#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ A script to modify dsp.ini config files. A dsp.ini config file is represented by an Ini object. An Ini object contains one or more Sections. Each Section has a name, a list of Ports, and a list of NonPorts. """ import argparse import logging import os import re import StringIO import sys from collections import namedtuple Parameter = namedtuple('Parameter', ['value', 'comment']) class Port(object): """Class for port definition in ini file. Properties: io: "input" or "output". index: an integer for port index. definition: a string for the content after "=" in port definition line. parameter: a Parameter namedtuple which is parsed from definition. """ @staticmethod def ParsePortLine(line): """Parses a port definition line in ini file and init a Port object. Args: line: A string possibly containing port definition line like "input_0=1; something". Returns: A Port object if input is a valid port definition line. Returns None if input is not a valid port definition line. """ result = re.match(r'(input|output)_(\d+)=(.*)', line) if result: parse_values = result.groups() io = parse_values[0] index = int(parse_values[1]) definition = parse_values[2] return Port(io, index, definition) else: return None def __init__(self, io, index, definition): """Initializes a port. Initializes a port with io, index and definition. The definition will be further parsed to Parameter(value, comment) if the format matches "<some value> ; <some comment>". Args: io: "input" or "output". index: an integer for port index. definition: a string for the content after "=" in port definition line. """ self.io = io self.index = index self.definition = definition result = re.match(r'(\S+)\s+; (.+)', definition) if result: self.parameter = Parameter._make(result.groups()) else: self.parameter = None def FormatLine(self): """Returns a port definition line which is used in ini file.""" line = '%s_%d=' % (self.io, self.index) if self.parameter: line +="{:<8}; {:}".format(self.parameter.value, self.parameter.comment) else: line += self.definition return line def _UpdateIndex(self, index): """Updates index of this port. Args: index: The new index. """ self.index = index class NonPort(object): """Class for non-port definition in ini file. Properties: name: A string representing the non-port name. definition: A string representing the non-port definition. """ @staticmethod def ParseNonPortLine(line): """Parses a non-port definition line in ini file and init a NonPort object. Args: line: A string possibly containing non-port definition line like "library=builtin". Returns: A NonPort object if input is a valid non-port definition line. Returns None if input is not a valid non-port definition line. """ result = re.match(r'(\w+)=(.*)', line) if result: parse_values = result.groups() name = parse_values[0] definition = parse_values[1] return NonPort(name, definition) else: return None def __init__(self, name, definition): """Initializes a NonPort <name>=<definition>. Args: name: A string representing the non-port name. definition: A string representing the non-port definition. """ self.name = name self.definition = definition def FormatLine(self): """Formats a string representation of a NonPort. Returns: A string "<name>=<definition>". """ line = '%s=%s' % (self.name, self.definition) return line class SectionException(Exception): pass class Section(object): """Class for section definition in ini file. Properties: name: Section name. non_ports: A list containing NonPorts of this section. ports: A list containing Ports of this section. """ @staticmethod def ParseSectionName(line): """Parses a section name. Args: line: A string possibly containing a section name like [drc]. Returns: Returns parsed section name without '[' and ']' if input matches the syntax [<section name>]. Returns None if not. """ result = re.match(r'\[(\w+)\]', line) return result.groups()[0] if result else None @staticmethod def ParseLine(line): """Parses a line that belongs to a section. Returns: A Port or NonPort object if input line matches the format. Returns None if input line does not match the format of Port nor NonPort. """ if not line: return parse_port = Port.ParsePortLine(line) if parse_port: return parse_port parse_non_port = NonPort.ParseNonPortLine(line) if parse_non_port: return parse_non_port def __init__(self, name): """Initializes a Section with given name.""" self.name = name self.non_ports= [] self.ports = [] def AddLine(self, line): """Adds a line to this Section. Args: line: A line to be added to this section. If it matches port or non-port format, a Port or NonPort will be added to this section. Otherwise, this line is ignored. """ to_add = Section.ParseLine(line) if not to_add: return if isinstance(to_add, Port): self.AppendPort(to_add) return if isinstance(to_add, NonPort): self.AppendNonPort(to_add) return def AppendNonPort(self, non_port): """Appends a NonPort to non_ports. Args: non_port: A NonPort object to be appended. """ self.non_ports.append(non_port) def AppendPort(self, port): """Appends a Port to ports. Args: port: A Port object to be appended. The port should be appended in the order of index, so the index of port should equal to the current size of ports list. Raises: SectionException if the index of port is not the current size of ports list. """ if not port.index == len(self.ports): raise SectionException( 'The port with index %r can not be appended