0; int32_t breakGroup = 0; for (ruleNum=0; ruleNum<rules->fBreakRules.size(); ruleNum++) { BreakRule *rule = static_cast<BreakRule *>(rules->fBreakRules.elementAt(ruleNum)); rule->fRuleMatcher->reset(); if (rule->fRuleMatcher->lookingAt(strIdx, status)) { // A candidate rule match, check further to see if we take it or continue to check other rules. // Matches of zero or one codepoint count only if they also specify a break. matchStart = rule->fRuleMatcher->start(status); matchEnd = rule->fRuleMatcher->end(status); breakGroup = rule->fRuleMatcher->pattern().groupNumberFromName("BreakPosition", status); hasBreak = U_SUCCESS(status); if (status == U_REGEX_INVALID_CAPTURE_GROUP_NAME) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; } if (hasBreak || fString.moveIndex32(matchStart, 1) < matchEnd) { matchingRule = rule; break; } } } if (matchingRule == NULL) { // No reference rule matched. This is an error in the rules that should never happen. IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d Trouble with monkey test reference rules at position %d. ", __FILE__, __LINE__, strIdx); dump(strIdx); status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; return; } if (matchingRule->fRuleMatcher->group(status).length() == 0) { // Zero length rule match. This is also an error in the rule expressions. IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d Zero length rule match.", __FILE__, __LINE__); status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; return; } // Record which rule matched over the length of the match. for (int i = matchStart; i < matchEnd; i++) { if (fRuleForPosition.charAt(i) == 0) { fRuleForPosition.setCharAt(i, (UChar)ruleNum); } else { f2ndRuleForPos.setCharAt(i, (UChar)ruleNum); } } // Break positions appear in rules as a matching named capture of zero length at the break position, // the adjusted pattern contains (?<BreakPosition>) if (hasBreak) { int32_t breakPos = matchingRule->fRuleMatcher->start(breakGroup, status); if (U_FAILURE(status) || breakPos < 0) { // Rule specified a break, but that break wasn't part of the match, even // though the rule as a whole matched. // Can't happen with regular expressions derived from (equivalent to) ICU break rules. // Shouldn't get here. IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d Internal Rule Error.", __FILE__, __LINE__); status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; break; } fExpectedBreaks.setCharAt(breakPos, (UChar)1); // printf("recording break at %d\n", breakPos); // For the next iteration, pick up applying rules immediately after the break, // which may differ from end of the match. The matching rule may have included // context following the boundary that needs to be looked at again. strIdx = matchingRule->fRuleMatcher->end(breakGroup, status); } else { // Original rule didn't specify a break. // Continue applying rules starting on the last code point of this match. strIdx = fString.moveIndex32(matchEnd, -1); if (strIdx == matchStart) { // Match was only one code point, no progress if we continue. // Shouldn't get here, case is filtered out at top of loop. CharString ruleName; ruleName.appendInvariantChars(matchingRule->fName, status); IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d Rule %s internal error", __FILE__, __LINE__, ruleName.data()); status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; break; } } if (U_FAILURE(status)) { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d status = %s. Unexpected failure, perhaps problem internal to test.", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); break; } } } void MonkeyTestData::clearActualBreaks() { fActualBreaks.remove(); // Actual Breaks length is one longer than the data string length, allowing // for breaks before the first and after the last character in the data. for (int32_t i=0; i<=fString.length(); i++) { fActualBreaks.append((UChar)0); } } void MonkeyTestData::dump(int32_t around) const { printf("\n" " char break Rule Character\n" " pos code class R I name name\n" "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); int32_t start; int32_t end; if (around == -1) { start = 0; end = fString.length(); } else { // Display context around a failure. start = fString.moveIndex32(around, -30); end = fString.moveIndex32(around, +30); } for (int charIdx = start; charIdx < end; charIdx=fString.moveIndex32(charIdx, 1)) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar32 c = fString.char32At(charIdx); const CharClass *cc = fBkRules->getClassForChar(c); CharString ccName; ccName.appendInvariantChars(cc->fName, status); CharString ruleName, secondRuleName; const BreakRule *rule = static_cast<BreakRule *>(fBkRules->fBreakRules.elementAt(fRuleForPosition.charAt(charIdx))); ruleName.appendInvariantChars(rule->fName, status); if (f2ndRuleForPos.charAt(charIdx) > 0) { const BreakRule *secondRule = static_cast<BreakRule *>(fBkRules->fBreakRules.elementAt(f2ndRuleForPos.charAt(charIdx))); secondRuleName.appendInvariantChars(secondRule->fName, status); } char cName[200]; u_charName(c, U_EXTENDED_CHAR_NAME, cName, sizeof(cName), &status); printf(" %4.1d %6.4x %-20s %c %c %-10s %-10s %s\n", charIdx, c, ccName.data(), fExpectedBreaks.charAt(charIdx) ? '*' : '.', fActualBreaks.charAt(charIdx) ? '*' : '.', ruleName.data(), secondRuleName.data(), cName ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class RBBIMonkeyImpl // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RBBIMonkeyImpl::RBBIMonkeyImpl(UErrorCode &status) : fDumpExpansions(FALSE), fThread(this) { (void)status; // suppress unused parameter compiler warning. } // RBBIMonkeyImpl setup does all of the setup for a single rule set - compiling the // reference rules and creating the icu breakiterator to test, // with its type and locale coming from the reference rules. void RBBIMonkeyImpl::setup(const char *ruleFile, UErrorCode &status) { fRuleFileName = ruleFile; openBreakRules(ruleFile, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d Error %s opening file %s.", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), ruleFile); return; } fRuleSet.adoptInstead(new BreakRules(this, status)); fRuleSet->compileRules(fRuleCharBuffer.getAlias(), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d Error %s processing file %s.", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), ruleFile); return; } fBI.adoptInstead(fRuleSet->createICUBreakIterator(status)); fTestData.adoptInstead(new MonkeyTestData()); } RBBIMonkeyImpl::~RBBIMonkeyImpl() { } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::openBreakRules(const char *fileName, UErrorCode &status) { CharString path; path.append(IntlTest::getSourceTestData(status), status); path.append("break_rules" U_FILE_SEP_STRING, status); path.appendPathPart(fileName, status); const char *codePage = "UTF-8"; fRuleCharBuffer.adoptInstead(ucbuf_open(path.data(), &codePage, TRUE, FALSE, &status)); } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::startTest() { fThread.start(); // invokes runTest() in a separate thread. } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::join() { fThread.join(); } #define MONKEY_ERROR(msg, index) { \ IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d %s at index %d. Parameters to reproduce: @rules=%s,seed=%u,loop=1,verbose ", \ __FILE__, __LINE__, msg, index, fRuleFileName, fTestData->fRandomSeed); \ if (fVerbose) { fTestData->dump(index); } \ status = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR; \ } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::runTest() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t errorCount = 0; for (int64_t loopCount = 0; fLoopCount < 0 || loopCount < fLoopCount; loopCount++) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; fTestData->set(fRuleSet.getAlias(), fRandomGenerator, status); if (fBI.isNull()) { IntlTest::gTest->dataerrln("Unable to run test because fBI is null."); return; } // fTestData->dump(); testForwards(status); testPrevious(status); testFollowing(status); testPreceding(status); testIsBoundary(status); testIsBoundaryRandom(status); if (fLoopCount < 0 && loopCount % 100 == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "."); } if (U_FAILURE(status)) { if (++errorCount > 10) { return; } } } } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::testForwards(UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } fTestData->clearActualBreaks(); fBI->setText(fTestData->fString); int32_t previousBreak = -2; for (int32_t bk=fBI->first(); bk != BreakIterator::DONE; bk=fBI->next()) { if (bk <= previousBreak) { MONKEY_ERROR("Break Iterator Stall", bk); return; } if (bk < 0 || bk > fTestData->fString.length()) { MONKEY_ERROR("Boundary out of bounds", bk); return; } fTestData->fActualBreaks.setCharAt(bk, 1); } checkResults("testForwards", FORWARD, status); } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::testFollowing(UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } fTestData->clearActualBreaks(); fBI->setText(fTestData->fString); int32_t nextBreak = -1; for (int32_t i=-1 ; i<fTestData->fString.length(); ++i) { int32_t bk = fBI->following(i); if (bk == BreakIterator::DONE && i == fTestData->fString.length()) { continue; } if (bk == nextBreak && bk > i) { // i is in the gap between two breaks. continue; } if (i == nextBreak && bk > nextBreak) { fTestData->fActualBreaks.setCharAt(bk, 1); nextBreak = bk; continue; } MONKEY_ERROR("following(i)", i); return; } checkResults("testFollowing", FORWARD, status); } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::testPrevious(UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) {return;} fTestData->clearActualBreaks(); fBI->setText(fTestData->fString); int32_t previousBreak = INT32_MAX; for (int32_t bk=fBI->last(); bk != BreakIterator::DONE; bk=fBI->previous()) { if (bk >= previousBreak) { MONKEY_ERROR("Break Iterator Stall", bk); return; } if (bk < 0 || bk > fTestData->fString.length()) { MONKEY_ERROR("Boundary out of bounds", bk); return; } fTestData->fActualBreaks.setCharAt(bk, 1); } checkResults("testPrevius", REVERSE, status); } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::testPreceding(UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } fTestData->clearActualBreaks(); fBI->setText(fTestData->fString); int32_t nextBreak = fTestData->fString.length()+1; for (int32_t i=fTestData->fString.length()+1 ; i>=0; --i) { int32_t bk = fBI->preceding(i); // printf("i:%d bk:%d nextBreak:%d\n", i, bk, nextBreak); if (bk == BreakIterator::DONE && i == 0) { continue; } if (bk == nextBreak && bk < i) { // i is in the gap between two breaks. continue; } if (i<fTestData->fString.length() && fTestData->fString.getChar32Start(i) < i) { // i indexes to a trailing surrogate. // Break Iterators treat an index to either half as referring to the supplemental code point, // with preceding going to some preceding code point. if (fBI->preceding(i) != fBI->preceding(fTestData->fString.getChar32Start(i))) { MONKEY_ERROR("preceding of trailing surrogate error", i); } continue; } if (i == nextBreak && bk < nextBreak) { fTestData->fActualBreaks.setCharAt(bk, 1); nextBreak = bk; continue; } MONKEY_ERROR("preceding(i)", i); return; } checkResults("testPreceding", REVERSE, status); } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::testIsBoundary(UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } fTestData->clearActualBreaks(); fBI->setText(fTestData->fString); for (int i=fTestData->fString.length(); i>=0; --i) { if (fBI->isBoundary(i)) { fTestData->fActualBreaks.setCharAt(i, 1); } } checkResults("testForwards", FORWARD, status); } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::testIsBoundaryRandom(UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } fBI->setText(fTestData->fString); int stringLen = fTestData->fString.length(); for (int i=stringLen; i>=0; --i) { int strIdx = fRandomGenerator() % stringLen; if (fTestData->fExpectedBreaks.charAt(strIdx) != fBI->isBoundary(strIdx)) { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d testIsBoundaryRandom failure at index %d. Parameters to reproduce: @rules=%s,seed=%u,loop=1,verbose ", __FILE__, __LINE__, strIdx, fRuleFileName, fTestData->fRandomSeed); if (fVerbose) { fTestData->dump(i); } status = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR; break; } } } void RBBIMonkeyImpl::checkResults(const char *msg, CheckDirection direction, UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } if (direction == FORWARD) { for (int i=0; i<=fTestData->fString.length(); ++i) { if (fTestData->fExpectedBreaks.charAt(i) != fTestData->fActualBreaks.charAt(i)) { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d %s failure at index %d. Parameters to reproduce: @rules=%s,seed=%u,loop=1,verbose ", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg, i, fRuleFileName, fTestData->fRandomSeed); if (fVerbose) { fTestData->dump(i); } status = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR; // Prevent the test from continuing, which would likely break; // produce many redundant errors. } } } else { for (int i=fTestData->fString.length(); i>=0; i--) { if (fTestData->fExpectedBreaks.charAt(i) != fTestData->fActualBreaks.charAt(i)) { IntlTest::gTest->errln("%s:%d %s failure at index %d. Parameters to reproduce: @rules=%s,seed=%u,loop=1,verbose ", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg, i, fRuleFileName, fTestData->fRandomSeed); if (fVerbose) { fTestData->dump(i); } status = U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR; break; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class RBBIMonkeyTest implementation. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RBBIMonkeyTest::RBBIMonkeyTest() { } RBBIMonkeyTest::~RBBIMonkeyTest() { } // params, taken from this->fParams. // rules=file_name Name of file containing the reference rules. // seed=nnnnn Random number starting seed. // Setting the seed allows errors to be reproduced. // loop=nnn Looping count. Controls running time. // -1: run forever. // 0 or greater: run length. // expansions debug option, show expansions of rules and sets. // verbose Display details of the failure. // // Parameters on the intltest command line follow the test name, and are preceded by '@'. // For example, // intltest rbbi/RBBIMonkeyTest/testMonkey@rules=line.txt,loop=-1 // void RBBIMonkeyTest::testMonkey() { // printf("Test parameters: %s\n", fParams); UnicodeString params(fParams); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *tests[] = {"grapheme.txt", "word.txt", "line.txt", "sentence.txt", "line_normal.txt", "line_normal_cj.txt", "line_loose.txt", "line_loose_cj.txt", "word_POSIX.txt", NULL }; CharString testNameFromParams; if (getStringParam("rules", params, testNameFromParams, status)) { tests[0] = testNameFromParams.data(); tests[1] = NULL; } int64_t loopCount = quick? 100 : 5000; getIntParam("loop", params, loopCount, status); UBool dumpExpansions = FALSE; getBoolParam("expansions", params, dumpExpansions, status); UBool verbose = FALSE; getBoolParam("verbose", params, verbose, status); int64_t seed = 0; getIntParam("seed", params, seed, status); if (params.length() != 0) { // Options processing did not consume all of the parameters. Something unrecognized was present. CharString unrecognizedParameters; unrecognizedParameters.append(CStr(params)(), -1, status); errln("%s:%d unrecognized test parameter(s) \"%s\"", __FILE__, __LINE__, unrecognizedParameters.data()); return; } UVector startedTests(status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("%s:%d: error %s while setting up test.", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); return; } // Monkey testing is multi-threaded. // Each set of break rules to be tested is run in a separate thread. // Each thread/set of rules gets a separate RBBIMonkeyImpl object. int32_t i; for (i=0; tests[i] != NULL; ++i) { logln("beginning testing of %s", tests[i]); RBBIMonkeyImpl *test = new RBBIMonkeyImpl(status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("%s:%d: error %s while starting test %s.", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), tests[i]); break; } test->fDumpExpansions = dumpExpansions; test->fVerbose = verbose; test->fRandomGenerator.seed((uint32_t)seed); test->fLoopCount = loopCount; test->setup(tests[i], status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("%s:%d: error %s while starting test %s.", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), tests[i]); break; } test->startTest(); startedTests.addElement(test, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("%s:%d: error %s while starting test %s.", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), tests[i]); break; } } for (i=0; i<startedTests.size(); ++i) { RBBIMonkeyImpl *test = static_cast<RBBIMonkeyImpl *>(startedTests.elementAt(i)); test->join(); delete test; } } UBool RBBIMonkeyTest::getIntParam(UnicodeString name, UnicodeString ¶ms, int64_t &val, UErrorCode &status) { name.append(" *= *(-?\\d+) *,? *"); RegexMatcher m(name, params, 0, status); if (m.find()) { // The param exists. Convert the string to an int. CharString str; str.append(CStr(m.group(1, status))(), -1, status); val = strtol(str.data(), NULL, 10); // Delete this parameter from the params string. m.reset(); params = m.replaceFirst(UnicodeString(), status); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } UBool RBBIMonkeyTest::getStringParam(UnicodeString name, UnicodeString ¶ms, CharString &dest, UErrorCode &status) { name.append(" *= *([^ ,]*) *,? *"); RegexMatcher m(name, params, 0, status); if (m.find()) { // The param exists. dest.append(CStr(m.group(1, status))(), -1, status); // Delete this parameter from the params string. m.reset(); params = m.replaceFirst(UnicodeString(), status); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } UBool RBBIMonkeyTest::getBoolParam(UnicodeString name, UnicodeString ¶ms, UBool &dest, UErrorCode &status) { name.append("(?: *= *(true|false))? *,? *"); RegexMatcher m(name, params, UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE, status); if (m.find()) { if (m.start(1, status) > 0) { // user option included a value. dest = m.group(1, status).caseCompare(UnicodeString("true"), U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT) == 0; } else { // No explicit user value, implies true. dest = TRUE; } // Delete this parameter from the params string. m.reset(); params = m.replaceFirst(UnicodeString(), status); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #endif /* !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION && !UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS && !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */