// Copyright 2006-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.

/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_stream.h#2 $ */ 
/* $DateTime: 2012/06/01 07:28:57 $ */
/* $Change: 832715 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */

/** Data stream abstraction for serializing and deserializing sequences of
 *  basic types and RAW image data.


#ifndef __dng_stream__
#define __dng_stream__


#include "dng_classes.h"
#include "dng_types.h"
#include "dng_memory.h"
#include "dng_rational.h"
#include "dng_utils.h"


// Constants for invalid offset in streams.

const uint64 kDNGStreamInvalidOffset = (uint64) (int64) -1;


/// Base stream abstraction. Has support for going between stream and pointer
/// abstraction.

class dng_stream
			kSmallBufferSize =  4 * 1024,
			kBigBufferSize   = 64 * 1024,
			kDefaultBufferSize = kSmallBufferSize
		bool fSwapBytes;
		bool fHaveLength;
		uint64 fLength;
		const uint64 fOffsetInOriginalFile;
		uint64 fPosition;
		dng_memory_data fMemBlock;
		uint8 *fBuffer;
		uint32 fBufferSize;
		uint64 fBufferStart;
		uint64 fBufferEnd;
		uint64 fBufferLimit;
		bool fBufferDirty;
		dng_abort_sniffer *fSniffer;
		dng_stream (dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer = NULL,
					uint32 bufferSize = kDefaultBufferSize,
					uint64 offsetInOriginalFile = kDNGStreamInvalidOffset);
		virtual uint64 DoGetLength ();
		virtual void DoRead (void *data,
							 uint32 count,
							 uint64 offset);
		virtual void DoSetLength (uint64 length);
		virtual void DoWrite (const void *data,
							  uint32 count,
							  uint64 offset);
		/// Construct a stream with initial data.
		/// \param data Pointer to initial contents of stream.
		/// \param count Number of bytes data is valid for.
		/// \param offsetInOriginalFile If data came from a file originally,
		/// offset can be saved here for later use.

		dng_stream (const void *data,
					uint32 count,
					uint64 offsetInOriginalFile = kDNGStreamInvalidOffset);
		virtual ~dng_stream ();
		/// Getter for whether stream is swapping byte order on input/output.
		/// \retval If true, data will be swapped on input/output.

		bool SwapBytes () const
			return fSwapBytes;
		/// Setter for whether stream is swapping byte order on input/output.
		/// \param swapBytes If true, stream will swap byte order on input or
		/// output for future reads/writes.

		void SetSwapBytes (bool swapBytes)
			fSwapBytes = swapBytes;

		/// Getter for whether data in stream is big endian.
		/// \retval If true, data in stream is big endian.

		bool BigEndian () const;
		/// Setter for whether data in stream is big endian.
		/// \param bigEndian If true, data in stream is big endian.

		void SetBigEndian (bool bigEndian = true);
		/// Getter for whether data in stream is big endian.
		/// \retval If true, data in stream is big endian.

		bool LittleEndian () const
			return !BigEndian ();
		/// Setter for whether data in stream is big endian.
		/// \param littleEndian If true, data in stream is big endian.

		void SetLittleEndian (bool littleEndian = true)
			SetBigEndian (!littleEndian);
		/// Returns the size of the buffer used by the stream.
		uint32 BufferSize () const
			return fBufferSize;

		/// Getter for length of data in stream.
		/// \retval Length of readable data in stream.
		uint64 Length ()
			if (!fHaveLength)
				fLength = DoGetLength ();
				fHaveLength = true;
			return fLength;

		/// Getter for current offset in stream.
		/// \retval current offset from start of stream.

		uint64 Position () const
			return fPosition;
		/// Getter for current position in original file, taking into account
		/// OffsetInOriginalFile stream data was taken from.
		/// \retval kInvalidOffset if no offset in original file is set, sum 
		/// of offset in original file and current position otherwise.

		uint64 PositionInOriginalFile () const;
		/// Getter for offset in original file.
		/// \retval kInvalidOffset if no offset in original file is set,
		/// offset in original file otherwise.

		uint64 OffsetInOriginalFile () const;
		/// Return pointer to stream contents if the stream is entirely 
		/// available as a single memory block, NULL otherwise.

		const void * Data () const;
		/// Return the entire stream as a single memory block.
		/// This works for all streams, but requires copying the data to a new buffer.
		/// \param allocator Allocator used to allocate memory.

		dng_memory_block * AsMemoryBlock (dng_memory_allocator &allocator);

		/// Seek to a new position in stream for reading.

		void SetReadPosition (uint64 offset);
		/// Skip forward in stream.
		/// \param delta Number of bytes to skip forward.

		void Skip (uint64 delta)
			SetReadPosition (Position () + delta);

		/// Get data from stream. Exception is thrown and no data is read if 
		/// insufficient data available in stream.
		/// \param data Buffer to put data into. Must be valid for count bytes.
		/// \param count Bytes of data to read.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file 
		/// if not enough data in stream.
		void Get (void *data, uint32 count);

