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# kernel_versions.py -- linux kernel version comparisons
__author__ = """Copyright Andy Whitcroft 2007"""

import sys,re

# Sort key for ordering versions chronologically.  The key ordering
# problem is between that introduced by -rcN.  These come _before_
# their accompanying version.
#   2.6.0 -> 2.6.1-rc1 -> 2.6.1
# In order to sort them we convert all non-rc releases to a pseudo
# -rc99 release.  We also convert all numbers to two digits.  The
# result is then sortable textually.
#   02.06.00-rc99 -> 02.06.01-rc01 -> 02.06.01-rc99
encode_sep = re.compile(r'(\D+)')

def version_encode(version):
    bits = encode_sep.split(version)
    n = 9
    if len(bits[0]) == 0:
        n += 2
    if len(bits) == n or (len(bits) > n and bits[n] != '_rc'):
        # Insert missing _rc99 after 2 . 6 . 18 -smp- 220 . 0
        bits.insert(n, '_rc')
        bits.insert(n+1, '99')
    n = 5
    if len(bits[0]) == 0:
        n += 2
    if len(bits) <= n or bits[n] != '-rc':
        bits.insert(n, '-rc')
        bits.insert(n+1, '99')
    for n in range(0, len(bits), 2):
        if len(bits[n]) == 1:
            bits[n] = '0' + bits[n]

    return ''.join(bits)

def version_limit(version, n):
    bits = encode_sep.split(version)
    return ''.join(bits[0:n])

def version_len(version):
    return len(encode_sep.split(version))

# Given a list of versions find the nearest version which is deemed
# less than or equal to the target.  Versions are in linux order
# as follows:
#   2.6.0 -> 2.6.1 -> 2.6.2-rc1 -> 2.6.2-rc2 -> 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3-rc1
#              |        |\
#              |        | 2.6.2-rc1-mm1 -> 2.6.2-rc1-mm2
#              |        \
#              |         2.6.2-rc1-ac1 -> 2.6.2-rc1-ac2
#              \
#               2.6.1-mm1 -> 2.6.1-mm2
# Note that a 2.6.1-mm1 is not a predecessor of 2.6.2-rc1-mm1.
def version_choose_config(version, candidates):
    # Check if we have an exact match ... if so magic
    if version in candidates:
        return version

    # Sort the search key into the list ordered by 'age'
    deco = [ (version_encode(v), i, v) for i, v in
                                    enumerate(candidates + [ version ]) ]
    versions = [ v for _, _, v in deco ]

    # Everything sorted below us is of interst.
    for n in range(len(versions) - 1, -1, -1):
        if versions[n] == version:
    n -= 1

    # Try ever shorter 'prefixes' 2.6.20-rc3-mm, 2.6.20-rc, 2.6. etc
    # to match against the ordered list newest to oldest.
    length = version_len(version) - 1
    version = version_limit(version, length)
    while length > 1:
        for o in range(n, -1, -1):
            if version_len(versions[o]) == (length + 1) and \
                                version_limit(versions[o], length) == version:
                return versions[o]
        length -= 2
        version = version_limit(version, length)

    return None

def is_released_kernel(version):
    # True if version name suggests a released kernel,
    #   not some release candidate or experimental kernel name
    #   e.g.  2.6.18-smp-200.0  includes no other text, underscores, etc
    version = version.strip('01234567890.-')
    return version in ['', 'smp', 'smpx', 'pae']

def is_release_candidate(version):
    # True if version names a released kernel or release candidate,
    #   not some experimental name containing arbitrary text
    #   e.g.  2.6.18-smp-220.0_rc3  but not  2.6.18_patched
    version = re.sub(r'[_-]rc\d+', '', version)
    return is_released_kernel(version)