package; import; import; import; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import plume.ArraysMDE; import annotations.util.PersistentStack; import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotatedTypeTree; import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ArrayAccessTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ArrayTypeTree; import com.sun.source.tree.AssertTree; import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree; import com.sun.source.tree.BinaryTree; import com.sun.source.tree.BlockTree; import com.sun.source.tree.CaseTree; import com.sun.source.tree.CatchTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree; import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree; import com.sun.source.tree.CompoundAssignmentTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ConditionalExpressionTree; import com.sun.source.tree.DoWhileLoopTree; import com.sun.source.tree.EnhancedForLoopTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionStatementTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ForLoopTree; import com.sun.source.tree.IfTree; import com.sun.source.tree.InstanceOfTree; import com.sun.source.tree.LabeledStatementTree; import com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MemberReferenceTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree; import com.sun.source.tree.NewArrayTree; import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ParameterizedTypeTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ParenthesizedTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ReturnTree; import com.sun.source.tree.StatementTree; import com.sun.source.tree.SwitchTree; import com.sun.source.tree.SynchronizedTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ThrowTree; import com.sun.source.tree.Tree; import com.sun.source.tree.TryTree; import com.sun.source.tree.TypeCastTree; import com.sun.source.tree.UnaryTree; import com.sun.source.tree.UnionTypeTree; import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree; import com.sun.source.tree.WhileLoopTree; import com.sun.source.tree.WildcardTree; import com.sun.source.util.TreePath; /** * A path through the AST. */ public class ASTPath extends ConsStack<ASTPath.ASTEntry> implements Comparable<ASTPath>, Iterable<ASTPath.ASTEntry> { private static final ASTPath EMPTY = new ASTPath(); private static final String[] typeSelectors = { "bound", "identifier", "type", "typeAlternative", "typeArgument", "typeParameter", "underlyingType" }; // Constants for the various child selectors. public static final String ANNOTATION = "annotation"; public static final String ARGUMENT = "argument"; public static final String BLOCK = "block"; public static final String BODY = "body"; public static final String BOUND = "bound"; public static final String CASE = "case"; public static final String CATCH = "catch"; public static final String CLASS_BODY = "classBody"; public static final String CONDITION = "condition"; public static final String DETAIL = "detail"; public static final String DIMENSION = "dimension"; public static final String ELSE_STATEMENT = "elseStatement"; public static final String ENCLOSING_EXPRESSION = "enclosingExpression"; public static final String EXPRESSION = "expression"; public static final String FALSE_EXPRESSION = "falseExpression"; public static final String FINALLY_BLOCK = "finallyBlock"; public static final String IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; public static final String INDEX = "index"; public static final String INITIALIZER = "initializer"; public static final String LEFT_OPERAND = "leftOperand"; public static final String METHOD_SELECT = "methodSelect"; public static final String MODIFIERS = "modifiers"; public static final String PARAMETER = "parameter"; public static final String QUALIFIER_EXPRESSION = "qualifierExpression"; public static final String RESOURCE = "resource"; public static final String RIGHT_OPERAND = "rightOperand"; public static final String STATEMENT = "statement"; public static final String THEN_STATEMENT = "thenStatement"; public static final String THROWS = "throws"; public static final String TRUE_EXPRESSION = "trueExpression"; public static final String TYPE = "type"; public static final String TYPE_ALTERNATIVE = "typeAlternative"; public static final String TYPE_ARGUMENT = "typeArgument"; public static final String TYPE_PARAMETER = "typeParameter"; public static final String UNDERLYING_TYPE = "underlyingType"; public static final String UPDATE = "update"; public static final String VARIABLE = "variable"; /** * A single entry in an AST path. */ public static class ASTEntry implements Comparable<ASTEntry> { private Tree.Kind treeKind; private String childSelector; private Integer argument; /** * Constructs a new AST entry. For example, in the entry: * <pre> * {@code * Block.statement 3 * }</pre> * the tree kind is "Block", the child selector is "statement", and the * argument is "3". * * @param treeKind the kind of this AST entry * @param childSelector the child selector to this AST entry * @param argument the argument */ public ASTEntry(Tree.Kind treeKind, String childSelector, Integer argument) { this.treeKind = treeKind; this.childSelector = childSelector; this.argument = argument; } /** * Constructs a new AST entry, without an argument. * * See {@link #ASTEntry(Tree.Kind, String, Integer)} for an example of the parameters. * * @param treeKind the kind of this AST entry * @param childSelector the child selector to this AST entry */ public ASTEntry(Tree.Kind treeKind, String childSelector) { this(treeKind, childSelector, null); } /** * Gets the tree node equivalent kind of this AST entry. For example, in * <pre> * {@code * Block.statement 3 * }</pre> * "Block" is the tree kind. * @return the tree kind */ public Tree.Kind getTreeKind() { return treeKind; } /** * Gets the child selector of this AST entry. For example, in * <pre> * {@code * Block.statement 3 * }</pre> * "statement" is the child selector. * @return the child selector */ public String getChildSelector() { return childSelector; } /** * Determines if the given string is equal to this AST