to the end of ports' ' of size' % (port.index, len(self.ports))) else: self.ports.append(port) def InsertLine(self, line): """Inserts a line to this section. Inserts a line containing port or non-port definition to this section. If input line matches Port or NonPort format, the corresponding insert method InsertNonPort or InsertPort will be called. If input line does not match the format, SectionException will be raised. Args: line: A line to be inserted. The line should Raises: SectionException if input line does not match the format of Port or NonPort. """ to_insert = Section.ParseLine(line) if not to_insert: raise SectionException( 'The line %s does not match Port or NonPort syntax' % line) if isinstance(to_insert, Port): self.InsertPort(to_insert) return if isinstance(to_insert, NonPort): self.InsertNonPort(to_insert) return def InsertNonPort(self, non_port): """Inserts a NonPort to non_ports list. Currently there is no ordering for non-port definition. This method just appends non_port to non_ports list. Args: non_port: A NonPort object. """ self.non_ports.append(non_port) def InsertPort(self, port): """Inserts a Port to ports list. The index of port should not be greater than the current size of ports. After insertion, the index of each port in ports should be updated to the new index of that port in the ports list. E.g. Before insertion: self.ports=[Port("input", 0, "foo0"), Port("input", 1, "foo1"), Port("output", 2, "foo2")] Now we insert a Port with index 1 by invoking InsertPort(Port("output, 1, "bar")), Then, self.ports=[Port("input", 0, "foo0"), Port("output, 1, "bar"), Port("input", 2, "foo1"), Port("output", 3, "foo2")]. Note that the indices of foo1 and foo2 had been shifted by one because a new port was inserted at index 1. Args: port: A Port object. Raises: SectionException: If the port to be inserted does not have a valid index. """ if port.index > len(self.ports): raise SectionException('Inserting port index %d but' ' currently there are only %d ports' % (port.index, len(self.ports))) self.ports.insert(port.index, port) self._UpdatePorts() def _UpdatePorts(self): """Updates the index property of each Port in ports. Updates the index property of each Port in ports so the new index property is the index of that Port in ports list. """ for index, port in enumerate(self.ports): port._UpdateIndex(index) def Print(self, output): """Prints the section definition to output. The format is: [section_name] non_port_name_0=non_port_definition_0 non_port_name_1=non_port_definition_1 ... port_name_0=port_definition_0 port_name_1=port_definition_1 ... Args: output: A StringIO.StringIO object. """ output.write('[%s]\n' % self.name) for non_port in self.non_ports: output.write('%s\n' % non_port.FormatLine()) for port in self.ports: output.write('%s\n' % port.FormatLine()) class Ini(object): """Class for an ini config file. Properties: sections: A dict containing mapping from section name to Section. section_names: A list of section names. file_path: The path of this ini config file. """ def __init__(self, input_file): """Initializes an Ini object from input config file. Args: input_file: The path to an ini config file. """ self.sections = {} self.section_names = [] self.file_path = input_file self._ParseFromFile(input_file) def _ParseFromFile(self, input_file): """Parses sections in the input config file. Reads in the content of the input config file and parses each sections. The parsed sections are stored in sections dict. The names of each section is stored in section_names list. Args: input_file: The path to an ini config file. """ content = open(input_file, 'r').read() content_lines = content.splitlines() self.sections = {} self.section_names = [] current_name = None for line in content_lines: name = Section.ParseSectionName(line) if name: self.section_names.append(name) self.sections[name] = Section(name) current_name = name else: self.sections[current_name].AddLine(line) def Print(self, output_file=None): """Prints all sections of this Ini object. Args: output_file: The path to write output. If this is not None, writes the output to this path. Otherwise, just print the output to console. Returns: A StringIO.StringIO object containing output. """ output = StringIO.StringIO() for index, name in enumerate(self.section_names): self.sections[name].Print(output) if index < len(self.section_names) - 1: output.write('\n') if output_file: with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(output.getvalue()) output.close() else: print output.getvalue() return output def HasSection(self, name): """Checks if this Ini object has a section with certain name. Args: name: The name of the section. """ return name in self.sections def PrintSection(self, name): """Prints a section to console. Args: name: The name of the section. Returns: A StringIO.StringIO object containing output. """ output = StringIO.StringIO() self.sections[name].Print(output) output.write('\n') print output.getvalue() return output def InsertLineToSection(self, name, line): """Inserts a line to a section. Args: name: The name of the section. line: A line to be inserted. """ self.sections[name].InsertLine(line) def prompt(question, binary_answer=True): """Displays the question to the user and wait for input. Args: question: The question to be displayed to user. binary_answer: True to expect an yes/no answer from user. Returns: True/False if binary_answer is True. Otherwise, returns a