* Copyright (c) 2007 Mockito contributors
* This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License.
package org.mockitousage.verification;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
import org.mockito.InOrder;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException;
import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.NoInteractionsWanted;
import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.VerificationInOrderFailure;
import org.mockitousage.IMethods;
import org.mockitoutil.TestBase;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
public class VerificationInOrderWithCallsTest extends TestBase {
@Mock private IMethods mockOne;
@Mock private IMethods mockTwo;
public ExpectedException exceptionRule = ExpectedException.none();
public void shouldFailWhenMethodNotCalled(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
exceptionRule.expect( VerificationInOrderFailure.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Verification in order failure" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Wanted but not invoked" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "mockOne.oneArg(2)" );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 2 );
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldFailWhenMethodCalledTooFewTimes(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
exceptionRule.expect( VerificationInOrderFailure.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Verification in order failure" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "mockOne.oneArg(2)" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Wanted 2 times" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "But was 1 time" );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(2)).oneArg( 2 );
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldFailWhenSingleMethodCallsAreOutOfSequence(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 2 );
exceptionRule.expect( VerificationInOrderFailure.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Verification in order failure" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Wanted but not invoked" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "mockOne.oneArg(1)" );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldFailWhenDifferentMethodCallsAreOutOfSequence(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
exceptionRule.expect( VerificationInOrderFailure.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Verification in order failure" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Wanted but not invoked" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "mockOne.oneArg(1)" );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldFailWhenMethodCallsOnDifferentMocksAreOutOfSequence(){
// Given
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne, mockTwo );
verifier.verify( mockTwo, calls(1)).voidMethod();
exceptionRule.expect( VerificationInOrderFailure.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Verification in order failure" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Wanted but not invoked" );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "mockOne.voidMethod()" );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldAllowSequentialCallsToCallsForSingleMethod(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(2)).oneArg( 2 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldAllowSequentialCallsToCallsForDifferentMethods(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(2)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg(1);
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldAllowSequentialCallsToCallsForMethodsOnDifferentMocks(){
// Given
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne, mockTwo );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockTwo, calls(2)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldAllowFewerCallsForSingleMethod(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 2 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 2 );
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldNotVerifySkippedCallsWhenFewerCallsForSingleMethod(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 2 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
exceptionRule.expect( NoInteractionsWanted.class );
// When
verifyNoMoreInteractions( mockOne );
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldNotVerifySkippedCallsInInOrderWhenFewerCallsForSingleMethod(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 2 );
exceptionRule.expect( VerificationInOrderFailure.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "No interactions wanted here" );
// When
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldAllowFewerCallsForDifferentMethods(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldNotVerifySkippedCallsWhenFewerCallsForDifferentMethods(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
exceptionRule.expect( NoInteractionsWanted.class );
// When
verifyNoMoreInteractions( mockOne );
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldNotVerifySkippedCallsInInOrderWhenFewerCallsForDifferentMethods(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
exceptionRule.expect( VerificationInOrderFailure.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "No interactions wanted here" );
// When
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldAllowFewerCallsForMethodsOnDifferentMocks(){
// Given
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne, mockTwo );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockTwo, calls(1)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockTwo, calls(1)).voidMethod();
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldNotVerifySkippedCallsWhenFewerCallsForMethodsOnDifferentMocks(){
// Given
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne, mockTwo );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockTwo, calls(1)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
// When
verifyNoMoreInteractions( mockTwo );
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldNotVerifySkippedCallsInInOrderWhenFewerCallsForMethodsOnDifferentMocks(){
// Given
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne, mockTwo );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
verifier.verify( mockTwo, calls(1)).voidMethod();
exceptionRule.expect( VerificationInOrderFailure.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "No interactions wanted here" );
// When
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldVerifyWithCallsAfterUseOfTimes(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, times(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(2)).oneArg( 2 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldVerifyWithCallsAfterUseOfAtLeast(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, atLeast(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(2)).oneArg( 2 );
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldVerifyWithTimesAfterUseOfCalls(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, times(2)).oneArg( 2 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, times(1)).oneArg( 1 );
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldVerifyWithAtLeastAfterUseOfCalls(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 2 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, atLeast(1)).oneArg( 2 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, atLeast(1)).oneArg( 1 );
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldVerifyWithTimesAfterCallsInSameChunk(){
// Given
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
mockOne.oneArg( 1 );
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(1)).oneArg( 1 );
verifier.verify( mockOne, times(2)).oneArg( 1 );
// Then - no exception thrown
public void shouldFailToCreateCallsWithZeroArgument(){
// Given
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
exceptionRule.expect( MockitoException.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Negative and zero values are not allowed here" );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(0)).voidMethod();
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldFailToCreateCallsWithNegativeArgument(){
// Given
InOrder verifier = inOrder( mockOne );
exceptionRule.expect( MockitoException.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "Negative and zero values are not allowed here" );
// When
verifier.verify( mockOne, calls(-1)).voidMethod();
// Then - expected exception thrown
public void shouldFailToCreateCallsForNonInOrderVerification(){
// Given
exceptionRule.expect( MockitoException.class );
exceptionRule.expectMessage( "calls is only intended to work with InOrder" );
// When
verify( mockOne, calls(1)).voidMethod();
// Then - expected exception thrown