java_library_host { name: "desugar", srcs: ["java/**/*.java"], // Remove classes, they are // extensions to the Truth library that we are missing dependencies for // and don't need. // Also remove*, // which depend on protobuf and are not used in desugar. exclude_srcs: [ "java/com/google/devtools/common/options/testing/**/*.java", "java/com/google/devtools/common/options/", "java/com/google/devtools/common/options/", ], manifest: "manifest.txt", static_libs: [ "asm-6.0", "asm-commons-6.0", "asm-tree-6.0", "error_prone_annotations-2.0.18", "guava-21.0", "jsr305-3.0.1", ], openjdk9: { // Required for use of javax.annotation.Generated per http://b/62050818 javacflags: [""], }, // Use Dagger2 annotation processor annotation_processors: ["dagger2-auto-value-host"], libs: ["dagger2-auto-value-host"], // b/25860419: annotation processors must be explicitly specified for grok annotation_processor_classes: [ "", ], }