#pylint: disable-msg=C0111

# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import mock
import unittest

import common
from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_django_environment
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import frontend_test_utils
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import constants
from autotest_lib.scheduler import host_scheduler
from autotest_lib.scheduler import monitor_db
from autotest_lib.scheduler import rdb
from autotest_lib.scheduler import rdb_lib
from autotest_lib.scheduler import rdb_testing_utils
from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_models

class QueryManagerTests(rdb_testing_utils.AbstractBaseRDBTester,
    """Verify scheduler behavior when pending jobs are already given hosts."""

    _config_section = 'AUTOTEST_WEB'

    def testPendingQueueEntries(self):
        """Test retrieval of pending queue entries."""
        job = self.create_job(deps=set(['a']))

        # Check that we don't pull the job we just created with only_hostless.
        jobs_with_hosts = self.job_query_manager.get_pending_queue_entries(
        self.assertTrue(len(jobs_with_hosts) == 0)

        # Check that only_hostless=False pulls new jobs, as always.
        jobs_without_hosts = self.job_query_manager.get_pending_queue_entries(
        self.assertTrue(jobs_without_hosts[0].id == job.id and
                        jobs_without_hosts[0].host_id is None)

    def testPendingQueueEntriesForShard(self):
        """Test queue entries for shards aren't executed by master scheduler"""
        job1 = self.create_job(deps=set(['a']))
        job2 = self.create_job(deps=set(['b']))
        shard = models.Shard.objects.create()
        # Assign the job's label to a shard

        # Check that we only pull jobs which are not assigned to a shard.
        jobs_with_hosts = self.job_query_manager.get_pending_queue_entries()
        self.assertTrue(len(jobs_with_hosts) == 1)
        self.assertEqual(jobs_with_hosts[0].id, job2.id)

    def testHostQueries(self):
        """Verify that the host query manager maintains its data structures."""
        # Create a job and use the host_query_managers internal datastructures
        # to retrieve its job info.
        job = self.create_job(
        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
        job_manager = rdb_lib.JobQueryManager(queue_entries)
        job_info = job_manager.get_job_info(queue_entries[0])
        default_dep_ids = set([label.id for label in self.db_helper.get_labels(
        default_acl_ids = set([acl.id for acl in self.db_helper.get_acls(
        self.assertTrue(set(job_info['deps']) == default_dep_ids)
        self.assertTrue(set(job_info['acls']) == default_acl_ids)

    def testNewJobsWithHosts(self):
        """Test that we handle inactive hqes with unleased hosts correctly."""
        # Create a job and assign it an unleased host, then check that the
        # HQE becomes active and the host remains assigned to it.
        job = self.create_job(deps=['a'])
        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=['a'])
        self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(host, job.id)

        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()

        host = self.db_helper.get_host(hostname='h1')[0]
        self.assertTrue(host.leased == True and
                        host.status == models.Host.Status.READY)
        hqes = list(self.db_helper.get_hqes(host_id=host.id))
        self.assertTrue(len(hqes) == 1 and hqes[0].active and
                        hqes[0].status == models.HostQueueEntry.Status.QUEUED)

    def testNewJobsWithInvalidHost(self):
        """Test handling of inactive hqes assigned invalid, unleased hosts."""
        # Create a job and assign it an unleased host, then check that the
        # HQE becomes DOES NOT become active, because we validate the
        # assignment again.
        job = self.create_job(deps=['a'])
        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=['b'])
        self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(host, job.id)

        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()

        host = self.db_helper.get_host(hostname='h1')[0]
        self.assertTrue(host.leased == False and
                        host.status == models.Host.Status.READY)
        hqes = list(self.db_helper.get_hqes(host_id=host.id))
        self.assertTrue(len(hqes) == 1 and not hqes[0].active and
                        hqes[0].status == models.HostQueueEntry.Status.QUEUED)

    def testNewJobsWithLeasedHost(self):
        """Test handling of inactive hqes assigned leased hosts."""
        # Create a job and assign it a leased host, then check that the
        # HQE does not become active through the scheduler, and that the
        # host gets released.
        job = self.create_job(deps=['a'])
        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=['b'])
        self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(host, job.id)
        host.leased = 1

        rdb.batch_acquire_hosts = mock.MagicMock()
        queue_entries = self._dispatcher._refresh_pending_queue_entries()
        self.assertTrue(rdb.batch_acquire_hosts.call_count == 0)
        host = self.db_helper.get_host(hostname='h1')[0]
        self.assertTrue(host.leased == True and
                        host.status == models.Host.Status.READY)
        hqes = list(self.db_helper.get_hqes(host_id=host.id))
        self.assertTrue(len(hqes) == 1 and not hqes[0].active and
                        hqes[0].status == models.HostQueueEntry.Status.QUEUED)
        self.assertTrue(self.db_helper.get_host(hostname='h1')[0].leased == 0)

    def testSpecialTaskOrdering(self):
        """Test priority ordering of special tasks."""

