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 @File         PVRTDecompress.cpp

 @Title        PVRTDecompress


 @Copyright    Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.

 @Platform     ANSI compatible

 @Description  PVRTC Texture Decompression.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "PVRTDecompress.h"
#include "PVRTTexture.h"
#include "PVRTGlobal.h"

 * Useful structs
struct Pixel32
	PVRTuint8 red,green,blue,alpha;

struct Pixel128S
	PVRTint32 red,green,blue,alpha;

struct PVRTCWord
	PVRTuint32 u32ModulationData;
	PVRTuint32 u32ColourData;

struct PVRTCWordIndices
	int P[2], Q[2], R[2], S[2];
 @Function		getColourA
 @Input			u32ColourData	Colour information from a PVRTCWord.
 @Return		Returns the first colour in a PVRTCWord's colour data.
 @Description	Decodes the first colour in a PVRTCWord's colour data.
static Pixel32 getColourA(PVRTuint32 u32ColourData)
	Pixel32 colour;

	// Opaque Colour Mode - RGB 554
	if ((u32ColourData & 0x8000) != 0)
		colour.red   = (PVRTuint8)((u32ColourData & 0x7c00) >> 10); // 5->5 bits
		colour.green = (PVRTuint8)((u32ColourData & 0x3e0)  >> 5); // 5->5 bits
		colour.blue  = (PVRTuint8)(u32ColourData  & 0x1e) | ((u32ColourData & 0x1e) >> 4); // 4->5 bits
		colour.alpha = (PVRTuint8)0xf;// 0->4 bits
	// Transparent Colour Mode - ARGB 3443
		colour.red   = (PVRTuint8)((u32ColourData & 0xf00)  >> 7) | ((u32ColourData & 0xf00) >> 11); // 4->5 bits
		colour.green = (PVRTuint8)((u32ColourData & 0xf0)   >> 3) | ((u32ColourData & 0xf0)  >> 7); // 4->5 bits
		colour.blue  = (PVRTuint8)((u32ColourData & 0xe)    << 1) | ((u32ColourData & 0xe)   >> 2); // 3->5 bits
		colour.alpha = (PVRTuint8)((u32ColourData & 0x7000) >> 11);// 3->4 bits - note 0 at right

	return colour;

 @Function		getColourB
 @Input			u32ColourData	Colour information from a PVRTCWord.
 @Return		Returns the second colour in a PVRTCWord's colour data.
 @Description	Decodes the second colour in a PVRTCWord's colour data.
static Pixel32 getColourB(PVRTuint32 u32ColourData)
	Pixel32 colour;

	// Opaque Colour Mode - RGB 555
	if (u32ColourData & 0x80000000)
		colour.red   = (PVRTuint8)((u32ColourData & 0x7c000000) >> 26); // 5->5 bits 
		colour.green = (PVRTuint8)((u32ColourData & 0x3e00000)  >> 21); // 5->5 bits
		colour.blue  = (PVRTuint8)((u32ColourData & 0x1f0000)   >> 16); // 5->5 bits
		colour.alpha = (PVRTuint8)0xf;// 0 bits
	// Transparent Colour Mode - ARGB 3444
		colour.red   = (PVRTuint8)(((u32ColourData & 0xf000000)  >> 23) | ((u32ColourData & 0xf000000) >> 27)); // 4->5 bits
		colour.green = (PVRTuint8)(((u32ColourData & 0xf00000)   >> 19) | ((u32ColourData & 0xf00000)  >> 23)); // 4->5 bits
		colour.blue  = (PVRTuint8)(((u32ColourData & 0xf0000)    >> 15) | ((u32ColourData & 0xf0000)   >> 19)); // 4->5 bits
		colour.alpha = (PVRTuint8)((u32ColourData & 0x70000000) >> 27);// 3->4 bits - note 0 at right

	return colour;

 @Function		interpolateColours
 @Input			P,Q,R,S				Low bit-rate colour values for each PVRTCWord.
 @Modified		pPixel				Output array for upscaled colour values.
 @Input			ui8Bpp				Number of bpp.
 @Description	Bilinear upscale from 2x2 pixels to 4x4/8x4 pixels (depending on PVRTC bpp mode).
static void interpolateColours(Pixel32 P, Pixel32 Q, Pixel32 R, Pixel32 S, 
						Pixel128S *pPixel, PVRTuint8 ui8Bpp)
	PVRTuint32 ui32WordWidth=4;
	PVRTuint32 ui32WordHeight=4;
	if (ui8Bpp==2)

