# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The shard module contains the objects and methods used to
manage shards in Autotest.

The valid actions are:
create:       creates shard
remove:       deletes shard(s)
list:         lists shards with label
add_boards:   add boards to a given shard
remove_board: remove board from a given shard

See topic_common.py for a High Level Design and Algorithm.

import sys
from autotest_lib.cli import topic_common, action_common

class shard(topic_common.atest):
    """shard class
    atest shard [create|delete|list|add_boards|remove_board] <options>"""
    usage_action = '[create|delete|list|add_boards|remove_board]'
    topic = msg_topic = 'shard'
    msg_items = '<shards>'

    def __init__(self):
        """Add to the parser the options common to all the
        shard actions"""
        super(shard, self).__init__()

        self.topic_parse_info = topic_common.item_parse_info(

    def get_items(self):
        return self.shards

class shard_help(shard):
    """Just here to get the atest logic working.
    Usage is set by its parent"""

class shard_list(action_common.atest_list, shard):
    """Class for running atest shard list"""

    def execute(self):
        filters = {}
        if self.shards:
            filters['hostname__in'] = self.shards
        return super(shard_list, self).execute(op='get_shards',

    def warn_if_label_assigned_to_multiple_shards(self, results):
        """Prints a warning if one label is assigned to multiple shards.

        This should never happen, but if it does, better be safe.

        @param results: Results as passed to output().
        assigned_labels = set()
        for line in results:
            for label in line['labels']:
                if label in assigned_labels:
                    sys.stderr.write('WARNING: label %s is assigned to '
                                     'multiple shards.\n'
                                     'This will lead to unpredictable behavor '
                                     'in which hosts and jobs will be assigned '
                                     'to which shard.\n')

    def output(self, results):
        super(shard_list, self).output(results, ['id', 'hostname', 'labels'])

class shard_create(action_common.atest_create, shard):
    """Class for running atest shard create -l <label> <shard>"""
    def __init__(self):
        super(shard_create, self).__init__()
        self.parser.add_option('-l', '--labels',
                               help=('Assign LABELs to the SHARD. All jobs that '
                                     'require one of the labels will be run on  '
                                     'the shard. List multiple labels separated '
                                     'by a comma.'),

    def parse(self):
        (options, leftover) = super(shard_create, self).parse(
        self.data_item_key = 'hostname'
        self.data['labels'] = options.labels or ''
        return (options, leftover)

class shard_add_boards(shard_create):
    """Class for running atest shard add_boards -l <label> <shard>"""
    usage_action = 'add_boards'
    op_action = 'add_boards'
    msg_done = 'Added boards for'

    def execute(self):
        """Running the rpc to add boards to the target shard.

          A tuple, 1st element is the target shard. 2nd element is the list of
          boards labels to be added to the shard.
        target_shard = self.shards[0]
        self.data[self.data_item_key] = target_shard
        super(shard_add_boards, self).execute_rpc(op='add_board_to_shard',
        return (target_shard, self.data['labels'])

class shard_delete(action_common.atest_delete, shard):
    """Class for running atest shard delete <shards>"""

    def parse(self):
        (options, leftover) = super(shard_delete, self).parse()
        self.data_item_key = 'hostname'
        return (options, leftover)

    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print 'Please ensure the shard host is powered off.'
        print ('Otherwise DUTs might be used by multiple shards at the same '
               'time, which will lead to serious correctness problems.')
        return super(shard_delete, self).execute(*args, **kwargs)

class shard_remove_board(shard):
    """Class for running atest shard remove_board -l <label> <shard>"""
    usage_action = 'remove_board'
    op_action = 'remove_board'
    msg_done = 'Removed board'

    def __init__(self):
        super(shard_remove_board, self).__init__()
        self.parser.add_option('-l', '--board_label', type='string',
                               help=('Remove the board with the given '
                                     'BOARD_LABEL from shard.'))

    def parse(self):
        (options, leftover) = super(shard_remove_board, self).parse(
        self.data['board_label'] = options.board_label
        self.data['hostname'] = self.shards[0]
        return (options, leftover)

    def execute(self):
        """Validate args and execute the remove_board_from_shard rpc."""
        if not self.data.get('board_label'):
            self.invalid_syntax('Must provide exactly 1 BOARD_LABEL')
        if not self.data['board_label'].startswith('board:'):
            self.invalid_arg('BOARD_LABEL must begin with "board:"')
        return super(shard_remove_board, self).execute_rpc(

    def output(self, results):
        """Print command results.

        @param results: Results of rpc execution.
        print results