path entry's * child selector. * * @param s the string to compare to * @return {@code true} if the string matches the child selector, * {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean childSelectorIs(String s) { return childSelector.equals(s); } /** * Gets the argument of this AST entry. For example, in * <pre> * {@code * Block.statement 3 * }</pre> * "3" is the argument. * @return the argument * @throws IllegalStateException if this AST entry does not have an argument */ public int getArgument() { if (argument >= (negativeAllowed() ? -1 : 0)) { return argument; } throw new IllegalStateException("Value not set."); } /** * Checks that this Entry has an argument. * * @return if this entry has an argument */ public boolean hasArgument() { return argument == null ? false : argument >= 0 ? true : negativeAllowed(); } // argument < 0 valid for two cases private boolean negativeAllowed() { switch (treeKind) { case CLASS: return childSelectorIs(ASTPath.BOUND); case METHOD: return childSelectorIs(ASTPath.PARAMETER); default: return false; } } @Override public int compareTo(ASTEntry o) { if (o == null) { return 1; } else if (o.childSelector == null) { if (childSelector != null) { return 1; } } else if (childSelector == null) { return -1; } int c = treeKind.compareTo(o.treeKind); if (c != 0) { return c; } c = childSelector.compareTo(o.childSelector); if (c != 0) { return c; } return o.argument == null ? argument == null ? 0 : 1 : argument == null ? -1 : argument.compareTo(o.argument); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof ASTEntry && compareTo((ASTEntry) o) == 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { int base = treeKind.hashCode() ^ childSelector.hashCode(); int shift = argument == null ? 0 : 2 + argument; return Integer.rotateRight(base, shift); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); switch (treeKind) { case CLASS: case ENUM: case INTERFACE: b.append("Class"); break; case AND: case CONDITIONAL_AND: case CONDITIONAL_OR: case DIVIDE: case EQUAL_TO: case GREATER_THAN: case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL: case LEFT_SHIFT: case LESS_THAN: case LESS_THAN_EQUAL: case MINUS: case MULTIPLY: case NOT_EQUAL_TO: case OR: case PLUS: case REMAINDER: case RIGHT_SHIFT: case XOR: b.append("Binary"); break; case LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT: case POSTFIX_DECREMENT: case POSTFIX_INCREMENT: case PREFIX_DECREMENT: case PREFIX_INCREMENT: case UNARY_MINUS: case UNARY_PLUS: case UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT: b.append("Unary"); break; case AND_ASSIGNMENT: case DIVIDE_ASSIGNMENT: case LEFT_SHIFT_ASSIGNMENT: case MINUS_ASSIGNMENT: case MULTIPLY_ASSIGNMENT: case OR_ASSIGNMENT: case PLUS_ASSIGNMENT: case REMAINDER_ASSIGNMENT: case RIGHT_SHIFT_ASSIGNMENT: case UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_ASSIGNMENT: case XOR_ASSIGNMENT: b.append("CompoundAssignment"); break; case EXTENDS_WILDCARD: case SUPER_WILDCARD: case UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD: b.append("Wildcard"); break; case ANNOTATION: case TYPE_ANNOTATION: b.append("Annotation"); break; default: String s = treeKind.toString(); int n = s.length(); boolean cap = true; // capitalize next character for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '_') { cap = true; } else { b.append(cap ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : Character.toLowerCase(c)); cap = false; } } } b.append(".").append(childSelector); if (argument != null) { b.append(" ").append(argument); } return b.toString(); } } private static Comparator<ASTPath> comparator = new Comparator<ASTPath>() { @Override public int compare(ASTPath p1, ASTPath p2) { return p1 == null ? (p2 == null ? 0 : -1) : p1.compareTo(p2); } }; ASTPath() {} public static ASTPath empty() { return EMPTY; } public static Comparator<ASTPath> getComparator() { return comparator; } // TODO: replace w/ skip list? @Override public Iterator<ASTEntry> iterator() { PersistentStack<ASTEntry> s = this; int n = size(); ASTEntry[] a = new ASTEntry[n]; while (--n >= 0) { a[n] = s.peek(); s = s.pop(); } return Arrays.asList(a).iterator(); } public ASTPath extendNewArray(int depth) { return extend(new ASTEntry(Tree.Kind.NEW_ARRAY, ASTPath.TYPE, depth)); } public ASTPath newArrayLevel(int depth) { return add(new ASTEntry(Tree.Kind.NEW_ARRAY, ASTPath.TYPE, depth)); } public ASTPath add(ASTEntry entry) { ASTPath path = EMPTY; for (ASTEntry e : this) { path = path.extend(e); } return path.extend(entry); } public ASTPath extend(ASTEntry entry) { return (ASTPath) push(entry); } public ASTPath getParentPath() { return (ASTPath) pop(); } public ASTEntry get(int index) { PersistentStack<ASTEntry> s = this; int n = size(); if (index >= n) { throw new NoSuchElementException(Integer.toString(index)); } if (index < 0) { index += n; if (index < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative index " + index); } } while (--n > index) { s = s.pop(); } return s.peek(); } @Override public int hashCode() { // hacky fix: remove {Method,Class}.body for comparison PersistentStack<ASTEntry> s = canonical(this); int hash = 0; while (!s.isEmpty()) { hash = Integer.rotateRight(hash ^ s.peek().hashCode(), 1); s = s.pop(); } return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof ASTPath && equals((ASTPath) o); } public boolean equals(ASTPath astPath) { return compareTo(astPath) == 0; } @Override public int compareTo(ASTPath o) { // hacky fix: remove {Method,Class}.body for comparison PersistentStack<ASTEntry> s0 = canonical(this); PersistentStack<ASTEntry> s1 = canonical(o); Deque<ASTEntry> d0 = new LinkedList<ASTEntry>(); Deque<ASTEntry> d1 = new LinkedList<ASTEntry>(); int c = 0; while (!s0.isEmpty()) { d0.push(s0.peek()); s0 = s0.pop(); } while (!s1.isEmpty()) { d1.push(s1.peek()); s1 = s1.pop(); } int n0 = d0.size(); int n1 = d1.size(); c =, n1); if (c == 0) { Iterator<ASTEntry> i0 = d0.iterator(); Iterator<ASTEntry> i1 = d1.iterator(); while (i0.hasNext()) { c =; if (c != 0) { return c; } } } return c; } private static ASTPath canonical(ASTPath astPath) { // TODO return astPath; } @Override public String toString() { if (isEmpty()) { return ""; } Iterator<ASTEntry> iter = iterator(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append(; while (iter.hasNext()) { sb = sb.append(", ").append(; } return sb.toString(); } /** * Create a new {@code ASTPath} from a formatted string description. * * @param s formatted string as in JAIF {@code insert-\{cast,annotation\}} * @return the corresponding {@code ASTPath} * @throws ParseException */ public static ASTPath parse(final String s) throws ParseException { return new Parser(s).parseASTPath(); } /** * Determine whether this {@code ASTPath} matches a given {@code TreePath}. */ public boolean matches(TreePath treePath) { CompilationUnitTree cut = treePath.getCompilationUnit(); Tree leaf = treePath.getLeaf(); ASTPath astPath = ASTIndex.indexOf(cut).get(leaf).astPath; // FIXME return this.equals(astPath); } static class Parser { // adapted from // TODO: refactor IndexFileParser to use this class StreamTokenizer st; Parser(String s) { st = new StreamTokenizer(new StringReader(s)); } private void getTok() { try { st.nextToken(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private boolean gotType(int t) { return st.ttype == t; } private int intVal() throws ParseException { if (gotType(StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER)) { int n = (int) st.nval; if (n == st.nval) { return n; } } throw new ParseException("expected integer, got " + st); } private String strVal() throws ParseException { if (gotType(StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD)) { return st.sval; } throw new ParseException("expected string, got " + st); } /** * Parses an AST path. * @return the AST path */ ASTPath parseASTPath() throws ParseException { ASTPath astPath = new ASTPath().extend(parseASTEntry()); while (gotType(',')) { getTok(); astPath = astPath.extend(parseASTEntry()); } return astPath; } /** * Parses and returns the next AST entry. * @return a new AST entry * @throws ParseException if the next entry type is invalid */ ASTEntry parseASTEntry() throws ParseException { String s = strVal(); if (s.equals("AnnotatedType")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.ANNOTATED_TYPE, new String[] {ASTPath.ANNOTATION, ASTPath.UNDERLYING_TYPE}, new String[] {ASTPath.ANNOTATION}); } else if (s.equals("ArrayAccess")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.ARRAY_ACCESS, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION, ASTPath.INDEX}); } else if (s.equals("ArrayType")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE}); } else if (s.equals("Assert")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.ASSERT, new String[] {ASTPath.CONDITION, ASTPath.DETAIL}); } else if (s.equals("Assignment")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.ASSIGNMENT, new String[] {ASTPath.VARIABLE, ASTPath.EXPRESSION}); } else if (s.equals("Binary")) { // Always use Tree.Kind.PLUS for Binary return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.PLUS, new String[] {ASTPath.LEFT_OPERAND, ASTPath.RIGHT_OPERAND}); } else if (s.equals("Block")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.BLOCK, new String[] {ASTPath.STATEMENT}, new String[] {ASTPath.STATEMENT}); } else if (s.equals("Case")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.CASE, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION, ASTPath.STATEMENT}, new String[] {ASTPath.STATEMENT}); } else if (s.equals("Catch")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.CATCH, new String[] {ASTPath.PARAMETER, ASTPath.BLOCK}); } else if (s.equals("Class")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.CLASS, new String[] {ASTPath.BOUND, ASTPath.INITIALIZER, ASTPath.TYPE_PARAMETER}, new String[] {ASTPath.BOUND, ASTPath.INITIALIZER, ASTPath.TYPE_PARAMETER}); } else if (s.equals("CompoundAssignment")) { // Always use Tree.Kind.PLUS_ASSIGNMENT for CompoundAssignment return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.PLUS_ASSIGNMENT, new String[] {ASTPath.VARIABLE, ASTPath.EXPRESSION}); } else if (s.equals("ConditionalExpression")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION, new String[] {ASTPath.CONDITION, ASTPath.TRUE_EXPRESSION, ASTPath.FALSE_EXPRESSION}); } else if (s.equals("DoWhileLoop")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.DO_WHILE_LOOP, new String[] {ASTPath.CONDITION, ASTPath.STATEMENT}); } else if (s.equals("EnhancedForLoop")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.ENHANCED_FOR_LOOP, new String[] {ASTPath.VARIABLE, ASTPath.EXPRESSION, ASTPath.STATEMENT}); } else if (s.equals("ExpressionStatement")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION}); } else if (s.equals("ForLoop")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.FOR_LOOP, new String[] {ASTPath.INITIALIZER, ASTPath.CONDITION, ASTPath.UPDATE, ASTPath.STATEMENT}, new String[] {ASTPath.INITIALIZER, ASTPath.UPDATE}); } else if (s.equals("If")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.IF, new String[] {ASTPath.CONDITION, ASTPath.THEN_STATEMENT, ASTPath.ELSE_STATEMENT}); } else if (s.equals("InstanceOf")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.INSTANCE_OF, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION, ASTPath.TYPE}); } else if (s.equals("LabeledStatement")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.LABELED_STATEMENT, new String[] {ASTPath.STATEMENT}); } else if (s.equals("LambdaExpression")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.LAMBDA_EXPRESSION, new String[] {ASTPath.PARAMETER, ASTPath.BODY}, new String[] {ASTPath.PARAMETER}); } else if (s.equals("MemberReference")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.MEMBER_REFERENCE, new String[] {ASTPath.QUALIFIER_EXPRESSION, ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT}, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT}); } else if (s.equals("MemberSelect")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION}); } else if (s.equals("Method")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.METHOD, new String[] {ASTPath.BODY, ASTPath.PARAMETER, ASTPath.TYPE, ASTPath.TYPE_PARAMETER}, new String[] {ASTPath.PARAMETER, ASTPath.TYPE_PARAMETER}); } else if (s.equals("MethodInvocation")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT, ASTPath.METHOD_SELECT, ASTPath.ARGUMENT}, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT, ASTPath.ARGUMENT}); } else if (s.equals("NewArray")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.NEW_ARRAY, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE, ASTPath.DIMENSION, ASTPath.INITIALIZER}, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE, ASTPath.DIMENSION, ASTPath.INITIALIZER}); } else if (s.equals("NewClass")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.NEW_CLASS, new String[] {ASTPath.ENCLOSING_EXPRESSION, ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT, ASTPath.IDENTIFIER, ASTPath.ARGUMENT, ASTPath.CLASS_BODY}, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT, ASTPath.ARGUMENT}); } else if (s.equals("ParameterizedType")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE, ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT}, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT}); } else if (s.equals("Parenthesized")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.PARENTHESIZED, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION}); } else if (s.equals("Return")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.RETURN, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION}); } else if (s.equals("Switch")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.SWITCH, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION, ASTPath.CASE}, new String[] {ASTPath.CASE}); } else if (s.equals("Synchronized")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.SYNCHRONIZED, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION, ASTPath.BLOCK}); } else if (s.equals("Throw")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.THROW, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION}); } else if (s.equals("Try")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.TRY, new String[] {ASTPath.BLOCK, ASTPath.CATCH, ASTPath.FINALLY_BLOCK}, new String[] {ASTPath.CATCH}); } else if (s.equals("TypeCast")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.TYPE_CAST, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE, ASTPath.EXPRESSION}); } else if (s.equals("Unary")) { // Always use Tree.Kind.UNARY_PLUS for Unary return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.UNARY_PLUS, new String[] {ASTPath.EXPRESSION}); } else if (s.equals("UnionType")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.UNION_TYPE, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE_ALTERNATIVE}, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE_ALTERNATIVE}); } else if (s.equals("Variable")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.VARIABLE, new String[] {ASTPath.TYPE, ASTPath.INITIALIZER}); } else if (s.equals("WhileLoop")) { return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.WHILE_LOOP, new String[] {ASTPath.CONDITION, ASTPath.STATEMENT}); } else if (s.equals("Wildcard")) { // Always use Tree.Kind.UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD for Wildcard return newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD, new String[] {ASTPath.BOUND}); } throw new ParseException("Invalid AST path type: " + s); } /** * Parses and constructs a new AST entry, where none of the child selections require * arguments. For example, the call: * * <pre> * {@code newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.WHILE_LOOP, new String[] {"condition", "statement"});</pre> * * constructs a while loop AST entry, where the valid child selectors are "condition" or * "statement". * * @param kind the kind of this AST entry * @param legalChildSelectors a list of the legal child selectors for this AST entry * @return a new {@link ASTEntry} * @throws ParseException if an illegal argument is found */ private ASTEntry newASTEntry(Tree.Kind kind, String[] legalChildSelectors) throws ParseException { return newASTEntry(kind, legalChildSelectors, null); } /** * Parses and constructs a new AST entry. For example, the call: * * <pre> * {@code newASTEntry(Tree.Kind.CASE, new String[] {"expression", "statement"}, new String[] {"statement"}); * </pre> * * constructs a case AST entry, where the valid child selectors are * "expression" or "statement" and the "statement" child selector requires * an argument. * * @param kind the kind of this AST entry * @param legalChildSelectors a list of the legal child selectors for this AST entry * @param argumentChildSelectors a list of the child selectors that also require an argument. * Entries here should also be in the legalChildSelectors list. * @return a new {@link ASTEntry} * @throws ParseException if an illegal argument is found */ private ASTEntry newASTEntry(Tree.Kind kind, String[] legalChildSelectors, String[] argumentChildSelectors) throws ParseException { if (gotType('.')) { getTok(); } else { throw new ParseException("expected '.', got " + st); } String s = strVal(); for (String arg : legalChildSelectors) { if (s.equals(arg)) { if (argumentChildSelectors != null && ArraysMDE.indexOf(argumentChildSelectors, arg) >= 0) { getTok(); return new ASTEntry(kind, arg, intVal()); } else { return new ASTEntry(kind, arg); } } } throw new ParseException("Invalid argument for " + kind + " (legal arguments - " + Arrays.toString(legalChildSelectors) + "): " + s); } } static class Matcher { // adapted from IndexFileParser.parseASTPath et al. // TODO: refactor switch statement into TreeVisitor? public static final DebugWriter dbug = new DebugWriter(); private ASTPath astPath; Matcher(ASTPath astPath) { this.astPath = astPath; } private boolean nonDecl(TreePath path) { switch (path.getLeaf().getKind()) { case CLASS: case METHOD: return false; case VARIABLE: TreePath parentPath = path.getParentPath(); return parentPath != null && parentPath.getLeaf().getKind() != Tree.Kind.CLASS; default: return true; } } public boolean matches(TreePath path) { return matches(path, -1); } public boolean matches(TreePath path, int depth) { if (path == null) { return false; } // actualPath stores the path through the source code AST to this // location (specified by the "path" parameter