/** @file This file describes the contents of the ACPI Fixed ACPI Description Table (FADT) . Some additional ACPI values are defined in Acpi10.h, Acpi20.h, and Acpi30.h All changes to the FADT contents should be done in this file. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _FADT_H_ #define _FADT_H_ // // Statements that include other files // #include <IndustryStandard/Acpi.h> // // ACPI table information used to initialize tables. // #define EFI_ACPI_OEM_ID 'I','N','T','E','L',' ' // OEMID 6 bytes long #define EFI_ACPI_OEM_TABLE_ID SIGNATURE_64('T','I','A','N','O',' ',' ',' ') // OEM table id 8 bytes long #define EFI_ACPI_OEM_REVISION 0x00000004 #define EFI_ACPI_CREATOR_ID SIGNATURE_32('I','N','T','L') #define EFI_ACPI_CREATOR_REVISION 0x0100000D // // FADT Definitions // #define PM_PROFILE 0x01 #define INT_MODEL 0x01 #define SCI_INT_VECTOR 0x0009 #define ACPI_ENABLE 0x0a0 #define ACPI_DISABLE 0x0a1 #define S4BIOS_REQ 0x00 #define PM1_EVT_LEN 0x04 #define PM1_CNT_LEN 0x02 #define PM2_CNT_LEN 0x00 #define PM_TM_LEN 0x04 #define GPE0_BLK_LEN 0x08 #define GPE1_BLK_LEN 0x00 #define GPE1_BASE 0x00 #define RESERVED 0x00 #define P_LVL2_LAT 0x0065 #define P_LVL3_LAT 0x03e9 #define FLUSH_SIZE 0x0400 #define FLUSH_STRIDE 0x0010 #define DUTY_OFFSET 0x01 #define DUTY_WIDTH 0x03 #define DAY_ALRM 0x00 #define MON_ALRM 0x00 #define CENTURY 0x00 #define IAPC_BOOT_ARCH EFI_ACPI_2_0_LEGACY_DEVICES #define FLAG (EFI_ACPI_1_0_WBINVD | EFI_ACPI_1_0_PROC_C1 | EFI_ACPI_1_0_SLP_BUTTON | EFI_ACPI_1_0_RTC_S4) #define FLAG2 (EFI_ACPI_2_0_WBINVD | EFI_ACPI_2_0_PROC_C1 | EFI_ACPI_2_0_PWR_BUTTON | EFI_ACPI_2_0_SLP_BUTTON | EFI_ACPI_2_0_RTC_S4 | EFI_ACPI_2_0_RESET_REG_SUP | EFI_ACPI_3_0_USE_PLATFORM_CLOCK) #define RESET_REG_ADDRESS_SPACE_ID EFI_ACPI_2_0_SYSTEM_IO #define RESET_REG_BIT_WIDTH 0x08 #define RESET_REG_BIT_OFFSET 0x00 #define RESET_REG_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000CF9 #define RESET_VALUE 0x02 #define ACPI_RUNTIME_UPDATE 0x00 #define PM1a_EVT_BLK_ADDRESS_SPACE_ID EFI_ACPI_2_0_SYSTEM_IO #define PM1a_EVT_BLK_BIT_WIDTH 0x20 #define PM1a_EVT_BLK_BIT_OFFSET 0x00 #define PM1b_EVT_BLK_ADDRESS_SPACE_ID EFI_ACPI_2_0_SYSTEM_IO #define PM1b_EVT_BLK_BIT_WIDTH 0x00 #define PM1b_EVT_BLK_BIT_OFFSET 0x00 #define PM1b_EVT_BLK_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000000 #define PM1a_CNT_BLK_ADDRESS_SPACE_ID EFI_ACPI_2_0_SYSTEM_IO #define PM1a_CNT_BLK_BIT_WIDTH 0x10 #define PM1a_CNT_BLK_BIT_OFFSET 0x00 #define PM1b_CNT_BLK_ADDRESS_SPACE_ID EFI_ACPI_2_0_SYSTEM_IO #define PM1b_CNT_BLK_BIT_WIDTH 0x00 #define PM1b_CNT_BLK_BIT_OFFSET 0x00 #define PM1b_CNT_BLK_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000000 #define PM2_CNT_BLK_ADDRESS_SPACE_ID EFI_ACPI_2_0_SYSTEM_IO #define PM2_CNT_BLK_BIT_WIDTH 0x00 #define PM2_CNT_BLK_BIT_OFFSET 0x00 #define PM2_CNT_BLK_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000000 #define PM_TMR_BLK_ADDRESS_SPACE_ID EFI_ACPI_2_0_SYSTEM_IO #define PM_TMR_BLK_BIT_WIDTH 0x20 #define PM_TMR_BLK_BIT_OFFSET 0x00 #define GPE0_BLK_ADDRESS_SPACE_ID EFI_ACPI_2_0_SYSTEM_IO #define GPE0_BLK_BIT_WIDTH 0x40 #define GPE0_BLK_BIT_OFFSET 0x00 #define GPE1_BLK_ADDRESS_SPACE_ID EFI_ACPI_2_0_SYSTEM_IO #define GPE1_BLK_BIT_WIDTH 0x00 #define GPE1_BLK_BIT_OFFSET 0x00 #define GPE1_BLK_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000000 #endif