# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
# License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
# Copyright (c) 2002-2016 International Business Machines Corporation and
# others. All Rights Reserved.
# file: line_loose.txt
# Line Breaking Rules
# Implement default line breaking as defined by
# Unicode Standard Annex #14 Revision 37 for Unicode 9.0
# http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/
# Includes extensions to the handling of emoji ZWJ sequences from
# https://goo.gl/cluFCn
# tailored as noted in 2nd paragraph below.
# TODO: Rule LB 8 remains as it was in Unicode 5.2
# This is only because of a limitation of ICU break engine implementation,
# not because the older behavior is desirable.
# This tailors the line break behavior to correspond to CSS
# line-break=loose (BCP47 -u-lb-loose) as defined for languages other than
# Chinese & Japanese.
# It sets characters of class CJ to behave like ID.
# In addition, it allows breaks:
# * before iteration marks 3005, 303B, 309D, 309E, 30FD, 30FE (all NS)
# * between characters of LineBreak class IN
# Character Classes defined by TR 14.
$AI = [:LineBreak = Ambiguous:];
$AL = [:LineBreak = Alphabetic:];
$BA = [:LineBreak = Break_After:];
$BB = [:LineBreak = Break_Before:];
$BK = [:LineBreak = Mandatory_Break:];
$B2 = [:LineBreak = Break_Both:];
$CB = [:LineBreak = Contingent_Break:];
$CJ = [:LineBreak = Conditional_Japanese_Starter:];
$CL = [:LineBreak = Close_Punctuation:];
# $CM = [:LineBreak = Combining_Mark:];
$CP = [:LineBreak = Close_Parenthesis:];
$CR = [:LineBreak = Carriage_Return:];
$EB = [[:LineBreak = EB:]\U0001F3C2\U0001F3C7\U0001F3CC\U0001F46A-\U0001F46D\U0001F46F\U0001F574\U0001F6CC];
$EM = [:LineBreak = EM:];
$EX = [:LineBreak = Exclamation:];
$GL = [:LineBreak = Glue:];
$HL = [:LineBreak = Hebrew_Letter:];
$HY = [:LineBreak = Hyphen:];
$H2 = [:LineBreak = H2:];
$H3 = [:LineBreak = H3:];
# CSS Loose tailoring: CJ resolves to ID
$ID = [[:LineBreak = Ideographic:] $CJ];
$IN = [:LineBreak = Inseperable:];
$IS = [:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:];
$JL = [:LineBreak = JL:];
$JV = [:LineBreak = JV:];
$JT = [:LineBreak = JT:];
$LF = [:LineBreak = Line_Feed:];
$NL = [:LineBreak = Next_Line:];
$NSX = [\u3005 \u303B \u309D \u309E \u30FD \u30FE];
$NS = [[:LineBreak = Nonstarter:] - $NSX];
$NU = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
$OP = [:LineBreak = Open_Punctuation:];
$PO = [:LineBreak = Postfix_Numeric:];
$PR = [:LineBreak = Prefix_Numeric:];
$QU = [:LineBreak = Quotation:];
$RI = [:LineBreak = Regional_Indicator:];
$SA = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
$SG = [:LineBreak = Surrogate:];
$SP = [:LineBreak = Space:];
$SY = [:LineBreak = Break_Symbols:];
$WJ = [:LineBreak = Word_Joiner:];
$XX = [:LineBreak = Unknown:];
$ZW = [:LineBreak = ZWSpace:];
$ZWJ = [:LineBreak = ZWJ:];
$EmojiNRK = [[\p{Emoji}] - [$RI \u002a\u00230-9©®™〰〽]];
