 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


 * Contains declaration of a class CallbackNotifier that manages callbacks set
 * via set_callbacks, enable_msg_type, and disable_msg_type camera HAL API.

#include <hardware/camera.h>
#include <utils/List.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>

namespace android {

class EmulatedCameraDevice;

/* Manages callbacks set via set_callbacks, enable_msg_type, and
 * disable_msg_type camera HAL API.
 * Objects of this class are contained in EmulatedCamera objects, and handle
 * relevant camera API callbacks.
 * Locking considerations. Apparently, it's not allowed to call callbacks
 * registered in this class, while holding a lock: recursion is quite possible,
 * which will cause a deadlock.
class CallbackNotifier {
  /* Constructs CallbackNotifier instance. */

  /* Destructs CallbackNotifier instance. */

   * Camera API

  /* Actual handler for camera_device_ops_t::set_callbacks callback.
   * This method is called by the containing emulated camera object when it is
   * handing the camera_device_ops_t::set_callbacks callback.
  void setCallbacks(camera_notify_callback notify_cb,
                    camera_data_callback data_cb,
                    camera_data_timestamp_callback data_cb_timestamp,
                    camera_request_memory get_memory, void* user);

  /* Actual handler for camera_device_ops_t::enable_msg_type callback.
   * This method is called by the containing emulated camera object when it is
   * handing the camera_device_ops_t::enable_msg_type callback.
  void enableMessage(uint msg_type);

  /* Actual handler for camera_device_ops_t::disable_msg_type callback.
   * This method is called by the containing emulated camera object when it is
   * handing the camera_device_ops_t::disable_msg_type callback.
  void disableMessage(uint msg_type);

  /* Actual handler for camera_device_ops_t::store_meta_data_in_buffers
   * callback. This method is called by the containing emulated camera object
   * when it is handing the camera_device_ops_t::store_meta_data_in_buffers
   * callback.
   * Return:
   *  NO_ERROR on success, or an appropriate error status.
  status_t storeMetaDataInBuffers(bool enable);

  /* Enables video recording.
   * This method is called by the containing emulated camera object when it is
   * handing the camera_device_ops_t::start_recording callback.
   * Param:
   *  fps - Video frame frequency. This parameter determins when a frame
   *      received via onNextFrameAvailable call will be pushed through the
   *      callback.
   * Return:
   *  NO_ERROR on success, or an appropriate error status.
  status_t enableVideoRecording(int fps);

  /* Disables video recording.
   * This method is called by the containing emulated camera object when it is
   * handing the camera_device_ops_t::stop_recording callback.
  void disableVideoRecording();

  /* Releases video frame, sent to the framework.
   * This method is called by the containing emulated camera object when it is
   * handing the camera_device_ops_t::release_recording_frame callback.
  void releaseRecordingFrame(const void* opaque);

  /* Actual handler for camera_device_ops_t::msg_type_enabled callback.
   * This method is called by the containing emulated camera object when it is
   * handing the camera_device_ops_t::msg_type_enabled callback.
   * Note: this method doesn't grab a lock while checking message status, since
   * upon exit the status would be undefined anyway. So, grab a lock before
   * calling this method if you care about persisting a defined message status.
   * Return:
   *  0 if message is disabled, or non-zero value, if message is enabled.
  inline int isMessageEnabled(uint msg_type) {
    return mMessageEnabler & msg_type;

  /* Checks id video recording is enabled.
   * This method is called by the containing emulated camera object when it is
   * handing the camera_device_ops_t::recording_enabled callback.
   * Note: this method doesn't grab a lock while checking video recordin status,
   * since upon exit the status would be undefined anyway. So, grab a lock
   * before calling this method if you care about persisting of a defined video
   * recording status.
   * Return:
   *  true if video recording is enabled, or false if it is disabled.
  inline bool isVideoRecordingEnabled() { return mVideoRecEnabled; }

   * Public API

  /* Resets the callback notifier. */
  void cleanupCBNotifier();

  /* Next frame is available in the camera device.
   * This is a notification callback that is invoked by the camera device when
   * a new frame is available.
   * Note that most likely this method is called in context of a worker thread
   * that camera device has created for frame capturing.
   * Param:
   *  frame - Captured frame, or NULL if camera device didn't pull the frame
   *      yet. If NULL is passed in this parameter use GetCurrentFrame method
   *      of the camera device class to obtain the next frame. Also note that
   *      the size of the frame that is passed here (as well as the frame
   *      returned from the GetCurrentFrame method) is defined by the current
   *      frame settings (width + height + pixel format) for the camera device.
   * timestamp - Frame's timestamp.
   * camera_dev - Camera device instance that delivered the frame.
  void onNextFrameAvailable(const void* frame, nsecs_t timestamp,
                            EmulatedCameraDevice* camera_dev);

  /* Entry point for notifications that occur in camera device.
   * Param:
   *  err - CAMERA_ERROR_XXX error code.
  void onCameraDeviceError(int err);

  /* Reports focus operation completion to camera client.
  void onCameraFocusAcquired();

  /* Sets, or resets taking picture state.
   * This state control whether or not to notify the framework about compressed
   * image, shutter, and other picture related events.
  void setTakingPicture(bool taking) { mTakingPicture = taking; }

  /* Sets JPEG quality used to compress frame during picture taking. */
  void setJpegQuality(int jpeg_quality) { mJpegQuality = jpeg_quality; }

   * Private API

  /* Checks if it's time to push new video frame.
   * Note that this method must be called while object is locked.
   * Param:
   *  timestamp - Timestamp for the new frame. */
  bool isNewVideoFrameTime(nsecs_t timestamp);

   * Data members

  /* Locks this instance for data change. */
  Mutex mObjectLock;

   * Callbacks, registered in set_callbacks.

  camera_notify_callback mNotifyCB;
  camera_data_callback mDataCB;
  camera_data_timestamp_callback mDataCBTimestamp;
  camera_request_memory mGetMemoryCB;
  void* mCBOpaque;

  /* video frame queue for the CameraHeapMemory destruction */
  List<camera_memory_t*> mCameraMemoryTs;

  /* Timestamp when last frame has been delivered to the framework. */
  nsecs_t mLastFrameTimestamp;

  /* Video frequency in nanosec. */
  nsecs_t mFrameRefreshFreq;

  /* Message enabler. */
  uint32_t mMessageEnabler;

  /* JPEG quality used to compress frame during picture taking. */
  int mJpegQuality;

  /* Video recording status. */
  bool mVideoRecEnabled;

  /* Picture taking status. */
  bool mTakingPicture;

}; /* namespace android */