// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
 * Copyright (c) 1997-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
 * others. All Rights Reserved.


#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "unicode/datefmt.h"
#include "unicode/smpdtfmt.h"
#include "caltztst.h"

 * Performs many different tests for DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat
class DateFormatTest: public CalendarTimeZoneTest {
    // IntlTest override
    void runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* par );
     * Verify that patterns have the correct values and could produce
     * the DateFormat instances that contain the correct localized patterns.
    void TestPatterns();
     *  "Test written by Wally Wedel and emailed to me."
     *  Test handling of timezone offsets
    virtual void TestWallyWedel(void);
     * Test operator==
    virtual void TestEquals(void);
     * Test the parsing of 2-digit years.
    virtual void TestTwoDigitYearDSTParse(void);

public: // package
    // internal utility routine (genrates escape sequences for characters)
    static UnicodeString& escape(UnicodeString& s);

     * Verify that returned field position indices are correct.
    void TestFieldPosition(void);

    void TestGeneral();

public: // package
    // internal utility function
    static void getFieldText(DateFormat* df, int32_t field, UDate date, UnicodeString& str);

     * Verify that strings which contain incomplete specifications are parsed
     * correctly.  In some instances, this means not being parsed at all, and
     * returning an appropriate error.
    virtual void TestPartialParse994(void);

public: // package
    // internal test subroutine, used by TestPartialParse994
    virtual void tryPat994(SimpleDateFormat* format, const char* pat, const char* str, UDate expected);

     * Verify the behavior of patterns in which digits for different fields run together
     * without intervening separators.
    virtual void TestRunTogetherPattern985(void);
     * Verify the behavior of patterns in which digits for different fields run together
     * without intervening separators.
    virtual void TestRunTogetherPattern917(void);

public: // package
    // internal test subroutine, used by TestRunTogetherPattern917
    virtual void testIt917(SimpleDateFormat* fmt, UnicodeString& str, UDate expected);

     * Verify the handling of Czech June and July, which have the unique attribute that
     * one is a proper prefix substring of the other.
    virtual void TestCzechMonths459(void);
     * Test the handling of 'D' in patterns.
    virtual void TestLetterDPattern212(void);
     * Test the day of year pattern.
    virtual void TestDayOfYearPattern195(void);

public: // package
    // interl test subroutine, used by TestDayOfYearPattern195
    virtual void tryPattern(SimpleDateFormat& sdf, UDate d, const char* pattern, UDate expected);

     * Test the handling of single quotes in patterns.
    virtual void TestQuotePattern161(void);
     * Verify the correct behavior when handling invalid input strings.
    virtual void TestBadInput135(void);

     * Verify the correct behavior when parsing an array of inputs against an
     * array of patterns, with known results.  The results are encoded after
     * the input strings in each row.
    virtual void TestBadInput135a(void);
     * Test the parsing of two-digit years.
    virtual void TestTwoDigitYear(void);

public: // package
    // internal test subroutine, used by TestTwoDigitYear
    virtual void parse2DigitYear(DateFormat& fmt, const char* str, UDate expected);

     * Test the formatting of time zones.
    virtual void TestDateFormatZone061(void);
     * Further test the formatting of time zones.
    virtual void TestDateFormatZone146(void);

    void TestTimeZoneStringsAPI(void);

    void TestGMTParsing(void);

public: // package
     * Test the formatting of dates in different locales.
    virtual void TestLocaleDateFormat(void);

    virtual void TestFormattingLocaleTimeSeparator(void);

    virtual void TestDateFormatCalendar(void);

    virtual void TestSpaceParsing(void);

    void TestExactCountFormat(void);

    void TestWhiteSpaceParsing(void);

    void TestInvalidPattern(void);

    void TestGreekMay(void);

    void TestGenericTime(void);

    void TestGenericTimeZoneOrder(void);

    void Test6338(void);

    void Test6726(void);

    void Test6880(void);

    void TestISOEra(void);

    void TestFormalChineseDate(void);

    void TestStandAloneGMTParse(void);

    void TestParsePosition(void);

    void TestMonthPatterns(void);

    void TestContext(void);

    void TestNonGregoFmtParse(void);

    void TestFormatsWithNumberSystems(void);

     * Test host-specific formatting.
    void TestHost(void);

     * Test patterns added in CLDR 1.4, CLDR 23
    void TestEras(void);

    void TestNarrowNames(void);

    void TestShortDays(void);

    void TestStandAloneDays(void);

    void TestStandAloneMonths(void);

    void TestQuarters(void);

    void TestZTimeZoneParsing(void);

    void TestRelativeClone(void);

    void TestHostClone(void);

    void TestHebrewClone(void);

    void TestDateFormatSymbolsClone(void);

    void TestTimeZoneDisplayName(void);

    void TestRoundtripWithCalendar(void);

     * Test Relative Dates
     void TestRelative(void);
/*   void TestRelativeError(void);
     void TestRelativeOther(void);

    void TestDotAndAtLeniency();

    void TestDateFormatLeniency();

    void TestParseMultiPatternMatch();

    void TestParseLeniencyAPIs();

    // test override NumberFormat
    void TestNumberFormatOverride();
    void TestCreateInstanceForSkeleton();
    void TestCreateInstanceForSkeletonDefault();
    void TestCreateInstanceForSkeletonWithCalendar();
    void TestDFSCreateForLocaleNonGregorianLocale();
    void TestDFSCreateForLocaleWithCalendarInLocale();
    void TestChangeCalendar();

    void TestPatternFromSkeleton();

    void TestAmPmMidnightNoon();
    void TestFlexibleDayPeriod();
    void TestDayPeriodWithLocales();
    void TestMinuteSecondFieldsInOddPlaces();
    void TestDayPeriodParsing();

    UBool showParse(DateFormat &format, const UnicodeString &formattedString);

     * Test parsing a number as a string
    void TestNumberAsStringParsing(void);

      void TestRelative(int daysdelta,
                                  const Locale& loc,
                                  const char *expectChars);

    void expectParse(const char** data, int32_t data_length,
                     const Locale& locale);

    void expect(const char** data, int32_t data_length,
                const Locale& loc);

    void expectFormat(const char **data, int32_t data_length,
                      const Locale &locale);


#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
