// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/compiler-specific.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/signature.h"
#include "src/wasm/decoder.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-opcodes.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-result.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class BitVector; // forward declaration
namespace compiler { // external declarations from compiler.
class WasmGraphBuilder;
namespace wasm {
const uint32_t kMaxNumWasmLocals = 8000000;
struct WasmGlobal;
// Helpers for decoding different kinds of operands which follow bytecodes.
struct LocalIndexOperand {
uint32_t index;
LocalType type;
unsigned length;
inline LocalIndexOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
index = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &length, "local index");
type = kAstStmt;
struct ImmI8Operand {
int8_t value;
unsigned length;
inline ImmI8Operand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
value = bit_cast<int8_t>(decoder->checked_read_u8(pc, 1, "immi8"));
length = 1;
struct ImmI32Operand {
int32_t value;
unsigned length;
inline ImmI32Operand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
value = decoder->checked_read_i32v(pc, 1, &length, "immi32");
struct ImmI64Operand {
int64_t value;
unsigned length;
inline ImmI64Operand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
value = decoder->checked_read_i64v(pc, 1, &length, "immi64");
struct ImmF32Operand {
float value;
unsigned length;
inline ImmF32Operand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
value = bit_cast<float>(decoder->checked_read_u32(pc, 1, "immf32"));
length = 4;
struct ImmF64Operand {
double value;
unsigned length;
inline ImmF64Operand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
value = bit_cast<double>(decoder->checked_read_u64(pc, 1, "immf64"));
length = 8;
struct GlobalIndexOperand {
uint32_t index;
LocalType type;
const WasmGlobal* global;
unsigned length;
inline GlobalIndexOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
index = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &length, "global index");
global = nullptr;
type = kAstStmt;
struct BlockTypeOperand {
uint32_t arity;
const byte* types; // pointer to encoded types for the block.
unsigned length;
inline BlockTypeOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
uint8_t val = decoder->checked_read_u8(pc, 1, "block type");
LocalType type = kAstStmt;
length = 1;
arity = 0;
types = nullptr;
if (decode_local_type(val, &type)) {
arity = type == kAstStmt ? 0 : 1;
types = pc + 1;
} else {
// Handle multi-value blocks.
if (!FLAG_wasm_mv_prototype) {
decoder->error(pc, pc + 1, "invalid block arity > 1");
if (val != kMultivalBlock) {
decoder->error(pc, pc + 1, "invalid block type");
// Decode and check the types vector of the block.
unsigned len = 0;
uint32_t count = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 2, &len, "block arity");
// {count} is encoded as {arity-2}, so that a {0} count here corresponds
// to a block with 2 values. This makes invalid/redundant encodings
// impossible.
arity = count + 2;
length = 1 + len + arity;
types = pc + 1 + 1 + len;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < arity; i++) {
uint32_t offset = 1 + 1 + len + i;
val = decoder->checked_read_u8(pc, offset, "block type");
decode_local_type(val, &type);
if (type == kAstStmt) {
decoder->error(pc, pc + offset, "invalid block type");
// Decode a byte representing a local type. Return {false} if the encoded
// byte was invalid or {kMultivalBlock}.
bool decode_local_type(uint8_t val, LocalType* result) {
switch (static_cast<LocalTypeCode>(val)) {
case kLocalVoid:
*result = kAstStmt;
return true;
case kLocalI32:
*result = kAstI32;
return true;
case kLocalI64:
*result = kAstI64;
return true;
case kLocalF32:
*result = kAstF32;
return true;
case kLocalF64:
*result = kAstF64;
return true;
case kLocalS128:
*result = kAstS128;
return true;
*result = kAstStmt;
return false;
LocalType read_entry(unsigned index) {
DCHECK_LT(index, arity);
LocalType result;
CHECK(decode_local_type(types[index], &result));
return result;
struct Control;
struct BreakDepthOperand {
uint32_t depth;
Control* target;
unsigned length;
inline BreakDepthOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
depth = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &length, "break depth");
target = nullptr;
struct CallIndirectOperand {
uint32_t table_index;
uint32_t index;
FunctionSig* sig;
unsigned length;
inline CallIndirectOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
unsigned len = 0;
index = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &len, "signature index");
table_index = decoder->checked_read_u8(pc, 1 + len, "table index");
if (table_index != 0) {
decoder->error(pc, pc + 1 + len, "expected table index 0, found %u",
length = 1 + len;
sig = nullptr;
struct CallFunctionOperand {
uint32_t index;
FunctionSig* sig;
unsigned length;
inline CallFunctionOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
unsigned len1 = 0;
unsigned len2 = 0;
index = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1 + len1, &len2, "function index");
length = len1 + len2;
sig = nullptr;
struct MemoryIndexOperand {
uint32_t index;
unsigned length;
inline MemoryIndexOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
index = decoder->checked_read_u8(pc, 1, "memory index");
if (index != 0) {
decoder->error(pc, pc + 1, "expected memory index 0, found %u", index);
length = 1;
struct BranchTableOperand {
uint32_t table_count;
const byte* start;
const byte* table;
inline BranchTableOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc) {
DCHECK_EQ(kExprBrTable, decoder->checked_read_u8(pc, 0, "opcode"));
start = pc + 1;
unsigned len1 = 0;
table_count = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &len1, "table count");
if (table_count > (UINT_MAX / sizeof(uint32_t)) - 1 ||
len1 > UINT_MAX - (table_count + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
decoder->error(pc, "branch table size overflow");
table = pc + 1 + len1;
inline uint32_t read_entry(Decoder* decoder, unsigned i) {
DCHECK(i <= table_count);
return table ? decoder->read_u32(table + i * sizeof(uint32_t)) : 0;
// A helper to iterate over a branch table.