# Data for Extended Pictographic scraped from CLDR common/properties/ExtendedPictographic.txt, r12773
$Extended_Pict = [\U0001F774-\U0001F77F\u2700-\u2701\u2703-\u2704\u270E\u2710-\u2711\u2765-\u2767\U0001F030-\U0001F093\U0001F094-\U0001F09F\U0001F10D-\U0001F10F\U0001F12F\U0001F16C-\U0001F16F\U0001F1AD-\U0001F1E5\U0001F203-\U0001F20F\U0001F23C-\U0001F23F\U0001F249-\U0001F24F\U0001F252-\U0001F2FF\U0001F7D5-\U0001F7FF\U0001F000-\U0001F003\U0001F005-\U0001F02B\U0001F02C-\U0001F02F\U0001F322-\U0001F323\U0001F394-\U0001F395\U0001F398\U0001F39C-\U0001F39D\U0001F3F1-\U0001F3F2\U0001F3F6\U0001F4FE\U0001F53E-\U0001F548\U0001F54F\U0001F568-\U0001F56E\U0001F571-\U0001F572\U0001F57B-\U0001F586\U0001F588-\U0001F589\U0001F58E-\U0001F58F\U0001F591-\U0001F594\U0001F597-\U0001F5A3\U0001F5A6-\U0001F5A7\U0001F5A9-\U0001F5B0\U0001F5B3-\U0001F5BB\U0001F5BD-\U0001F5C1\U0001F5C5-\U0001F5D0\U0001F5D4-\U0001F5DB\U0001F5DF-\U0001F5E0\U0001F5E2\U0001F5E4-\U0001F5E7\U0001F5E9-\U0001F5EE\U0001F5F0-\U0001F5F2\U0001F5F4-\U0001F5F9\u2605\u2607-\u260D\u260F-\u2610\u2612\u2616-\u2617\u2619-\u261C\u261E-\u261F\u2621\u2624-\u2625\u2627-\u2629\u262B-\u262D\u2630-\u2637\u263B-\u2647\u2654-\u265F\u2661-\u2662\u2664\u2667\u2669-\u267A\u267C-\u267E\u2680-\u2691\u2695\u2698\u269A\u269D-\u269F\u26A2-\u26A9\u26AC-\u26AF\u26B2-\u26BC\u26BF-\u26C3\u26C6-\u26C7\u26C9-\u26CD\u26D0\u26D2\u26D5-\u26E8\u26EB-\u26EF\u26F6\u26FB-\u26FC\u26FE-\u26FF\u2388\U0001FA00-\U0001FFFD\U0001F0A0-\U0001F0AE\U0001F0B1-\U0001F0BF\U0001F0C1-\U0001F0CF\U0001F0D1-\U0001F0F5\U0001F0AF-\U0001F0B0\U0001F0C0\U0001F0D0\U0001F0F6-\U0001F0FF\U0001F80C-\U0001F80F\U0001F848-\U0001F84F\U0001F85A-\U0001F85F\U0001F888-\U0001F88F\U0001F8AE-\U0001F8FF\U0001F900-\U0001F90F\U0001F91F\U0001F928-\U0001F92F\U0001F931-\U0001F932\U0001F93F\U0001F94C-\U0001F94F\U0001F95F-\U0001F97F\U0001F992-\U0001F9BF\U0001F9C1-\U0001F9FF\U0001F6C6-\U0001F6CA\U0001F6E6-\U0001F6E8\U0001F6EA\U0001F6F1-\U0001F6F2\U0001F6D3-\U0001F6DF\U0001F6ED-\U0001F6EF\U0001F6F7-\U0001F6FF];
# By LB9, a ZWJ also behaves as a CM. Including it in the definition of CM avoids having to explicitly
# list it in the numerous rules that use CM.
# By LB1, SA characters with general categor of Mn or Mc also resolve to CM.
$CM = [[:LineBreak = Combining_Mark:] $ZWJ [$SA & [[:Mn:][:Mc:]]]];
# Dictionary character set, for triggering language-based break engines. Currently
# limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context (SA).
$dictionary = [$SA];
# Rule LB1. By default, treat AI (characters with ambiguous east Asian width),
# SA (Dictionary chars, excluding Mn and Mc)
# SG (Unpaired Surrogates)
# XX (Unknown, unassigned)
# as $AL (Alphabetic)
$ALPlus = [$AL $AI $SG $XX [$SA-[[:Mn:][:Mc:]]]];
## -------------------------------------------------
# CAN_CM is the set of characters that may combine with CM combining chars.
# Note that Linebreak UAX 14's concept of a combining char and the rules
# for what they can combine with are _very_ different from the rest of Unicode.
# Note that $CM itself is left out of this set. If CM is needed as a base
# it must be listed separately in the rule.
$CAN_CM = [^$SP $BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW $CM]; # Bases that can take CMs
$CANT_CM = [ $SP $BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW $CM]; # Bases that can't take CMs
# AL_FOLLOW set of chars that can unconditionally follow an AL
# Needed in rules where stand-alone $CM s are treated as AL.
$AL_FOLLOW = [$BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW $SP $CL $CP $EX $HL $IS $SY $WJ $GL $OP $QU $BA $HY $NS $IN $NU $PR $PO $ALPlus];
# Rule LB 4, 5 Mandatory (Hard) breaks.
$LB4Breaks = [$BK $CR $LF $NL];
$LB4NonBreaks = [^$BK $CR $LF $NL $CM];
$CR $LF {100};
# LB 6 Do not break before hard line breaks.
$LB4NonBreaks? $LB4Breaks {100}; # LB 5 do not break before hard breaks.