        # Create 2 special tasks, one with and one without an hqe.
        # Activate the hqe and make sure it gets scheduled before the other.
        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=['a'])
        job1 = self.create_job(deps=['a'])
        self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(host, job1.id)
        task1 = self.db_helper.create_special_task(job1.id)
        hqe = self.db_helper.get_hqes(job=job1.id)[0]

        # This task has no queue entry.
        task2 = self.db_helper.create_special_task(host_id=host.id)

        # Since the hqe task isn't active we get both back.
        tasks = self.job_query_manager.get_prioritized_special_tasks()
        self.assertTrue(tasks[1].queue_entry_id is None and
                        tasks[0].queue_entry_id == hqe.id)

        # Activate the hqe and make sure the frontned task isn't returned.
        self.db_helper.update_hqe(hqe.id, active=True)
        tasks = self.job_query_manager.get_prioritized_special_tasks()
        self.assertTrue(tasks[0].id == task1.id)

class HostSchedulerTests(rdb_testing_utils.AbstractBaseRDBTester,
    """Verify scheduler behavior when pending jobs are already given hosts."""

    _config_section = 'AUTOTEST_WEB'

    def setUp(self):
        super(HostSchedulerTests, self).setUp()
        self.host_scheduler = host_scheduler.HostScheduler()

    def testSpecialTaskLocking(self):
        """Test that frontend special tasks lock hosts."""
        # Create multiple tasks with hosts and make sure the hosts get locked.
        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h')
        host1 = self.db_helper.create_host('h1')
        task = self.db_helper.create_special_task(host_id=host.id)
        task1 = self.db_helper.create_special_task(host_id=host1.id)
        self.assertTrue(self.db_helper.get_host(hostname='h')[0].leased == 1 and
                        self.db_helper.get_host(hostname='h1')[0].leased == 1)

    def testJobScheduling(self):
        """Test new host acquisitions."""
        # Create a job that will find a host through the host scheduler, and
        # make sure the hqe is activated, and a special task is created.
        job = self.create_job(deps=set(['a']))
        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=set(['a']))
        hqe = self.db_helper.get_hqes(job_id=job.id)[0]
        self.assertTrue(hqe.active and hqe.host_id == host.id and
                        hqe.status == models.HostQueueEntry.Status.QUEUED)
        task = self.db_helper.get_tasks(queue_entry_id=hqe.id)[0]
        self.assertTrue(task.is_active == 0 and task.host_id == host.id)

    def _check_agent_invariants(self, host, agent):
        host_agents = list(self._dispatcher._host_agents[host.id])
        self.assertTrue(len(host_agents) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(host_agents[0].task.task.id == agent.id)
        return host_agents[0]

    def testLeasedFrontendTaskHost(self):
        """Check that we don't scheduler a special task on an unleased host."""
        # Create a special task without an hqe and make sure it isn't returned
        # for scheduling till its host is leased.
        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=['a'])
        task = self.db_helper.create_special_task(host_id=host.id)

        tasks = self.job_query_manager.get_prioritized_special_tasks(
        self.assertTrue(tasks == [])
        tasks = self.job_query_manager.get_prioritized_special_tasks(
        self.assertTrue(tasks[0].id == task.id)
        tasks = self.job_query_manager.get_prioritized_special_tasks(
        self.assertTrue(tasks[0].id == task.id)

    def testTickLockStep(self):
        """Check that a frontend task and an hqe never run simultaneously."""

        self.god.stub_with(monitor_db, '_inline_host_acquisition', False)

        # Create a frontend special task against a host.
        host = self.db_helper.create_host('h1', deps=set(['a']))
        frontend_task = self.db_helper.create_special_task(host_id=host.id)
        # The frontend special task shouldn't get scheduled on the host till
        # the host is leased.

        # Create a job for the same host and make the host scheduler lease the
        # host out to that job.
        job =  self.create_job(deps=set(['a']))
        hqe = self.db_helper.get_hqes(job_id=job.id)[0]
        tasks = self.job_query_manager.get_prioritized_special_tasks(
        # We should not find the frontend special task, even though its host is
        # now leased, because its leased by an active hqe.
        self.assertTrue(len(tasks) == 1 and tasks[0].queue_entry_id == hqe.id)

        # Deactivate the hqe task and make sure the frontend task gets the host.
        task = tasks[0]
        self._dispatcher.remove_agent(self._check_agent_invariants(host, task))
        task.is_complete = 1
        task.is_active = 0
        self.db_helper.update_hqe(hqe.id, active=False)
        self._check_agent_invariants(host, frontend_task)

        # Make sure we don't release the host being used by the incomplete task.
        host = self.db_helper.get_host(hostname='h1')[0]
        self.assertTrue(host.leased == True)

class SuiteRecorderTest(rdb_testing_utils.AbstractBaseRDBTester,
    """Test the functionality of SuiteRecorder"""