	//Convert to int 32.
	Pixel128S hP = {(PVRTint32)P.red,(PVRTint32)P.green,(PVRTint32)P.blue,(PVRTint32)P.alpha};
	Pixel128S hQ = {(PVRTint32)Q.red,(PVRTint32)Q.green,(PVRTint32)Q.blue,(PVRTint32)Q.alpha};
	Pixel128S hR = {(PVRTint32)R.red,(PVRTint32)R.green,(PVRTint32)R.blue,(PVRTint32)R.alpha};
	Pixel128S hS = {(PVRTint32)S.red,(PVRTint32)S.green,(PVRTint32)S.blue,(PVRTint32)S.alpha};

	//Get vectors.
	Pixel128S QminusP = {hQ.red - hP.red, hQ.green - hP.green, hQ.blue - hP.blue, hQ.alpha - hP.alpha};	
	Pixel128S SminusR = {hS.red - hR.red, hS.green - hR.green, hS.blue - hR.blue, hS.alpha - hR.alpha};	

	//Multiply colours.
	hP.red		*=	ui32WordWidth;
	hP.green	*=	ui32WordWidth;
	hP.blue		*=	ui32WordWidth;
	hP.alpha	*=	ui32WordWidth;
	hR.red		*=	ui32WordWidth;
	hR.green	*=	ui32WordWidth;
	hR.blue		*=	ui32WordWidth;
	hR.alpha	*=	ui32WordWidth;
	if (ui8Bpp==2)
		//Loop through pixels to achieve results.
		for (unsigned int x=0; x < ui32WordWidth; x++)
			Pixel128S Result={4*hP.red, 4*hP.green, 4*hP.blue, 4*hP.alpha};
			Pixel128S dY = {hR.red - hP.red, hR.green - hP.green, hR.blue - hP.blue, hR.alpha - hP.alpha};	

			for (unsigned int y=0; y < ui32WordHeight; y++)				
				pPixel[y*ui32WordWidth+x].red   = (PVRTint32)((Result.red   >> 7) + (Result.red   >> 2));
				pPixel[y*ui32WordWidth+x].green = (PVRTint32)((Result.green >> 7) + (Result.green >> 2));
				pPixel[y*ui32WordWidth+x].blue  = (PVRTint32)((Result.blue  >> 7) + (Result.blue  >> 2));
				pPixel[y*ui32WordWidth+x].alpha = (PVRTint32)((Result.alpha >> 5) + (Result.alpha >> 1));				

				Result.red		+= dY.red;
				Result.green	+= dY.green;
				Result.blue		+= dY.blue;
				Result.alpha	+= dY.alpha;

			hP.red		+= QminusP.red;
			hP.green	+= QminusP.green;
			hP.blue		+= QminusP.blue;
			hP.alpha	+= QminusP.alpha;

			hR.red		+= SminusR.red;
			hR.green	+= SminusR.green;
			hR.blue		+= SminusR.blue;
			hR.alpha	+= SminusR.alpha;
		//Loop through pixels to achieve results.
		for (unsigned int y=0; y < ui32WordHeight; y++)
			Pixel128S Result={4*hP.red, 4*hP.green, 4*hP.blue, 4*hP.alpha};
			Pixel128S dY = {hR.red - hP.red, hR.green - hP.green, hR.blue - hP.blue, hR.alpha - hP.alpha};	

			for (unsigned int x=0; x < ui32WordWidth; x++)				
				pPixel[y*ui32WordWidth+x].red   = (PVRTint32)((Result.red   >> 6) + (Result.red   >> 1));
				pPixel[y*ui32WordWidth+x].green = (PVRTint32)((Result.green >> 6) + (Result.green >> 1));
				pPixel[y*ui32WordWidth+x].blue  = (PVRTint32)((Result.blue  >> 6) + (Result.blue  >> 1));
				pPixel[y*ui32WordWidth+x].alpha = (PVRTint32)((Result.alpha >> 4) + (Result.alpha));				

				Result.red += dY.red;
				Result.green += dY.green;
				Result.blue += dY.blue;
				Result.alpha += dY.alpha;

			hP.red += QminusP.red;
			hP.green += QminusP.green;
			hP.blue += QminusP.blue;
			hP.alpha += QminusP.alpha;

			hR.red += SminusR.red;
			hR.green += SminusR.green;
			hR.blue += SminusR.blue;
			hR.alpha += SminusR.alpha;

