// Copyright 2008-2009 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.

/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_opcode_list.h#2 $ */ 
/* $DateTime: 2012/07/31 22:04:34 $ */
/* $Change: 840853 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */

/** \file
 * List of opcodes.


#ifndef __dng_opcode_list__
#define __dng_opcode_list__


#include "dng_auto_ptr.h"
#include "dng_classes.h"
#include "dng_memory.h"
#include "dng_opcodes.h"

#include <vector>


/// A list of opcodes.

class dng_opcode_list
		dng_std_vector<dng_opcode *> fList;
		bool fAlwaysApply;
		uint32 fStage;

		/// Create an empty opcode list for the specific image stage (1, 2, or 3).
		dng_opcode_list (uint32 stage);
		~dng_opcode_list ();

		/// Is the opcode list empty?
		bool IsEmpty () const
			return fList.size () == 0;

		/// Does the list contain at least 1 opcode?
		bool NotEmpty () const
			return !IsEmpty ();

		/// Should the opcode list always be applied to the image?
		bool AlwaysApply () const
			return fAlwaysApply && NotEmpty ();

		/// Set internal flag to indicate this opcode list should always be
		/// applied.
		void SetAlwaysApply ()
			fAlwaysApply = true;

		/// The number of opcodes in this list.
		uint32 Count () const
			return (uint32) fList.size ();

		/// Retrieve read/write opcode by index (must be in the range 0 to Count
		/// () - 1).
		dng_opcode & Entry (uint32 index)
			return *fList [index];

		/// Retrieve read-only opcode by index (must be in the range 0 to Count
		/// () - 1).
		const dng_opcode & Entry (uint32 index) const
			return *fList [index];

		/// Remove all opcodes from the list.

		void Clear ();

		/// Swap two opcode lists.
		void Swap (dng_opcode_list &otherList);

		/// Return minimum DNG version required to support all opcodes in this
		/// list. If includeOptional is set to true, then this calculation will
		/// include optional opcodes.
		uint32 MinVersion (bool includeOptional) const;
		/// Apply this opcode list to the specified image with corresponding
		/// negative.

		void Apply (dng_host &host,
					dng_negative &negative,
					AutoPtr<dng_image> &image);

		/// Append the specified opcode to this list.
		void Append (AutoPtr<dng_opcode> &opcode);

		/// Serialize this opcode list to a block of memory. The caller is
		/// responsible for deleting this block.
		dng_memory_block * Spool (dng_host &host) const;

		/// Write a fingerprint of this opcode list to the specified stream.
		void FingerprintToStream (dng_stream &stream) const;

		/// Read an opcode list from the specified stream, starting at the
		/// specified offset (streamOffset, in bytes). byteCount is provided for
		/// error checking purposes. A bad format exception
		/// will be thrown if the length of the opcode stream does not exactly
		/// match byteCount.

		void Parse (dng_host &host,
					dng_stream &stream,
					uint32 byteCount,
					uint64 streamOffset);
		// Hidden copy constructor and assignment operator.
		dng_opcode_list (const dng_opcode_list &list);
		dng_opcode_list & operator= (const dng_opcode_list &list);

