/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ D [0-9] L [a-zA-Z_] AN [a-zA-Z_0-9] H [a-fA-F_0-9] E [Ee][+-]?{D}+ FS (f|F|l|L) IS (u|U|l|L)* S [ \t] DOT [.] PATH ({DOT}|{AN}|\/|-)+ ID {L}{AN}* %{ #include "AST.h" #include "Declaration.h" #include "Type.h" #include "VarDeclaration.h" #include "FunctionDeclaration.h" #include "CompositeDeclaration.h" #include "Define.h" #include "Include.h" #include "EnumVarDeclaration.h" #include "Note.h" #include "TypeDef.h" #include "Expression.h" #include <assert.h> #include <utils/Errors.h> #include "c2hal_y.h" using namespace android; int check_type(yyscan_t yyscanner, struct yyguts_t *yyg); // TODO convert to parse params/lex params extern int start_token; extern std::string last_comment; // :( extern int numB; extern std::string functionText; extern std::string defineText; extern std::string otherText; extern bool isOpenGl; #define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc->first_line = yylineno; #define ID_UNLESS_OPEN_GL(OPEN_GL_CODE) \ do { \ if (isOpenGl) { \ OPEN_GL_CODE \ } else { \ yylval->str = strdup(yytext); \ return ID; \ } \ } while(0) #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-register" %} %option yylineno %option nounput %option noinput %option reentrant %option bison-bridge %option bison-locations %option extra-type="android::AST *" %x COMMENT_STATE %x INCLUDE_STATE %x COPY_DECL_STATE %x FUNCTION_STATE %x DEFINE_STATE %x DEFINE_SLURP_STATE %% %{ if (start_token) { int token = start_token; start_token = 0; return token; } %} "\n" { /* needed for yylineno to update */ } \/\*([^*]|\*+[^*\/])*\*+\/ { last_comment = strdup(yytext); } "//"[^\r\n]* { /* skip C++ style comment */ } "__BEGIN_DECLS" { /* macro'd 'extern "C" {' if CPP or nothing */ } "__END_DECLS" { /* '}' */ } "__attribute__((__packed__))" { /* ignore */ } "__attribute__((packed))" { /* ignore */ } "__attribute__((__deprecated__))" { /* ignore */ } "EGLAPIENTRYP" { ID_UNLESS_OPEN_GL(return '*';); } "EGLAPIENTRY" { ID_UNLESS_OPEN_GL(/* actually is nothing on android */); } "GL_APIENTRYP" { ID_UNLESS_OPEN_GL(return '*';); } "GL_APIENTRY" { ID_UNLESS_OPEN_GL(/* actually is nothing on android */); } "GL_APICALL" { ID_UNLESS_OPEN_GL(/* __attribute__((visibility("default"))) */); } "#include" { BEGIN(INCLUDE_STATE); return INCLUDE; } <INCLUDE_STATE>"<" { return '<'; } <INCLUDE_STATE>">" { return '>'; } <INCLUDE_STATE>"\"" { return '"'; } <INCLUDE_STATE>"\n" { BEGIN(INITIAL); } <INCLUDE_STATE>{PATH} { yylval->str = strdup(yytext); return INCLUDE_FILE; } <INCLUDE_STATE>. { /* ignore other characters */ } "static"|"inline" { BEGIN(FUNCTION_STATE); functionText = strdup(yytext); numB = 0; } <FUNCTION_STATE>[^{}]+ { functionText += yytext; } <FUNCTION_STATE>"{" { functionText += yytext; numB += 1;} <FUNCTION_STATE>"}" { functionText += yytext; numB -= 1; // Will fail if unbalanced brackets in // strings or comments in the function. if (numB <= 0) { BEGIN(INITIAL); yylval->str = strdup(functionText.c_str()); return FUNCTION; } } "#"{S}*"define" { BEGIN(DEFINE_STATE); return DEFINE; } <DEFINE_STATE>{ID} { BEGIN(DEFINE_SLURP_STATE); defineText = ""; yylval->str = strdup(yytext); return ID; } <DEFINE_STATE>. { /* ignore other characters */ } <DEFINE_SLURP_STATE>\/\*([^*]|\*+[^*\/])*\*+\/ { defineText += yytext; } <DEFINE_SLURP_STATE>[^\\\n] { defineText += yytext; } <DEFINE_SLURP_STATE>"\\\n" { defineText += yytext; } <DEFINE_SLURP_STATE>"\n" { BEGIN(INITIAL); yylval->str = strdup(defineText.c_str()); return DEFINE_SLURP; } "using" { BEGIN(COPY_DECL_STATE); otherText = strdup(yytext); } "#"{S}*{L}+ { BEGIN(COPY_DECL_STATE); otherText = strdup(yytext); } <COPY_DECL_STATE>\/\*([^*]|\*+[^*\/])*\*+\/ { otherText += yytext; } <COPY_DECL_STATE>[^\\\n] { otherText += yytext; } <COPY_DECL_STATE>"\\\n" { otherText += yytext; } <COPY_DECL_STATE>"\n" { BEGIN(INITIAL); yylval->str = strdup(otherText.c_str()); // decls/macros we want to preserve // in the output, but there is nothing // special to do about them yet return OTHER_STATEMENT; } "struct" { return STRUCT; } "union" { return UNION; } "enum" { return ENUM; } "class" { return CLASS; } "const" { return CONST; } "typedef" { return TYPEDEF; } "void" { return VOID; } "unsigned" { return UNSIGNED; } "signed" { return SIGNED; } "namespace" { return NAMESPACE; } "extern" { return EXTERN; } "\"C\"" { return C_STRING; } {ID} { yylval->str = strdup(yytext); return ID; } 0[xX]{H}+{IS}? { yylval->str = strdup(yytext); return INTEGRAL_VALUE; } 0{D}+{IS}? { yylval->str = strdup(yytext); return INTEGRAL_VALUE; } {D}+{IS}? { yylval->str = strdup(yytext); return INTEGRAL_VALUE; } {D}+{E}{FS}? { yylval->str = strdup(yytext); return VALUE; } {D}+\.{E}?{FS}? { yylval->str = strdup(yytext); return VALUE; } {D}*\.{D}+{E}?{FS}? { yylval->str = strdup(yytext); return VALUE; } L?\"(\\.|[^\\"])*\" { yylval->str = strdup(yytext); return VALUE; } "(" { return '('; } ")" { return ')'; } "<" { return '<'; } ">" { return '>'; } "{" { return '{'; } "}" { return '}'; } "[" { return '['; } "]" { return ']'; } "?" { return '?'; } ":" { return ':'; } "*" { return '*'; } ";" { return ';'; } "," { return ','; } "=" { return '='; } "+" { return '+'; } "-" { return '-'; } "/" { return '/'; } "%" { return '%'; } "&" { return '&'; } "|" { return '|'; } "^" { return '^'; } "~" { return '~'; } "<<" { return LSHIFT; } ">>" { return RSHIFT; } "..." { return VARARGS; } . { /* ignore other characters */ } %% #pragma clang diagnostic pop // allows us to specify what start symbol will be used in the grammar int start_token; bool should_report_errors; std::string last_comment; // this is so frowned upon on so many levels, but here vars are so that we can // slurp up function text as a string and don't have to implement // the *entire* grammar of C (and C++ in some files) just to parse headers int numB; std::string functionText; std::string defineText; std::string otherText; bool isOpenGl; int yywrap(yyscan_t) { return 1; } status_t parseFile(AST *ast) { FILE *file = fopen(ast->getFilename().c_str(), "rb"); if (file == NULL) { return -errno; } start_token = START_HEADER; isOpenGl = ast->isOpenGl(); should_report_errors = true; yyscan_t scanner; yylex_init_extra(ast, &scanner); ast->setScanner(scanner); yyset_in(file, scanner); int res = yyparse(ast); yylex_destroy(scanner); ast->setScanner(NULL); fclose(file); file = NULL; return res; } status_t parseExpression(AST *ast, std::string str) { start_token = START_EXPR; isOpenGl = ast->isOpenGl(); should_report_errors = false; yyscan_t scanner; yylex_init_extra(ast, &scanner); ast->setScanner(scanner); YY_BUFFER_STATE buf = yy_scan_string(str.c_str(), scanner); int res = yyparse(ast); yy_delete_buffer(buf, scanner); yylex_destroy(scanner); ast->setScanner(NULL); return res; }