class BranchTableIterator {
unsigned cur_index() { return index_; }
bool has_next() { return decoder_->ok() && index_ <= table_count_; }
uint32_t next() {
unsigned length = 0;
uint32_t result =
decoder_->checked_read_u32v(pc_, 0, &length, "branch table entry");
pc_ += length;
return result;
// length, including the length of the {BranchTableOperand}, but not the
// opcode.
unsigned length() {
while (has_next()) next();
return static_cast<unsigned>(pc_ - start_);
const byte* pc() { return pc_; }
BranchTableIterator(Decoder* decoder, BranchTableOperand& operand)
: decoder_(decoder),
table_count_(operand.table_count) {}
Decoder* decoder_;
const byte* start_;
const byte* pc_;
uint32_t index_; // the current index.
uint32_t table_count_; // the count of entries, not including default.
struct MemoryAccessOperand {
uint32_t alignment;
uint32_t offset;
unsigned length;
inline MemoryAccessOperand(Decoder* decoder, const byte* pc,
uint32_t max_alignment) {
unsigned alignment_length;
alignment =
decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1, &alignment_length, "alignment");
if (max_alignment < alignment) {
decoder->error(pc, pc + 1,
"invalid alignment; expected maximum alignment is %u, "
"actual alignment is %u",
max_alignment, alignment);
unsigned offset_length;
offset = decoder->checked_read_u32v(pc, 1 + alignment_length,
&offset_length, "offset");
length = alignment_length + offset_length;
typedef compiler::WasmGraphBuilder TFBuilder;
struct ModuleEnv; // forward declaration of module interface.
// All of the various data structures necessary to decode a function body.
struct FunctionBody {
ModuleEnv* module; // module environment
FunctionSig* sig; // function signature
const byte* base; // base of the module bytes, for error reporting
const byte* start; // start of the function body
const byte* end; // end of the function body
static inline FunctionBody FunctionBodyForTesting(const byte* start,
const byte* end) {
return {nullptr, nullptr, start, start, end};
struct DecodeStruct {
int unused;
typedef Result<DecodeStruct*> DecodeResult;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DecodeStruct& tree) {
return os;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE DecodeResult VerifyWasmCode(AccountingAllocator* allocator,
FunctionBody& body);
DecodeResult BuildTFGraph(AccountingAllocator* allocator, TFBuilder* builder,
FunctionBody& body);
bool PrintAst(AccountingAllocator* allocator, const FunctionBody& body,
std::ostream& os,
std::vector<std::tuple<uint32_t, int, int>>* offset_table);
// A simplified form of AST printing, e.g. from a debugger.
void PrintAstForDebugging(const byte* start, const byte* end);
inline DecodeResult VerifyWasmCode(AccountingAllocator* allocator,
ModuleEnv* module, FunctionSig* sig,
const byte* start, const byte* end) {
FunctionBody body = {module, sig, nullptr, start, end};
return VerifyWasmCode(allocator, body);
inline DecodeResult BuildTFGraph(AccountingAllocator* allocator,
TFBuilder* builder, ModuleEnv* module,
FunctionSig* sig, const byte* start,
const byte* end) {
FunctionBody body = {module, sig, nullptr, start, end};
return BuildTFGraph(allocator, builder, body);
struct AstLocalDecls {
// The size of the encoded declarations.
uint32_t decls_encoded_size; // size of encoded declarations
// Total number of locals.
uint32_t total_local_count;
// List of {local type, count} pairs.
ZoneVector<std::pair<LocalType, uint32_t>> local_types;
// Constructor initializes the vector.
explicit AstLocalDecls(Zone* zone)
: decls_encoded_size(0), total_local_count(0), local_types(zone) {}
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool DecodeLocalDecls(AstLocalDecls& decls, const byte* start,
const byte* end);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE BitVector* AnalyzeLoopAssignmentForTesting(Zone* zone,
size_t num_locals,
const byte* start,
const byte* end);
// Computes the length of the opcode at the given address.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE unsigned OpcodeLength(const byte* pc, const byte* end);
// A simple forward iterator for bytecodes.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE BytecodeIterator : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(Decoder) {
// If one wants to iterate over the bytecode without looking at {pc_offset()}.
class iterator {
inline iterator& operator++() {
DCHECK_LT(ptr_, end_);
ptr_ += OpcodeLength(ptr_, end_);
return *this;
inline WasmOpcode operator*() {
DCHECK_LT(ptr_, end_);
return static_cast<WasmOpcode>(*ptr_);
inline bool operator==(const iterator& that) {
return this->ptr_ == that.ptr_;
inline bool operator!=(const iterator& that) {
return this->ptr_ != that.ptr_;
friend class BytecodeIterator;
const byte* ptr_;
const byte* end_;
iterator(const byte* ptr, const byte* end) : ptr_(ptr), end_(end) {}
// Create a new {BytecodeIterator}. If the {decls} pointer is non-null,
// assume the bytecode starts with local declarations and decode them.
// Otherwise, do not decode local decls.
BytecodeIterator(const byte* start, const byte* end,
AstLocalDecls* decls = nullptr);
inline iterator begin() const { return iterator(pc_, end_); }
inline iterator end() const { return iterator(end_, end_); }
WasmOpcode current() {
return static_cast<WasmOpcode>(
checked_read_u8(pc_, 0, "expected bytecode"));
void next() {
if (pc_ < end_) {
pc_ += OpcodeLength(pc_, end_);
if (pc_ >= end_) pc_ = end_;
bool has_next() { return pc_ < end_; }
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_WASM_AST_DECODER_H_