to this method). It is // computed by traversing from this location up the source code AST // until it reaches a method node (this gets only the part of the path // within a method) or class node (this gets only the part of the path // within a field). List<Tree> actualPath = new ArrayList<Tree>(); while (path != null && nonDecl(path)) { actualPath.add(0, path.getLeaf()); path = path.getParentPath(); } if (dbug.isEnabled()) { dbug.debug("AST [%s]%n", astPath); for (Tree t : actualPath) { dbug.debug(" %s: %s%n", t.getKind(), t.toString().replace('\n', ' ')); } } if (astPath.isEmpty() || actualPath.isEmpty() || actualPath.size() != astPath.size() + 1) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < astPath.size() && i < actualPath.size(); i++) { ASTPath.ASTEntry astNode = astPath.get(i); Tree actualNode = actualPath.get(i); // Based on the child selector and (optional) argument in "astNode", // "next" will get set to the next source node below "actualNode". // Then "next" will be compared with the node following "astNode" // in "actualPath". If it's not a match, this is not the correct // location. If it is a match, keep going. Tree next = null; dbug.debug("astNode: %s%n", astNode); dbug.debug("actualNode: %s%n", actualNode.getKind()); if (!kindsMatch(astNode.getTreeKind(), actualNode.getKind())) { return false; } switch (actualNode.getKind()) { case ANNOTATED_TYPE: { AnnotatedTypeTree annotatedType = (AnnotatedTypeTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.ANNOTATION)) { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends AnnotationTree> annos = annotatedType.getAnnotations(); if (arg >= annos.size()) { return false; } next = annos.get(arg); } else { next = annotatedType.getUnderlyingType(); } break; } case ARRAY_ACCESS: { ArrayAccessTree arrayAccess = (ArrayAccessTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.EXPRESSION)) { next = arrayAccess.getExpression(); } else { next = arrayAccess.getIndex(); } break; } case ARRAY_TYPE: { ArrayTypeTree arrayType = (ArrayTypeTree) actualNode; next = arrayType.getType(); break; } case ASSERT: { AssertTree azzert = (AssertTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.CONDITION)) { next = azzert.getCondition(); } else { next = azzert.getDetail(); } break; } case ASSIGNMENT: { AssignmentTree assignment = (AssignmentTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.VARIABLE)) { next = assignment.getVariable(); } else { next = assignment.getExpression(); } break; } case BLOCK: { BlockTree block = (BlockTree) actualNode; int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends StatementTree> statements = block.getStatements(); if (arg >= block.getStatements().size()) { return false; } next = statements.get(arg); break; } case CASE: { CaseTree caze = (CaseTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.EXPRESSION)) { next = caze.getExpression(); } else { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends StatementTree> statements = caze.getStatements(); if (arg >= statements.size()) { return false; } next = statements.get(arg); } break; } case CATCH: { CatchTree cach = (CatchTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.PARAMETER)) { next = cach.getParameter(); } else { next = cach.getBlock(); } break; } case CLASS: { ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) actualNode; int arg = astNode.getArgument(); if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.BOUND)) { next = arg == -1 ? clazz.getExtendsClause() : clazz.getImplementsClause().get(arg); } else { next = clazz.getTypeParameters().get(arg); } break; } case CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION: { ConditionalExpressionTree conditionalExpression = (ConditionalExpressionTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.CONDITION)) { next = conditionalExpression.getCondition(); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TRUE_EXPRESSION)) { next = conditionalExpression.getTrueExpression(); } else { next = conditionalExpression.getFalseExpression(); } break; } case DO_WHILE_LOOP: { DoWhileLoopTree doWhileLoop =(DoWhileLoopTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.CONDITION)) { next = doWhileLoop.getCondition(); } else { next = doWhileLoop.getStatement(); } break; } case ENHANCED_FOR_LOOP: { EnhancedForLoopTree enhancedForLoop = (EnhancedForLoopTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.VARIABLE)) { next = enhancedForLoop.getVariable(); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.EXPRESSION)) { next = enhancedForLoop.getExpression(); } else { next = enhancedForLoop.getStatement(); } break; } case EXPRESSION_STATEMENT: { ExpressionStatementTree expressionStatement = (ExpressionStatementTree) actualNode; next = expressionStatement.getExpression(); break; } case FOR_LOOP: { ForLoopTree forLoop = (ForLoopTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.INITIALIZER)) { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends StatementTree> inits = forLoop.getInitializer(); if (arg >= inits.size()) { return false; } next = inits.get(arg); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.CONDITION)) { next = forLoop.getCondition(); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.UPDATE)) { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends ExpressionStatementTree> updates = forLoop.getUpdate(); if (arg >= updates.size()) { return false; } next = updates.get(arg); } else { next = forLoop.getStatement(); } break; } case IF: { IfTree iff = (IfTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.CONDITION)) { next = iff.getCondition(); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.THEN_STATEMENT)) { next = iff.getThenStatement(); } else { next = iff.getElseStatement(); } break; } case INSTANCE_OF: { InstanceOfTree instanceOf = (InstanceOfTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.EXPRESSION)) { next = instanceOf.getExpression(); } else { next = instanceOf.getType(); } break; } case LABELED_STATEMENT: { LabeledStatementTree labeledStatement = (LabeledStatementTree) actualNode; next = labeledStatement.getStatement(); break; } case LAMBDA_EXPRESSION: { LambdaExpressionTree