$CAN_CM $CM* $LB4Breaks {100};
^$CM+ $LB4Breaks {100};
# LB 7 x SP
# x ZW
$LB4NonBreaks [$SP $ZW];
$CAN_CM $CM* [$SP $ZW];
^$CM+ [$SP $ZW];
# LB 8 Break after zero width space
# TODO: ZW SP* <break>
# An engine change is required to write the reverse rule for this.
# For now, leave the Unicode 5.2 rule, ZW <break>
$LB8Breaks = [$LB4Breaks $ZW];
$LB8NonBreaks = [[$LB4NonBreaks] - [$ZW]];
# LB 8a ZWJ x (ID | Extended_Pict | EmojiNRK) Emoji ZWJ sequences.
$ZWJ ($ID | $Extended_Pict | $EmojiNRK);
# LB 9 Combining marks. X $CM needs to behave like X, where X is not $SP, $BK $CR $LF $NL
# $CM not covered by the above needs to behave like $AL
# See definition of $CAN_CM.
$CAN_CM $CM+; # Stick together any combining sequences that don't match other rules.
# LB 11 Do not break before or after WORD JOINER & related characters.
$LB8NonBreaks $WJ;
^$CM+ $WJ;
$WJ $CM* .;
# LB 12 Do not break after NBSP and related characters.
# GL x
$GL $CM* .;
# LB 12a Do not break before NBSP and related characters ...
# [^SP BA HY] x GL
[[$LB8NonBreaks] - [$SP $BA $HY]] $CM* $GL;
^$CM+ $GL;
# LB 13 Don't break before ']' or '!' or ';' or '/', even after spaces.
$LB8NonBreaks $CL;
^$CM+ $CL; # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
$LB8NonBreaks $CP;
^$CM+ $CP; # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
$LB8NonBreaks $EX;
^$CM+ $EX; # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
$LB8NonBreaks $IS;
^$CM+ $IS; # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
$LB8NonBreaks $SY;
^$CM+ $SY; # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
# LB 14 Do not break after OP, even after spaces
$OP $CM* $SP* .;
$OP $CM* $SP+ $CM+ $AL_FOLLOW?; # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
# by rule 8, CM following a SP is stand-alone.
# LB 15
$QU $CM* $SP* $OP;
# LB 16
# Do not break between closing punctuation and $NS, even with intervening spaces
# But DO allow a break between closing punctuation and $NSX, don't include it here
($CL | $CP) $CM* $SP* $NS;
# LB 17
$B2 $CM* $SP* $B2;
# LB 18 Break after spaces.
$LB18NonBreaks = [$LB8NonBreaks - [$SP]];
$LB18Breaks = [$LB8Breaks $SP];
# LB 19
# x QU
$LB18NonBreaks $CM* $QU;
^$CM+ $QU;
# QU x
$QU $CM* .;
# LB 20
# <break> $CB
# $CB <break>
$LB20NonBreaks = [$LB18NonBreaks - $CB];
# LB 21 x (BA | HY | NS)
# BB x
# DO allow breaks here before NSX, so don't include it
$LB20NonBreaks $CM* ($BA | $HY | $NS);
^$CM+ ($BA | $HY | $NS);
$BB $CM* [^$CB]; # $BB x
$BB $CM* $LB20NonBreaks;
# LB 21a Don't break after Hebrew + Hyphen
# HL (HY | BA) x
$HL $CM* ($HY | $BA) $CM* [^$CB]?;
# LB 21b (forward) Don't break between SY and HL
# (break between HL and SY already disallowed by LB 13 above)
$SY $CM* $HL;
# LB 22
($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* $IN;
^$CM+ $IN; # by rule 10, any otherwise unattached CM behaves as AL
$EX $CM* $IN;
($ID | $EB | $EM) $CM* $IN;
# $IN $CM* $IN; # delete this rule for CSS loose
$NU $CM* $IN;
# $LB 23
($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* $NU;
^$CM+ $NU; # Rule 10, any otherwise unattached CM behaves as AL
$NU $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
# LB 23a
$PR $CM* ($ID | $EB | $EM);
($ID | $EB | $EM) $CM* $PO;
# LB 24
($PR | $PO) $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* ($PR | $PO);