 @Function		unpackModulations
 @Input			word				PVRTCWord to be decompressed
 @Input			offsetX				X position within the PVRTCWord
 @Input			offsetY				Y position within the PVRTCWord
 @Modified		i32ModulationValues	The array of modulation values.
 @Modified		i32ModulationModes	The array of modulation modes.
 @Input			ui8Bpp				Number of bpp.
 @Description	Reads out and decodes the modulation values within the a given PVRTCWord
static void unpackModulations(const PVRTCWord& word, int offsetX, int offsetY, PVRTint32 i32ModulationValues[16][8], PVRTint32 i32ModulationModes[16][8], PVRTuint8 ui8Bpp)
	PVRTuint32 WordModMode = word.u32ColourData & 0x1;
	PVRTuint32 ModulationBits = word.u32ModulationData;

	// Unpack differently depending on 2bpp or 4bpp modes.
	if (ui8Bpp==2)
			// determine which of the three modes are in use:

			// If this is the either the H-only or V-only interpolation mode...
			if(ModulationBits & 0x1)
				// look at the "LSB" for the "centre" (V=2,H=4) texel. Its LSB is now
				// actually used to indicate whether it's the H-only mode or the V-only...

				// The centre texel data is the at (y==2, x==4) and so its LSB is at bit 20.
				if(ModulationBits & (0x1 << 20))
					// This is the V-only mode
					WordModMode = 3; 
					// This is the H-only mode
					WordModMode = 2; 

				// Create an extra bit for the centre pixel so that it looks like
				// we have 2 actual bits for this texel. It makes later coding much easier.
				if(ModulationBits & (0x1 << 21))
					// set it to produce code for 1.0
					ModulationBits |= (0x1 << 20); 
					// clear it to produce 0.0 code
					ModulationBits &= ~(0x1 << 20);
			}// end if H-Only or V-Only interpolation mode was chosen

			if(ModulationBits & 0x2)
				ModulationBits |= 0x1; /*set it*/
				ModulationBits &= ~0x1; /*clear it*/

			// run through all the pixels in the block. Note we can now treat all the
			// "stored" values as if they have 2bits (even when they didn't!)
			for(int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
				for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
					i32ModulationModes[x+offsetX][y+offsetY] = WordModMode;				

					// if this is a stored value...
					if(((x^y)&1) == 0)
						i32ModulationValues[x+offsetX][y+offsetY] = ModulationBits & 3;						
						ModulationBits >>= 2;
			} // end for y
		// else if direct encoded 2bit mode - i.e. 1 mode bit per pixel
			for(int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
				for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
					i32ModulationModes[x+offsetX][y+offsetY] = WordModMode;					

					// double the bits so 0=> 00, and 1=>11
					if(ModulationBits & 1)
						i32ModulationValues[x+offsetX][y+offsetY] = 0x3;						
						i32ModulationValues[x+offsetX][y+offsetY] = 0x0;					
					ModulationBits >>= 1;
			}// end for y
		//Much simpler than the 2bpp decompression, only two modes, so the n/8 values are set directly.
		// run through all the pixels in the word.
		if (WordModMode)
			for(int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
				for(int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
					i32ModulationValues[y+offsetY][x+offsetX] = ModulationBits & 3;
					//if (i32ModulationValues==0) {}; don't need to check 0, 0 = 0/8.
					if (i32ModulationValues[y+offsetY][x+offsetX]==1) { i32ModulationValues[y+offsetY][x+offsetX]=4;}
					else if (i32ModulationValues[y+offsetY][x+offsetX]==2) { i32ModulationValues[y+offsetY][x+offsetX]=14;} //+10 tells the decompressor to punch through alpha.
					else if (i32ModulationValues[y+offsetY][x+offsetX]==3) { i32ModulationValues[y+offsetY][x+offsetX]=8;}
					ModulationBits >>= 2;
				} // end for x
			} // end for y
			for(int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
				for(int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
					i32ModulationValues[y+offsetY][x+offsetX] = ModulationBits & 3;
					if (i32ModulationValues[y+offsetY][x+offsetX]>3) i32ModulationValues[y+offsetY][x+offsetX]-=1;
					ModulationBits >>= 2;
				} // end for x
			} // end for y

 @Function		getModulationValues
 @Input			i32ModulationValues	The array of modulation values.
 @Input			i32ModulationModes	The array of modulation modes.
 @Input			xPos				The x Position within the current word.
 @Input			yPos				The y Position within the current word.
 @Input			ui8Bpp				Number of bpp.
 @Return		Returns the modulation value.
 @Description	Gets the effective modulation values for a given pixel.
static PVRTint32 getModulationValues(PVRTint32 i32ModulationValues[16][8],PVRTint32 i32ModulationModes[16][8],PVRTuint32 xPos,PVRTuint32 yPos,PVRTuint8 ui8Bpp)
	if (ui8Bpp==2)
		const int RepVals0[4] = {0, 3, 5, 8};				

