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# This creates a CSV file from the output of the debug output of subtarget:
#   llvm-tblgen --gen-subtarget --debug-only=subtarget-emitter
# With thanks to Dave Estes for mentioning the idea at 2014 LLVM Developers' Meeting

import os;
import sys;
import re;
import operator;

table = {}
models = set()
filt = None

def add(instr, model, resource=None):
    global table, models

    entry = table.setdefault(instr, dict())
    entry[model] = resource

def filter_model(m):
    global filt
    if m and filt:
        return filt.search(m) != None
        return True

def display():
    global table, models

    ordered_table  = sorted(table.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
    ordered_models = filter(filter_model, sorted(models))

    # print header
    for model in ordered_models:
        if not model: model = "default"
        sys.stdout.write(", {}".format(model))

    for (instr, mapping) in ordered_table:
        for model in ordered_models:
            if model in mapping:
                sys.stdout.write(", {}".format(mapping[model]))
                sys.stdout.write(", ")

def machineModelCover(path):
    # The interesting bits
    re_sched_default  = re.compile("SchedRW machine model for ([^ ]*) (.*)\n");
    re_sched_no_default = re.compile("No machine model for ([^ ]*)\n");
    re_sched_spec = re.compile("InstRW on ([^ ]*) for ([^ ]*) (.*)\n");
    re_sched_no_spec = re.compile("No machine model for ([^ ]*) on processor (.*)\n");

    # scan the file
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        for line in f.readlines():
            match = re_sched_default.match(line)
            if match: add(match.group(1), None, match.group(2))
            match = re_sched_no_default.match(line)
            if match: add(match.group(1), None)
            match = re_sched_spec.match(line)
            if match: add(match.group(2), match.group(1), match.group(3))
            match = re_sched_no_default.match(line)
            if match: add(match.group(1), None)


if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    filt = re.compile(sys.argv[2], re.IGNORECASE)