		/// Seek to a new position in stream for writing.
		void SetWritePosition (uint64 offset);
		/// Force any stored data in stream to be written to underlying storage.

		void Flush ();

		/// Set length of available data.
		/// \param length Number of bytes of avialble data in stream.

		void SetLength (uint64 length);

		/// Write data to stream.
		/// \param data Buffer of data to write to stream.
		/// \param count Bytes of in data.

		void Put (const void *data, uint32 count);

		/// Get an unsigned 8-bit integer from stream and advance read position.
		/// \retval One unsigned 8-bit integer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file 
		/// if not enough data in stream.
		uint8 Get_uint8 ()
			// Fast check to see if in buffer
			if (fPosition >= fBufferStart && fPosition < fBufferEnd)
				return fBuffer [fPosition++ - fBufferStart];
			// Not in buffer, let main routine do the work.
			uint8 x;
			Get (&x, 1);
			return x;
		/// Put an unsigned 8-bit integer to stream and advance write position.
		/// \param x One unsigned 8-bit integer.
		void Put_uint8 (uint8 x)
			if (fBufferDirty               &&
			    fPosition  >= fBufferStart &&
				fPosition  <= fBufferEnd   &&
				fPosition  <  fBufferLimit)
				fBuffer [fPosition - fBufferStart] = x;
				if (fBufferEnd < fPosition)
					fBufferEnd = fPosition;
				fLength = Max_uint64 (Length (), fPosition);
				Put (&x, 1);
		/// Get an unsigned 16-bit integer from stream and advance read position. 
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \retval One unsigned 16-bit integer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.
		uint16 Get_uint16 ();
		/// Put an unsigned 16-bit integer to stream and advance write position.
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \param x One unsigned 16-bit integer.

		void Put_uint16 (uint16 x);
		/// Get an unsigned 32-bit integer from stream and advance read position. 
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \retval One unsigned 32-bit integer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.
		uint32 Get_uint32 ();
		/// Put an unsigned 32-bit integer to stream and advance write position. 
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \param x One unsigned 32-bit integer.

		void Put_uint32 (uint32 x);
		/// Get an unsigned 64-bit integer from stream and advance read position. 
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \retval One unsigned 64-bit integer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.
		uint64 Get_uint64 ();
		/// Put an unsigned 64-bit integer to stream and advance write position. 
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \param x One unsigned 64-bit integer.

		void Put_uint64 (uint64 x);
		/// Get one 8-bit integer from stream and advance read position.
		/// \retval One 8-bit integer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.

		int8 Get_int8 ()
			return (int8) Get_uint8 ();
		/// Put one 8-bit integer to stream and advance write position.
		/// \param x One  8-bit integer.

		void Put_int8 (int8 x)
			Put_uint8 ((uint8) x);

		/// Get one 16-bit integer from stream and advance read position. 
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \retval One 16-bit integer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file 
		/// if not enough data in stream.

		int16 Get_int16 ()
			return (int16) Get_uint16 ();
		/// Put one 16-bit integer to stream and advance write position.
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \param x One 16-bit integer.

		void Put_int16 (int16 x)
			Put_uint16 ((uint16) x);

		/// Get one 32-bit integer from stream and advance read position. 
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \retval One 32-bit integer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.

		int32 Get_int32 ()
			return (int32) Get_uint32 ();
		/// Put one 32-bit integer to stream and advance write position.
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \param x One 32-bit integer.

		void Put_int32 (int32 x)
			Put_uint32 ((uint32) x);
		/// Get one 64-bit integer from stream and advance read position. 
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \retval One 64-bit integer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.

		int64 Get_int64 ()
			return (int64) Get_uint64 ();
		/// Put one 64-bit integer to stream and advance write position.
		/// Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \param x One 64-bit integer.

		void Put_int64 (int64 x)
			Put_uint64 ((uint64) x);
		/// Get one 32-bit IEEE floating-point number from stream and advance 
		/// read position. Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \retval One 32-bit IEEE floating-point number.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file 
		/// if not enough data in stream.

		real32 Get_real32 ();
		/// Put one 32-bit IEEE floating-point number to stream and advance write
		/// position. Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \param x One 32-bit IEEE floating-point number.

		void Put_real32 (real32 x);
		/// Get one 64-bit IEEE floating-point number from stream and advance
		/// read position. Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \retval One 64-bit IEEE floating-point number .
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.

		real64 Get_real64 ();
		/// Put one 64-bit IEEE floating-point number to stream and advance write
		/// position. Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on.
		/// \param x One64-bit IEEE floating-point number.

		void Put_real64 (real64 x);
		/// Get an 8-bit character string from stream and advance read position.
		/// Routine always reads until a NUL character (8-bits of zero) is read.
		/// (That is, only maxLength bytes will be returned in buffer, but the
		/// stream is always advanced until a NUL is read or EOF is reached.)
		/// \param data Buffer in which string is returned.
		/// \param maxLength Maximum number of bytes to place in buffer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if stream runs out before NUL is seen.