		// extract the modulation value. If a simple encoding
			return RepVals0[i32ModulationValues[xPos][yPos]];
			// if this is a stored value
				return RepVals0[i32ModulationValues[xPos][yPos]];				

			// else average from the neighbours
			// if H&V interpolation...
			else if(i32ModulationModes[xPos][yPos] == 1)
				return (RepVals0[i32ModulationValues[xPos][yPos-1]] + 
					RepVals0[i32ModulationValues[xPos][yPos+1]] + 
					RepVals0[i32ModulationValues[xPos-1][yPos]] + 
					RepVals0[i32ModulationValues[xPos+1][yPos]] + 2) / 4;				
			// else if H-Only
			else if(i32ModulationModes[xPos][yPos] == 2)
				return (RepVals0[i32ModulationValues[xPos-1][yPos]] + 
					RepVals0[i32ModulationValues[xPos+1][yPos]] + 1) / 2;
			// else it's V-Only
				return (RepVals0[i32ModulationValues[xPos][yPos-1]] + 
					RepVals0[i32ModulationValues[xPos][yPos+1]] + 1) / 2;
	else if (ui8Bpp==4)
		return i32ModulationValues[xPos][yPos];

	return 0;

 @Function		pvrtcGetDecompressedPixels
 @Input			P,Q,R,S				PVRTWords in current decompression area.
 @Modified		pColourData			Output pixels.
 @Input			ui8Bpp				Number of bpp.
 @Description	Gets decompressed pixels for a given decompression area.
static void pvrtcGetDecompressedPixels(const PVRTCWord& P, const PVRTCWord& Q, 
								const PVRTCWord& R, const PVRTCWord& S, 
								Pixel32 *pColourData,
								PVRTuint8 ui8Bpp)
	//4bpp only needs 8*8 values, but 2bpp needs 16*8, so rather than wasting processor time we just statically allocate 16*8.
	PVRTint32 i32ModulationValues[16][8];
	//Only 2bpp needs this.
	PVRTint32 i32ModulationModes[16][8];
	//4bpp only needs 16 values, but 2bpp needs 32, so rather than wasting processor time we just statically allocate 32.
	Pixel128S upscaledColourA[32];
	Pixel128S upscaledColourB[32];

	PVRTuint32 ui32WordWidth=4;
	PVRTuint32 ui32WordHeight=4;
	if (ui8Bpp==2)

	//Get the modulations from each word.
	unpackModulations(P, 0, 0, i32ModulationValues, i32ModulationModes, ui8Bpp);
	unpackModulations(Q, ui32WordWidth, 0, i32ModulationValues, i32ModulationModes, ui8Bpp);
	unpackModulations(R, 0, ui32WordHeight, i32ModulationValues, i32ModulationModes, ui8Bpp);
	unpackModulations(S, ui32WordWidth, ui32WordHeight, i32ModulationValues, i32ModulationModes, ui8Bpp);

	// Bilinear upscale image data from 2x2 -> 4x4
	interpolateColours(getColourA(P.u32ColourData), getColourA(Q.u32ColourData), 
		getColourA(R.u32ColourData), getColourA(S.u32ColourData), 
		upscaledColourA, ui8Bpp);
	interpolateColours(getColourB(P.u32ColourData), getColourB(Q.u32ColourData), 
		getColourB(R.u32ColourData), getColourB(S.u32ColourData), 
		upscaledColourB, ui8Bpp);

	for (unsigned int y=0; y < ui32WordHeight; y++)
		for (unsigned int x=0; x < ui32WordWidth; x++)
			PVRTint32 mod = getModulationValues(i32ModulationValues,i32ModulationModes,x+ui32WordWidth/2,y+ui32WordHeight/2,ui8Bpp);
			bool punchthroughAlpha=false;
			if (mod>10) {punchthroughAlpha=true; mod-=10;}

			Pixel128S result;				
			result.red   = (upscaledColourA[y*ui32WordWidth+x].red * (8-mod) + upscaledColourB[y*ui32WordWidth+x].red * mod) / 8;
			result.green = (upscaledColourA[y*ui32WordWidth+x].green * (8-mod) + upscaledColourB[y*ui32WordWidth+x].green * mod) / 8;
			result.blue  = (upscaledColourA[y*ui32WordWidth+x].blue * (8-mod) + upscaledColourB[y*ui32WordWidth+x].blue * mod) / 8;
			if (punchthroughAlpha) result.alpha = 0;
			else result.alpha = (upscaledColourA[y*ui32WordWidth+x].alpha * (8-mod) + upscaledColourB[y*ui32WordWidth+x].alpha * mod) / 8;