lambdaExpression = (LambdaExpressionTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.PARAMETER)) { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends VariableTree> params = lambdaExpression.getParameters(); if (arg >= params.size()) { return false; } next = params.get(arg); } else { next = lambdaExpression.getBody(); } break; } case MEMBER_REFERENCE: { MemberReferenceTree memberReference = (MemberReferenceTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.QUALIFIER_EXPRESSION)) { next = memberReference.getQualifierExpression(); } else { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends ExpressionTree> typeArgs = memberReference.getTypeArguments(); if (arg >= typeArgs.size()) { return false; } next = typeArgs.get(arg); } break; } case MEMBER_SELECT: { MemberSelectTree memberSelect = (MemberSelectTree) actualNode; next = memberSelect.getExpression(); break; } case METHOD: { MethodTree method = (MethodTree) actualNode; int arg = astNode.getArgument(); if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TYPE)) { next = method.getReturnType(); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.PARAMETER)) { next = arg == -1 ? method.getReceiverParameter() : method.getParameters().get(arg); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TYPE_PARAMETER)) { next = method.getTypeParameters().get(arg); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.BODY)) { next = method.getBody(); } else { // THROWS? return false; } break; } case METHOD_INVOCATION: { MethodInvocationTree methodInvocation = (MethodInvocationTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT)) { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends Tree> typeArgs = methodInvocation.getTypeArguments(); if (arg >= typeArgs.size()) { return false; } next = typeArgs.get(arg); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.METHOD_SELECT)) { next = methodInvocation.getMethodSelect(); } else { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends ExpressionTree> args = methodInvocation.getArguments(); if (arg >= args.size()) { return false; } next = args.get(arg); } break; } case NEW_ARRAY: { NewArrayTree newArray = (NewArrayTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TYPE)) { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); if (arg < 0) { next = newArray.getType(); } else { return arg == depth; } } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.DIMENSION)) { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends ExpressionTree> dims = newArray.getDimensions(); if (arg >= dims.size()) { return false; } next = dims.get(arg); } else { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends ExpressionTree> inits = newArray.getInitializers(); if (arg >= inits.size()) { return false; } next = inits.get(arg); } break; } case NEW_CLASS: { NewClassTree newClass = (NewClassTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.ENCLOSING_EXPRESSION)) { next = newClass.getEnclosingExpression(); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TYPE_ARGUMENT)) { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends Tree> typeArgs = newClass.getTypeArguments(); if (arg >= typeArgs.size()) { return false; } next = typeArgs.get(arg); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.IDENTIFIER)) { next = newClass.getIdentifier(); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.ARGUMENT)) { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends ExpressionTree> args = newClass.getArguments(); if (arg >= args.size()) { return false; } next = args.get(arg); } else { next = newClass.getClassBody(); } break; } case PARAMETERIZED_TYPE: { ParameterizedTypeTree parameterizedType = (ParameterizedTypeTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TYPE)) { next = parameterizedType.getType(); } else { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends Tree> typeArgs = parameterizedType.getTypeArguments(); if (arg >= typeArgs.size()) { return false; } next = typeArgs.get(arg); } break; } case PARENTHESIZED: { ParenthesizedTree parenthesized = (ParenthesizedTree) actualNode; next = parenthesized.getExpression(); break; } case RETURN: { ReturnTree returnn = (ReturnTree) actualNode; next = returnn.getExpression(); break; } case SWITCH: { SwitchTree zwitch = (SwitchTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.EXPRESSION)) { next = zwitch.getExpression(); } else { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends CaseTree> cases = zwitch.getCases(); if (arg >= cases.size()) { return false; } next = cases.get(arg); } break; } case SYNCHRONIZED: { SynchronizedTree synchronizzed = (SynchronizedTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.EXPRESSION)) { next = synchronizzed.getExpression(); } else { next = synchronizzed.getBlock(); } break; } case THROW: { ThrowTree throww = (ThrowTree) actualNode; next = throww.getExpression(); break; } case TRY: { TryTree tryy = (TryTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.BLOCK)) { next = tryy.getBlock(); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.CATCH)) { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends CatchTree> catches = tryy.getCatches(); if (arg >= catches.size()) { return false; } next = catches.get(arg); } else if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.FINALLY_BLOCK)) { next = tryy.getFinallyBlock(); } else { int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends Tree> resources = tryy.getResources(); if (arg >= resources.size()) { return false; } next = resources.get(arg); } break; } case TYPE_CAST: { TypeCastTree typeCast = (TypeCastTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.TYPE)) { next = typeCast.getType(); } else { next = typeCast.getExpression(); } break; } case UNION_TYPE: { UnionTypeTree unionType = (UnionTypeTree) actualNode; int arg = astNode.getArgument(); List<? extends Tree> typeAlts = unionType.getTypeAlternatives(); if (arg >= typeAlts.size()) { return false; } next = typeAlts.get(arg); break; } case VARIABLE: { VariableTree var = (VariableTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.INITIALIZER)) { next = var.getInitializer(); } else { next = var.getType(); } break; } case