* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <hardware/keymaster0.h>
#include <keymaster/android_keymaster_messages.h>
#include "keymaster_ipc.h"
namespace keymaster {
* Software OpenSSL-based Keymaster device.
* IMPORTANT MAINTAINER NOTE: Pointers to instances of this class must be castable to hw_device_t
* and keymaster_device. This means it must remain a standard layout class (no virtual functions and
* no data members which aren't standard layout), and device_ must be the first data member.
* Assertions in the constructor validate compliance with those constraints.
class TrustyKeymasterDevice {
* These are the only symbols that will be exported by libtrustykeymaster. All functionality
* can be reached via the function pointers in device_.
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) explicit TrustyKeymasterDevice(const hw_module_t* module);
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) hw_device_t* hw_device();
keymaster_error_t session_error() { return error_; }
int generate_keypair(const keymaster_keypair_t key_type, const void* key_params,
uint8_t** key_blob, size_t* key_blob_length);
int import_keypair(const uint8_t* key, const size_t key_length, uint8_t** key_blob,
size_t* key_blob_length);
int get_keypair_public(const uint8_t* key_blob, const size_t key_blob_length,
uint8_t** x509_data, size_t* x509_data_length);
int sign_data(const void* signing_params, const uint8_t* key_blob, const size_t key_blob_length,
const uint8_t* data, const size_t data_length, uint8_t** signed_data,
size_t* signed_data_length);
int verify_data(const void* signing_params, const uint8_t* key_blob,
const size_t key_blob_length, const uint8_t* signed_data,
const size_t signed_data_length, const uint8_t* signature,
const size_t signature_length);
keymaster_error_t Send(uint32_t command, const Serializable& request,
KeymasterResponse* response);
keymaster_error_t Send(const GenerateKeyRequest& request, GenerateKeyResponse* response) {
return Send(KM_GENERATE_KEY, request, response);
keymaster_error_t Send(const BeginOperationRequest& request, BeginOperationResponse* response) {
return Send(KM_BEGIN_OPERATION, request, response);
keymaster_error_t Send(const UpdateOperationRequest& request,
UpdateOperationResponse* response) {
return Send(KM_UPDATE_OPERATION, request, response);
keymaster_error_t Send(const FinishOperationRequest& request,
FinishOperationResponse* response) {
return Send(KM_FINISH_OPERATION, request, response);
keymaster_error_t Send(const ImportKeyRequest& request, ImportKeyResponse* response) {
return Send(KM_IMPORT_KEY, request, response);
keymaster_error_t Send(const ExportKeyRequest& request, ExportKeyResponse* response) {
return Send(KM_EXPORT_KEY, request, response);
keymaster_error_t Send(const GetVersionRequest& request, GetVersionResponse* response) {
return Send(KM_GET_VERSION, request, response);
keymaster_error_t StoreSigningParams(const void* signing_params, const uint8_t* key_blob,
size_t key_blob_length, AuthorizationSet* auth_set);
void StoreNewKeyParams(AuthorizationSet* auth_set);
keymaster_error_t GetPkcs8KeyAlgorithm(const uint8_t* key, size_t key_length,
keymaster_algorithm_t* algorithm);
* These static methods are the functions referenced through the function pointers in
* keymaster_device. They're all trivial wrappers.
static int close_device(hw_device_t* dev);
static int generate_keypair(const keymaster0_device_t* dev, const keymaster_keypair_t key_type,
const void* key_params, uint8_t** keyBlob, size_t* keyBlobLength);
static int import_keypair(const keymaster0_device_t* dev, const uint8_t* key,
const size_t key_length, uint8_t** key_blob, size_t* key_blob_length);
static int get_keypair_public(const keymaster0_device_t* dev, const uint8_t* key_blob,
const size_t key_blob_length, uint8_t** x509_data,
size_t* x509_data_length);
static int sign_data(const keymaster0_device_t* dev, const void* signing_params,
const uint8_t* key_blob, const size_t key_blob_length, const uint8_t* data,
const size_t data_length, uint8_t** signed_data,
size_t* signed_data_length);
static int verify_data(const keymaster0_device_t* dev, const void* signing_params,
const uint8_t* key_blob, const size_t key_blob_length,
const uint8_t* signed_data, const size_t signed_data_length,
const uint8_t* signature, const size_t signature_length);
keymaster0_device_t device_;
keymaster_error_t error_;
int32_t message_version_;
} // namespace keymaster