// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
#include <vector>
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
class CJBig2_BitStream;
struct JBig2TableLine;
class CJBig2_HuffmanTable {
CJBig2_HuffmanTable(const JBig2TableLine* pTable,
uint32_t nLines,
bool bHTOOB);
explicit CJBig2_HuffmanTable(CJBig2_BitStream* pStream);
bool IsHTOOB() const { return HTOOB; }
uint32_t Size() const { return NTEMP; }
const std::vector<int>& GetCODES() const { return CODES; }
const std::vector<int>& GetPREFLEN() const { return PREFLEN; }
const std::vector<int>& GetRANGELEN() const { return RANGELEN; }
const std::vector<int>& GetRANGELOW() const { return RANGELOW; }
bool IsOK() const { return m_bOK; }
void ParseFromStandardTable(const JBig2TableLine* pTable);
bool ParseFromCodedBuffer(CJBig2_BitStream* pStream);
void InitCodes();
void ExtendBuffers(bool increment);
bool m_bOK;
bool HTOOB;
uint32_t NTEMP;
std::vector<int> CODES;
std::vector<int> PREFLEN;
std::vector<int> RANGELEN;
std::vector<int> RANGELOW;