			//Convert the 32bit precision result to 8 bit per channel colour.
			if (ui8Bpp==2)
				pColourData[y*ui32WordWidth+x].red = (PVRTuint8)result.red;
				pColourData[y*ui32WordWidth+x].green = (PVRTuint8)result.green;
				pColourData[y*ui32WordWidth+x].blue = (PVRTuint8)result.blue;
				pColourData[y*ui32WordWidth+x].alpha = (PVRTuint8)result.alpha;
			else if (ui8Bpp==4)
				pColourData[y+x*ui32WordHeight].red = (PVRTuint8)result.red;
				pColourData[y+x*ui32WordHeight].green = (PVRTuint8)result.green;
				pColourData[y+x*ui32WordHeight].blue = (PVRTuint8)result.blue;
				pColourData[y+x*ui32WordHeight].alpha = (PVRTuint8)result.alpha;				

 @Function		wrapWordIndex
 @Input			numWords			Total number of PVRTCWords in the current surface.
 @Input			word				Original index for a PVRTCWord.
 @Return		unsigned int		Wrapped PVRTCWord index.
 @Description	Maps decompressed data to the correct location in the output buffer.
static unsigned int wrapWordIndex(unsigned int numWords, int word)
	return ((word + numWords) % numWords);

#if defined(_DEBUG)
  @Function		isPowerOf2
  @Input		input	Value to be checked
  @Returns		true if the number is an integer power of two, else false.
  @Description	Check that a number is an integer power of two, i.e.
             	1, 2, 4, 8, ... etc.
				Returns false for zero.
static bool isPowerOf2( unsigned int input )
  unsigned int minus1;

  if( !input ) return 0;

  minus1 = input - 1;
  return ( (input | minus1) == (input ^ minus1) );

 @Function		TwiddleUV
 @Input			YSize	Y dimension of the texture in pixels
 @Input			XSize	X dimension of the texture in pixels
 @Input			YPos	Pixel Y position
 @Input			XPos	Pixel X position
 @Returns		The twiddled offset of the pixel
 @Description	Given the Word (or pixel) coordinates and the dimension of
 				the texture in words (or pixels) this returns the twiddled
 				offset of the word (or pixel) from the start of the map.

				NOTE: the dimensions of the texture must be a power of 2
static PVRTuint32 TwiddleUV(PVRTuint32 XSize, PVRTuint32 YSize, PVRTuint32 XPos, PVRTuint32 YPos)
	//Initially assume X is the larger size.
	PVRTuint32 MinDimension=XSize;
	PVRTuint32 MaxValue=YPos;
	PVRTuint32 Twiddled=0;
	PVRTuint32 SrcBitPos=1;
	PVRTuint32 DstBitPos=1;
	int ShiftCount=0;

	//Check the sizes are valid.
	_ASSERT(YPos < YSize);
	_ASSERT(XPos < XSize);

	//If Y is the larger dimension - switch the min/max values.
	if(YSize < XSize)
		MinDimension = YSize;
		MaxValue	 = XPos;

	// Step through all the bits in the "minimum" dimension
	while(SrcBitPos < MinDimension)
		if(YPos & SrcBitPos)
			Twiddled |= DstBitPos;

		if(XPos & SrcBitPos)
			Twiddled |= (DstBitPos << 1);

		SrcBitPos <<= 1;
		DstBitPos <<= 2;
		ShiftCount += 1;

	// Prepend any unused bits
	MaxValue >>= ShiftCount;
	Twiddled |=  (MaxValue << (2*ShiftCount));

	return Twiddled;

 @Function		mapDecompressedData
 @Modified		pOutput				The PVRTC texture data to decompress
 @Input			width				Width of the texture surface.
 @Input			pWord				A pointer to the decompressed PVRTCWord in pixel form.
 @Input			&words				Indices for the PVRTCword.
 @Input			ui8Bpp				number of bits per pixel
 @Description	Maps decompressed data to the correct location in the output buffer.
static void mapDecompressedData(Pixel32* pOutput, int width,
						 const Pixel32 *pWord,
						 const PVRTCWordIndices &words,
						 const PVRTuint8 ui8Bpp)
	PVRTuint32 ui32WordWidth=4;
	PVRTuint32 ui32WordHeight=4;
	if (ui8Bpp==2)

	for (unsigned int y=0; y < ui32WordHeight/2; y++)
		for (unsigned int x=0; x < ui32WordWidth/2; x++)
			pOutput[(((words.P[1] * ui32WordHeight) + y + ui32WordHeight/2)
				* width + words.P[0] *ui32WordWidth + x + ui32WordWidth/2)]	= pWord[y*ui32WordWidth+x];			// map P

