#/usr/bin/env python3.4
# Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
JSON RPC interface to android scripting engine.
from builtins import str
import json
import logging
import os
import socket
import sys
import threading
import time
from vts.utils.python.controllers import adb
HOST = os.environ.get('SL4A_HOST_ADDRESS', None)
PORT = os.environ.get('SL4A_HOST_PORT', 9999)
"am start -a com.googlecode.android_scripting.action.LAUNCH_SERVER "
"--ei com.googlecode.android_scripting.extra.USE_SERVICE_PORT {} "
class Error(Exception):
class StartError(Error):
"""Raised when sl4a is not able to be started."""
class ApiError(Error):
"""Raised when remote API reports an error."""
class ProtocolError(Error):
"""Raised when there is some error in exchanging data with server on device."""
NO_RESPONSE_FROM_HANDSHAKE = "No response from handshake."
NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER = "No response from server."
MISMATCHED_API_ID = "Mismatched API id."
def start_sl4a(adb_proxy,
"""Starts sl4a server on the android device.
adb_proxy: adb.AdbProxy, The adb proxy to use to start sl4a
device_side_port: int, The port number to open on the device side.
wait_time: float, The time to wait for sl4a to come up before raising
an error.
Error: Raised when SL4A was not able to be started.
if not is_sl4a_installed(adb_proxy):
raise StartError("SL4A is not installed on %s" % adb_proxy.serial)
for _ in range(wait_time):
if is_sl4a_running(adb_proxy):
raise StartError("SL4A failed to start on %s." % adb_proxy.serial)
def is_sl4a_installed(adb_proxy):
"""Checks if sl4a is installed by querying the package path of sl4a.
adb: adb.AdbProxy, The adb proxy to use for checking install.
True if sl4a is installed, False otherwise.
adb_proxy.shell("pm path com.googlecode.android_scripting")
return True
except adb.AdbError as e:
if not e.stderr:
return False
def is_sl4a_running(adb_proxy):
"""Checks if the sl4a app is running on an android device.
adb_proxy: adb.AdbProxy, The adb proxy to use for checking.
True if the sl4a app is running, False otherwise.
# Grep for process with a preceding S which means it is truly started.
out = adb_proxy.shell('ps | grep "S com.googlecode.android_scripting"')
if len(out) == 0:
return False
return True
class Sl4aCommand(object):
"""Commands that can be invoked on the sl4a client.
INIT: Initializes a new sessions in sl4a.
CONTINUE: Creates a connection.
INIT = 'initiate'
CONTINUE = 'continue'
class Sl4aClient(object):
"""A sl4a client that is connected to remotely.
Connects to a remove device running sl4a. Before opening a connection
a port forward must be setup to go over usb. This be done using
adb.tcp_forward(). This is calling the shell command
adb forward <local> remote>. Once the port has been forwarded it can be
used in this object as the port of communication.
port: int, The host port to communicate through.
addr: str, The host address who is communicating to the device (usually
client: file, The socket file used to communicate.
uid: int, The sl4a uid of this session.
conn: socket.Socket, The socket connection to the remote client.
def __init__(self, port=PORT, addr=HOST, uid=UNKNOWN_UID):
port: int, The port this client should connect to.
addr: str, The address this client should connect to.
uid: int, The uid of the session to join, or UNKNOWN_UID to start a
new session.
self.port = port
self.addr = addr
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self.client = None # prevent close errors on connect failure
self.uid = uid
self.conn = None
def __del__(self):
def _id_counter(self):
i = 0
while True:
yield i
i += 1
def open(self, cmd=Sl4aCommand.INIT):
"""Opens a connection to the remote client.
Opens a connection to a remote client with sl4a. The connection will
error out if it takes longer than the connection_timeout time. Once
connected if the socket takes longer than _SOCKET_TIMEOUT to respond
the connection will be closed.
cmd: Sl4aCommand, The command to use for creating the connection.
IOError: Raised when the socket times out from io error
socket.timeout: Raised when the socket waits to long for connection.
ProtocolError: Raised when there is an error in the protocol.
self._counter = self._id_counter()
self.conn = socket.create_connection((self.addr, self.port), 30)
except (socket.timeout):
logging.exception("Failed to create socket connection!")
self.client = self.conn.makefile(mode="brw")
resp = self._cmd(cmd, self.uid)
if not resp:
raise ProtocolError(
result = json.loads(str(resp, encoding="utf8"))
if result['status']:
self.uid = result['uid']
self.uid = UNKNOWN_UID
def close(self):
"""Close the connection to the remote client."""
if self.conn is not None:
self.conn = None
def _cmd(self, command, uid=None):
"""Send a command to sl4a.
Given a command name, this will package the command and send it to
command: str, The name of the command to execute.
uid: int, the uid of the session to send the command to.
The line that was written back.
if not uid:
uid = self.uid
self.client.write(json.dumps({'cmd': command,
'uid': uid}).encode("utf8") + b'\n')
return self.client.readline()
def _rpc(self, method, *args):
"""Sends an rpc to sl4a.
Sends an rpc call to sl4a using this clients connection.
method: str, The name of the method to execute.
args: any, The args to send to sl4a.
The result of the rpc.
ProtocolError: Something went wrong with the sl4a protocol.
ApiError: The rpc went through, however executed with errors.
with self._lock:
apiid = next(self._counter)
data = {'id': apiid, 'method': method, 'params': args}
request = json.dumps(data)
self.client.write(request.encode("utf8") + b'\n')
response = self.client.readline()
if not response:
raise ProtocolError(ProtocolError.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER)
result = json.loads(str(response, encoding="utf8"))
if result['error']:
raise ApiError(result['error'])
if result['id'] != apiid:
raise ProtocolError(ProtocolError.MISMATCHED_API_ID)
return result['result']
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Wrapper for python magic to turn method calls into RPC calls."""
def rpc_call(*args):
return self._rpc(name, *args)
return rpc_call