^$CM+ ($PR | $PO); # Rule 10, any otherwise unattached CM behaves as AL
# LB 25 Numbers.
(($PR | $PO) $CM*)? (($OP | $HY) $CM*)? $NU ($CM* ($NU | $SY | $IS))*
($CM* ($CL | $CP))? ($CM* ($PR | $PO))?;
# LB 26 Do not break a Korean syllable
$JL $CM* ($JL | $JV | $H2 | $H3);
($JV | $H2) $CM* ($JV | $JT);
($JT | $H3) $CM* $JT;
# LB 27 Treat korean Syllable Block the same as ID (don't break it)
($JL | $JV | $JT | $H2 | $H3) $CM* $IN;
($JL | $JV | $JT | $H2 | $H3) $CM* $PO;
$PR $CM* ($JL | $JV | $JT | $H2 | $H3);
# LB 28 Do not break between alphabetics
($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
^$CM+ ($ALPlus | $HL); # The $CM+ is from rule 10, an unattached CM is treated as AL
# LB 29
$IS $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
# LB 30
($ALPlus | $HL | $NU) $CM* $OP;
^$CM+ $OP; # The $CM+ is from rule 10, an unattached CM is treated as AL.
$CP $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL | $NU);
# LB 30a Do not break between regional indicators. Break after pairs of them.
# Tricky interaction with LB8a: ZWJ x ID
$RI $CM* $RI / [[^$BK $CR $LF $NL $SP $ZW $WJ $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $GL $QU $BA $HY $NS $CM] {eof}];
$RI $CM* $RI $CM* $ZWJ / [[^$BK $CR $LF $NL $SP $ZW $WJ $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $GL $QU $BA $HY $NS $CM $ID $Extended_Pict $EmojiNRK] {eof}];
$RI $CM* $RI $CM* [$CM-$ZWJ] / [[^$BK $CR $LF $NL $SP $ZW $WJ $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $GL $QU $BA $HY $NS $CM] {eof}];
$RI $CM* $RI $CM* [$BK $CR $LF $NL $SP $ZW $WJ $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $GL $QU $BA $HY $NS {eof}];
$RI $CM* $RI $CM* $ZWJ ($ID | $Extended_Pict | $EmojiNRK);
# LB 30b Do not break between an Emoji Base and an Emoji Modifier
$EB $CM* $EM;
# Reverse Rules.
## -------------------------------------------------
# LB 9 Combining Marks.
# Stick together any combining sequences that don't match other rules.
^$CM+ $CAN_CM?;
# Sequences of the form (shown forwards)
# [CANT_CM] <break> [CM] [whatever]
# The CM needs to behave as an AL
[$BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW {eof}] |
$SP+ $CM+ $SP |
$SP+ $CM* ([^$OP $CM $SP] | [$AL {eof}])); # if LB 14 will match, need to surpress this break.
# LB14 says OP SP* x .
# becomes OP SP* x AL
# becomes OP SP* x CM+ AL_FOLLOW
# Further note: the $AL in [$AL {eof}] is only to work around
# a rule compiler bug which complains about
# empty sets otherwise.
# LB 4, 5, 6
$LB4Breaks [$LB4NonBreaks-$CM];
$LB4Breaks $CM+ $CAN_CM;
$LF $CR;
# LB 7 x SP
# x ZW
[$SP $ZW] [$LB4NonBreaks-$CM];
[$SP $ZW] $CM+ $CAN_CM;
# LB 8 ZW SP* <break>
# TODO: to implement this, we need more than one look-ahead hard break in play at a time.
# Requires an engine enhancement.
# / $SP* $ZW
# LB 8a ZWJ x (ID | Extended_Pict | EmojiNRK)
($ID | $Extended_Pict | $EmojiNRK) $ZWJ $CM* $CAN_CM?;
# LB 9,10 Combining marks.
# X $CM needs to behave like X, where X is not $SP or controls.
# $CM not covered by the above needs to behave like $AL
# Stick together any combining sequences that don't match other rules.
^$CM+ $CAN_CM;
# LB 11
$WJ [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
# LB 12a
# [^SP BA HY] x GL
$GL $CM* [$LB8NonBreaks-[$CM $SP $BA $HY]];
# LB 12
# GL x
# LB 13
$CL [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
$CP [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
$EX [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
$IS [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
$SY [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
# LB 14 OP SP* x
. $SP* $CM* $OP;
$AL_FOLLOW? $CM+ $SP+ $CM* $OP; # by LB 10, behaves like $AL_FOLLOW? $AL $SP+ $CM* $OP
# LB 15
$OP $SP* $CM* $QU;
# LB 16
# Don't include $NSX here
$NS $SP* $CM* ($CL | $CP);
# LB 17
$B2 $SP* $CM* $B2;
# LB 18 break after spaces
# Nothing explicit needed here.
# LB 19
$QU $CM* $CAN_CM; # . x QU
$QU $LB18NonBreaks;
$CAN_CM $CM* $QU; # QU x .