			pOutput[(((words.Q[1] * ui32WordHeight) + y + ui32WordHeight/2)	
				* width + words.Q[0] *ui32WordWidth + x)]					= pWord[y*ui32WordWidth+x+ui32WordWidth/2];		// map Q

			pOutput[(((words.R[1] * ui32WordHeight) + y)						
				* width + words.R[0] *ui32WordWidth + x + ui32WordWidth/2)]	= pWord[(y+ui32WordHeight/2)*ui32WordWidth+x];		// map R

			pOutput[(((words.S[1] * ui32WordHeight) + y)						
				* width + words.S[0] *ui32WordWidth + x)]					= pWord[(y+ui32WordHeight/2)*ui32WordWidth+x+ui32WordWidth/2];	// map S
 @Function		pvrtcDecompress
 @Input			pCompressedData		The PVRTC texture data to decompress
 @Modified		pDecompressedData	The output buffer to decompress into.
 @Input			ui32Width			X dimension of the texture
 @Input			ui32Height			Y dimension of the texture
 @Input			ui8Bpp				number of bits per pixel
 @Description	Internally decompresses PVRTC to RGBA 8888
static int pvrtcDecompress(	PVRTuint8 *pCompressedData,
							Pixel32 *pDecompressedData,
							PVRTuint32 ui32Width,
							PVRTuint32 ui32Height,
							PVRTuint8 ui8Bpp)
	PVRTuint32 ui32WordWidth=4;
	PVRTuint32 ui32WordHeight=4;
	if (ui8Bpp==2)

	PVRTuint32 *pWordMembers = (PVRTuint32 *)pCompressedData;
	Pixel32 *pOutData = pDecompressedData;

	// Calculate number of words
	int i32NumXWords = (int)(ui32Width / ui32WordWidth);
	int i32NumYWords = (int)(ui32Height / ui32WordHeight);

	// Structs used for decompression
	PVRTCWordIndices indices;
	Pixel32 *pPixels;
	pPixels = (Pixel32*)malloc(ui32WordWidth*ui32WordHeight*sizeof(Pixel32));
	// For each row of words
	for(int wordY=-1; wordY < i32NumYWords-1; wordY++)
		// for each column of words
		for(int wordX=-1; wordX < i32NumXWords-1; wordX++)
			indices.P[0] = wrapWordIndex(i32NumXWords, wordX);
			indices.P[1] = wrapWordIndex(i32NumYWords, wordY);
			indices.Q[0] = wrapWordIndex(i32NumXWords, wordX + 1); 
			indices.Q[1] = wrapWordIndex(i32NumYWords, wordY);
			indices.R[0] = wrapWordIndex(i32NumXWords, wordX); 
			indices.R[1] = wrapWordIndex(i32NumYWords, wordY + 1);
			indices.S[0] = wrapWordIndex(i32NumXWords, wordX + 1);
			indices.S[1] = wrapWordIndex(i32NumYWords, wordY + 1);

			//Work out the offsets into the twiddle structs, multiply by two as there are two members per word.
			PVRTuint32 WordOffsets[4] =
				TwiddleUV(i32NumXWords,i32NumYWords,indices.P[0], indices.P[1])*2,
				TwiddleUV(i32NumXWords,i32NumYWords,indices.Q[0], indices.Q[1])*2,
				TwiddleUV(i32NumXWords,i32NumYWords,indices.R[0], indices.R[1])*2,
				TwiddleUV(i32NumXWords,i32NumYWords,indices.S[0], indices.S[1])*2,

			//Access individual elements to fill out PVRTCWord
			PVRTCWord P,Q,R,S;
			P.u32ColourData = pWordMembers[WordOffsets[0]+1];
			P.u32ModulationData = pWordMembers[WordOffsets[0]];
			Q.u32ColourData = pWordMembers[WordOffsets[1]+1];
			Q.u32ModulationData = pWordMembers[WordOffsets[1]];
			R.u32ColourData = pWordMembers[WordOffsets[2]+1];
			R.u32ModulationData = pWordMembers[WordOffsets[2]];
			S.u32ColourData = pWordMembers[WordOffsets[3]+1];
			S.u32ModulationData = pWordMembers[WordOffsets[3]];
			// assemble 4 words into struct to get decompressed pixels from
			mapDecompressedData(pOutData, ui32Width, pPixels, indices, ui8Bpp);
		} // for each word
	} // for each row of words

	//Return the data size
	return ui32Width * ui32Height / (PVRTuint32)(ui32WordWidth/2);