    _config_section = 'AUTOTEST_WEB'

    def testGetSuiteHostAssignment(self):
        """Test the initialization of SuiteRecord."""
        hosts = []
        num = 4
        for i in range (0, num):
                'h%d' % i, deps=set(['board:lumpy'])))
        single_job =  self.create_job(deps=set(['a']))
        jobs_1 = self.create_suite(num=2, board='board:lumpy')
        jobs_2 = self.create_suite(num=2, board='board:lumpy')
        # We have 4 hosts, 5 jobs, one job in the second suite won't
        # get a host.
        all_jobs = ([single_job] +
                    [jobs_1[k] for k in jobs_1 if k !='parent_job'] +
                    [jobs_2[k] for k in jobs_2 if k !='parent_job'])
        for i in range(0, num):
            self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(hosts[i], all_jobs[i].id,
        r = host_scheduler.SuiteRecorder(self.job_query_manager)
                         {hosts[1].id: jobs_1['parent_job'].id,
                          hosts[2].id: jobs_1['parent_job'].id,
                          hosts[3].id: jobs_2['parent_job'].id})

    def verify_state(self, recorder, suite_host_num, hosts_to_suites):
        """Verify the suite, host information held by SuiteRecorder.

        @param recorder: A SuiteRecorder object.
        @param suite_host_num: a dict, expected value of suite_host_num.
        @param hosts_to_suites: a dict, expected value of hosts_to_suites.
        self.assertEqual(recorder.suite_host_num, suite_host_num)
        self.assertEqual(recorder.hosts_to_suites, hosts_to_suites)

    def assign_host_to_job(self, host, job, recorder=None):
        """A helper function that adds a host to a job and record it.

        @param host: A Host object.
        @param job: A Job object.
        @param recorder: A SuiteRecorder object to record the assignment.

        @return a HostQueueEntry object that binds the host and job together.
        self.db_helper.add_host_to_job(host, job)
        hqe = scheduler_models.HostQueueEntry.fetch(where='job_id=%s',
        if recorder:
        return hqe

    def testRecordAssignmentAndRelease(self):
        """Test when a host is assigned to suite"""
        r = host_scheduler.SuiteRecorder(self.job_query_manager)
        self.verify_state(r, {}, {})
        host1 = self.db_helper.create_host('h1')
        host2 = self.db_helper.create_host('h2')
        jobs = self.create_suite(num=2)
        hqe = scheduler_models.HostQueueEntry.fetch(where='job_id=%s',
        # HQE got a host.
        hqe = self.assign_host_to_job(host1, jobs[0], r)
        self.verify_state(r, {jobs['parent_job'].id:1},
                          {host1.id: jobs['parent_job'].id})
        # Tried to call record_assignment again, nothing should happen.
        self.verify_state(r, {jobs['parent_job'].id:1},
                          {host1.id: jobs['parent_job'].id})
        # Second hqe got a host
        self.assign_host_to_job(host2, jobs[1], r)
        self.verify_state(r, {jobs['parent_job'].id:2},
                          {host1.id: jobs['parent_job'].id,
                           host2.id: jobs['parent_job'].id})
        # Release host1
        self.verify_state(r, {jobs['parent_job'].id:1},
                          {host2.id: jobs['parent_job'].id})
        # Release host2
        self.verify_state(r, {}, {})

    def testGetMinDuts(self):
        """Test get min dut for suite."""
        host1 = self.db_helper.create_host('h1')
        host2 = self.db_helper.create_host('h2')
        host3 = self.db_helper.create_host('h3')
        jobs = self.create_suite(num=3)
        pid = jobs['parent_job'].id
        # Set min_dut=1 for the suite as a job keyval.
        keyval = models.JobKeyval(
                job_id=pid, key=constants.SUITE_MIN_DUTS_KEY, value=2)
        r = host_scheduler.SuiteRecorder(self.job_query_manager)
        # Not job has got any host, min dut to request should equal to what's
        # specified in the job keyval.
        self.assertEqual(r.get_min_duts([pid]), {pid: 2})
        self.assign_host_to_job(host1, jobs[0], r)
        self.assertEqual(r.get_min_duts([pid]), {pid: 1})
        self.assign_host_to_job(host2, jobs[1], r)
        self.assertEqual(r.get_min_duts([pid]), {pid: 0})
        self.assign_host_to_job(host3, jobs[2], r)
        self.assertEqual(r.get_min_duts([pid]), {pid: 0})
        self.assertEqual(r.get_min_duts([pid]), {pid: 0})
        self.assertEqual(r.get_min_duts([pid]), {pid: 1})
        self.assertEqual(r.get_min_duts([pid]), {pid: 2})

if __name__ == '__main__':