WHILE_LOOP: { WhileLoopTree whileLoop = (WhileLoopTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.CONDITION)) { next = whileLoop.getCondition(); } else { next = whileLoop.getStatement(); } break; } default: { if (isBinaryOperator(actualNode.getKind())) { BinaryTree binary = (BinaryTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.LEFT_OPERAND)) { next = binary.getLeftOperand(); } else { next = binary.getRightOperand(); } } else if (isCompoundAssignment(actualNode.getKind())) { CompoundAssignmentTree compoundAssignment = (CompoundAssignmentTree) actualNode; if (astNode.childSelectorIs(ASTPath.VARIABLE)) { next = compoundAssignment.getVariable(); } else { next = compoundAssignment.getExpression(); } } else if (isUnaryOperator(actualNode.getKind())) { UnaryTree unary = (UnaryTree) actualNode; next = unary.getExpression(); } else if (isWildcard(actualNode.getKind())) { WildcardTree wildcard = (WildcardTree) actualNode; // The following check is necessary because Oracle has decided that // x instanceof Class<? extends Object> // will remain illegal even though it means the same thing as // x instanceof Class<?>. if (i > 0) { // TODO: refactor GenericArrayLoc to use same code? Tree ancestor = actualPath.get(i-1); if (ancestor.getKind() == Tree.Kind.INSTANCE_OF) { System.err.println("WARNING: wildcard bounds not allowed" + " in 'instanceof' expression; skipping insertion"); return false; } else if (i > 1 && ancestor.getKind() == Tree.Kind.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE) { ancestor = actualPath.get(i-2); if (ancestor.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ARRAY_TYPE) { System.err.println("WARNING: wildcard bounds not allowed" + " in generic array type; skipping insertion"); return false; } } } next = wildcard.getBound(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal kind: " + actualNode.getKind()); } break; } } dbug.debug("next: %s%n", next); if (next != actualPath.get(i + 1)) { dbug.debug("no next match%n"); return false; } } return true; } /** * Determines if the given kinds match, false otherwise. Two kinds match if * they're exactly the same or if the two kinds are both compound * assignments, unary operators, binary operators or wildcards. * <p> * This is necessary because in the JAIF file these kinds are represented by * their general types (i.e. BinaryOperator, CompoundOperator, etc.) rather * than their kind (i.e. PLUS, MINUS, PLUS_ASSIGNMENT, XOR_ASSIGNMENT, * etc.). Internally, a single kind is used to represent each general type * (i.e. PLUS is used for BinaryOperator, PLUS_ASSIGNMENT is used for * CompoundAssignment, etc.). Yet, the actual source nodes have the correct * kind. So if an AST path entry has a PLUS kind, that really means it could * be any BinaryOperator, resulting in PLUS matching any other * BinaryOperator. * * @param kind1 * the first kind to match * @param kind2 * the second kind to match * @return {@code true} if the kinds match as described above, {@code false} * otherwise. */ private static boolean kindsMatch(Tree.Kind kind1, Tree.Kind kind2) { return kind1 == kind2 || (isCompoundAssignment(kind1) && isCompoundAssignment(kind2)) || (isUnaryOperator(kind1) && isUnaryOperator(kind2)) || (isBinaryOperator(kind1) && isBinaryOperator(kind2)) || (isWildcard(kind1) && isWildcard(kind2)); } /** * Determines if the given kind is a compound assignment. * * @param kind * the kind to test * @return true if the given kind is a compound assignment */ private static boolean isCompoundAssignment(Tree.Kind kind) { return kind == Tree.Kind.PLUS_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.MINUS_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.MULTIPLY_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.DIVIDE_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.OR_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.AND_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.REMAINDER_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.LEFT_SHIFT_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.RIGHT_SHIFT || kind == Tree.Kind.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.XOR_ASSIGNMENT; } /** * Determines if the given kind is a unary operator. * * @param kind * the kind to test * @return true if the given kind is a unary operator */ private static boolean isUnaryOperator(Tree.Kind kind) { return kind == Tree.Kind.POSTFIX_INCREMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.POSTFIX_DECREMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.PREFIX_INCREMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.PREFIX_DECREMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.UNARY_PLUS || kind == Tree.Kind.UNARY_MINUS || kind == Tree.Kind.BITWISE_COMPLEMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT; } /** * Determines if the given kind is a binary operator. * * @param kind * the kind to test * @return true if the given kind is a binary operator */ private static boolean isBinaryOperator(Tree.Kind kind) { return kind == Tree.Kind.MULTIPLY || kind == Tree.Kind.DIVIDE || kind == Tree.Kind.REMAINDER || kind == Tree.Kind.PLUS || kind == Tree.Kind.MINUS || kind == Tree.Kind.LEFT_SHIFT || kind == Tree.Kind.RIGHT_SHIFT || kind == Tree.Kind.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT || kind == Tree.Kind.LESS_THAN || kind == Tree.Kind.GREATER_THAN || kind == Tree.Kind.LESS_THAN_EQUAL || kind == Tree.Kind.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL || kind == Tree.Kind.EQUAL_TO || kind == Tree.Kind.NOT_EQUAL_TO || kind == Tree.Kind.AND || kind == Tree.Kind.XOR || kind == Tree.Kind.OR || kind == Tree.Kind.CONDITIONAL_AND || kind == Tree.Kind.CONDITIONAL_OR; } /** * Determines if the given kind is a wildcard. * * @param kind * the kind to test * @return true if the given kind is a wildcard */ private static boolean isWildcard(Tree.Kind kind) { return kind == Tree.Kind.UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD || kind == Tree.Kind.EXTENDS_WILDCARD || kind == Tree.Kind.SUPER_WILDCARD; } } public static boolean isTypeSelector(String selector) { return Arrays.