 @Function		PVRTDecompressPVRTC
 @Input			pCompressedData The PVRTC texture data to decompress
 @Input			Do2bitMode Signifies whether the data is PVRTC2 or PVRTC4
 @Input			XDim X dimension of the texture
 @Input			YDim Y dimension of the texture
 @Modified		pResultImage The decompressed texture data
 @Return		Returns the amount of data that was decompressed.
 @Description	Decompresses PVRTC to RGBA 8888
int PVRTDecompressPVRTC(const void *pCompressedData,
				const int Do2bitMode,
				const int XDim,
				const int YDim,
				unsigned char* pResultImage)
	//Cast the output buffer to a Pixel32 pointer.
	Pixel32* pDecompressedData = (Pixel32*)pResultImage;

	//Check the X and Y values are at least the minimum size.
	int XTrueDim = PVRT_MAX(XDim,((Do2bitMode==1)?16:8));
	int YTrueDim = PVRT_MAX(YDim,8);

	//If the dimensions aren't correct, we need to create a new buffer instead of just using the provided one, as the buffer will overrun otherwise.
	if(XTrueDim!=XDim || YTrueDim!=YDim)
	//Decompress the surface.
	int retval = pvrtcDecompress((PVRTuint8*)pCompressedData,pDecompressedData,XTrueDim,YTrueDim,(Do2bitMode==1?2:4));

	//If the dimensions were too small, then copy the new buffer back into the output buffer.
	if(XTrueDim!=XDim || YTrueDim!=YDim)
		//Loop through all the required pixels.
		for (int x=0; x<XDim; ++x)
			for (int y=0; y<YDim; ++y)

		//Free the temporary buffer.
	return retval;

**	ETC Compression

#define _CLAMP_(X,Xmin,Xmax) (  (X)<(Xmax) ?  (  (X)<(Xmin)?(Xmin):(X)  )  : (Xmax)    )

unsigned int ETC_FLIP =  0x01000000;
unsigned int ETC_DIFF = 0x02000000;
const int mod[8][4]={{2, 8,-2,-8},
					{5, 17, -5, -17},
					{9, 29, -9, -29},
					{13, 42, -13, -42},
					{18, 60, -18, -60},
					{24, 80, -24, -80},
					{33, 106, -33, -106},
					{47, 183, -47, -183}};

 @Function		modifyPixel
 @Input			red		Red value of pixel
 @Input			green	Green value of pixel
 @Input			blue	Blue value of pixel
 @Input			x	Pixel x position in block
 @Input			y	Pixel y position in block
 @Input			modBlock	Values for the current block
 @Input			modTable	Modulation values
 @Returns		Returns actual pixel colour
 @Description	Used by ETCTextureDecompress
static unsigned int modifyPixel(int red, int green, int blue, int x, int y, unsigned int modBlock, int modTable)
	int index = x*4+y, pixelMod;
	unsigned int mostSig = modBlock<<1;

	if (index<8)
		pixelMod = mod[modTable][((modBlock>>(index+24))&0x1)+((mostSig>>(index+8))&0x2)];
		pixelMod = mod[modTable][((modBlock>>(index+8))&0x1)+((mostSig>>(index-8))&0x2)];

	red = _CLAMP_(red+pixelMod,0,255);
	green = _CLAMP_(green+pixelMod,0,255);
	blue = _CLAMP_(blue+pixelMod,0,255);

	return ((red<<16) + (green<<8) + blue)|0xff000000;

 @Function		ETCTextureDecompress
 @Input			pSrcData The ETC texture data to decompress
 @Input			x X dimension of the texture
 @Input			y Y dimension of the texture
 @Modified		pDestData The decompressed texture data
 @Input			nMode The format of the data
 @Returns		The number of bytes of ETC data decompressed
 @Description	Decompresses ETC to RGBA 8888
static int ETCTextureDecompress(const void * const pSrcData, const int &x, const int &y, const void *pDestData,const int &/*nMode*/)
	unsigned int blockTop, blockBot, *input = (unsigned int*)pSrcData, *output;
	unsigned char red1, green1, blue1, red2, green2, blue2;
	bool bFlip, bDiff;
	int modtable1,modtable2;

	for(int i=0;i<y;i+=4)
		for(int m=0;m<x;m+=4)
				blockTop = *(input++);
				blockBot = *(input++);

			output = (unsigned int*)pDestData + i*x +m;

			// check flipbit
			bFlip = (blockTop & ETC_FLIP) != 0;
			bDiff = (blockTop & ETC_DIFF) != 0;

			{	// differential mode 5 colour bits + 3 difference bits
				// get base colour for subblock 1
				blue1 = (unsigned char)((blockTop&0xf80000)>>16);
				green1 = (unsigned char)((blockTop&0xf800)>>8);
				red1 = (unsigned char)(blockTop&0xf8);