string containing user input to the question. """ sys.stdout.write(question) answer = raw_input() if binary_answer: answer = answer.lower() if answer in ['y', 'yes']: return True elif answer in ['n', 'no']: return False else: return prompt(question) else: return answer class IniEditorException(Exception): pass class IniEditor(object): """The class for ini file editing command line interface. Properties: input_files: The files to be edited. Note that the same editing command can be applied on many config files. args: The result of ArgumentParser.parse_args method. It is an object containing args as attributes. """ def __init__(self): self.input_files = [] self.args = None def Main(self): """The main method of IniEditor. Parses the arguments and processes files according to the arguments. """ self.ParseArgs() self.ProcessFiles() def ParseArgs(self): """Parses the arguments from command line. Parses the arguments from command line to determine input_files. Also, checks the arguments are valid. Raises: IniEditorException if arguments are not valid. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=('Edit or show the config files')) parser.add_argument('--input_file', '-i', default=None, help='Use the specified file as input file. If this ' 'is not given, the editor will try to find config ' 'files using config_dirs and board.') parser.add_argument('--config_dirs', '-c', default='~/trunk/src/third_party/adhd/cras-config', help='Config directory. By default it is ' '~/trunk/src/third_party/adhd/cras-config.') parser.add_argument('--board', '-b', default=None, nargs='*', help='The boards to apply the changes. Use "all" ' 'to apply on all boards. ' 'Use --board <board_1> <board_2> to specify more ' 'than one boards') parser.add_argument('--section', '-s', default=None, help='The section to be shown/edited in the ini file.') parser.add_argument('--insert', '-n', default=None, help='The line to be inserted into the ini file. ' 'Must be used with --section.') parser.add_argument('--output-suffix', '-o', default='.new', help='The output file suffix. Set it to "None" if you ' 'want to apply the changes in-place.') self.args = parser.parse_args() # If input file is given, just edit this file. if self.args.input_file: self.input_files.append(self.args.input_file) # Otherwise, try to find config files in board directories of config # directory. else: if self.args.config_dirs.startswith('~'): self.args.config_dirs = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), self.args.config_dirs.split('~/')[1]) all_boards = os.walk(self.args.config_dirs).next()[1] # "board" argument must be a valid board name or "all". if (not self.args.board or (self.args.board != ['all'] and not set(self.args.board).issubset(set(all_boards)))): logging.error('Please select a board from %s or use "all".' % ( ', '.join(all_boards))) raise IniEditorException('User must specify board if input_file ' 'is not given.') if self.args.board == ['all']: logging.info('Applying on all boards.') boards = all_boards else: boards = self.args.board self.input_files = [] # Finds dsp.ini files in candidate boards directories. for board in boards: ini_file = os.path.join(self.args.config_dirs, board, 'dsp.ini') if os.path.exists(ini_file): self.input_files.append(ini_file) if self.args.insert and not self.args.section: raise IniEditorException('--insert must be used with --section') def ProcessFiles(self): """Processes the config files in input_files. Showes or edits every selected config file. """ for input_file in self.input_files: logging.info('Looking at dsp.ini file at %s', input_file) ini = Ini(input_file) if self.args.insert: self.InsertCommand(ini) else: self.PrintCommand(ini) def PrintCommand(self, ini): """Prints this Ini object. Prints all sections or a section in input Ini object if args.section is specified and there is such section in this Ini object. Args: ini: An Ini object. """ if self.args.section: if ini.HasSection(self.args.section): logging.info('Printing section %s.', self.args.section) ini.PrintSection(self.args.section) else: logging.info('There is no section %s in %s', self.args.section, ini.file_path) else: logging.info('Printing ini content.') ini.Print() def InsertCommand(self, ini): """Processes insertion editing on Ini object. Inserts args.insert to section named args.section in input Ini object. If input Ini object does not have a section named args.section, this method does not do anything. If the editing is valid, prints the changed section to console. Writes the editied config file to the same path as input path plus a suffix speficied in args.output_suffix. If that suffix is "None", prompts and waits for user to confirm editing in-place. Args: ini: An Ini object. """ if not ini.HasSection(self.args.section): logging.info('There is no section %s in %s', self.args.section, ini.file_path) return ini.InsertLineToSection(self.args.section, self.args.insert) logging.info('Changed section:') ini.PrintSection(self.args.section) if self.args.output_suffix == 'None': answer = prompt( 'Writing output file in-place at %s ? [y/n]' % ini.file_path) if not answer: sys.exit('Abort!') output_file = ini.file_path else: output_file = ini.file_path + self.args.output_suffix logging.info('Writing output file to : %s.', output_file) ini.Print(output_file) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(filename)s:%(lineno)d:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) IniEditor().Main()