		void Get_CString (char *data,
						  uint32 maxLength);
		/// Get a 16-bit character string from stream and advance read position.
		/// 16-bit characters are truncated to 8-bits.
		/// Routine always reads until a NUL character (16-bits of zero) is read.
		/// (That is, only maxLength bytes will be returned in buffer, but the 
		/// stream is always advanced until a NUL is read or EOF is reached.)
		/// \param data Buffer to place string in.
		/// \param maxLength Maximum number of bytes to place in buffer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if stream runs out before NUL is seen.

		void Get_UString (char *data,
						  uint32 maxLength);
		/// Writes the specified number of zero bytes to stream.
		/// \param count Number of zero bytes to write.
		void PutZeros (uint64 count);
		/// Writes zeros to align the stream position to a multiple of 2.
		void PadAlign2 ();
		/// Writes zeros to align the stream position to a multiple of 4.
		void PadAlign4 ();
		/// Get a value of size indicated by tag type from stream and advance
		/// read position. Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on and tag type
		/// is larger than a byte. Value is returned as an unsigned 32-bit integer. 
		/// \param tagType Tag type of data stored in stream.
		/// \retval One unsigned 32-bit integer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.

		uint32 TagValue_uint32 (uint32 tagType);

		/// Get a value of size indicated by tag type from stream and advance read
		/// position. Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on and tag type is larger
		/// than a byte. Value is returned as a 32-bit integer. 
		/// \param tagType Tag type of data stored in stream.
		/// \retval One 32-bit integer.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file 
		/// if not enough data in stream.

		int32 TagValue_int32 (uint32 tagType);
		/// Get a value of size indicated by tag type from stream and advance read 
		/// position. Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on and tag type is larger
		/// than a byte. Value is returned as a dng_urational. 
		/// \param tagType Tag type of data stored in stream.
		/// \retval One dng_urational.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.

		dng_urational TagValue_urational (uint32 tagType);

		/// Get a value of size indicated by tag type from stream and advance read
		/// position. Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on and tag type is larger
		/// than a byte. Value is returned as a dng_srational. 
		/// \param tagType Tag type of data stored in stream.
		/// \retval One dng_srational.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.
		dng_srational TagValue_srational (uint32 tagType);

		/// Get a value of size indicated by tag type from stream and advance read
		/// position. Byte swap if byte swapping is turned on and tag type is larger
		/// than a byte. Value is returned as a 64-bit IEEE floating-point number. 
		/// \param tagType Tag type of data stored in stream.
		/// \retval One 64-bit IEEE floating-point number.
		/// \exception dng_exception with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_end_of_file
		/// if not enough data in stream.

		real64 TagValue_real64 (uint32 tagType);

		/// Getter for sniffer associated with stream.
		/// \retval The sniffer for this stream.
		dng_abort_sniffer * Sniffer () const
			return fSniffer;
		/// Putter for sniffer associated with stream.
		/// \param sniffer The new sniffer to use (or NULL for none).
		void SetSniffer (dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer)
			fSniffer = sniffer;
		/// Copy a specified number of bytes to a target stream.
		/// \param dstStream The target stream.
		/// \param count The number of bytes to copy.
		virtual void CopyToStream (dng_stream &dstStream,
								   uint64 count);
		/// Makes the target stream a copy of this stream.
		/// \param dstStream The target stream.
		void DuplicateStream (dng_stream &dstStream);
		// Hidden copy constructor and assignment operator.
		dng_stream (const dng_stream &stream);
		dng_stream & operator= (const dng_stream &stream);

class TempBigEndian
		dng_stream & fStream;
		bool fOldSwap;
		TempBigEndian (dng_stream &stream,
					   bool bigEndian = true);
		virtual ~TempBigEndian ();

class TempLittleEndian: public TempBigEndian
		TempLittleEndian (dng_stream &stream,
						  bool littleEndian = true)
			:	TempBigEndian (stream, !littleEndian)
		virtual ~TempLittleEndian ()


class TempStreamSniffer
		dng_stream & fStream;
		dng_abort_sniffer *fOldSniffer;
		TempStreamSniffer (dng_stream &stream,
					       dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer);
		virtual ~TempStreamSniffer ();
		// Hidden copy constructor and assignment operator.
		TempStreamSniffer (const TempStreamSniffer &temp);
		TempStreamSniffer & operator= (const TempStreamSniffer &temp);

class PreserveStreamReadPosition
		dng_stream & fStream;
		uint64 fPosition;
		PreserveStreamReadPosition (dng_stream &stream)

			:	fStream	  (stream)
			,	fPosition (stream.Position ())

		~PreserveStreamReadPosition ()
			fStream.SetReadPosition (fPosition);
		// Hidden copy constructor and assignment operator.
		PreserveStreamReadPosition (const PreserveStreamReadPosition &rhs);
		PreserveStreamReadPosition & operator= (const PreserveStreamReadPosition &rhs);