				// get differential colour for subblock 2
				signed char blues = (signed char)(blue1>>3) + ((signed char) ((blockTop & 0x70000) >> 11)>>5);
				signed char greens = (signed char)(green1>>3) + ((signed char)((blockTop & 0x700) >>3)>>5);
				signed char reds = (signed char)(red1>>3) + ((signed char)((blockTop & 0x7)<<5)>>5);

				blue2 = (unsigned char)blues;
				green2 = (unsigned char)greens;
				red2 = (unsigned char)reds;

				red1 = red1 +(red1>>5);	// copy bits to lower sig
				green1 = green1 + (green1>>5);	// copy bits to lower sig
				blue1 = blue1 + (blue1>>5);	// copy bits to lower sig

				red2 = (red2<<3) +(red2>>2);	// copy bits to lower sig
				green2 = (green2<<3) + (green2>>2);	// copy bits to lower sig
				blue2 = (blue2<<3) + (blue2>>2);	// copy bits to lower sig
			{	// individual mode 4 + 4 colour bits
				// get base colour for subblock 1
				blue1 = (unsigned char)((blockTop&0xf00000)>>16);
				blue1 = blue1 +(blue1>>4);	// copy bits to lower sig
				green1 = (unsigned char)((blockTop&0xf000)>>8);
				green1 = green1 + (green1>>4);	// copy bits to lower sig
				red1 = (unsigned char)(blockTop&0xf0);
				red1 = red1 + (red1>>4);	// copy bits to lower sig

				// get base colour for subblock 2
				blue2 = (unsigned char)((blockTop&0xf0000)>>12);
				blue2 = blue2 +(blue2>>4);	// copy bits to lower sig
				green2 = (unsigned char)((blockTop&0xf00)>>4);
				green2 = green2 + (green2>>4);	// copy bits to lower sig
				red2 = (unsigned char)((blockTop&0xf)<<4);
				red2 = red2 + (red2>>4);	// copy bits to lower sig
			// get the modtables for each subblock
			modtable1 = (blockTop>>29)&0x7;
			modtable2 = (blockTop>>26)&0x7;

			{	// 2 2x4 blocks side by side

				for(int j=0;j<4;j++)	// vertical
					for(int k=0;k<2;k++)	// horizontal
						*(output+j*x+k) = modifyPixel(red1,green1,blue1,k,j,blockBot,modtable1);
						*(output+j*x+k+2) = modifyPixel(red2,green2,blue2,k+2,j,blockBot,modtable2);

			{	// 2 4x2 blocks on top of each other
				for(int j=0;j<2;j++)
					for(int k=0;k<4;k++)
						*(output+j*x+k) = modifyPixel(red1,green1,blue1,k,j,blockBot,modtable1);
						*(output+(j+2)*x+k) = modifyPixel(red2,green2,blue2,k,j+2,blockBot,modtable2);

	return x*y/2;

@Function		PVRTDecompressETC
@Input			pSrcData The ETC texture data to decompress
@Input			x X dimension of the texture
@Input			y Y dimension of the texture
@Modified		pDestData The decompressed texture data
@Input			nMode The format of the data
@Returns		The number of bytes of ETC data decompressed
@Description	Decompresses ETC to RGBA 8888
int PVRTDecompressETC(const void * const pSrcData,
						 const unsigned int &x,
						 const unsigned int &y,
						 void *pDestData,
						 const int &nMode)
	int i32read;

	{	// decompress into a buffer big enough to take the minimum size
		char* pTempBuffer =	(char*)malloc(PVRT_MAX(x,ETC_MIN_TEXWIDTH)*PVRT_MAX(y,ETC_MIN_TEXHEIGHT)*4);
		i32read = ETCTextureDecompress(pSrcData,PVRT_MAX(x,ETC_MIN_TEXWIDTH),PVRT_MAX(y,ETC_MIN_TEXHEIGHT),pTempBuffer,nMode);

		for(unsigned int i=0;i<y;i++)
		{	// copy from larger temp buffer to output data

		if(pTempBuffer) free(pTempBuffer);
	else	// decompress larger MIP levels straight into the output data
		i32read = ETCTextureDecompress(pSrcData,x,y,pDestData,nMode);

	// swap r and b channels
	unsigned char* pSwap = (unsigned char*)pDestData, swap;

	for(unsigned int i=0;i<y;i++)
		for(unsigned int j=0;j<x;j++)
			swap = pSwap[0];
			pSwap[0] = pSwap[2];
			pSwap[2] = swap;

	return i32read;

 End of file (PVRTDecompress.cpp)