<String>binarySearch(typeSelectors, selector, Collator.getInstance()) >= 0; } public static boolean isClassEquiv(Tree.Kind kind) { switch (kind) { case CLASS: case INTERFACE: case ENUM: case ANNOTATION_TYPE: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Determines if the given kind is a compound assignment. * * @param kind * the kind to test * @return true if the given kind is a compound assignment */ public static boolean isCompoundAssignment(Tree.Kind kind) { return kind == Tree.Kind.PLUS_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.MINUS_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.MULTIPLY_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.DIVIDE_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.OR_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.AND_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.REMAINDER_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.LEFT_SHIFT_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.RIGHT_SHIFT_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_ASSIGNMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.XOR_ASSIGNMENT; } /** * Determines if the given kind is a unary operator. * * @param kind * the kind to test * @return true if the given kind is a unary operator */ public static boolean isUnaryOperator(Tree.Kind kind) { return kind == Tree.Kind.POSTFIX_INCREMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.POSTFIX_DECREMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.PREFIX_INCREMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.PREFIX_DECREMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.UNARY_PLUS || kind == Tree.Kind.UNARY_MINUS || kind == Tree.Kind.BITWISE_COMPLEMENT || kind == Tree.Kind.LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT; } /** * Determines if the given kind is a binary operator. * * @param kind * the kind to test * @return true if the given kind is a binary operator */ public static boolean isBinaryOperator(Tree.Kind kind) { return kind == Tree.Kind.MULTIPLY || kind == Tree.Kind.DIVIDE || kind == Tree.Kind.REMAINDER || kind == Tree.Kind.PLUS || kind == Tree.Kind.MINUS || kind == Tree.Kind.LEFT_SHIFT || kind == Tree.Kind.RIGHT_SHIFT || kind == Tree.Kind.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT || kind == Tree.Kind.LESS_THAN || kind == Tree.Kind.GREATER_THAN || kind == Tree.Kind.LESS_THAN_EQUAL || kind == Tree.Kind.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL || kind == Tree.Kind.EQUAL_TO || kind == Tree.Kind.NOT_EQUAL_TO || kind == Tree.Kind.AND || kind == Tree.Kind.XOR || kind == Tree.Kind.OR || kind == Tree.Kind.CONDITIONAL_AND || kind == Tree.Kind.CONDITIONAL_OR; } public static boolean isLiteral(Tree.Kind kind) { switch (kind) { case INT_LITERAL: case LONG_LITERAL: case FLOAT_LITERAL: case DOUBLE_LITERAL: case BOOLEAN_LITERAL: case CHAR_LITERAL: case STRING_LITERAL: case NULL_LITERAL: return true; default: return false; } } public static boolean isExpression(Tree.Kind kind) { switch (kind) { case ARRAY_ACCESS: case ASSIGNMENT: case CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION: case EXPRESSION_STATEMENT: case MEMBER_SELECT: case MEMBER_REFERENCE: case IDENTIFIER: case INSTANCE_OF: case METHOD_INVOCATION: case NEW_ARRAY: case NEW_CLASS: case LAMBDA_EXPRESSION: case PARENTHESIZED: case TYPE_CAST: return true; default: return isUnaryOperator(kind) || isBinaryOperator(kind) || isCompoundAssignment(kind) || isLiteral(kind); } } public static boolean isTypeKind(Tree.Kind kind) { switch (kind) { case ANNOTATED_TYPE: case ARRAY_TYPE: case IDENTIFIER: case INTERSECTION_TYPE: // case MEMBER_SELECT: case PARAMETERIZED_TYPE: case PRIMITIVE_TYPE: case UNION_TYPE: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Determines if the given kind is a wildcard. * * @param kind * the kind to test * @return true if the given kind is a wildcard */ public static boolean isWildcard(Tree.Kind kind) { return kind == Tree.Kind.UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD || kind == Tree.Kind.EXTENDS_WILDCARD || kind == Tree.Kind.SUPER_WILDCARD; } /** * Determines if the given kind is a declaration. * * @param kind * the kind to test * @return true if the given kind is a declaration */ public static boolean isDeclaration(Tree.Kind kind) { return kind == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATION || kind == Tree.Kind.CLASS || kind == Tree.Kind.ENUM || kind == Tree.Kind.INTERFACE || kind == Tree.Kind.METHOD || kind == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE; } /** * Determines whether an {@code ASTPath} can identify nodes of the * given kind. * * @param kind * the kind to test * @return true if the given kind can be identified by an {@code ASTPath}. */ public static boolean isHandled(Tree.Kind kind) { switch (kind) { case BREAK: case COMPILATION_UNIT: case CONTINUE: case IMPORT: case MODIFIERS: return false; default: return !isDeclaration(kind); } } // TODO: need "isType"? } /** * * @author dbro * * @param <E> type of stack elements */ class ConsStack<E> implements PersistentStack<E> { private int size; private E elem; private PersistentStack<E> rest; public ConsStack() { size = 0; elem = null; rest = null; } private static <T, S extends ConsStack<T>> S extend(T el, S s0) { try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") S s1 = (S) s0.getClass().newInstance(); ConsStack<T> cs = (ConsStack<T>) s1; cs.size = 1 + s0.size(); cs.elem = el; = s0; return s1; } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; } @Override public E peek() { if (size > 0) { return elem; } throw new IllegalStateException("peek() on empty stack"); } @Override public PersistentStack<E> pop() { if (size > 0) { return rest; } throw new IllegalStateException("pop() on empty stack"); } @Override public PersistentStack<E> push(E elem) { return extend(elem, this); } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public String toString() { if (size > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("]").insert(0, peek()); for (PersistentStack<E> stack = pop(); !stack.isEmpty(); stack = stack.pop()) { sb = sb.insert(0, ", ").insert(0, stack.peek()); } return sb.insert(0, "[").toString(); } return "[]"; } }