# LB 20 Break before and after CB.
# nothing needed here.
# LB 21
# Don't include $NSX here
($BA | $HY | $NS) $CM* [$LB20NonBreaks-$CM]; # . x (BA | HY | NS)
[$LB20NonBreaks-$CM] $CM* $BB; # BB x .
[^$CB] $CM* $BB; #
# LB21a
[^$CB] $CM* ($HY | $BA) $CM* $HL;
# LB21b (reverse)
$HL $CM* $SY;
# LB 22
$IN $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
$IN $CM* $EX;
$IN $CM* ($ID | $EB | $EM);
# $IN $CM* $IN; # delete this rule for CSS loose
$IN $CM* $NU;
# LB 23
$NU $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* $NU;
# LB23a
($ID | $EB | $EM) $CM* $PR;
$PO $CM* ($ID | $EB | $EM);
# LB 24
($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* ($PR | $PO);
($PR | $PO) $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
# LB 25
($CM* ($PR | $PO))? ($CM* ($CL | $CP))? ($CM* ($NU | $IS | $SY))* $CM* $NU ($CM* ($OP | $HY))? ($CM* ($PR | $PO))?;
# LB 26
($H3 | $H2 | $JV | $JL) $CM* $JL;
($JT | $JV) $CM* ($H2 | $JV);
$JT $CM* ($H3 | $JT);
# LB 27
$IN $CM* ($H3 | $H2 | $JT | $JV | $JL);
$PO $CM* ($H3 | $H2 | $JT | $JV | $JL);
($H3 | $H2 | $JT | $JV | $JL) $CM* $PR;
# LB 28
($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
# LB 29
($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* $IS;
# LB 30
$OP $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL | $NU);
($ALPlus | $HL | $NU) $CM* $CP;
# LB 30a
# Pairs of Regional Indicators.
# The following two rules are nearly identical. The first matches only sequences with an odd number of adjacent RIs,
# the second with an even number. Stripping away the cruft they look like
# [^RI] RI / (RI RI)+ ^RI;
# [^RI] RI RI / (RI RI)+ ^RI;
# Line Loose tailoring: Don't include NSX here.
[{bof} $NS $HY $BA $QU $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $WJ $GL $ZW $SP $BK $CR $LF $NL $ZWJ] $CM* $RI / ($CM* $RI $CM* $RI)+ $CM* [{eof}[^$RI $CM]];
[{bof} $NS $HY $BA $QU $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $WJ $GL $ZW $SP $BK $CR $LF $NL $ZWJ] $CM* $RI $CM* $RI / ($CM* $RI $CM* $RI)+ $CM* [{eof}[^$RI $CM]];
# In general, adjacent RIs stay together. The hard-break rules, above, overide this, forcing in the boundaries between pairs.
$RI $CM* $RI;
# WJ, GL, QU, etc. are classes with rules like "WJ x " which includes "WJ x RI".
$RI $CM* ([$WJ $GL $QU $BB] | (($HY | $BA)$CM* $HL));
# LB 30b Do not break between an Emoji Base and an Emoji Modifier
$EM $CM* $EB;
## -------------------------------------------------
# LB 9
^$CM+ [^$CM $BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW $SP];
^$CM+ $SP / .;
# LB 14
$SP+ $CM* $OP;
# LB 15
$SP+ $CM* $QU;
# LB 16
$SP+ $CM* ($CL | $CP);
# LB 17
$SP+ $CM* $B2;
# LB 21
$CM* ($HY | $BA) $CM* $HL;
# LB 25
($CM* ($IS | $SY))+ $CM* $NU;
($CL | $CP) $CM* ($NU | $IS | $SY);
# LB 30
($CM* $RI)+;
# For dictionary-based break
$dictionary $dictionary;
## -------------------------------------------------
# Skip forward over all character classes that are involved in
# rules containing patterns with possibly more than one char
# of context.
# It might be slightly more efficient to have specific rules
# instead of one generic one, but only if we could
# turn off rule chaining. We don't want to move more
# than necessary.
^[$CM $OP $QU $CL $CP $B2 $PR $HY $BA $SP $RI $ZWJ $dictionary]+ [^$CM $OP $QU $CL $CP $B2 $PR $HY $BA $RI $ZWJ $dictionary];
$dictionary $dictionary;